AberdeenGroup, 15, 19, 158


accurate vision of a solution, 109110

buyer desire to take, 43, 85

choices of, 108

of collaboration, 9

cost of not taking, 110

dates suggested for each, 117

need to take, 33

power of vision and, 85, 99

seller action in, 19

Action, compelling reason for

about, 109110

component, 149

eliminating losses to no decision, 110

Adaption and Buyer 2.0 paradigm, 2833

Adaptive process and methodology automation, 168169

Admitted state, 94

Advanced analytics, 167

Aligning training, 160161


buyer risks and management strategy, 114118

of buyers and sellers, 21, 115116

coaching mutually agreed vision, 147

and collaboration with Buyer 2.0, 34

definitions of, 137

effective implementation, 159

and future business, 142

as help not control, 119

indicator of, 119

planning methodology, 140

proof of, 121

Sales Performance Optimization Cycle as, 159

with sellers, 147

verifiable outcomes of, 121, 134

Alternative solutions, 31

Application factors, 165

Attitude, 45

Automation. See also Marketing automation; Marketing automation system (MAS)

adaptive process and methodology, 168169

content-gathering technology, 70

dynamic sales process, 137138

marketing as micro-marketing tool, 7273

monitoring, 5354

support tools, 29

Autonomy, 155



of buyer, 15, 91

of Buyer 2.0, 23

buyer changes, 28

changes, 162

and economic uncertainty effect, 23

information and, 1621

and information of Buyer 2.0, 1621

of looking buyer, 91

of Millennials, 2123

of not looking buyer, 91

online community, 69

standards of sales, 144

Behavior and economic uncertainty effect, 23

Behavior changes, 162

Bezos, Jeff, 64

Big Data

analysis benefits, 177

opportunity exploration, 175177

Billable services, 117

Boss, Alex, 7980

Brands, buying choices, 64, 65

Buffer, 71

Business development, 30

activities of, 61

Business problems, 89

Business-to-business purchases, 17

Buyer alignment and risk management strategy, 114118

Buyer 1.0

vs. Buyer 2.0, 2728

seller dependency, 27

Buyer 2.0

behavior and economic uncertainty effect, 23

vs. Buyer 1.0, 2728

conversation with visualizer persona, 9599

dynamic sales process with, 135137

emergence of, 16

empowerment, 34

information access of, 27

information and behavior, 1621

messaging with, 146

misalignment with, 19

needs, 4445

norms of, 30

principle factors of, 16

research on sellers, 32

Buyer 2.0 adaption and paradigm

about, 2830

comparison shopping, 3132

marketing and sales blur, 3031

risk aversion as new normal, 3233

Buyer-aligned learning and development, 159162

aligning training, 160161

dynamic sales process, use of, 159160

learning as transformation, 161162

Buyer-aligned sales processes, 134135, 137

Buyer(s). See also Buyer 1.0; Buyer 2.0; solution selling and new buyer

about risk manifesting, 26

alignment and risk management strategy, 114118

alignment of sellers and, 115116

business triggers, 175

development of potential relationships of, 7273

interest stimulation, 175

kinds of, 68

paradigm, 2930

perception, 98

potential solution visions, 92

to remain with status quo, 26

research, 175

states and strength of vision, 9195

Buyer(s) behavior, 15

changes, 28

looking, 91

not looking, 91

Buyersphere 2013, 19

Buying assistance, 66

Buying decision, 116

risks of, 25

Buying online, 115

Buying phases, 24

Buying process issues, 118

Buying scenarios, 135


Capability knowledge, 47, 50, 81, 100, 123

Carnegie, Dale, 47

Challenge-solution-results format, 80

Cheat sheets, 172

Chesney, Robert “Bobby,” 5455

Chief Financial Officer (CFO), 19

Cluetrain Manifesto (Levin, Locke, Searls and Weinberger), 17


about, 147148

and client alignment, 147

consistency, 144

conversation, 147

cycle, 145

difference from, 143

GRAF coaching model, 148

and inspection cycle, 145

as leverage, 151

model of, 148

opportunity or selling skills level, 145

opportunity winning from, 148151

process definitions and associated playbooks for, 140

proficiency with, 5051

and reinforcing the principles of The Collaborative Sale, 155

sales coaching conversation, 148

and sellers and guidance and, 159

for selling skills and people skills, 52

sessions, 172

and skills development, 159, 161

systematic, 144, 145

to win opportunities, 148

Collaborating to close, 121122

Collaboration, 140

component, 149

effective, 10

opportunities through, 11

relatedness and, 155

transparent structure for, 10

Collaboration Plan

activities in, 118

buyer alignment and risk management strategy, 114118

as buyer alignment and risk mitigation strategy, 115117

elements of, 120

example of, 116

structure of, 117

Collaborative attitude, 50

The Collaborative Sale (Eades and Kear), 19

The Collaborative Sale: Solution Selling Meets the New Buyer (Eades and Sullivan), 8

Collaborative Sales, 79

benefits of, 3435

component tools for, 168

components for right people for, 163

Collaborative Sales, coaching

about, 143144

sales management cadence, 144151

Collaborative Sales, implementation

about, 157159

buyer-aligned learning and development, 159162

commitment to success, 177

focused enablement, 167177

talent assessment and analytics, 162167

Collaborative value estimation tools, 175

Collateral templates, 172

Column fodder, 92

Commercial relationship bankers, 54

Commitment to success, 177

Communications skill, 81, 100, 124

Comparison shopping, 30, 3132

Competence, 154155

and business results, 166167


essential, 162

prioritized infusion of, 161

skyline, 163

of value driver persona, 123124

visualizer persona, 100101

Competitive skills, 101

Competitor influence, 92

Components for right people, for collaborative sales, 163

Concepts, on-the-job applications of, 162

Confidence, lack of, 63

Connection, 155

Continuous learning, 144

Control Southern, 79

Corporate assistance, for micro-marketers, 7780

Corporate assistance for micro-marketers

about, 7778

assisting new, 7980

micro-marketer competencies, 8184

Cost of not taking action, 110

Creative Conspiracy, The New Rules of Breakthrough Collaboration, 10

Credibility, 11

Credibility building, 30

CRM (customer relationship management). See Customer relationship management (CRM)

Crush it! (Vaynerchuk), 65

CSO Insights

best aggregate average results, 132

business-to-business purchases study, 26

close vs. no close decision, 26

defined sales process and significant improvements, 129, 133

forecasted opportunities turn losses due to inaction, 110

marketing departments’ qualified sales leads, 61

sales process maturity and level of relationship, 130131

solution values misconveyed believed, 111

The Culture of Collaboration (Rosen), 9

Curata, 70

Curated website, 71

Current situation, 98

Customer business, monitoring of, 5354

Customer dedicated portal, 167

Customer focus, 101, 123124

Customer relationship, levels of, 131

Customer relationship management (CRM)

application, 168

automated support tools for, 29

platform, 146

software, 19

systems, 168169, 170

usage of, 132

Customer satisfaction ratings, 130

improvement of, 157

Customer service, 106


Daily Maersk, 106

Deci, Edward L., 153154

Demand creation, 81

Demand GenReport study, 1617

Demand response, 67, 7172

Determine needs phase, 23

Developing, of situational fluency, 5152


of business messaging, 81

buyer-aligned learning and, 159

changes in business conduct and, 59, 61

of Collaboration Plan elements, 120

and development balance, 51

distribution of, 70

of each individual seller, 161

and hiring practices, 45

of learning curricula and related reinforcement resources, 166

of online collaborative tools, 122

personal, 22

of personal brand, 65

in playbook, 170

of playbook of dynamic sales processes, 138

of potential buyer relationships, 7273

into a sales opportunity, 53

sales skill training, 29

of situational fluency, 5455, 72

and skills requirements, 161

strategy, 159

of successful sellers, 144

of suitable thought leadership content, 75

talent requirements for, 159

tenets, 30

and training, value of, 22

and training investment, 165

Differentiation, 114

Direct mail, 61

Dropbox, 120

Dynamic sales process(es), 159160

about, 129133

automating, 137138

with Buyer 2.0, 135137

buyer-aligned sales process, 134135

playbooks, 138, 172

sales process and market and management enablement, 140142

sales process view expansion, 138140


Eades, Keith M., 7, 8, 140

Early-stage buyers, 59

Economic trends, unpredictability of global, 16

Elastic band model, 9495

Eliminating losses to no decision, 110

Eloqua, 6566, 73

E-mail distributions, 61

Emerson Exchange 365, 7778

Emerson Process Management, 77, 79, 135

Enablement tools, 53

Enabling, of value driver persona, 122


different points of initial, 135

early, restraint with buyers, 63

higher levels of, 73

initial vision of potential solutions to problems before, 66

multiple buying scenarios, 135

objective criteria for assessing, 148

and prioritization decisions, 101

quantitative value early and throughout, 108

of sellers, 28, 60

socially surround and add value long before, 66

ES Research Group, 9

Evaluate alternatives phase, 2324

Evaluate risk phase, 24

Evaluation state, 94

Events, 117

Expectations, progressing according to, 147

Extrinsic motivation, 152153

outcome of, 152


Facebook pages, 70

Failure to close opportunities, 32

Farmers, 41

File-sharing facility, 120

Financial acumen, 123

Financial risks, 108

issues, 118

Focused enablement

about, 167168

adaptive process and methodology automation, 168169

big data opportunity exploration, 175177

collaborative value estimation tools, 175

knowledge in context and aligned with process, 170172

leveraging sales intelligence and social media, 172175

Follow up, 147

Forbes Insights, 17

Formal procurement departments, involvement by, 26

Forrester Research, 17, 167

Fountain of useful ideas, 8687

Future state potential, 87

Future visions, compelling, from visualizer persona, 8790


Gaps identified, reasons for, 147

Global companies, 168

Global economic climate, 32

Gold standard definition, 162, 164

Gold standards, 165

Go/no go, 117

Google, 17

Google alerts, 53, 68

Google+ communities, 70

Go-to-market models, 135

GRAF coaching model, 148


High-demand markets, 45

Hiring, for situational fluency, 5051

Hiring process, 165

Home buyers, 25

HootSuite, 71

How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie), 47

Hunters, 39


Industry associations, 61

Industry forums, 70

Information access, 16, 17

of Buyer 2.0, 27

Information and behavior, of Buyer 2.0, 1621

Initial vision, 9495

InsideView, 53, 69

Insights, contributing relevant, 62

Inspect phase, 145


cycle, 145

systematic, 145

Instant gratification, 157

Interest groups, topic-specific, 61

Interest stimulation, 30

Internet bubble, 32

Intrinsic motivation, 152153, 154

Intrinsic motivation focus, 154155

Involvement, 16

by formal procurement departments, 26

Ivester, David, 78



aids, 161, 168, 170, 172

experiential learning in, 162

extrinsic motivation in, 153

functions of selling, 40

getting it done for customers, 87

interviews, 21

intrinsic motivation in, 152

of marketing department, 60

most influential factor in choosing, 22

professional appearance of, 32

responsibilities, 74

responsibilities, overstepping into, 74

role(s) of buyer's, 81, 100, 123

sales-related, abilities are needed for, 163

sellers in the future, 86

in specific industries, 68

stretching the vision of buyers, 95

suitability of candidates for, 42

survey regarding Millennials, 2123

tools for, 111


Kear, Robert E., 140

Key factors, 165

Keyword search tools, 68

Klout, 65

Knowledge, 45

about sellers, 60

capability, 47, 50, 81, 100, 123

in context and aligned with process, 170172

factors, 165

management, 29

situational, 4647, 50, 81, 100, 123

KPMG study, 2627


Latent starter, 94

Lead generation, 30

Leadership. See also Thought leadership

content, 75

difference from, 143

exceptional performance through, 143

of Maersk Line, 105106

sales, 144, 151, 155

Learning as transformation, 161162

Learning program, blended, 161

Leverage, 114

coaching as, 151

Leveraging sales intelligence and social media, 172175

LinkedIn, 61, 70, 79, 80

LinkedIn discussion groups, 53

Listen and monitor resources, 67

Listening and monitoring, 6869

Locke, Chris, 17

Looking buyer behavior, 91

Looking state, 94

Losses to no decisions, 110

Lurking, 69, 78


Macmillian Dictionary, 48

Maersk Line, 105, 106, 107, 112, 122

Malpractice, 28

Management by exception, 137, 147

Managing and nurturing, 67

Margins, better, 158

Market and management enablement, and sales process, 140142

Market recovering, 177


vs. sales, 30

and sales blur, 3031

traditional, 30

Marketing automation, 65, 72, 82

Marketing automation system (MAS), as micro-marketing tool, 7273

Marketing department, job of, 60

Marketo, 73

Mass market appeals, 63

Maximizing organization value, 114


with Buyer 2.0, 146

and credibility building, 30

development of business, 81

for generating demand, 81

right collaborative attitude by management reinforced, 52

social media, 75

for subsequent engagement in direct demand-creation activities, 69

Microblog service, 70

Micro-Marketer persona

about, 5960

access to information, 172

to align with and engage with Buyer 2.0, 34

competencies, 8184

competency of, 63

continuing, 43

corporate assistance for, 7780

enabling of persona, 7477

execution of effectively, 146

intrinsic motivation through, 155

personal brand, 6366

in sales opportunities with Buyer 2.0, 42

situational fluency with constraint, 6263

strategy planning and execution, 6673

target refining, 177

and tradition, 6062

training for, 161

Micro-Marketer persona strategy planning and execution

about, 6667

demand response, 7172

listening and monitoring, 6869

networking and participation, 7071

nurturing and management, 72, 7273

Microsoft, 129, 133

Microsoft SharePoint, 167

Microsoft Solution Selling Process, 129130


arrival of, 2123

behavior of, 2123

Buyer 2.0 emergence in, 115

demographics, 23

described, 21

generation rise of, 16

Misalignment, with Buyer 2.0., 19


about, 151154, 152

external and internal, 144

extrinsic, 152153

internal, 155

intrinsic, 152153

intrinsic motivation focus, 154155

true nature of, 152154

Myth of control, 118119



community groups and participating in, 175

and participation, 67, 7071

and relationship-building skills, 81

The New Normal: A Manifesto for Changing the Way We Think (Maersk), 105

The New Solution Selling (Eades), 7, 119

Nimble, 69

Ninivaggi, Jim, 52

Not-looking buyer behavior, 91

Not-looking state, 94, 95

Nurturing and management, 72, 7273

marketing automation as micro-marketing tool, 7273


OneSource iSell, 53

Online buying, 115

Online collaboration

site creation, 119121

sites, 167

Online community behavior, 69

Online resources, 70

Online searches, 1718

Online value calculation tools, 112

On-the-job applications of concepts, 162

Operational risks, 108, 118


larger, 157

more, 157158

Opportunity qualification, 101

Opportunity winning, 148151

Oracle, 66

Organizational value, cumulative, 114

Organizations, independence, 114


Pain, component, 149, 70

Pardot, 73

Peer Index, 65

People, right, 159, 160

People skills

of collaborative seller, 49

components of situational fluency, 45, 50, 87

development of, 131

different definitions and descriptions, 4749

practice and coaching for, 52

value of, 47

Performance, improvement of, 157

Performance factors, 165

Persona. See also Micro-Marketer; Value Driver; Visualizer

defined, 3940

seller roles, 34

three, defined, 133

Personal brand

definition of, 64

of micro-marketers, 6366

statement, 65

Pipeline reviews, 172

Planning and organizational skills, 82

Planning methodology, 138


coverage of, 137138

definitions, 140

development of dynamic sales processes, 138

of dynamic sales processes, 172

process definitions and associated for coaching, 140

refining sales, 177

sales processes in, 170

PNC Bank, 54

Potential factors, 165

Potential return on investment, 111

Potential vision, 87

Power, component, 149

Price, reacting and competing on, 27

Problem needs identification, 81

Processes. See also Sales processes

described, 134

right, 159

Product and price, 107

Product and services focus training, 47

Product differentiation, 6

Product training, 51

Progress, 114115

Prospects, related events to find, 61

Psychological buying phases, 24

Purchase evaluation process timing, 59


risk aversion involving, 33

sophisticated, 33

Purchasing departments, role of, 27


Quantified business results (QBRs), 80

Quantitative value, 111

Quota attainment, 130


Rain Group, 8

Random acts of sales support, 167

Real estate broker, 25

Recklessness, 28

Regulated industries, 75

Reinforcement, 144

Relatedness, 155

Relationship-building skills, 101

Reliability, 106, 65

Responsibility, 117

Return on investment (ROI)

calculation, 175

potential, 111

Revenue predictability, 121

Rewards, 153

Rifkin, Harriet, 48

Risk management skills, 123


aversion, 30

aversion as new normal, 3233

aversion involving purchasing, 33

buyer concern manifesting about, 26

of buying decision, 25

financial, 108

financial issues, 118

forms of, 107

operational, 108, 118

perception, 107

perception, mitigation of, 146

phase evaluation, 24

sensitivity, 100

transitional, 108, 109

transitional issues, 118

ROI4Sales, 112, 175

Rosen, Evan, 9

Rowley, Jill, “Eloqueen,” 6566

Ryan, Richard M., 153154



chances of winning, 150

vs. marketing, 30

personae, 161

tactical vs. strategic, 135

Sales candidate assessment, 165166

Sales coaching, 147

Sales competence, 50

definition, 162164

Sales conversation

level of, 31

skills, 100

Sales department, job of, 60

Sales effort, strength of, 150

Sales enablement tools, 167, 168

Sales intelligent applications, 172

Sales leadership

keys to effective, 155

motivation as key part of, 144, 151

Sales management, difference from, 143

Sales management cadence, 144151

about, 144145

coaching, 147151

motivation, 151155

systematic inspection, 145147

Sales managers, 144

disempowerment by, 151

Sales mastery, formal certifications of, 161

Sales methodology, 170

Sales opportunity, unlikely, 150

Sales performance

gaps, 29

indicators of, 166

long-term sustained, 143

Sales Performance International (SPI), 13, 71, 106, 112

Sales Performance Optimization Cycle, 159

Sales performance optimization cycle, 158

Sales Performance Review, 71

Sales performance training, 158

Sales persona, 161. See also Micro-Marketer persona; Value Driver persona; Visualizer persona

Sales planning, 175

Sales planning methods, 140

Sales processes, 135

buyer-aligned, 137, 159

and customer relationship, 132

defined, 138

dynamic, 172

and market and management enablement, 140142

playbooks, 170

stages, 170

view expansion, 138140

Sales revenue, higher from wind rates, 157

Sales skills development, 29

Sales Success Formula, 149

Sales talent

analytics, 166

assessment strategy, 162

selection, 166

Sales team assessment, 164165

Sales theory philosophy, 118

SalesLoft, 69, 70

Searls, Doc, 17

Self-Determination Theory (Deci and Ryan), 153154

Self-Determination Theory (SDT), 153155


agility of, 4244

classifications of, 39

inspection of performance, 145

interaction with buyer, 90

knowledge about, 60

lessons, 10

roles of, 34

transparency, 23

Selling skills, 45, 4950, 50

Selling vs. contributing, 62

Seminars, online and in-person, 61

SharkFinesse, 112, 175

SirusDecisions, 17, 52

Situational fluency

about, 3942

Buyer 2.0 needs, 4445

collaborative sellers effectiveness with, 35

competencies needed for, 44

components of, 50

with constraint, 6263

described, 87

developing, 5152

development of, 5455

hiring for, 5051

seller agility, 4244

seller degree of, 32

technology role in, 5354

training for, 5253

Situational fluency components

about, 45

capability knowledge, 47

collaborative attitude, 50

people skills, 4749

selling skills, 4950

situational knowledge, 4647

Situational knowledge, 4647, 50, 81, 100, 123

Skills, 45

Skills development, requirements, 161

Social learning, 162

Social media

appropriate use of, 74

company head of, 77, 79

effective use of, 146

interaction with Millennial buyers through, 23

leveraged in by Rowley, 65

leveraging sales intelligence and, 172175

literacy and proficiency in using, 31

messaging management application, 75

ownership and content of, 74

participation in online conversations, 61

policies about, 21

technical know-how for, 74

tools, 75, 175

utilization, 82

Social media freedom, 22

Social Mention, 68

Social Selling Evangelist, 66

Social web tools, 75

SocialPort application, 75

Solution and value, 107

Solution Selling, 13, 30

enabling using, 15

origins of, 14

Solution selling and collaborative sale evolution, 3335

The Solution Selling Fieldbook (Sullivan), 78

Solution Selling Meets the New Buyer

about, 1316

adaption and Buyer 2.0 paradigm, 2833

Buyer 2.0 behavior and economic uncertainty effect, 23

Buyer 2.0 emergence, 16

Buyer 2.0 vs. Buyer 1.0, 2728

effective collaboration principles and tools, 8

information and behavior of Buyer 2.0, 1621

Millennials’ arrival, 2123

solution selling and collaborative sale evolution, 3335

Solution Selling methodology, 7, 15

Solution value collaboration, 110114

The Solution-Centric Organization (Eades and Kear), 140

Sophisticated purchasing, 33

Specialists, 44

Sprout Social, 71

Standards, agreed upon, 147

Standards of sales behavior, 144

Status quo, buyer decisions to remain with, 26

Stein, Dave, 63

Strategic sales, 135

Strategy planning and execution, 6673

Structural equations modeling (SEM), 167

Structure, 117

Sullivan, Timothy T., 78, 8

Supply chain of business, 86

Sustained economic unpredictability, 25

Systematic inspection, 145147


Tactical sales, 135

Talent assessment and analytics

competence and business results, 166167

sales candidate assessment, 165166

sales competencies definition, 162164

sales team assessment, 164165

Target, for audience, 67

Targeted marketing activities, 61

Targeting criteria, 68

Technical skills, 82, 123

Telephone canvassing, 61

10-20-70 philosophy, 161

TFactor, 75

The Story

Jon and Nancy discuss sales effort, 38

Jon's meeting with C-suite executive, 3537

Jon develops as thought leader, 8284

Jon's ROI presentation to buyer, 101103

Collaboration Plan, 124125

Thompson, Jesper, 106

Thompson, Leigh, 10

Thought leaders, 62

Thought leadership

conversation anticipation, 32

and credibility, 31

demand creation, 81

demonstrating to buyers, 11, 60

foundational to buyer collaboration, 63

online presence and demonstrating expertise, 66

suitable content development, 75

Three personae, defined, 133

Tools, right, 159

Topic-specific interest groups, 61

Trade association forums, 70

Trade shows, 61

Tradition, and micro-marketers, 6062

Traditional monolithic method training, 161


aligning, 160161

and development, value of, 22

and development investment, 165

for Micro-Marketer personae, 161

one-size-fits-all approach, 161

product, 51

product and services focus, 47

sales performance, 158

sales skill, 29

for situational fluency, 5253

on social web tools, 75

10-20-10 approach philosophy, 161

traditional monolithic method, 161

user, 168

value of, 22

Transition issue, 109

Transitional risk, 108, 109

issues, 118

Transparency goal, 119

Transparent structure, for collaboration, 10

Trigger event monitors, 69

Trust, 11

Trusted advisor status, 80

Tweet structure, 78

Twitter, 70, 80

Twitter Search, 53, 68, 70

Twitterfeed, 71


User training, 168


Value, component, 149

Value analysis process, 111, 175

Value calculation tools, 112

Value Driver persona

about, 105115

actions needed to fulfill, 123124

collaborating to close, 121122

collaboration plan, 114118

compelling reason to act, 109110

competencies of, 123124

continuous nature of, 4344

defined, 34

enabling of, 122

interaction with buyer, 42

maximizing organization value, 114

meets need for autonomy and independence, 155

myth of control, 118119

online collaboration site creation, 119121

solution value collaboration, 110114

stalling, indicating poor performance, 146

training for developing necessary, for execution of, 161

value estimation uses, 114115

value focus, 107

Value estimation tools, 175

Value estimation uses, 114115

Value focus, 107

Value identification and articulation, 123

Value models, 112

Vaynerchuk, Gary, 65

Verifiable outcomes, 134

Visibility, 121

Vision, 85

Vision component, 149

Vision creation, 96, 97

Vision embracement, 96

Vision enhancement, 98

Vision reengineering, 97, 9899

Vision state, 94

Visualizer persona

about, 8590

buyer states and strength of vision, 9195

compelling visions of future from, 8790

competencies, 100101

conversations with Buyer 2.0, 9599

creates visions of solutions, 43

embracing, 99100

execution of, 146

as fountain of useful ideas, 8687

meets need for autonomy and independence, 155

role of, 34

in sales opportunity with Buyer 2.0, 42

training for, 161

VisualizeROI, 102, 112, 175


Week dates, 117

Weinberger, David, 17

Williams, Eric, 106


Zogby Analytics, 19

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