About the Authors


Manfred Baumgartner has more than 30 years of experience in software testing and quality assurance. Since 2001, he has established and expanded the QA consulting and training services at Nagarro, a leading software testing services company. He is a board member of the Association for Software Quality and Further Education (ASQF) and the Association for Software Quality Management Austria (STEV). He is also a member of the Austrian Testing Board (ATB). He shares his extensive experience at numerous conferences and in his articles and books on software testing.


Thomas Steirer is a test automation architect, test manager and trainer, and leads Nagarro’s global test automation unit. He qualified as an ISTQB® Certified Tester - Full Advanced Level in 2010. He is a lecturer for test automation in the master’s program for software engineering at the UAS Technikum in Vienna, and does research into the use of artificial intelligence for increasing efficiency in test automation.


Marc-Florian Wendland is a research associate at the Fraunhofer FOKUS institute in Berlin. He has more than 10 years’ experience in national and international, cross-domain research and industrial projects that involve the design and execution of test automation. He is a member of the German Testing Board (GTB) and a trainer for various ISTQB® programs.


Stefan Gwihs is a passionate software developer and tester, and is a test automation architect at Nagarro, where he currently focuses on test automation for agile software development and DevOps.


Julian Hartner is based in New York City. He is an ISTQB® certified quality engineer and a passionate software developer and test automation engineer. He currently focuses on streamlining manual and automated testing for CRM applications.


Richard Seidl has seen and tested a lot of software in the course of his career: good and bad, big and small, old and new, wine and water. His guiding principle is: “Quality is an attitude”. If you want to create excellent software, you have to think holistically and include people, methods, tools, and mindset in the development process. As a consultant and coach, he supports companies in their efforts to turn agility and quality into reality, and to make them part of corporate DNA.

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