

  • AAS (American Advertising Association)
  • A/B Testing
  • action-oriented verb
  • ad
    • animated leaderboard
    • banner
    • carousel
    • discovery
    • dynamic
    • filmstrip
    • half banner
    • in-app
    • in-tandem
    • interstitial
    • island
    • leaderboard
    • leaderboard banner
    • mobile banner
    • mobile video banner
    • roadblock
    • sky-scraper
    • smart app banner
    • smart banner
    • social Media Display
    • takeover
    • video
  • AdChoices
  • ad extensions
  • AdRoll
  • AdSense
  • Advertising Association (AAS)
  • advertising houses
  • advertising indicators, social media
  • AdWords
  • AdWords Account Access Levels
  • AdWords App Download Extension
  • Adwords Automatic payments
  • Adwords Campaign Architecture
  • Adwords Campaign Performance Report
  • Adwords Campaign setup
  • Adwords Campaigns tab
  • AdWords Click-to-Call Extension
  • Adwords Column Modification
  • Adwords Conversion tracking
  • Adwords conversion window
  • AdWords dashboard
  • Adwords delivery methods
  • Adwords dimensions tab
  • AdWords Display Planner
  • Adwords Home tab
  • AdWords interface
  • Adwords keyword ideas tab
  • Adwords Keyword Planner
  • AdWords Keyword Planner
  • Adwords languages
  • Adwords manual bidding
  • Adwords maximum bid
  • Adwords quality Score Column
  • AdWords Ranking Formula
  • Adwords shared library
  • Adwords Standard delivery
  • AdWords Tools Tab
  • agencies
  • aggregate retention
  • Airbnb
  • alt text
  • Amazon
  • American Advertising Association
  • Android
  • Android Marketplace
  • Angry Birds
  • Animoto
  • app
    • best
    • branded
    • free
    • hybrid
    • most popular
    • native
  • app activity reports
  • app development
  • Apple
  • Apple app review process
  • Apple iPad
  • Apple iPhone
  • Apple's iAd platform
  • Apple's iOS upgrades
  • Apple watch
  • app stores
  • app submission process
  • app walls
  • ARPU (Average revenue per user)
  • artist
  • attachments
  • auction
  • audience, young
  • authoritative websites
  • AutoCorrect
  • autoplay
  • average CPC
  • average Customer Life Cycle
  • Average revenue per user (ARPU)
  • average session duration
  • Avinash Kaushik
  • awareness campaigns


  • backlink, permanent
  • banner blindness
  • banner size
  • being reactive
  • best performing videos
  • bidding strategies
  • bids
    • blanket
    • ceiling
    • competing
    • default
    • group level
  • billing country
  • Bing
  • Blackberry World
  • blacklisting
  • Blogger
  • blogging platforms
  • blogs
  • Bluetooth
  • blunt measurement
  • bolding keywords
  • bounce-rate
    • high
  • brackets
  • branding tool
  • brainstorming
  • brand awareness
  • branded game
  • Branson, Richard
  • breadcrumb navigation
  • brochure downloads
  • browser history
  • browsers
  • BrowserStack
  • budget Estimation
  • Bullas, Jeff
  • business
    • local
    • small
  • business cards
  • Business Insider
  • business pain
  • business-to-consumer (B2C)
  • bus shelter
  • button
    • click-to-call
    • CTA
    • social-sharing
  • BuzzFeed


  • Cadbury
  • calendar
  • Campaign Calendar
  • Camtasia Studio
  • canonicalization
  • canonical links
  • CAN-SPAM Act
  • capitalization
  • Carling
  • cats
  • Christmas
  • Chrome
  • Citigroup
  • clicked-to-play
  • clicks to conversion
  • click-through rate. See CTRs
  • click-to-call
  • CNBC
  • CNN
  • Coca Cola
  • code
    • e-commerce
    • short
  • coffee chain
  • coffee shops
  • colloquial jargon
  • company's career site
  • company's email address
  • Compuware
  • connectivity
  • consumer pain
  • contact forms
  • content
    • educational
    • evergreen
    • flash
    • user-generated
    • viral
  • content burst
  • content duplication
  • content management systems
    • free
  • content-rich experience
  • content scheduling
  • contest
  • conversions
    • defined
    • hard
  • conversion-tracking techniques
  • cookie policy
  • cookies
  • Cook Smarts
  • copyright legislation
  • Cost per acquisition (CPA)
  • Cost per click. See CPC
  • Cost-Per-Click
  • Cost-per-engagement
  • Cost per install (CPI)
  • Cost per lead (CPL)
  • Cost per loyal user (CPLU)
  • Cost per mille. See CPM
  • Countdown Ads
  • country dialing codes
  • CPA (Cost per acquisition)
  • CPA mobile campaign
  • CPC (Cost per click)
  • CPD mobile campaign
  • CPL (Cost per lead)
  • CPLU (Cost per loyal user)
  • CPM (Cost per mille)
  • crawl errors
  • Creative Copyright
  • CSS
  • CTA
  • CTRs on display ads
  • Cueler
  • customer pain
  • customers
    • dormant
    • longer-term
    • qualified
    • sweet-spot
  • Customer Search Insights Model
  • customer service representatives
  • customer-to-customer (C2C)
  • customer touchpoints


  • data Collection
  • data management
  • data protection
  • data-roaming charges
  • data Segmentation
  • DCO (Display Campaign Optimizer)
  • demoted ranking
  • description lines
  • description tag
  • Digital, Debbie
  • Digital, Doug
  • digital footprint
  • Digital Millennium Copyright Act
  • Digital Standards Authority
  • digital wallets
  • disabilities
  • disallowed keyword practices
  • Display Campaign Optimizer (DCO)
  • distribution network
  • domain level
  • Doran, George T.
  • DoubleClick
  • Drucker, Peter F.
  • DUMB objectives
  • dynamic keyword insertion
  • dynamic list
  • dynamic segmentation
  • dynamic subscriber lists


  • eBay
  • e-commerce
  • EdgeRank
  • Ellen DeGeneres
  • email Interaction Process
  • email marketing metrics
  • email mobile integration
  • email Open Rates
  • email signature
  • email templates
  • Emirates Airline
  • emotions
  • employee testimonials
  • endorsements
    • social
  • Engagement campaigns
  • Enhanced site links
  • Ericsson
  • ESPs
  • Eurostat
  • excessive capitals
  • excessive punctuation
  • expansion time


  • Facebook Ads Manager
  • Facebook Embedded Posts
  • Facebook Groups
  • Facebook Insights
  • Facebook Net Likes
  • Facebook Page Strategy
  • Facebook pixel
  • Facebook Places
  • Facebook Speedometer
  • fast-moving consumer goods (FMCGs)
  • Federal Trade Commission
  • female-dominated user base
  • Final Cut
  • Firefox
  • fitness trackers
  • flash link
  • Flickr
  • FMCGs (fast-moving consumer goods)
  • footer
  • free publicity
  • frequency capping
  • FTC (Federal Trade Commission)


  • GA, linking AdWords with
  • GA Access Levels
  • GA Account Setup
  • GA Account Structure
  • GA Acquisition Reporting
  • GA Admin tab
  • GA Advanced Search
  • GA Advanced Segments
  • GA assigning values
  • GA Attribution Reporting
  • GA Audience Tab
  • GA Behavior Reporting
  • GA Channel Grouping Paths
  • GA Configuration Tool
  • GA Conversions report
  • GA Custom Channels
  • GA Custom Channels Overview
  • GA customized reports
  • GA Default segments
  • GA Device Category
  • GA eCommerce Section
  • GA Event Goal
  • GA Event Reporting
  • GA first click attribution
  • GA funnel visualization
  • GA Geo Section
  • GA Goals section
  • GA in-Page Analytics
  • GA language data
  • GA managed User
  • GA multistep conversion process
  • GA referral traffic Information
  • GA Site Search Report
  • GA Site Speed by Page
  • GA Social Referral Information
  • GA Standard Reporting
  • GA Technology Information
  • GA Time Decay Attribution
  • GA Time on Site
  • GA URL Destination Goal
  • GA User Journey Iinformation
  • GDN (Google Display Network)
  • GDN apps
  • GDN automatic placements
  • GDN display
  • GDN text
  • gender bias
  • generic search terms
  • geolocation
  • GIFs
  • Gmail
  • Google+
    • Engagement Tab
  • Google +, family circles
  • Google+ Insights
  • Google AdMob
  • Google Alerts
  • Google Autocomplete
  • Google Circles
  • Google Data Highlighter
  • Google Display Network. See GDN
  • Google Display Planner
  • Google Glass
  • Google Hangouts
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Google Knowledge Graph
  • Google Maps
  • Google Mobile-Friendly Test
  • Google Page Speed Insights Tool
  • Google partner websites
  • Google Search Console. See GSC
  • Google Search Network
  • Google search partners
  • Google Social Referrals Tool
  • Google Trends
  • Google URL Builder
  • Government websites
  • GPS
  • GSC (Google Search Console)
  • GSC Data Highlighter
  • GSC inbound links report
  • guest blogging


  • Hailo
  • hard bounces
  • headings
  • Heineken
  • high exit rates
  • high value prospect
  • hiring
  • historical search trends
  • Hootsuite
  • Hotmail
  • HPTO (homepage takeover)
  • HTML5
  • HubSpot


  • IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau)
  • iBeacon
  • Iconosquare
  • images
    • copyrighted
    • profile
  • image SERPs
  • inbound links
    • broken
  • infographics
  • Instagram
  • instructional video
  • integrated campaigns
  • Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB)
  • interlinked content
  • inverted commas
  • IP address targeting


  • JavaScript
  • Jenga
  • JetBlue


  • key performance indicators. See KPIs
  • keyword
    • long-tail
    • negative
  • keyword density
  • keyword match types
  • Keyword Planner Traffic Estimator
  • keyword research tools
  • keyword stuffing
  • keyword suggestions
  • keyword trends
  • Klout


  • language
    • extensible markup (XML)
    • hypertext markup (HTML)
    • schema markup
  • Lanlard, Eric
  • laws
  • leaflets
  • link
    • one-way
    • topic
    • uninformative
  • link-building brokers
  • LinkedIn Advanced Search
  • LinkedIn Advertising
  • LinkedIn Analytics
  • LinkedIn Career Page
  • LinkedIn Company Page
  • LinkedIn Connect
  • LinkedIn Featured Applicant
  • LinkedIn Follower Trends
  • LinkedIn group membership policies
  • LinkedIn Groups
  • LinkedIn KPIs
  • LinkedIn Marketing Solutions
  • LinkedIn Personal Account
  • LinkedIn Premium
  • Linkedin Recommendations
  • LinkedIn Recruiter account
  • LinkedIn Sponsored Updates
  • LinkedIn top contributor
  • link formats
  • links
    • broken
    • internal
    • low-quality
  • links internal
  • local links
  • local storage
  • location-based search
  • login encryptions
  • low-energy chnologies
  • low-volume search queries


  • macroconversion
  • Macy's
  • MailChimp
  • mail user agent (MUA)
  • managed placements
  • Manchester United
  • marital status
  • market reality
  • market research
  • Mashable
  • match
    • bad
    • broad
    • exact
    • modified broad
    • negative
    • phrase
  • match type, best
  • M-commerce
  • menu navigation bar
  • messages, welcome
  • messaging
    • instant
    • relevant
  • metrics
    • hard
    • soft
  • microblogging
  • microblogging platform
  • microconversions
  • Mid-placement units (MPUs)
  • misspellings
  • MMA (Mobile Marketing Association)
  • MMS
  • Mobile Analytics
  • mobile commerce
  • mobile conversions
  • mobile friendliness
  • mobile journalism
  • Mobile Marketing Association (MMA)
  • mobile search
  • mobile wallets
  • Moz
  • MSN
  • MUA (mail user agent)
  • my Story


  • name
    • female
    • male
  • naming convention
  • navigation assistance
  • negative feedback
  • News Feed
  • Newstalk radio station
  • New York City
  • New York Times
  • NFC
  • numerical targets


  • Obama, Barack
  • obscene terms
  • Oculus Rift
  • offline performance
  • offline reports
  • Ogilvy
  • Okabashi
  • one-page scrolling
  • one-to-one conversation
  • online payment systems
  • on-page headings
  • opt-in email
  • opt-ins
  • opt-out requirement
  • Organizational Policy Documents
  • Outlook


  • page
    • basket
    • career
    • login
    • product
    • showcase
  • page names
  • PageSpeed Insights tool
  • Paris
  • PayPal
  • PC screen size
  • performance, technical
  • permanent subset
  • personal emails
  • Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
  • PII (Personally Identifiable Information)
  • Pinterest
  • Pinterest Ads
  • Pinterest Analytics
  • Pinterest Business Account
  • plagiarism
  • platform specificity
  • Podcast platforms
  • PodOmatic
  • polls
  • positive user event
  • post history
  • post scheduling
  • PowerDirector
  • Power Editor
  • PPC keyword research
  • PR
  • previous activity analysis
  • price list
  • privacy
  • proactive
  • Probist
  • product demonstrations
    • live
  • products, self-service
  • promotions
  • provider selection
  • proximity marketing


  • QR codes
    • custom
  • Quality Score
  • query parsing
  • questionnaires
  • questions
    • live
    • open


  • Radicati
  • real-time bidding
  • reciprocal link
  • redirect
  • regulations
  • remarketing
    • dynamic
    • mobile app
    • standard
  • remarketing lists
    • custom
  • reputation management
  • retargeting
  • retweets
  • revenue metric
  • robots.txt
  • ROI
    • higher
  • Rovio
  • RSS feed


  • Safari
  • Salesforce
  • sales funnel
  • Samsung
  • ScreenFlow
  • screen recording
  • self-qualifying users
  • self-regulation
  • SEMrush
  • sender ID
  • Sendible
  • SEO malpractices
  • SERPs (search engine results page)
  • showrooming
  • Shutterstock
  • sign, minus
  • sign-up form
  • site
    • adaptive
    • competitor
    • custom
    • mobile-adaptive
    • mobile-optimized
    • mobile responsive
    • mobile-responsive
    • responsive
  • site development process
  • sitemap
  • situation analysis
  • Skype
  • SMART objectives
  • SMS Campaign Development Process
  • SMS marketing
  • SMS supplier
  • Snapchat
  • social listening
  • social listening tools
  • social media content
  • social media KPIs
  • social media post scheduling
  • SocialOomph
  • social plug-ins
  • Soft bounces
  • source code
  • Southwest Airlines
  • spam filters
    • triggering
  • special characters
  • spelling mistakes
  • split test
  • Sponsored InMail Campaigns
  • SSL certificates
  • Stakeholders in DDA
  • Stakeholders of SMM
  • static media
  • structured data markup
  • sweet spot customer


  • Taco Bell
  • tag
    • sponsored
    • title
  • tags, meta
  • tap targets
  • tenancy agreement
  • text
    • alternative
    • anchor
    • bolded keyword
  • text overlaid
  • thumbs down
  • Thunderpenny
  • time zones
  • Topsy
  • touch design
  • Track Social
  • traffic
    • higher qualified
    • internal
    • targeted
  • TripAdvisor
  • Tumblr
  • TV
  • Tweet Activity Dashboard
  • tweets
    • prepopulated
    • promoted
    • sponsored
  • Twitter, ideal character count for
  • Twitter Account KPIs
  • Twitter Activity Dashboard
  • Twitter Advertising
  • Twitter Analytics
  • Twitter business account
  • Twitter cards
  • Twitter KPIs
  • Twitter Private accounts


  • Uber
  • unhappy Customers
  • unique selling point (USP)
  • Universal Analytics
  • unsolicited email
  • unsubscribes
  • upselling
  • up-skilling
  • URLs
    • destination
    • vanity
  • URL shorteners
  • user experience (UX)
    • disrupted
  • user journey
  • users
    • logged-in
    • nonduplicated
    • unique
  • USP (unique selling point)


  • value proposition
  • video blogging (vlogging)
  • video playback
  • video remarketing
  • videos
    • short
    • smartphone
  • Vimeo


  • wearable computing
  • web apps
  • webinars
  • web logs (blogs)
  • Webmaster Tools
  • web sign-up form
  • website
    • brochure
    • e-commerce
    • embedded
    • individual
    • mobile-optimized
    • mobile-responsive
    • responsive
    • scrollable
  • weddings
  • well-crafted SMS
  • WestJet
  • WhatsApp
  • WiFi
    • ad-funded
  • WiFi device
  • Wikipedia
  • Woobox
  • WordPress
  • word separators
  • wrapped gifts


  • XML Sitemap


  • Yahoo
  • Yandex
  • Yelp
  • younger market
  • YouTube
  • YouTube ads
  • YouTube Analytics
  • Youtube Analytics Demographics Section
  • YouTube Editor
  • YouTube Search
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