Cover Letter

February 1, 2011
Mr. Martin Doyle
Marketing Director
Anytown Daily News
1 News Square
Anytown, SC 29000
Dear Mr. Doyle:
Thank you for speaking with me this afternoon about Anytown Daily News’s sponsoring the AIDS Ride 2011. Anytown Daily News has covered this event in the past, attesting to the interest it holds for the entire community. The presence of Morgan Whitney (fresh from her recent box-office-busting film) is sure to attract attention from a wide range of electronic and print media.
The money raised from this event is as important today as it was when we held the first AIDS Ride in 1990, but maintaining the public’s interest in conquering this disease has become increasingly difficult. This is why a partnership with Anytown Daily News is so important to the success of the event. The pro bono advertising we discussed will be critical in recruiting riders and will also play a role in increasing public awareness of the dangers that risky sexual behavior continues to present.
Community AIDS Services has a constituency we believe Anytown Daily News will find very attractive, especially the young demographics advertisers relish. Through signage at the event and press reports (including television and radio), we will showcase Anytown Daily News as an important supporter of this worthwhile cause.
On an enclosed sheet, I’ve outlined the benefits we can offer you, as well as provided specific demographics of the audience based on past events. As we discussed, for status as a category exclusive sponsor, we would be looking for a cash donation of $5,000 to $10,000 in addition to pro bono advertisements of a quarter page or larger in each of the four weeks leading up to the event.
Please consider everything in this letter a point of departure for additional conversations. I look forward to working with you to refine this partnership to our mutual advantage.
Betty Sanders
Betty Sanders
Director of External Affairs
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