
Drawing Techniques

Chances are you’ve already tried to draw your favorite subject on your own. If you didn’t get the results you were hoping for—and you most likely didn’t if you bought this book!—your inaccurate (or incomplete) perception of your subject may not be the only culprit. Your technique of putting pencil to paper may take some of the blame. Maybe your rendering was close, but not quite right. That’s OK! The first step is to actually get off your duff and give it a try. From there it’s all about practice.

Before ballet dancers start dancing, they practice their positions. Singers go through pre-concert vocal warm-ups. A writer might start the day with some journaling or maybe a cup of coffee. As an artist, you’re in the same boat—you need to warm up before you cut loose. Consider this chapter your pre-drawing warm-up. It’s designed to get you drawing and using your tools correctly. All the tools, techniques, secrets and ideas won’t help you without some practice, so grab your box of drawing goodies and let’s get going.

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