12 Religion/Philosophy

Whether you are a spiritual seeker or are firm in your current beliefs, the Internet is a rich source of information and community. This chapter points you to resources for many of the most popular world religions, including explanations of their core tenets, discussion groups, and communities for people who have questions and people who ardently believe, and podcasts and videos of religious inspiration and teaching.



Academic Info: Religion


This site contains an extensive directory of websites devoted to world religions. Especially useful for the academic study of comparative religions.

Adherents—Religion Statistics and Geography


This site offers insight into the growing collection of church memberships and religion inherent statistics. It provides more than 41,000 statistics for more than 4,200 faith groups from all major and most minor religions.

BBC—Religion and Ethics


Learn more about the major religions of the world at this site, which brings together information about Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, and Sikhism.

Beliefnet Image


Nonsectarian religious site devoted to keeping believers and nonbelievers informed about their beliefs. Covers everything from atheism and Christianity to earth-based (pagan) religions. Additional sections explore the link between religions and marriage, sexuality, politics, and the like. Take online quizzes, check out the message boards, or join a meditation or prayer group online.

Heroes of Faith


This site, which promotes no specific religion, features founders of the world’s great religions along with individuals whose words and deeds qualify them to be considered heroes of faith.

Religion News Service


The Religion News Service provides a daily newsletter featuring unbiased coverage of religion, ethics, and spiritual issues from a secular viewpoint.



This site features the full text of more than 5,700 articles and chapters of books composed by some of the most recognized religious scholars in the world. The texts cover a wide range of topics, including the Old and New Testament, Theology, Ethics, History and Sociology of Religion, Communication and Cultural Studies, Pastoral Care, Counseling, Homiletics, Worship, Missions, and Religious Education.




A continuously updated feed page with nuggets from some of the best blogs about religion and spirituality.

Religion in American History


This is a group blog to foster discussion and share research, insights, reviews, observations, syllabi, links, new books, project information, grant opportunities, seminars, lectures, and thoughts about religion in American history and American religious history.



Religion News Blog is a nonprofit service providing academics, religion professionals, and other researchers with religion and cult news. This blog presents news articles and press releases about religious cults, sects, world religions, and related issues.

The Revealer


This blog is a well-written daily review of religion and the press. It has three sections: Today (news that is relevant right now), Timely (news that has a short shelf life), and Timeless (news that doesn’t go out of date).

The Society of Mutual Autopsy: A Review of Religion and Culture


Completely irreverent! This site’s name comes from the quotation, “All faith is autopsy” by Kierkegaard. This blog is devoted to dissecting matters of the soul—the sacred and the profane, the ridiculous and the sublime. They don’t think of religion primarily in terms of churches or religions, and they seek to illuminate and define the qualities of authentic faith.


Beliefnet Video


Beliefnet’s video library offers lectures and presentations by well-known and not so well-known preachers and teachers on aspects of their religious practices and traditions.

Learn Out Loud: Religion and Spirituality Free Audio and Video


At this site you can download free audio and video recordings of various spiritual leaders and messages, including Billy Graham sermons, the Bhagavad Gita, the King James Bible, Jewish History lectures, and New Age guided meditations.


KPCC News: Religion and Spirituality Podcast


In this National Public Radio series, news and human interest stories are spotlighted from a variety of religious traditions, including Judaism, Islam, Christianity, and Buddhism.

Learn Out Loud: Spiritual Classics Podcast


LearnOutLoud.com’s Spiritual Classics Podcast collects key texts from a wide range of religious traditions throughout human history and is dedicated to showcasing the core teachings of the world’s greatest spiritual thinkers.

NPR: Religion Podcast


Explore the intersection between religion and society here, with stories from Morning Edition, All Things Considered, and other award-winning NPR programs.

Satellite of Grace Podcasts


A series of talks with people of all faiths about their religion, their experiences, and their views on the world. A look at how religion makes us more alike than different, and how much closer we are as human beings than we think.


Beliefnet Community


This discussion forum provides an opportunity for person-to-person conversations about all aspects of religion. It is like a “MySpace” for people interested in religious thought and practice.

LiveJournal: Free to Believe


This community is a place to explore all religions, faiths, and beliefs, including lack thereof. The focus is on religious tolerance and mutual understanding; debate is often spirited, to say the least.

MySpace: Spiritual Awakening


This is a pro-spirituality group affirming the reality of God, the soul, and other dimensions. All spiritual seekers are welcome.


Spiritual Forums


These forums are for people of all backgrounds to discuss spiritual, paranormal, metaphysical, philosophical, supernatural, and esoteric subjects. From astral projection to Zen, all topics are welcome.



American Atheists


Information about atheism, separation of church and state, legal battles, school prayer, and biblical contradictions. Features an online store, a magazine, and plenty of up-to-date news articles on legislation and events related to atheism in the United States.

Atheism Central for Secondary Schools


This excellent introduction to atheism explains the basis for most atheists’ beliefs in the nonexistence of God (or of a god who intervenes in our lives).

Atheist Alliance International


Reach out to other atheists through this site, which aims to educate the public about the dangers of authoritarian religions through articles, books, links to other websites, and reference material.

The Secular Web


A page of interest to atheists, agnostics, humanists, and freethinkers. Links to a variety of Internet resources, including Usenet newsgroups, IRC channels, and other web pages. The library contains several documents, historical and otherwise.


Atheist Revolution


This blog’s motto is, “breaking free from irrational belief and opposing Christian extremism in America.” The author reports atheist-positive news stories, provides commentary on current events, and critiques religious activity in the public sphere as it affects United States citizens.



This blog is maintained by a representative of American Atheists, a nonprofit 501(c)3 educational organization, although the blog does not represent the official positions of the organization. It reports news and provides commentary on issues of interest to atheists.




A widely watched, well-rated slide show showcasing some of the many famous people who were/are atheists and their academic and scientific credentials.

Religion Is a Crutch


This YouTube channel promotes atheism by providing debates and discussions on current events and philosophical issues. In all things it attempts to persuade and affirm that scientific fact and logic do not support the existence of a God.


The Hellbound Alleee Show


A podcast for “atheists, freedom-lovers, and lovers of science.” Join Alleee and Franc as they discuss atheism, religion, science, libertarian politics, witnessing nonbelief, and more.

Humanist Network News Podcast


The Humanist Network News podcast is the official podcast of the American Humanist Association, the oldest and largest humanist association in the United States.




This online community, which includes blogs, galleries, chat, and forums, offers commentary and support for people who are currently atheist but were formerly Christian.

The Infidel Guy Show


Reginald Vaughn Finley, self-described instigator of cognitive dissonance, is the Infidel Guy, a hardcore atheist who attempts to free the people from what he sees as the intellectual shackles of religions and other doctrines. Here you can listen to Reginald’s radio show, view his webcasts, check out his beliefs, and join an active online community of atheists.

LiveJournal: Atheism


This community is a place for those who doubt the existence of a supreme being to compare thoughts. It is meant for relaxed discussion; dissent is welcome only if you plan to stick around and defend yourself after the comments start flooding in.


Ethical Atheist


This discussion board contains lively discussions on politics, religion, humor, parenting, science, and other diverse topics of interest to atheists and humanists.

Internet Infidels Discussion Board


A well-run, popular discussion board with sections such as the existence of God, biblical criticism, evolution, science, moral foundations, social theory, and church/state separation.



The Baha’i Faith


This is the official site of the Baha’i International Community. You can access a Baha’i news service, download materials from a media bank, and access selected writings and discussions about Baha’i.

Baha’i Faith: Religion Renewed for a Changing World


This site is focused primarily on the United States Baha’i faith community. It provides a clear explanation of Baha’i beliefs and describes social action and education opportunities available to the Baha’i community.


Baha’i Thought


This blog represents the attempt by the author to relate the teachings of the Baha’i faith to the practice of social justice informed by social science.

Luminous Realities: Exploring the Creative Process


This blog is by a writer, poet, and biographer who wrote The Story of Baha’u’llah: Promised One of All Religions, a biography of the founder of the Baha’i faith. The blog topics are a mixture of Baha’i and creative writing.

Phyllis Edgerly Ring


This blog by a Baha’i practitioner on ReligionAndSpirituality.com discusses the many facets of Baha’i’s “One Light, Many Lamps.” Topics include stewardship, tolerance, scripture, and spiritual growth.


Baha’i 101


This flash-format file is a comprehensive introduction to the Baha’i faith. It can be downloaded and burned onto a CD to share with others.

Baha’is of the United States


This YouTube channel collects and posts videos of lectures and other events from the official website of the Baha’is of the United States (www.bahai.us).

The Promise of World Peace: A Baha’i Perspective


This video explores the beliefs and origins of the Baha’i faith, weaving together interviews, historical documents, and footage from around the globe. This documentary takes you inside the Baha’i way of life and the daily struggle to promote peace and unity in a conflicted world.


Ask a Baha’i


This is a weekly podcast about the Baha’i faith, produced by Bill Dvorak. The first series is interviews of people telling how and why they became a Baha’i.

Baha’i Multimedia


This page contains links to many types of multimedia pertaining to the Baha’i faith, including podcasts and other audio recordings, videos, and blogs.

A Baha’i Perspective


This weekly radio broadcast interviews ordinary people who have chosen the Baha’i faith as a way of life. It is hosted by Warren Odess-Gillett.

U.S. Baha’i Podcast


This podcast, including stories and perspectives, is the podcast of Bahai.us, the official website of the Baha’is of the United States.


LiveJournal: The LJ Baha’i Community


This community is for those of the Baha’i faith or those who want to learn about it.

The Planet Baha’i Chat Room


This page is a portal to a live chat room in which you can discuss Baha’i concepts live with others who share your interest.


The Planet Baha’i Forum


This discussion forum is a place to ask questions about or discuss everything related to the Baha’i faith, including holy writings, current events, and social issues.



Buddhanet.net Image


This site, affiliated with a nonprofit organization, has a huge amount of information about the teachings of Buddha, links, chat, books about Buddhism, articles, and much more. You’re likely to find everything you want to know about Buddhism here.

New Kadampa Tradition


This Mahayana Buddhist organization aims to preserve and promote the essence of Buddha’s teachings in a form suited to the Western mind and way of life. This site offers information on books, meditation programs, and a directory of NKT centers.

Resources for the Study of Buddhism


Learn about basic Buddhist teachings through links and web references offered at this site, which contains helpful sites for children and adults.

Tharpa Publications International


Online bookstore for some of the best books on Buddhism and meditation. The site also features weekly snippets of wisdom, informative articles, and 500 glossary terms with definitions.

Tricycle: The Buddhist Review


Tricycle: The Buddhist Review is America’s leading Buddhist magazine, a publication intended to express Buddhist perspectives and practices to Western cultures. Here you can find an excellent collection of articles from the magazine, along with blogs, audio teachings, discussion forums, personals, classifieds, and links to related sites.


Dhamma Musings


This blog, by a Buddhist monk, attempts to illuminate Buddhist concepts for the lay person. From his biography: “I am not the 5th or 9th reincarnation of a great lama, I have not received any empowerments or initiations, I am not the holder of any lineage, I am not a widely respected teacher, and I do not have many disciples. Nonetheless, you may find some of my observations and musings interesting. I have been a Buddhist monk for 32 years and am the spiritual advisor to the Buddha Dhamma Mandala Society in Singapore.”

Feringhee: the India Diaries


The word feringhee is hindi/urdu meaning foreigner, outsider, or westerner. In this blog, an American dancer trained in the ancient Buddhist temple dance style of Bharatanatyam follows the Dalai Lama throughout India. “Why do people go to India to find themselves? India is where you go to lose yourself.”



The blog for news and reviews from Friends of the Western Buddhist Order (FWBO) and Trailokya Bauddha Mahasangha Sahayaka Gana (TBMSG). FWBO is an international movement with activities in more than 20 countries, including India, where it is known as TBMSG. It is a nonsectarian Buddhist movement that seeks to promote the practice of Buddhism in a form appropriate to the modern world.

The History and Teachings of Buddhism


This informative interview explores the history of Buddhism and its teaching, with a Buddhist nun and resident teacher at the Chittamani Buddhist Center in Austin, TX. She explains the basics of Buddhism, the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism, the health benefits of meditation and how it works, reincarnation, how one becomes a Buddhist nun or monk, and the Six Realms as they relate to Buddhism.


Buddhist Home Theater


Your own private screening room for video and audio recordings on Buddhist spirituality. A wide range of clips are available, including documentary excerpts, informational segments, and first-person perspectives from well-known spiritual leaders.

Buddhist Video and YouTube Club


The Buddhist Faith Fellowship (BFF) has a film and video archive of dharma discussions, practices, ceremonies, and special events. BFF films is hosted on YouTube.com.

Japanese Buddhism


This video clip from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts provides an introduction to Buddhist theology and shows several pieces of fine art with Buddhist themes.


Audio Dharma Podcasts


Dharma talks given by Gil Fronsdal and various guest speakers at the Insight Meditation Center. Each talk illuminates aspects of the Buddha’s teachings to guide listeners toward the end of suffering and the attainment of freedom.

Buddhist Audio Teachings


This series of MP3 downloads is provided by the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition. You can hear audio recordings from teachers including the Dalai Lama, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, and many others.

The Buddhist Channel


“Bringing Buddha Dharma Home” is the tagline of this blog, which provides access to talks and lessons recorded by renowned Buddhist teachers.

A Buddhist Podcast


A series of lectures, interviews, and discussions about contemporary Buddhism. The tagline states, “If not you, then who? If not now, then when?”

Zencast Podcasts


Zencast is a weekly transmission of inspiring Buddhist dharma talks.


LiveJournal: Buddhists


This community is for all types of Buddhists, as well as non-Buddhists who are interested in learning more. All are welcome to join in and post, ask questions, and comment.

MSN: A Buddhist Community


This MSN group is a place to learn, share, discuss, and enrich your understanding of Buddhism. There are pictures, a message board, book lists, video lists, and web links.

MySpace: Buddhism


This is an open discussion group for any and all traditions of Buddhism, as well as all levels of practice.

MySpace: Zen


A place for travelers on the Zen Buddhist path to gather.


Buddha Chat: A Buddhist Learning Community


This discussion forum provides opportunities for personal networking with other Buddhists, as well as discussions on news and events, theological questions, and Buddhist traditions and practices.

E-Sangha Image


This large Buddhist online discussion forum features news and announcements, FAQs, prayer circles, and Buddhism-related news and articles. There are forum areas for the various traditions and discussions targeted specifically at many special interest groups, such as Mahayana Buddhism. A very active and highly recommended community.

HappyBuddhist.com: Buddhism Discussion Forums


This discussion forum has sections for Buddhist singles, Zen Buddhism, and a Buddha Bar for general discussion.



Answers in Action


Seeks to train Christians to “adopt and promote a Christian world view in every area of their lives.” Features book reviews, information on contemporary issues, the Bible, Christian apologetics, and cults.



Contains translations and texts of Augustine, one of Christianity’s most gifted and disciplined thinkers. Also includes other research materials, reference aids, and papers from an online seminar and images.

The Best Christian Links


Comprehensive directory of the best Christian sites on the Web. The site is divided into categories, including Art & Culture, Churches, Fellowship & Fun, and Spiritual Growth.

Bible Gateway


This award-winning site provides a search form for the Bible and handles many common translations. You can conduct searches and output verses in French, German, Swedish, Tagalog, Latin, or English. Also features audio versions of the Bible and its many passages, both Old and New Testaments.

Catholic Online


Bills itself as the “world’s largest and most comprehensive Roman Catholic information service,” and upon visiting this site, we would have to agree. This site provides a huge collection of current articles, along with message centers, forums, and research materials related to Roman Catholicism. You’ll also find information about Catholic organizations, dioceses and archdioceses, publications, software, and doctrines.

Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics (CRTA)


A nonprofit organization committed to the dispersal of online resources for the edification of believers of a Calvinist leaning. Links to articles on apologetics, the Bible, reformed books and commentaries, Calvinism/soteriology, Christianity and science, and so on. Searchable.

Christian Articles Archive


Contains articles for Christian newsletters, religious periodicals, brochures, and sermon illustrations. Also provides information about using Internet email conferencing for Christian teaching and discipleship.



Christianity.com is a Christian resource hub where you can find articles, Bible study tools and quizzes, devotionals, community forums, and much more. Christianity.com’s goal is to become the place where Christians start their day and where seekers begin their spiritual journeys.



ChristianityToday.com is a Christian service featuring news about current events and politics, interviews with Christian musicians, and links to other Christian magazines. Visitors also can search a database of thousands of Christian websites.

Crosswalk.com Image


Crosswalk offers Christians access to a directory of more than 20,000 Christian sites, news, information, Bible study tools, chat and discussion forums, a Bible search directory, and much more. But there’s also a community to join and entertainment to be had here through the learning and sharing that takes place.

Glide Memorial Church


San Francisco’s “church without walls” has a long history of serving the down trodden outcasts of our society from the hippies and Black Panthers in the 1960s, Vietnam protestors in the 1970s, AIDS victims in the 1980s, crack addicts in the 1990s, and all people suffering from socioeconomic problems into the twenty-first century. Here, you can learn more about Glide and how you can help.



One of the best all-around Christian websites in this section, Gospel.com features a verse of the day, a daily devotional, mission news, ministry features, articles on how to become closer to God, and suggestions for youth ministry. Very solid site that’s easy to navigate and serves the needs of the modern Christian.

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America


Provides information about Orthodox Christianity, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, the online chapel, Orthodox Christian resources, Orthodox Christian organizations, the Ministry Outreach Program, and more.

International Prayer Network


The 24-hour International Prayer Network is one of the world’s largest Christian prayer fellowships, with worldwide volunteers interceding for prayer requests from all over the globe.

Jesus Army


What is the Jesus Revolution? Find out on this award-winning British-based site for teenagers. Contains an electronic magazine and many pictures.

Monastery of Christ in the Desert


Benedictine monks share their monastery via a beautiful website. Read up on their lives, listen to their chants, research their monastic studies, and even shop at the online gift store for books, prints, and other items.

Project Wittenberg


This award-winning site provides the thoughts of Martin Luther online. The site plans to accumulate all of Luther’s work, along with that of other theologians, and make them accessible to anyone who’s curious to learn more about the Lutheran history and beliefs.

Religious Society of Friends


Offers a large directory of links about Quakers on the Web. Includes links to sites focusing on Quaker schools, journals, the American Friends Service Committee, genealogy sites, Quaker history, newsgroups, and more.

Scrolls from the Dead Sea


This exhibit from the Library of Congress (reorganized by Jeff Barry) is a great scholastic site containing the published text of the Qumran scrolls, commonly known as the Dead Sea scrolls. Bible scholars have studied these works extensively. The site offers a link to the Expo Bookstore, where you can purchase a printed copy of the exhibition catalog.

Serving in Mission


This site offers the Great Commission Search Engine, which enables you to search for Christian missions all over the world. The site also features a SIM for Kids area.

The Spurgeon Archive


This award-winning site is a collection of resources by and about Charles H. Spurgeon, English preacher and theologian. Contains information on his personal library, the full text of his sermons, his writings, and excerpts from The Sword and the Trowel and The Treasury of David.

The Trumpet


The Trumpet, formerly Plain Truth, is a Christian fundamentalist news magazine that reports the news as an unfolding of biblical prophecy. If you’re tired of reading the same old news with the same old slant, turn to The Trumpet for a more divine perspective.



Online home of the Roman Catholic Church, this site takes you on a virtual tour of the Vatican, where you can access the latest news, perform research in the Vatican library and secret archives, tour the Vatican museums, read about past popes, and much more.


Catholic Inside


This blog touches on all things Catholic, including thoughts on being Catholic in everyday life, reflections, rosary meditations, literary analysis, and more.

Christian Viewpoint Blog


Apologetics and a biblical Christian worldview, perspectives, and commentary on today’s changing world events and culture.



This is not an individual blog, but rather a site where you can host your own free Christian-oriented blog and read the blogs of thousands of other bloggers who share your faith.

ChristiaNet: 7,000 Christian Blogs


This page contains an extensive set of links to Christian blogs from all over the world and from many theological and personal perspectives. Not all are particularly well written, but there are so many that you can be selective.

Faith and Theology


This site is the blog of Ben Myers, a postdoctoral research fellow who is interested in Christian theology. His blog is a forum for theological scholarship and contemporary theological reflection from a Christian perspective.

People of Purpose


This blog contains interviews with people who are making an impact in their community and abroad through Jesus Christ.

Persecution Blog


This is a weblog about the persecution of Christians around the world. It’s a rather gloomy read, but it makes people aware of what’s going on in Christian communities worldwide that they might otherwise not know need their support and prayers.



This blog provides content, connection, and activism to Christians worldwide. It was founded by Dr. Andrew Jackson as an outlet for information and breaking news on religion and politics. It also contains his personal blog, updated daily.


Father Moses


This site features audio and video recordings for kids, with entertaining puppet-enacted versions of classic Bible stories such as David and Goliath. Adults will probably find this stuff really annoying, but young kids will love it.



Truly multimedia! At this site, click Directories, and then choose to browse lists of Christian blogs, podcasts, radio stations, video collections, audio sermons, and more.



A very large, comprehensive Christian web television archive, with many video clips playable via their own web-based TV player interface.

Related Site


Sheep Laughs Comedy Show


This weekly 15-minute radio program/podcast by host Fred Passmore features hilarious, family friendly clean comedy by Christian comedians.


89.7 Power FM: The Christian Rock Station


You can listen to this Dallas-based FM radio station for free on the Web and discuss Christian music on the accompanying bulletin board/forum.

The Christian Podcast Station


The Christian Podcast station provides podcasts of sermons in all types of preaching styles, from the in-your-face messages that activate you to messages that touch your spirit.

Daily Bread Radio, Classic Edition


Fr. Lauer, the Catholic priest in these podcasts, passed away back in 2002, but his messages still live on through this site, which rotates through his many recorded messages.

The Frontline Podcast


This podcast spreads the message of Jesus Christ through music videos and podcasts. The feel is edgy and young and will resonate most with teenagers and young adults. Also available in Spanish.

GodCast 1000


A large directory of Christian audio and video podcasts, this is a great place to start a search for audio content.

Unity San Francisco Podcasts


Unity San Francisco is blessed with a cutting edge spiritual leader, Reverend Maureene Bass, who teaches the metaphysical laws of the universe we live in using a personable and easy to understand approach.


Facebook: Christianity: A Relationship, Not a Religion


This group is for people who “have a relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.”

LiveJournal: Christianity Community


The Christianity Community is a discussion group geared toward ecumenical, denomination-independent, Christianity-oriented enlightenment. It is open to all messages with a Christian theme, and to both Christians and non-Christians alike.

MySpace: Christian Teens of MySpace


This large group, containing almost 100,000 members, is for Christian teenagers to network and discuss how their Christian faith impacts their daily lives.

MySpace: Daily Bible Verse for MySpace


Those who subscribe to this group will receive a daily bible verse on MySpace.




These discussion forums are specifically for Baptists. You’ll find general Baptist discussions, theology and Bible study, Bible versions and translations, and information about Baptist history, colleges/seminaries, and pastoral ministers and missionaries.



This large set of discussion forums provides a Christian Bible Study Resources forum, an area where you can ask private questions to the staff, a general Christian discussion board, and areas where you can talk about Christian politics, Christian entertainment, and prophecy/end times predictions. There is also an area for non-Christians to ask questions and make comments and an area for prayer requests, news, and feedback.

Worthy Boards


Worthy Boards are nondenominational Christian forums where they discuss a host of “worthy” topics such as Bible prophecy, theology, and the latest news.



Hindu Kids Universe


Parents and kids who are interested in Hindu philosophy, culture, and practice should check out this site. Site features an interactive map you can click to go to various areas on the site, including Learn, Pray, Play, Stories, Festivals, and Shop. There is also a Parents Place section.

Hindu Universe: Hindu Resource Center


Learn about upcoming events, get the latest news about Hinduism and India, and stay connected to Hindu practices and teachings. In addition to Hindu history, philosophy, and wisdom, this site is packed with annoying ads.

Hinduism Today


Learn all the basics of Hinduism at this informative site, which also offers books and other resources on the subject. Shopping mall provides links to stores where you can shop online for everything from books to gemstones.

Kauai’s Hindu Monastery


Created and maintained by the Himalayan Academy, this site provides a basic introduction to Hinduism, plus links to Hinduism Today magazine, Hindu books and art, the Hawaii Ashram, and other resources.

Understanding Hinduism


This site explores many aspects of Hinduism, including its founder, beliefs, practices, and customs. The navigation bar on the left offers dozens of links to topics including marriage, mathematics, calendars, karma, dharma, and food charts. Nothing fancy here, just great information and a lot of it.


Hindu Blog


The India-based author of this blog states, “for me, Hinduism is not a religion in the conventional sense. I find it more interesting without the religious tag or when it is in its pure form, the Sanatana Dharma.” He writes in English, but with a decidedly Indian flair and style, and talks about various festivals going on in India as well as his own personal musings.

Hindu Expressions


This blog contains assorted entries on Indian spirituality, Vedic culture, classical music, and Vedic astrology. There are stories here about the various “Lords” of Hinduism (Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu), commentary about dharma, the Bhagavad Gita, and Indian culture.

Hindu Sutra


This blog is written by an anonymous student who says, “I started this blog with the sole purpose of writing down things as I rediscover my religion. I am not a religious fanatic, and I don’t consider myself a devout Hindu. I am inquisitive, though, and I would love to learn more about the knowledge and stories contained in the Hindu scriptures.” The blog is a mixture of Hindu definitions and explanations, Hinduism in the news, and personal commentary.

The Vaishnava Voice


This is the blog of Kripamoya Das, an English convert to Hindu who has studied Hare Krishna and the Bhagavad Gita for many years. He is on the management body of the largest Krishna temple in the United Kingdom. The blog posts are personal but infused with Hindu metaphors and philosophies.


Hindu Home Theater


This site offers video clips that explain Hindu beliefs and practices, Hindu Gods, Gandhi’s legacy, a Hindu peace prayer, and more.

Hindu Shaiva Devotional Video


This page offers a variety of video clips in Windows Media format, including a worship demonstration and stories of pilgrimages and festivals.

Hinduism Today Magazine


A video series with fresh global news and views on Hindu lifestyle, family, culture, religion, spiritual practice, sacred text, biographies of leading Hindus, and educational features. Published quarterly.

Indian Healing Traditions


Learn the history of Indian healing traditions and philosophy in this free series. You will learn about Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva; karma, dharma, and reincarnation; yoga and ayurvedic practices; the five primary elements; and prana and chakras.

Kauai’s Hindu Monastery


This YouTube channel broadcasts classes and videos of special events from this brick-and-mortar Hindu monastery and temple on Kauai.


The KrishnaCast Network


At this page you can get free MP3 podcasts in a variety of formats containing the devotional songs and discourses of Swami B. B. Tirtha Maharaj.

Ramakrishnananda Tape Ministry


Satsangs and live lectures given by His Holiness Bhaktivedanta Ramakrishnananda Swami on yoga and spirituality.


Facebook: Hinduism: A Religion of Faith, Love, Spirituality


This group is for all who have a respect for Hinduism, including both Hindu practitioners and those who are simply interested in learning more about it.


Hindu Forum


The purpose of this forum is to discuss and provide information on Hindu dharma, to provide help for becoming a better Hindu, and also guide those who seek more information about this great dharma.

Hindunet: The Hindu Universe


This large forum site contains sections where Hindus can talk about not only spiritual issues but also the public and political affairs of India and Hindu art, dance, music, and culture.





This site serves as a means of introducing Islam to you, and provides you with options for exploring this religion further. If you are a Muslim, this site serves as a repository for advancing your knowledge about Islam.

Answering Islam: A Christian-Muslim Dialog


This site provides answers, supported by Biblical scripture, to many of the arguments proposed by Muslim scholars that Islam is the one true faith. The creators of this site encourage visitors to examine the evidence themselves, and question it, before determining for themselves what they believe is true. The site also features a handful of links to related sites.

Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam


This site features a guide for those who want to learn more about Islam, its holy book (the Koran), and its people (Muslims). This is an online book divided into clickable chapter titles.

International Association of Sufism


Offers a look into the teachings and precepts of Sufism. Offers many pages of information, pictures, and links intended to spread Sufi teachings of the brotherhood of man. This site focuses specifically on providing accurate English translations of Sufi texts.

Islam 101


Islam 101 is devoted to teaching visitors about Islam and “its way of life, civilization, and culture.” Content at this site is divided into sections including Islamic Theology, Human Relations, Select Disciplines, and Comparative Religion.



Includes overview of doctrine and the Quran; news, culture, education, and political information; downloadable radio/TV broadcasts (free software download); online shopping; a chat room; a virtual mosque tour; Web links; and a matrimonial service. Heavy coverage of Middle East politics. The site also features excellent information on understanding Islam.

Muslim Life in America


Maintained by the U.S. Department of State, this site is dedicated to promoting a greater understanding of Muslim people in the United States and elsewhere. Features a photo gallery, electronic journals, and links to other websites and publications. Content at this site is available in several languages: English, French, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, and Persian.


The American Muslim


This blog from an American Muslim individual contains personal expressions based on religion, politics, and social issues.

Mujahideen Ryder: Not the Average Muslim Blog


A young Muslim American’s blog on life, Islam, religion, sports, politics, the Middle East, and other aspects of life.

Progressive Islam


This site is a group blog written by Islamic progressives. They are open to hearing from contributors that reflect the North American Muslim community from Salafi to Neo-Traditionalist, from Secular to Religiously Committed, from the Wacky to the Regular. There is an area where readers can start their own blogs as well.

Virtually Islamic


This blog offers news, commentary, information, and speculation about Islam in the digital age, and is part of virtuallyislamic.com.


Muxlim TV


This video-based site collects video clips dealing with Islam and religion as well as clips of interest to Muslims but not directly connected to Islamic practice.

The True Religion of the Universe


The IslamicWay channel on YouTube offers videos that are mainly artistic video clips of space and nature with music and Quran quotes. No analysis here, but Islamic believers will find them inspiring.


Radio Islam


Radio Islam is a daily Muslim call-in talk show out of Chicago that offers news, insights, commentary, and advice to followers of Islam. Here you can tune in and listen to the broadcasts and feature presentations. Site also features links to Muslim Melodies and the Quran (audio readings of the Quran).


HilalPlaza Islamic Forum


A site for thinking Muslims to meet and discuss issues. Their welcome states, “We all have intellectual tidbits that can make a big difference in other people’s lives and can help in advancing the maturity levels of the Muslim Ummah. We invite you to share your thoughts and ideas in this forum.” Topics include Islamic finance, the Middle East, Muslim marriage, children, medicine, and book reviews.



Chabad Lubavitch: Torah, Judaism, and Jewish Info


Offers information pertaining to Chabad philosophy and Chassidic Judaism. Includes kosher recipes and children’s links, multimedia, a LISTSERV, and Gopher resources.

Conversion to Judaism


Anyone considering a conversion to Judaism should read the material offered on this site, which is organized in a FAQ format, making it easy to track down answers to some of the basic questions about Judaism and the process of conversion from another religion.

Jewish Encyclopedia


This is the home of the 12-volume Jewish Encyclopedia, first published between 1901 and 1906, consisting of more than 15,000 articles and illustrations. It’s a great place to go to learn about early Jewish history, culture, and religion.

Jewish Theological Seminary


Represents this conservative seminary online. Provides a wealth of resources and links to conservative Jewish synagogues and institutions.

Jewish Virtual Library


The Jewish Virtual Library is an incredible monument to Jewish history and achievement. The library’s resources cover history, women, the Holocaust, travel, the relationship between Israel and the United States, maps, politics, biographies, and more. The site also features an excellent directory of links to other sites.

Jews for Judaism


Through education and community, this site is working to counter attempts by Christians to convert Jewish believers. It provides resources, links, and information about local groups and counseling for those who might be interested.

Judaism 101


This site is an online encyclopedia of Judaism, covering “Jewish beliefs, people, places, things, language, scripture, holidays, practices and customs.” The purpose is to inform and educate Jews and non-Jews about the religion by answering frequently asked questions.



Searchable directory for links to all things Jewish. Type a keyword or phrase to search the directory or browse by category. Categories include Communities, Travel and Tourism, Israel, Holocaust, and Shopping & Gifts.



This award-winning site run by the Jewish Internet Consortium offers links to various Jewish religious organizations ranging from Hillel to the World Zionist Organization. Includes FAQs pertaining to various facets of Judaism.

Shtetl: Yiddish Language and Culture


Shtetl means “small town” in Yiddish. This site aims to be a virtual small town on the Web. Provides information on Yiddish culture, as well as resources that point toward a wide range of links ranging from recommended books to kosher recipes.



This site provides Jewish educational material through article and reference archives, program and speaker information, and popular email classes.

Virtual Jerusalem


Virtual Jerusalem offers updated news and information about Judaism and Israeli life, with departments for news, travel, technology, holidays, and entertainment. Site also features bulletin boards, live chat, and a Jewish email directory.


A Big Jewish Blog


This blog contains notes on Jewish poets, poems, poetics, and related matters, by various contributors.

JBlog Central


This Jewish blog network lists the most popular and frequently updated Judaism-related blogs, along with summaries and ratings of the latest posts.

Jewish Blogging


This site provides an index of Jewish blogs as well as other Jewish news and information distributed by RSS.

Tracing the Tribe: The Jewish Genealogy Blog


Tracing the Tribe is a blog about Jewish genealogy—all the developments, tools, and resources that Jews need to peer more closely into their family trees.


Chabad.org Videos


This site provides a variety of Judaism-related video clips—everything from children’s programming with puppets to rabbinic lectures and documentaries on scholars and historical figures.

ChabadTube Jewish Videos


A very popular online satirical news broadcast hosted by Hassidic comic Mendy Pellin. Who says Jewish videos can’t be fun?

Jewish Educational Media


This site provides information about Jewish media restoration and oral history projects. Many excerpts are available from speeches and lectures, as well as clips about this organization’s attempt to preserve and document Jewish history.



This site collects and presents videos related to all things Judaic, from songs and concerts to political diatribes to interviews with artists.


Binah Podcast


Creative voices from the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco.

Chabad.org Audio Classes


At this site you can listen to audio classes and lectures on Jewish doctrine and philosophy, with topics including basic beliefs, controversies, holidays, Kabbalah, personal growth, music and song, and Jewish history.

Podcast for Growth


This podcast, by aish.com, talks about putting one’s Jewish faith to work practically in the world, with topics such as being grateful, developing a mindset of abundance, learning self-discipline, and mastering happiness and joy.


MySpace Jews


This group is for all Jewish people who want to network and talk about issues related to Jewish culture and faith.




This discussion board welcomes all types of Jews and provides discussion areas such as Thinking Jewish, Living Jewish, and Advice & Help. You can learn the fundamentals of Judaism here, or have in-depth discussions of very specific issues. You can get opinions on dating and marriage, family and parenting, school, and work.



This transdenominational forum is dedicated to helping visitors deepen their knowledge and understanding of all aspects of Judaism. Here you can find sections on History & Community, Daily Life & Practice, Holidays, the Jewish Lifecycle (rituals for various stages in one’s life), Texts & Weekly Torah, Ideas & Beliefs, and Culture. Site also features a glossary and a discussions area.



Center for Inner Awareness: A New Thought University


The Center for Inner Awareness is a “seminary” for New Thought. It is a nonprofit religious education institution that offers classes and certificates and ordains ministers in the Church of Truth that are recognized by most New Thought churches and metaphysical organizations. You can find out about their academic program here and read the staff blog.

New Thought Centers and Churches


At this site you can find New Thought churches and organizations around the world. Many denominations fall under the banner of “New Thought,” including Unity and Religious Science, and this directory helps organize and locate them.

New Thought Movement Home Page


This page is somewhat awkwardly designed and presented, and hasn’t been updated in awhile, but there are many helpful links. Collectively they provide a very comprehensive picture of New Thought spirituality, with information about books, magazines, articles, seminars, workshops, and more.


A Course in Miracles Podcasts


This podcast addresses spiritual topics from the book A Course in Miracles.

New Thought Ministries of Oregon Podcasts


Here you will find the latest podcast of weekly updates for New Thought Ministries of Oregon, which will review the previous week’s sermon as well as preview the upcoming week.


Wikipedia: New Thought


Wikipedia offers a fairly comprehensive analysis of the history and belief systems of New Thought, as well as how they differ from mainstream Christianity.



The Cauldron


The Cauldron is a pagan forum that fosters an interfaith community of pagans and their friends to grow spiritually and intellectually. From this page you can click the Community Areas section to access a message board, read articles in the Library, and buy pagan books and supplies.

The Good Wiccan


This site offers a complete how-to resource guide for the beginning solo practitioner. You’ll learn about elementary magic, Sabbaths, online rituals, and more.

The Inner Sanctum of Wicca and Witchcraft


This site offers Wicca and Witchcraft resources with pagan rituals, Wiccan spells, divination, and more. There are also links to pagan forums, chat areas, and stores.

Learn About Wicca


At this site, designed to cater to beginners and curious nonbelievers, you can get an introduction and history of Wiccan beliefs, practices, and ethics. There are also many links to companies selling Wiccan ritual supplies.

What Neopagans Believe


Subtitled “Neopagan Polytheology 101,” this page provides a detailed essay that explains the Neopagan types, traditions, and doctrines.

Wiccan Symbols


This very interesting page explains some of the many symbols of Wicca and Neopaganism, including the pentacle, the pentagram, the Triple Goddess, Hathor, Cernunnos, the Witch’s Sign, and Hecate’s Wheel.


Rose Ariadne’s Witchcraft Blog


This blog is written by an experienced and articulate witch. She intersperses personal reflections with rituals, instructions for constructing props such as ritual brooms, and rants about Wiccan and pagan cultural issues.


Witchcraft for Beginners


In this video series you will learn about Witchcraft beliefs, casting spells, and using spell books. You’ll be introduced to several god and goddess figures, learn the symbolism of pentacles, knives, wands, and cups, and how to set up a spell.


The Crooked Path Podcasts


A podcast for Modern Cunning Folk, covering Witchcraft, Magick, and the Elder Faith. John Peter Paddon, author and Witch, in an exploration of the Nameless Art.

Pagan Living Podcasts


This podcast is about anything and everything related to paganism and how it affects practitioners’ daily lives.


LiveJournal: Celtic Pagans


This community is a place for pagans who are looking for a specific path to follow or for those who happen to be interested in anything Celtic. It is dedicated to learning about, exploring the history of, and following the path of the Celts and their traditions.

LiveJournal: Wiccan


This community is for discussion and general chat about Wicca, witchcraft, pagan and religious-based topics from all paths, traditions, and faiths, both within and without the pagan community.

MySpace: The Pagan Circle


This group is dedicated to teaching and discussing paganism. Pagan beliefs can include Shamanism, Druidism, Asatru, Santeria, and Wicca. It provides a pagan-friendly forum for the discussion of the issues facing pagans.

Pagan Chat Groups


This page lists many of the pagan chat groups available online and provides information on how to join them.


The Cauldron


This link takes you directly to the discussion forum area of The Cauldron.com, a larger site. This forum is oriented more toward serious and often scholarly discussion than many other communities.



Guide to Philosophy on the Internet


This page has its flaws—namely that it has not been updated since 2003 and the page design is not very attractive. But even so, the wealth of information that can be gleaned from the thousands of annotated links here is astounding.

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy


Ever wonder why a particular philosopher was famous? Or what a certain philosophy is about? This dictionary will provide a concise answer, from A Priori to Slavoj Zizek.

Related Site


Philosophy Collection


This collection contains canonical philosophic texts and links to scholarly philosophic organizations. The heart of the site is a collection of out-of-copyright texts and articles, from Aristotle to Rousseau; it also contains original article contributions. This is a good place to start if you want to brush up on the classics.


Philosophy Wiki


A flexible Web-based tool for reviewing, discussing, and cross-referencing philosophy research.


Philosophy Chat Forum


A large and well-organized set of discussion forums covering a broad range of interdisciplinary philosophical topics, including all branches of science, art, ethics, logic, metaphysics, and theology.

Related Sites



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