Chapter 23
Inventor Organizations
In This Chapter
◆ The benefits of inventor organizations
◆ Joining an inventor organization
◆ Starting an inventor organization
◆ Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing
A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people.
—Will Rogers
The best reason to join an inventor organization is fellowship, as it is with any association of people who have common interests and goals. Getting product from your workshop or drawing board to an end user can be a long, tough, and sometimes lonely slog. Isolation is an inevitable drawback of being an inventor, and this can be particularly problematical if you are self-employed and work at home.
Operating on the frontier of an emerging idea is difficult enough. But spearheading the development, licensing, and manufacture of an invention can leave even the most experienced players nonplused. It’s nice to have a vibrant social network that is comprised of individuals who share a community and are striving for a similar goal.
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