

Accountability: accepting, for deliverables,1213;

definition of, 9;

distinguishing between, and responsibility, 914

Agreements, broken: calling others on, 123126;

cleaning up, 126128

Agreements, two rules about, 116

Anger, 38

Ashley, Susan Ingraham, 24

Austin, Texas, 114115

Authority: and metaphors of organization, 1920;

responsibility without, 1314

Avery, Christopher, 66

Axelrod, Robert, 74


Baa Baa Black Sheep (television show), 89

Bad News Bears (movie), 89

Behavioral ground rules, establishing, 1617

Being Powerful in Any Team, 148, 182

Bennis, Warren, 6869

Between the Lines Strategic Communications, 66

Blame, 38. See also Judgements

Boulding, Kenneth, 65

Breakthroughs, 1718

Brevig, Eric, 78

Browning, Larry, 148149

Build the Life You Want, Create the Work You Love (Sinetar), 53

Building, Kenneth, 164


Chain of command, 1920

Chicago Tribune, 152

Chrysler Corporation, 105

Clarity, shared, 8587.

See also Collaboration

Closure, 7881

Cohesion, 8991

Collaboration, 4345;

and alignment of individual outcomes with group outcomes, 8991;

and commitment, 8789;

and common enemy strategies, 104107;

and consensus, 98104;

and expansion, 165167;

and motivation, 9193;

and relational exchange, 162164;

and shared clarity, 8587;

shared direction and energy in, 9396

Collaborative mindset: competition versus cooperation in, 149152;

diversity as functional challenge in, 146149;

and expansion of life games, 141143;

intentional and reactive relationship outcomes in, 152156;

relativity theory for, 144146;

and valuing both task and people performing task, 156159

Collective task, focus on, 1415

Commitment: versus recommitment, 136138;

versus skill, 8789

Common enemy strategies, 104107

Communication, response as, 180

Compassionate revelation, 7173, 122123

Competere (Latin), 150

Competition, versus cooperation, 149151, 153. See also Collaborative mindset

Confidence, 94, 115

Conflict: anticipating, 1718;

appreciating, in partnerships, 6870

Consensus: in collaboration, 98101;

and high-velocity decision-making, 101104;

and team relationships, 33

Consent, 3234

Constructive criticism, feedback versus, 7173. See also Compassionate revelation

Contribution, in collaboration, 4345

Cook, John, 134136

Cooperation, competition versus, 149151, 153. See also Collaborative mindset

Cultural ooze, 56


de Bono, Edward, 147

Desk Top Manufacturing Corporation (DTM), 66, 158

Diligent team orientation, 9596

Direction, shared, 9396. See also Collaboration

Dirty Dozen (movie), 89

Disagreement, in partnerships, 56

Diversity, 1819, 146149. See alsoCollaborative mindset

Dobbs, Lou, 170

DoubleClick, Inc., 91

DTM Corporation. See Desk Top Manufacturing Corporation


Ebert, Roger, 152

Emeril’s restaurant, 80

Energy, shared, 9396. See also Collaboration

Exchange, relational, 160, 162164. See also Collaboration: keys to

Excuse mentality, responsibility mentality versus, 4041

Executive Coach (consulting company), 114115

Expansion: and expansive goals, 165167;

as key to collaboration, 160;

power of, 141143. See also Collaborative mindset


Farris, Nelson, 137138

Feedback, versus constructive criticism, 7173

Flat structure, 67

Ford Motor Company, 3132, 105, 116117

France, Debra, 148149

Fuller, R. Buckminster, 60, 143, 168, 169, 177

Furlong, Mary, 128


Galvanek, Jeannette, 68

Game theory, 74

Gately, Dan, 66

General Motors Corporation (GM), 105

Gibson, John W., 111112

Gifts: as contributions to new relationship, 4345;

and efficient gifts, 6466;

and present heroes, 4547

GM. See General Motors Corporation

Goals, setting, 1718. See also Purpose, group


Hampton, Ed, 164

Harvard University, 34

Hiefetz, Ronald, 34

Hierarchies: compatibility of, with teams, 67;

forming teams in, 79;

understanding, 59

Houston Cellular Telephone Company, 24, 70, 107

Human Code Corporation, 3940, 139141

Humor, 38


IBM, 50

Ibsen, Thor, 116117

Individuals: alignment of outcomes of, with group outcomes, 8991;

honoring differences in, 1819, 146149;

and teamwork as individual skill, 2353

Integrity, 7376, 160, 167170. See also Collaboration, keys to

Intentions, mastery of, 4850

Interests: communication of, 5759;

protecting, of other people, 6264;

and use of self-interests, 90, 178


Japan, 105;

and Japanese management techniques, 20;

and Japanese value system, 90

Jitahidi, Joia, 114115

Johnson, Gary, 3132

Jordan, Michael, 69

Judgements, 3740

Juhantila, Olli-Pekka, 57, 146


Kelleher, Herb, 27, 129130

Kennedy, John F., 166

Knowling, Robert, 64

Kocurek, Neal W., 173

Kogan, Rick, 152

Kovalevich, Don, 70, 107


Lagasse, Emeril, 8081

Landmark Graphics Corporation, 109110, 111112

Lateral thinking, 94, 147

Leadership Education Project (Harvard University), 34

Leavett, Harold J., 47

Lessons From the Top (Nef), 59

Listening, 69, 120121

Lucas Digital Ltd., LLC, 78


Mackey, John, 76, 98

Metaphors, organizational, 1922

Mighty Ducks (movie), 89

Millard, Wenda Harris, 91

Mind, habits of, 914

Missing hero, theory of, 46

Motivation, 9193

Motorola Corporation, 20, 3132

Multimedia Gulch, 128


Nef, Thomas, 59

New York Yankees baseball team, 87

Nike, Inc., 137138

Nokia Mobile Phones, 57, 146, Inc., 84


O’Connor, Kevin, 8991

Organization, metaphors of, 1920

Organizational structure, tall versus flat, 6

Oswald, Michael S., 8384

Othello (Shakespeare), 168

Outcomes: alignment of individual with group, 8991;

intentional and reactive relationship, 152153


Partnerships: appreciation of conflict in, 5870;

and celebrating successes of other people, 5961;

closure for,7881;

compassionate revelation in, 7173;

disagreement in, 5557;

efficient gifts in, 6466;

ending, 7678;

and helpfulness, 5961;

integrity in, 7376;

and mindfulness of teammate interests, 6264;

and motivation, 5759

Partnerwerks, 66, 134136, 148, 182

Perry, Ed, 3940, 141

Peters, Tom, 15

Power: clarity as source of, 8587;

with, versus power over, 14

Present heroes, 4547

Productivity, on high performance team, 18

Project focus (Peters), 15. See also Task Provocability, 3437

Purpose, group: and cohesion through affinity to shared task, 8991;

and commitment, 8789;

and consensus, 98104;

and management of direction and energy, 9396;

and performance to level of least-invested member, 9698;

reorientation process for, 107110;

and risks of common enemy strategies, 104107;

shared clarity about, 8587;

and tapping into existing motivation, 9193


Quatere (Latin), 144


Radian International LLC, 173

Radius Restaurant, 161

Relationships: integration and expansion in, 170173;

integrity in, 167170;

intentional and reactive outcomes for, 152156;

new, as avenues of contribution, 4345;

reorientation of, 107110;

spectrum of possible value orientations for, 154

Relativity, 144146. See also Collaborative mindset

Reorientation process, 107110. See also Purpose, group

Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, 50

Response-ability: as key to personal power and growth, 3032;

and trust, 113115

Responsibility: definition of, 10;

distinguishing between accountability and, 914;

and level of trust, 113115;

taking, for relationships, 1213;

total, 28;

without authority, 1314

Responsibility chart, 1011, 180

Responsibility mentality, excuse mentality iversus, 4041

Robin, Andy, 119

Roman Army, 20

Roman Catholic Church, 20


Salo, Finland, 57

Sapient Corporation, 141

Schlow, Michael, 161

SEI. See Software Engineering Institute Corporation

Self-interest, 8991, 93, 178

SEMATECH, 8384, 105

Servant leadership, 60

Shakespeare, William, 168

Share Our Strength Charity Fund, 93

Shore, Bill, 93

Sinetar, Marsha, 53

Siskel, Gene, 152

Skill-fit, managing, 87

Smith, Larry, 101

Social approval, 35

Social exchange theorists, 160

Software Engineering Institute Corporation, 130

South Carolina, 129

Southwest Airlines, 27, 129130

Stanford University, Graduate School of Business, 47

Stevens Aviation, 129130

Synergy, 1718;

in TeamWisdom, 45


Talent Alliance, 68

Tall structure, 67

Task: cohesion through affinity to shared, 8991;

and collective task, 1415;

as project focus, 15;

as reason for team, 1314

Team orientation process, 9396

Team player, 34, 33

Teambuilding: common myths about, 2022;

definition of, 14;

overview of, 13

Teams: compatibility of, with hierarchies, 67;

and focus on collective task, 1415;

forming, in hierarchies, 79;

myths about, 25;

task as reason for, 1314;

understanding, 59

TeamWisdom: and being provocable, 3437;

and clearing judgements, 3740;

and conflict, 34;

and consent, 3234;

definition of, 35, 2526;

demonstration of, 176;

five-step action plan for, 177180;

and mastery of intentions, 4850;

and new relationships as avenues of contribution, 4345;

and present hero, 4547;

and purpose, 5152;

and response-ability, 3132;

and synergy, 4;

and total responsibility, 2930;

and upset as opportunity to learn, 4042

TeamWisdom Tips, 139

Teamwork: as individual event, 2730;

and total responsibility, 28

Technology Futures, 148

Tit-for-tat strategy: in collaboration, 7374;

and provocablilty, 35

Total responsibility, 28

Trust: and ability to respond, 113115;

and acknowledgement of relationship mistakes, 128130;

and broken agreements, 123126;

and effective apologizing, 130132;

extent of, 117119;

formula for building, 115117;

and making amends, 132136;

and provo-cability, 35;

and recommitment, 136138;

role model for, 114115;

talking about violations of, 119123

Trust efficiencies, 158159

Turner, Chris, 132


United States Air Force, 164

United States Army, 164

United States employment laws, 146

University of Texas, Austin, 20

Upset, as opportunity to learn, 4041

U.S. Interactive, 101

U.S. West, 64

“Us-versus-them” strategies, 104105


Value orientations, 154

Vantis Corporation, 119


Walker, Meri, 66

Wells Fargo & Company, 42

Whole Foods Market, Inc., 76, 98


Xerox Business Services, 132

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