
A book is an outcome, a consequence and a product of a complex network of colleagues, friends, family, publishers, research assistants, organizations and corporations, universities, households, the media, and the points where these people, places and institutions intersect. It would be impossible to acknowledge everyone and everything that helped make this book possible but I want to try and name a few of these people, places and institutions.

First, I am deeply indebted to my colleagues, co-workers and friends in the School of Political and Social Inquiry at Monash University. In particular, my friends and colleagues in the Behavioural Studies department – the academics, the PhD students and the staff – are a constant source of support and inspiration. It is a support that stretches well beyond our work, research and teaching. Special thanks go to Peter Kelly, Francesca Collins and Roseanne Misajon. I must single Peter Kelly out here for special praise – his constant support, supervision, expertise and advice over many years is the reason the words on these pages exist. Thanks also to Gary Bouma, Keith Abbott, David Wright-Neville, Pete Lentini, Chris Hadfield, Denise Cuthbert, Brett Hutchins, Greg Barton, Gavin Kendall, Craig Snyder, Michele Huppert, Chad Whelan, Stuart Koschade and Athol Yates who have, at one point or another, offered thoughtful comments, criticisms and advice at various stages of the project that resulted in this book.

Special thanks also go to friends and colleagues in the Global Terrorism Research Centre (GTReC) at Monash University and the Australian Homeland Security Research Centre (AHSRC) in Canberra.

Thanks also go to the publishers at Gower. Most of their work goes on behind the scenes and, as such, I do not have a full list of people I would need to thank, but I do know that Rachel Lynch and Martin West at Gower devoted considerable time and effort in reading the manuscript and helping me improve the final product. They truly make the daunting process of bringing a manuscript to print an enjoyable and valuable experience.

I would also like to thank the informants in my research who offered their time so we could all benefit from the stories they had to tell.

Lastly and most importantly I thank Perri Campbell – my friend, partner, life companion, editor, fan and critic – to whom this book is dedicated and without whom nothing is possible.

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