Cover Letter

Ms. Janet Kinard
Strategic Giving, Public Affairs
Big Corporation, Inc.
987 Main Street
New York, NY 10000
Dear Janet,
Thank you for taking the time to meet with me yesterday to discuss how the New York Artists and Big Corporation, Inc., might work together on a project. Artists in the Branches presents an excellent opportunity for Big Corporation, Inc., to make a significant impact on access to the arts on a grassroots, community level. Furthermore, any grant you make will release an equal amount from the challenge grant we have recently received from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.
A full description of the project is enclosed. This project will …
• Provide increased access to the arts through branch libraries in neighborhoods with limited arts programming.
• Introduce local artists to their surrounding community.
• Help support artists by providing an honorarium and helping them to develop an audience for their work.
• Develop a publicity and marketing kit that will be used for the other artists programs we present with community organizations for years to come.
The pilot program involves ten events (two in each borough) during a six-month period. It will reach an audience of around 1,000. The publicity and marketing kit developed through this pilot will be used annually by as many as 100 community organizations statewide for years to come. Event sponsors include community centers, senior centers, public schools, local arts groups, and groups working with young people. Please see the enclosed list of sponsor organizations from the last two years. Although events take place statewide, 70 percent were held in New York City.
As a major funder to this project, Big Corporation, Inc., will be prominently credited in …
• The programs prepared for each event.
• Flyers announcing each event distributed to and posted at community arts, education, and social service groups.
• Bookmarks distributed throughout the New York, Brooklyn, and Queens library systems.
• Advertisements taken in neighborhood newspapers, such as the Amsterdam News, The Brooklyn Skyline, New York Press, Village Voice, Bronx Times Reporter, Asian-American Times, and Queens Times.
• All press releases.
• Announcements and reports on the project in New York Artists’ quarterly newsletter, with a subscription base of more than 24,000 statewide and a readership of nearly 80,000.
• New York Artists’ annual report.
• New York Artists’ website.
A publicist will be working with us to get the word out for each event and help develop the publicity and marketing kit. Big Corporation, Inc.,’s support for this pilot program would also be prominently acknowledged on this kit, which we expect more than 200 community groups to use within the following three years.
We must raise $24,500 by June 1 to meet the challenge grant requirements, and we hope that Big Corporation, Inc., will join us in this project with a contribution of $10,000 to $25,000.
Should you have any questions or need any additional details about the pilot project, you can reach me at 212-555-6900, extension 211, or via e-mail at [email protected]. Your kind consideration of this proposal is greatly appreciated.
Waddy Thompson
Waddy Thompson
Director of External Affairs
• Full program description
• Program budget
• Background [not included here, but it consisted of a one-page summary of the organization’s history]
• List of sponsor organizations [not included here]
• Copy of 501(c)(3) letter [not included here]
• Audited financial statement [not included here]
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