Developing Tic-Tac-Toe v2

We'll continue where we left off with Tic-Tac-Toe in Chapter 3, Red-Green-Refactor: From Failure Through Success until Perfection. The complete source code of the application developed so far can be found at Use the VCS | Checkout from Version Control | Git option from the IntelliJ IDEA to clone the code. As with any other project, the first thing we need to do is add the dependencies to build.gradle:

dependencies {
    compile 'org.jongo:jongo:1.1'
    compile 'org.mongodb:mongo-java-driver:2.+'
    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.11'
    testCompile 'org.mockito:mockito-all:1.+'

Importing the MongoDB driver should be self-explanatory. Jongo is a very helpful set of utility methods that make working with Java code in a way much more similar to the Mongo query language. For the testing part, we'll continue using JUnit with an addition of Mockito mocks, spies, and validations.

You'll notice that we won't install MongoDB until the very end. With Mockito, we will not need it, since all our Mongo dependencies will be mocked.

Once dependencies are specified, remember to refresh them in the IDEA Gradle projects dialogue.

The source code can be found in the 00-prerequisites branch of the tdd-java-ch06-tic-tac-toe-mongo Git repository (

Now that we have prerequisites set, let's start working on the first requirement.

Requirement 1

We should be able to save each move to the DB. Since we already have all the game logic implemented, this should be trivial to do. Nonetheless, this will be a very good example of mock usage.


Implement an option to save a single move with the turn number, the X and Y axis positions, and the player (X or O).

Specification and specification implementation

We should start by defining the Java bean that will represent our data storage schema. There's nothing special about it, so we'll skip this part with only one note.

Do not spend too much time defining specifications for Java boilerplate code. Our implementation of the bean contains overwritten equals and hashCode. Both are generated automatically by IDEA and do not provide a real value, except to satisfy the need to compare two objects of the same type (we'll use that comparison later on in specifications). TDD is supposed to help us design better and write better code. Writing 15-20 specifications in order to define boilerplate code that could be written automatically by IDE (as is the case with the equals method), does not help us meet these objectives. Mastering TDD means not only learning how to write specifications, but also when it's not worth it.

That being said, consult the source code to see the bean specification and implementation in it's entirety.

The source code can be found in the 01-bean branch of the tdd-java-ch06-tic-tac-toe-mongo Git repository ( Classes in particular are TicTacToeBeanSpec and TicTacToeBean.

Now let's go to a more interesting part (but still without mocks, spies, and validations). Let's write specifications related to saving data to MongoDB.

For this requirement, we'll create two new classes inside the com.packtpublishing.tddjava.ch03tictactoe.mongo package: TicTacToeCollectionSpec (inside src/test/java) and TicTacToeCollection (inside src/main/java).


We should specify what the name of the DB that we'll use will be:

public void 
whenInstantiatedThenMongoHasDbNameTicTacToe() {
    TicTacToeCollection collection = 
            new TicTacToeCollection();

We are instantiating a new TicTacToeCollection class and verifying that the DB name is what we expect.

Specification implementation

The implementation is very straightforward, as follows:

private MongoCollection mongoCollection;
protected MongoCollection getMongoCollection() {
    return mongoCollection;
public TicTacToeCollection() 
        throws UnknownHostException {
    DB db = new MongoClient().getDB("tic-tac-toe");
    mongoCollection = 
            new Jongo(db).getCollection("bla");

When instantiating the TicTacToeCollection class, we're creating a new MongoCollection with the specified DB name (tic-tac-toe) and assigning it to the local variable.

Bear with us. There's only one more specification left until we get to the interesting part where we'll use mocks and spies.


In the previous implementation, we used bla as the name of the collection because Jongo forced us to put some string. Let's create a specification that will define the name of the Mongo collection that we'll use:

public void 
whenInstantiatedThenMongoCollectionHasNameGame() {
    TicTacToeCollection collection = new

This specification is almost identical to the previous one and probably self-explanatory.


All we have to do to implement this specification is change the string we used to set the collection name:

public TicTacToeCollection() 
        throws UnknownHostException {
    DB db = new MongoClient().getDB("tic-tac-toe");
    mongoCollection = 
            new Jongo(db).getCollection("game");


You might have got the impression that refactoring is reserved only for the implementation code. However, when we look the objectives behind refactoring (more readable, optimal, and faster code), they apply as much to specifications as to the implementation code.

The last two specifications have the instantiation of the TicTacToeCollection class repeated. We can move it to a method annotated with @Before. The effect will be the same (the class will be instantiated before each method annotated with @Test is run) and we'll remove the duplicated code. Since the same instantiation will be needed in further specs, removing duplication will now provide even more benefits later on. At the same time, we'll save ourselves from throwing UnknownHostException over and over again:

TicTacToeCollection collection;

public void before() throws UnknownHostException {
    collection = new TicTacToeCollection();
public void
whenInstantiatedThenMongoHasDbNameTicTacToe() {
//        throws UnknownHostException {
//    TicTacToeCollection collection = new 
//    TicTacToeCollection();

public void whenInstantiatedThenMongoHasNameGame() 
//        throws UnknownHostException {
//    TicTacToeCollection collection = new 
//    TicTacToeCollection();


Use setup and teardown methods

Benefits: these allow preparation or setup and disposal or teardown code to be executed before and after the class or each test method.

In many cases, some code needs to be executed before the test class or each method in a class. For this purpose, JUnit has the @BeforeClass and @Before annotations that should be used in the setup phase. The @BeforeClass executes the associated method before the class is loaded (before the first test method is run). @Before executes the associated method before each test is run. Both should be used when there are certain preconditions required by tests. The most common example is setting up test data in the (hopefully in-memory) database. On the opposite end, are the @After and @AfterClass annotations that should be used as the teardown phase. Their main purpose is to destroy the data or state created during the setup phase or by tests themselves. Each test should be independent from others. Moreover, no test should be affected by the others. The teardown phase helps maintaining the system as if no test was previously executed.

Now let's do some mocking, spying, and verifying!


We should create a method that saves data to MongoDB. After studying Jongo documentation, we discovered that there is the method that does exactly that. It accepts any object as a method argument and transforms it (using Jackson) into JSON, which is natively used in MongoDB. The point is that after playing around with Jongo, we decided to use and, more importantly, trust this library.

We can write Mongo specifications in two ways. One more traditional and appropriate for End2End (E2E) or integration tests would be to bring up a MongoDB instance, invoke the Jongo's save method, query the database, and confirm that data has indeed been saved. It does not end here, as we would need to clean up the database before each test in order to always guarantee that the same state is unpolluted by the execution of previous tests. Finally, once all tests are finished executing, we might want to stop the MongoDB instance and free server resources for some other tasks.

As you might have guessed, there is quite a lot of work involved for a single test written in this way. Also, it's not only about work that needs to be invested into writing such tests. The execution time would be increased quite a lot. Running one test that communicates with a DB does not take long. Running ten tests is usually still fast. Running hundreds or thousands can take quite a lot of time. What happens when it takes a lot of time to run all unit tests? People lose patience and start dividing them into groups or give up on TDD all together. Dividing tests into groups means that we lose confidence that nothing got broken, since we are continuously testing only parts of it. Giving up on TDD... Well, that's not the objective we're trying to accomplish. However, if it takes a lot of time to run tests, it's reasonable to expect developers to not want to wait until they are finished running before they move to the next specification, and that is the point when we stop doing TDD. What is a reasonable amount of time to allow our unit tests to run? There is no one-fits-all rule that defines this; however, as a rule of thumb, if the time is longer than 10-15 seconds, we should start worrying, and dedicate time to optimizing them.


Tests should run fast

Benefits: tests are used often

If it takes a lot of time to run tests, developers will stop using them or run only a small subset related to the changes they are making. One benefit of fast tests, besides fostering their usage, is fast feedback. The sooner the problem is detected, the easier it is to fix it. Knowledge about the code that produced the problem is still fresh. If a developer has already started working on the next feature while waiting for the completion of the execution of tests, he might decide to postpone fixing the problem until that new feature is developed. On the other hand, if he drops his current work to fix the bug, time is lost in context switching.

If using live DB to run unit tests is not a good option, then what is the alternative? Mocking and spying! In our example, we know which method of a third-party library should be invoked. We also invested enough time to trust this library (besides integration tests that will be performed later on). Once we know how to use the library, we can limit our job to verifying that correct invocations of that library have been made.

Let us give it a try.

First, we should modify our existing code and convert our instantiation of the TicTacToeCollection into a spy:

import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
public void before() throws UnknownHostException {
    collection = spy(new TicTacToeCollection());

Spying on a class is called partial mocking. When applied, the class will behave exactly the same as it would it was instantiated normally. The major difference is that we can apply partial mocking and substitute one or more methods with mocks. As a general rule, we tend to use spies mostly on classes that we're working on. We want to retain all the functionality of a class that we're writing specifications for, but with an additional option to, when needed, mock a part of it.

Now, let us write the specification itself. It could be the following:

public void 
whenSaveMoveThenInvokeMongoCollectionSave() {
    TicTacToeBean bean = 
            new TicTacToeBean(3, 2, 1, 'Y'),
    MongoCollection mongoCollection =
    verify(mongoCollection, times(1)).save(bean);

Static methods such as mock, doReturn, and verify are all from the org.mockito.Mockito class.

First, we're creating a new TicTacToeBean. There's nothing special there. Next, we are creating a mock object out of the MongoCollection. Since we already established that, when working on a unit level, we want to avoid direct communication with the DB, mocking this dependency will provide this for us. It will convert a real class into a mocked one. For the class using mongoCollection, it'll look like a real one; however, behind the scenes, all its methods are shallow and do not actually do anything. It's like overwriting that class and replacing all the methods with empty ones:

MongoCollection mongoCollection = mock(MongoCollection.class);

Next, we're telling that mocked mongoCollection should be returned whenever we call the getMongoCollection method of the collection spied class. In other words, we're telling our class to use a fake collection instead of the real one:


Then, we're calling the method that we are working on:


Finally, we should verify that the correct invocation of the Jongo library is performed once:

verify(mongoCollection, times(1)).save(bean);

Let's try to implement this specification.

Specification implementation

In order to better understand the specification we just wrote, let us do only partial implementation. We'll create an empty method, saveMove. This will allow our code to compile without implementing the specification yet:

public void saveMove(TicTacToeBean bean) {

When we run our specifications (gradle test), the result is the following:

Wanted but not invoked:
    Turn: 3; X: 2; Y: 1; Player: Y

Mockito tells us that, according to our specification, we expect the method to be invoked, and that the expectation was not fulfilled. Since the test is still failing, we need to go back and finish the implementation. One of the biggest sins in TDD is to have a failing test and move onto something else.


All tests should pass before a new test is written

Benefits: focus is maintained on a small unit of work, and implementation code is (almost) always in a working condition.

It is sometimes tempting to write multiple tests before the actual implementation. In other cases, developers ignore problems detected by the existing tests and move towards new features. This should be avoided whenever possible. In most cases, breaking this rule will only introduce technical debt that will need to be paid with interest. One of the goals of TDD is ensuring that the implementation code is (almost) always working as expected. Some projects, due to pressures to reach the delivery date or maintain the budget, break this rule and dedicate time to new features, leaving the fixing of the code associated with failed tests for later. Those projects usually end up postponing the inevitable.

Let's modify the implementation to, for example, the following:

public void saveMove(TicTacToeBean bean) {

If we run our specifications again, the result is the following:

Argument(s) are different! Wanted:
    Turn: 3; X: 2; Y: 1; Player: Y

This time we are invoking the expected method, but the arguments we are passing to it are not what we hoped for. In the specification, we set the expectation to a bean (new TicTacToeBean(3, 2, 1, 'Y')) and in the implementation, we passed null. Not only that Mockito verifications can tell us whether a correct method was invoked, but also whether arguments passed to that method are correct.

The correct implementation of the specification is the following:

public void saveMove(TicTacToeBean bean) {

This time all specifications should pass, and we can, happily, proceed to the next one.


Let us change the return type of our saveMove method to boolean:

public void whenSaveMoveThenReturnTrue() {
    TicTacToeBean bean = 
            new TicTacToeBean(3, 2, 1, 'Y'),
    MongoCollection mongoCollection =

Specification implementation

This implementation is very straightforward. We should change the method return type. Remember that one of the rules of TDD is to use the simplest possible solution. The simplest solution is to return true as in the following example:

public boolean saveMove(TicTacToeBean bean) {
    return true;


You have probably noticed that the last two specifications have the first two lines duplicated. We can refactor the specifications code by moving them to the method annotated with @Before:

TicTacToeCollection collection;
TicTacToeBean bean;
MongoCollection mongoCollection;

public void before() throws UnknownHostException {
    collection = spy(new TicTacToeCollection());
    bean = new TicTacToeBean(3, 2, 1, 'Y'),
    mongoCollection = mock(MongoCollection.class);
public void 
whenSaveMoveThenInvokeMongoCollectionSave() {
//    TicTacToeBean bean = 
//    new TicTacToeBean(3, 2, 1, 'Y'),
//    MongoCollection mongoCollection = 
//        mock(MongoCollection.class);
    verify(mongoCollection, times(1)).save(bean);

public void whenSaveMoveThenReturnTrue() {
//    TicTacToeBean bean = 
//    new TicTacToeBean(3, 2, 1, 'Y'),
//    MongoCollection mongoCollection = 
//        mock(MongoCollection.class);


Now let us contemplate the option that something might go wrong when using MongoDB. When, for example, an exception is thrown, we might want to return false from our saveMove method:

public void 
givenExceptionWhenSaveMoveThenReturnFalse() {
    doThrow(new MongoException("Bla"))

Here we introduce to another Mockito method: doThrow. It acts in a similar way to doReturn and throws an Exception when conditions set in when are fulfilled. The specification will throw the MongoException when the save method inside the mongoCollection class is invoked. This allows us to assert that our saveMove method returns false when an exception is thrown.

Specification implementation

The implementation can be as simple as adding a try/catch block:

public boolean saveMove(TicTacToeBean bean) {
    try {
        return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return false;


This is a very simple application that, at least at this moment, can store only one game session. Whenever a new instance is created, we should start over and remove all data stored in the database. The easiest way to do this is to simply drop the MongoDB collection. Jongo has the MongoCollection.drop() method that can be used for that. We'll create a new method drop that will act in a similar way to saveMove.

If you haven't worked with Mockito, MongoDB, and/or Jongo, chances are you were not able to do the exercises from this chapter by yourself and just decided to follow the solutions we provided. If that's the case, this is the moment when you might want to switch gears and try to write specifications and the implementation by yourself.

We should verify that MongoCollection.drop() is invoked from our own method drop() inside the TicTacToeCollection class. Try it by yourself before looking at the following code. It should be almost the same as what we did with the save method:

public void 
whenDropThenInvokeMongoCollectionDrop() {

Specification implementation

Since this is a wrapper method, implementing this specification should be fairly easy:

public void drop() {


We're almost done with this class. There are only two specifications left.

Let us make sure that in normal circumstances we return true:

public void whenDropThenReturnTrue() {

Specification implementation

If things look too easy with TDD, then that is on purpose. We are splitting tasks into such small entities that, in most cases, implementing a specification is a piece of cake. This one is no exception:

public boolean drop() {
    return true;


Finally, let us make sure that the drop method returns false in case of an Exception:

public void 
givenExceptionWhenDropThenReturnFalse() {
    doThrow(new MongoException("Bla"))

Specification implementation

Let us just add a try/catch block:

public boolean drop() {
    try {
        return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return false;

With this implementation, we are finished with the TicTacToeCollection class that acts as a layer between our main class and MongoDB.

The source code can be found in the 02-save-move branch of the tdd-java-ch06-tic-tac-toe-mongo Git repository ( The classes in particular are TicTacToeCollectionSpec and TicTacToeCollection.

Requirement 2

Let us employ the TicTacToeCollection methods inside our main class TicTacToe. Whenever a player plays a turn successfully, we should save it to the DB. Also, we should drop the collection whenever a new class is instantiated so that a new game does not overlap the old one. We could make it much more elaborate than this; however, for the purpose of this chapter and learning how to use mocking, this requirement should do for now.


Save each turn to the database and make sure that a new session cleans the old data.

Let's do some set up first.


Since all our methods that should be used to communicate with MongoDB are in the TicTacToeCollection class, we should make sure that it is instantiated. The specification could be the following:

public void whenInstantiatedThenSetCollection() {

The instantiation of TicTacToe is already done in the method annotated with @Before. With this specification, we're making sure that the collection is instantiated as well.

Specification implementation

There is nothing special about this implementation. We should simply overwrite the default constructor and assign a new instance to the ticTacToeCollection variable.

To begin with, we should add a local variable and a getter for TicTacToeCollection:

private TicTacToeCollection ticTacToeCollection;

protected TicTacToeCollection 
        getTicTacToeCollection() {
    return ticTacToeCollection;

Now, all that's left is to instantiate a new collection and assign it to the variable when the main class is instantiated:

public TicTacToe() throws UnknownHostException {
    this(new TicTacToeCollection());
protected TicTacToe
        (TicTacToeCollection collection) {
    ticTacToeCollection = collection;

We also created another way to instantiate the class by passing TicTacToeCollection as an argument. This will come in handy inside specifications as an easy way to pass mocked collection.

Now let us go back to the specifications class and make use of this new constructor.

Specification refactoring

To utilize a newly created TicTacToe constructor, we can do something like the following:

private TicTacToeCollection collection;

public final void before() 
        throws UnknownHostException {
    collection = mock(TicTacToeCollection.class);
//    ticTacToe = new TicTacToe();
    ticTacToe = new TicTacToe(collection);

Now all our specifications will use a mocked version of the TicTacToeCollection. There are other ways to inject mocked dependencies (for example, with Spring); however, when possible, we feel that simplicity trumps complicated frameworks.


Whenever we play a turn, it should be saved to the DB. The specification can be the following:

public void whenPlayThenSaveMoveIsInvoked() {
    TicTacToeBean move = 
            new TicTacToeBean(1, 1, 3, 'X'),, move.getY());

By now, you should be familiar with Mockito, but let us go through the code as a refresher:

  1. First, we are instantiating a TicTacToeBean since it contains data that our collections expect:
            TicTacToeBean move = new TicTacToeBean(1, 1, 3, 'X'),
  2. Next, it is time to play an actual turn:
  , move.getY());
  3. Finally, we need to verify that the saveMove method is really invoked:
            verify(collection, times(1)).saveMove(move);

As we did throughout this chapter, we isolated all external invocations and focused only on the unit (play) that we're working on. Keep in mind that this isolation is limited only to the public and protected methods. When it comes to the actual implementation, we might choose to add the saveMove invocation to the play public method or one of the private methods that we wrote as a result of the refactoring we did earlier.

Specification implementation

This specification poses a couple of challenges. First, where should we place the invocation of the saveMove method? The setBox private method looks like a good place. That's where we are doing validations of whether the turn is valid, and if it is, we can call the saveMove method. However, that method expects a bean instead of variables x, y, and lastPlayer that are being used right now, so we might want to change the signature of the setBox method.

This is how the method looks now:

private void setBox(int x, int y, char lastPlayer) 
    if (board[x - 1][y - 1] != '') {
        throw new RuntimeException(
                "Box is occupied");
    } else {
        board[x - 1][y - 1] = lastPlayer;

This is how it looks after the necessary changes are applied:

private void setBox(TicTacToeBean bean) {
    if (board[bean.getX() - 1][bean.getY() - 1] 
            != '') {
        throw new RuntimeException(
                "Box is occupied");
    } else {
        board[bean.getX() - 1][bean.getY() - 1] = 

The change of the setBox signature triggers a few other changes. Since it is invoked from the play method, we'll need to instantiate the bean there:

public String play(int x, int y) {
    lastPlayer = nextPlayer();
//    setBox(x, y, lastPlayer);
    setBox(new TicTacToeBean(1, x, y, lastPlayer));
    if (isWin(x, y)) {
        return lastPlayer + " is the winner";
    } else if (isDraw()) {
        return RESULT_DRAW;
    } else {
        return NO_WINNER;

You might have noticed that we used a constant value 1 as a turn. There is still no specification that says otherwise, so we took a shortcut. We'll deal with it later.

All those changes were still very simple, and it took a reasonably short period of time to implement them. If the changes were bigger, we might have chosen a different path; make a simpler change and get to the final solution through refactoring. Remember that the speed is the key. You don't want to get stuck with the implementation that does not pass tests for a long time.


What happens if a move could not be saved? Our helper method saveMove returns true or false depending on the MongoDB operation outcome. We might want to throw an exception when it returns false.

First things first; we should change the implementation of the before method and make sure that, by default, saveMove returns true:

public final void before() 
        throws UnknownHostException {
    collection = mock(TicTacToeCollection.class);
    ticTacToe = new TicTacToe(collection);

Now that we stubbed the mocked collection with what we think is the default behavior (return true when saveMove is invoked), we can proceed and write the specification:

public void 
whenPlayAndSaveReturnsFalseThenThrowException() {
    TicTacToeBean move = 
            new TicTacToeBean(1, 1, 3, 'X'),
    exception.expect(RuntimeException.class);, move.getY());

We're using Mockito to return false when saveMove is invoked. Since, in this case, we don't care about a specific invocation of saveMove, we used any(TicTacToeBean.class) as the method argument. This is another one of Mockito's static methods.

Once everything is set, we use a JUnit expectation in the same way as we did before throughout the Chapter 3, Red-Green-Refactor - From Failure Through Success until Perfection .

Specification implementation

Let's do a simple if and throw a RuntimeException when the result is not expected:

private void setBox(TicTacToeBean bean) {
    if (board[bean.getX() - 1][bean.getY() - 1] 
            != '') {
        throw new RuntimeException(
                "Box is occupied");
    } else {
        board[bean.getX() - 1][bean.getY() - 1] = 
//        getTicTacToeCollection().saveMove(bean);
        if (!getTicTacToeCollection()
                .saveMove(bean)) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Saving to DB failed");


Do you remember the turn that we hard coded to be always 1? Let's fix that behavior.

We can invoke the play method twice and verify that the turn changes from 1 to 2:

public void 
whenPlayInvokedMultipleTimesThenTurnIncreases() {
    TicTacToeBean move1 = 
            new TicTacToeBean(1, 1, 1, 'X'),, move1.getY());
    verify(collection, times(1)).saveMove(move1);
    TicTacToeBean move2 = 
            new TicTacToeBean(2, 1, 2, 'O'),, move2.getY());
    verify(collection, times(1)).saveMove(move2);

Specification implementation

As with almost everything else done in the TDD fashion, implementation is fairly easy:

private int turn = 0;
public String play(int x, int y) {
    lastPlayer = nextPlayer();
    setBox(new TicTacToeBean(++turn, x, y, 
    if (isWin(x, y)) {
        return lastPlayer + " is the winner";
    } else if (isDraw()) {
        return RESULT_DRAW;
    } else {
        return NO_WINNER;


A few more specifications and their implementations are still missing. We should invoke the drop() method whenever our TicTacToe class is instantiated. We should also make sure that RuntimeException is thrown when drop() returns false. We'll leave those specifications and their implementations as an exercise for you.

The source code can be found in the 03-mongo branch of the tdd-java-ch06-tic-tac-toe-mongo Git repository ( The classes in particular are TicTacToeSpec and TicTacToe.

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