Praise for
Take Your Marketing Online! Proven Ways to Grow Your Firm in the Digital Age

“While it’s impossible to receive a one-size-fits-all marketing plan, Bonnie manages to provide readers with enough guidance, tips and tools to help even the marketing-adverse develop relevant marketing strategies and tactics. Online marketing has never been so easy to understand or implement.”

—Katie Tolin, Regional Marketing Director, BDO, Immediate Past President (2014-2015), Association for Accounting Marketing

“With digital marketing changing so quickly, it may seem hard or intimidating for some to try to keep up. Even given these constant changes, this book provides a good solid foundation for newcomers to digital marketing while also providing some new insights for those who’ve been around the digital marketing block. So whether you’re looking to get started or just want confirm you’ve got your bases covered already, there’s something in here for all experience levels.”

—Laura Snyder, Crowe Horwath LLP

“As far as I’m concerned, this is a “must-read” book for any accounting firm that wants to grow. It’s thorough, insightful, and most importantly filled with practical ideas on how to implement sound marketing principles. Bonnie’s done a masterful job of bringing a very complex field of information together into a clear, well-written marketing “bible” that can help any firm develop and implement a very effective marketing plan. Well done!”

—Rick Solomon, CPA, CEO & Founder, Center for Enlightened Business

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