About the Authors

Joxean Koret has been working for the past +15 years in many different computing areas. He started as a database software developer and DBA, working with a number of different RDBMSs. Afterward he got interested in reverse-engineering and applied this knowledge to the DBs he was working with. He has discovered dozens of vulnerabilities in products from the major database vendors, especially in Oracle software. He also worked in other security areas, such as developing IDA Pro at Hex-Rays or doing malware analysis and anti-malware software development for an antivirus company, knowledge that was applied afterward to reverse-engineer and break over 14 AV products in roughly one year. He is currently a security researcher in Coseinc.

Elias Bachaalany has been a computer programmer, a reverse-engineer, an occasional reverse-engineering trainer, and a technical writer for the past 14 years. Elias has also co-authored the book Practical Reverse Engineering, published by Wiley (ISBN: 978-111-8-78731-1). He has worked with various technologies and programming languages including writing scripts, doing web development, working with database design and programming, writing Windows device drivers and low-level code such as boot loaders or minimal operating systems, writing managed code, assessing software protections, and writing reverse-engineering and desktop security tools. Elias has also presented twice at REcon Montreal (2012 and 2013).

While working for Hex-Rays SA in Belgium, Elias helped improve and add new features to IDA Pro. During that period, he authored various technical blog posts, provided IDA Pro training, developed various debugger plug-ins, amped up IDA Pro's scripting facilities, and contributed to the IDAPython project. Elias currently works at Microsoft.

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