The Technology Innovation Program

The Technology Innovation Program (TIP) at NIST was established to help U.S. businesses and institutions of higher education or other organizations, such as national laboratories and nonprofit research institutions, to support, promote, and accelerate innovation in the United States through high-risk, high-reward research in areas of critical national need. These areas need government attention because the magnitude of the problem is large and societal challenges are not being sufficiently addressed.
In January 2009, TIP announced nine projects for award, representing up to $88.2 million in new research. TIP funds $42.5 million of it.

Who Gets Funded?

Under TIP, funding can go to a single company project led by a small or medium-size company (large companies are excluded) or to a joint venture, with the important differences that institutions of higher education can be the lead partner in the venture, and resulting intellectual property may reside with any member of the venture, including universities and nonprofit research institutions. Large companies may participate in a TIP joint venture as an unfunded partner.
TIP can fund single-company projects for up to $3 million over three years and joint ventures for up to $9 million over five years. TIP will fund no more than 50 percent of total project costs, and its funds may be used only for so-called direct costs, not indirect costs (such as overhead), profits, or management fees. No TIP funding may go to a large company.

How Can I Receive Funding?

You must submit a proposal to TIP in response to a notice published in the Federal Register announcing a competition and availability of TIP funds (solicitation/RFP). Notices are also posted on the TIP website,, and at (Announcement of Federal Funding Opportunity).
In addition, you can have your name added to the TIP mailing list by completing an electronic request at or by calling 1-888-847-6478 to receive competition announcements.

Is There a Deadline for Submitting a TIP Proposal?

Yes. The deadline date(s) are included in the Federal Register notice announcing the competition and notices posted on the TIP and websites.
Once a competition is announced, proposals may be submitted prior to and until the deadline date(s). TIP does not consider unsolicited proposals.

How and Where Do I Submit Proposals?

Proposals may be submitted either electronically or in hard copy. Electronic submissions are encouraged and offer many benefits, including no mailing or copying fees.
Proposals must be submitted to one of two locations only and will not be accepted if submitted directly to any TIP staff member. For electronic submissions, go to To submit paper copies, mail to:
Technology Innovation Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 4750
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-4750

Will My Confidential/Proprietary Information Be Protected?

Yes. All individuals who have access to submitted proposals must sign nondisclosure agreements. The government will protect confidential/proprietary information about business operations and trade secrets possessed by any company or participant to the full extent of the law. To the extent permitted by law, TIP will withhold such information from disclosure pursuant to the following statutes, which can be found at
For complete details on TIP and how to apply for funding, go to for the 2009 TIP Proposal Preparation Kit.
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