Expanding Your Network

We inventors are no different from any other group of people who share a similar purpose. We love to get together; explore professional issues; and share experiences, success stories, heartbreaks, information, personal contacts, methods, techniques, and dreams. Nothing is more satisfying than the camaraderie provided by a club.
Inventions Wanted
According to its website, Kraft, one of the world’s largest food and beverage companies, with more than $37 billion in annual revenues, is looking for: “… proprietary, commercially viable products and technologies for our existing categories and for new solutions that will make our products better tasting, better for you, more convenient or more socially responsible.” The maker of Oreo, my favorite cookie, is looking for patents and trademarks, joint development deal opportunities, and alliances and partnerships. Check out the details at brands.kraftfoods.com/innovatewithkraft/default.aspx.
Membership can be particularly satisfying in a business like ours that finds people chained to the Wheel of Chance in ways no other enterprise does. Inventing and licensing is one of the most unstable, unforgiving, misunderstood, and risky businesses in the world. It is not for the faint of heart. It is an esoteric field, one in which imagination rules reason. It is understood by so few and fraught with so many hazards. Most people outside the business don’t understand it at all, or have very little comprehension of it.
Through association with other inventors, successful and unsuccessful, you will get the benefit of what Hayakawa called “the best possible maps of the territories of experience.”
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