
Welcome to The Antivirus Hacker's Handbook. With this book, you can increase your knowledge about antivirus products and reverse-engineering in general; while the reverse-engineering techniques and tools discussed in this book are applied to antivirus software, they can also be used with any other software products. Security researchers, penetration testers, and other information security professionals can benefit from this book. Antivirus developers will benefit as well because they will learn more about how antivirus products are analyzed, how they can be broken into parts, and how to prevent it from being broken or make it harder to break.

I want to stress that although this book is, naturally, focused on antivirus products, it also contains practical examples that show how to apply reverse-engineering, vulnerability discovery, and exploitation techniques to real-world applications.

Overview of the Book and Technology

This book is designed for individuals who need to better understand the functionality of antivirus products, regardless of which side of the fence they are on: offensive or defensive. Its objective is to help you learn when and how specific techniques and tools should be used and what specific parts of antivirus products you should focus on, based on the specific tasks you want to accomplish. This book is for you if any of the following statements are true:

  • You want to learn more about the security of antivirus products.
  • You want to learn more about reverse-engineering, perhaps with the aim of reverse-engineering antivirus products.
  • You want to bypass antivirus software.
  • You want to break antivirus software into pieces.
  • You want to write exploits for antivirus software.
  • You want to evaluate antivirus products.
  • You want to increase the overall security of your own antivirus products, or you want to know how to write security-aware code that will deal with hostile code.
  • You love to tinker with code, or you want to expand your skills and knowledge in the information security field.

How This Book Is Organized

The contents of this book are structured as follows:

  • Chapter 1, “Introduction to Antivirus Software”—Guides you through the history of antivirus software to the present, and discusses the most typical features available in antivirus products, as well as some less common ones.
  • Chapter 2, “Reverse-Engineering the Core”—Describes how to reverse-engineer antivirus software, with tricks that can be used to debug the software or disable its self-protection mechanisms. This chapter also discusses how to apply this knowledge to create Python bindings for Avast for Linux, as well as a native C/C++ tool and unofficial SDK for the Comodo for Linux antivirus.
  • Chapter 3, “The Plug-ins System”—Discusses how antivirus products use plug-ins, how they are loaded, and how they are distributed, as well as the purpose of antivirus plug-ins.
  • Chapter 4, “Understanding Antivirus Signatures”—Explores the most typical signature types used in antivirus products, as well as some more advanced ones.
  • Chapter 5, “The Update System”—Describes how antivirus software is updated, how the update systems are developed, and how update protocols work. This chapter concludes by showing a practical example of how to reverse-engineer an easy update protocol.
  • Chapter 6, “Antivirus Software Evasion”—Gives a basic overview of how to bypass antivirus software, so that files can evade detection. Some general tricks are discussed, as well as techniques that should be avoided.
  • Chapter 7, “Evading Signatures”—Continues where Chapter 4 left off and explores how to bypass various kinds of signatures.
  • Chapter 8, “Evading Scanners”—Continues the discussion of how to bypass antivirus products, this time focusing on scanners. This chapter looks at how to bypass some static heuristic engines, anti-disassembling, anti-emulation, and other “anti-” tricks, as well as how to write an automatic tool for portable executable file format evasion of antivirus scanners.
  • Chapter 9, “Evading Heuristic Engines”—Finishes the discussion on evasion by showing how to bypass both static and dynamic heuristic engines implemented by antivirus products.
  • Chapter 10, “Identifying the Attack Surface”—Introduces techniques used to attack antivirus products. This chapter will guide you through the process of identifying both the local and remote attack surfaces exposed by antivirus software.
  • Chapter 11, “Denial of Service”—Starts with a discussion about performing denial-of-service attacks against antivirus software. This chapter discusses how such attacks can be launched against antivirus products both locally and remotely by exploiting their vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
  • Chapter 12, “Static Analysis”—Guides you through the process of statically auditing antivirus software to discover vulnerabilities, including real-world vulnerabilities.
  • Chapter 13, “Dynamic Analysis”—Continues with the discussion of finding vulnerabilities in antivirus products, but this time using dynamic analysis techniques. This chapter looks specifically at fuzzing, the most popular technique used to discover vulnerabilities today. Throughout this chapter, you will learn how to set up a distributed fuzzer with central administration to automatically discover bugs in antivirus products and be able to analyze them.
  • Chapter 14, “Local Exploitation”—Guides you through the process of exploiting local vulnerabilities while putting special emphasis on logical flaws, backdoors, and unexpected usages of kernel-exposed functionality.
  • Chapter 15, “Remote Exploitation”—Discusses how to write exploits for memory corruption issues by taking advantage of typical mistakes in antivirus products. This chapter also shows how to target update services and shows a full exploit for one update service protocol.
  • Chapter 16, “Current Trends in Antivirus Protection”—Discusses which antivirus product users can be targeted by actors that use flaws in antivirus software, and which users are unlikely to be targeted with such techniques. This chapter also briefly discusses the dark world in which such bugs are developed.
  • Chapter 17, “Recommendations and the Possible Future”—Concludes this book by making some recommendations to both antivirus users and antivirus vendors, and discusses which strategies can be adopted in the future by antivirus products.

Who Should Read This Book

This book is designed for individual developers and reverse-engineers with intermediate skills, although the seasoned reverse-engineer will also benefit from the techniques discussed here. If you are an antivirus engineer or a malware reverse-engineer, this book will help you to understand how attackers will try to exploit your software. It will also describe how to avoid undesirable situations, such as exploits for your antivirus product being used in targeted attacks against the users you are supposed to protect.

More advanced individuals can use specific chapters to gain additional skills and knowledge. As an example, if you want to learn more about writing local or remote exploits for antivirus products, proceed to Part III, “Analysis and Exploitation,” where you will be guided through almost the entire process of discovering an attack surface, finding vulnerabilities, and exploiting them. If you are interested in antivirus evasion, then Part II, “Antivirus Software Evasion,” is for you. So, whereas some readers may want to read the book from start to finish, there is nothing to prevent you from moving around as needed.

Tools You Will Need

Your desire to learn is the most important thing you have as you start to read this book. Although I try to use open-source “free” software, this is not always possible. For example, I used the commercial tool IDA in a lot of cases; because antivirus programs are, with only one exception, closed-source commercial products, you need to use a reverse-engineering tool, and IDA is the de facto one. Other tools that you will need include compilers, interpreters (such as Python), and some tools that are not open source but that can be freely downloaded, such as the Sysinternals tools.

What's on the Wiley Website

To make it as easy as possible for you to get started, some of the basic tools you will need are available on the Wiley website, which has been set up for this book at

Summary (From Here, Up Next, and So On)

The Antivirus Hacker's Handbook is designed to help readers become aware of what antivirus products are, what they are not, and what to expect from them; this information is not usually available to the public. Rather than discussing how antivirus products work in general, it shows real bugs, exploits, and techniques for real-world products that you may be using right now and provides real-world techniques for evasion, vulnerability discovery, and exploitation. Learning how to break antivirus software not only helps attackers but also helps you to understand how antivirus products can be enhanced and how antivirus users can best protect themselves.

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