Benefits and Demographics Sheet

Benefits to Anytown Daily News as Exclusive Media Sponsor of AIDS Ride 2011
1. Exposure to the 11,000 people either participating in or attending the start and finish of the AIDS Ride 2011
2. Exposure to the 4,000 supporters of Community AIDS Services through monthly newsletter
3. Prominent acknowledgment in all press releases, advertisements, and mailings associated with the AIDS Ride 2011
4. Celebrity participation (actress Morgan Whitney) will draw significant press attention
5. Status as sole media sponsor excludes any competitors from participating
6. Opportunity to be associated in the minds of all who hear of the event from the local agency that has done more than any other in Anytown to provide services to people living with HIV and AIDS
Audience Demographics
Riders: average age 31; 60 percent male; household income between $40,000 and $55,000; 80 percent college degree or higher
Starting and finish line audience: average age 29; 70 percent female; household income between $40,000 and $55,000; 80 percent some college
Supporters of Community AIDS Services: average age 42; 65 percent female; household income $55,000 to $75,000; 72 percent some college
Event Details
Date: June 16, 2011
What: Bicycle ride to raise money to fight AIDS
Where: A 13-mile route starting and ending in front of City Hall with a route through the main business district and City Park
Who: 800 riders and an estimated 10,000 spectators
All funds raised will support Community AIDS Services programs for people with AIDS. Donated labor and products allow this event to operate with a low overhead of 25 percent.
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