DISC Action Planning

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

There may be a number of people in your life with whom you can build better relationships by applying the DISC concepts. Select an individual, such as a friend, family member, or coworker, and answer the following questions.

What are my DISC strengths, and how can I apply them with this person?




Turn it down: What style do I need to exhibit less of to improve this relationship?




Turn it up: What style do I need to exhibit more of to improve this relationship?




Potential roadblocks: What are the obstacles that I am most likely to encounter?




I will proactively overcome these barriers by...




In addition to applying DISC to building better relationships, there may be situations or settings in which the styles can be more effectively applied. Select a situation or setting in which you can apply the DISC styles and answer the following questions:

What are my DISC strengths and how can I apply them in this situation?




Turn it down: What style do I need to exhibit less of to improve this situation?




Turn it up: What style do I need to exhibit more of to improve this situation?




Potential roadblocks: What are the obstacles that I am most likely to encounter?




I will proactively overcome these barriers by...




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