Manufacturing Extension Partnership

The Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) is another NIST program that may interest you if you want to manufacture and market your invention.
The MEP is a nationwide network of 392 manufacturing extension centers and more than 1,600 field staff providing a wide variety of expertise and services to small manufacturers (under 500 employees) in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. MEP is viewed as a strategic, long-term partner that can help small manufacturers not only resolve their problems but also become high-performance, world-class enterprises.
While part of a national network, each NIST MEP center works directly with area firms to provide expertise and services tailored to their most critical needs, which range from process improvements and worker training to business practices and applications of information technology. Solutions are offered through a combination of direct assistance from center staff and work with outside consultants.
Inventions Wanted
QVC is always on the hunt for new products. Submit a concept to QVC at Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to have your product selected.
NIST MEP centers are staffed by knowledgeable manufacturing engineers and business specialists who typically have years of practical experience gained from working on the manufacturing floor, managing plant operations, or both. NIST MEP center staff also know the local business community and the available local resources and can access additional resources available through the NIST MEP network. As a result, centers help small firms to overcome barriers in locating and obtaining private-sector resources.
NIST MEP centers work with companies that are willing to invest time, money, and/ or human resources to improve their businesses. Typical clients include manufacturers who …
◆ Have been unable to locate the proper resources or technologies they need.
◆ Want expert, impartial advice in helping them evaluate alternative solutions.
◆ Need help solving a specific problem, such as determining the cause of product defects, modifying plant layout to improve workflow, or establishing employee training.
◆ Want assistance in reversing negative business situations, such as sales decreases, loss of market share, or cost increases.
◆ Want to implement new technologies or processes that will help establish them as market leaders.
◆ Seek to improve their ongoing business operations for peak performance.
Bright Ideas
J. B. Dunlop, one inventor of the pneumatic tire, was a veterinary surgeon.
MEP has proven to be highly effective in helping America’s small manufacturers improve their competitiveness. In fiscal year 2008, MEP …
◆ Served 31,961 manufacturers.
◆ Increased or retained $10.5 billion in sales.
◆ Realized $1.44 billion in cost savings.
◆ Created 17,316 jobs and retained 39,763 jobs.
For general inquiries about MEP, call 1-800-MEP-4MFG (1-800-637-4634) or 301-975-5020, or visit
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