Appendix I
The Elements of a Grant Proposal
It never hurts to have handy a checklist of everything that goes into a grant proposal. Review this list before you submit each proposal and be assured you’ve covered all the bases.
Cover letter (1 or 2 pages):
• Introduces the charity and the activity to be funded.
• Provides a reason for funding based on the funder’s interests.
• Connects with the funder on a personal letter.
• Asks for the money.
Executive summary (1 page only):
• Briefly introduces the charity and the activity to be funded.
• Summarizes all the key points in the proposal narrative.
• Provides a context for the budget.
• Asks for the money.
Proposal narrative (3 to 15 pages):
• Covers all the areas requested by the funder.
• Presents an orderly, logical argument for funding.
Program budget (1 or 2 pages):
• Lists all main expense categories directly related to the program, including personnel and any expense that wouldn’t be incurred if the program didn’t take place.
• Shows an allocation of indirect expenses that support the program (such as rent and administrative personnel) but are not directly related to it.
• Lists sources of income for the program, including other grants (received and pending), and any income that will be earned from fees or other activities related to the program.
• Includes footnotes or a narrative highlighting the main expenses and explaining how additional funds will be raised.
Attachments (vary according to funder requirements):
• Proof of tax-exempt status
• Audited financial statement
• List of your board of directors with their professional affiliations
• List of other funders
• Organizational budget
• Organizational history
• Press clippings, client testimonials, programs, brochures, flyers, and so on that directly relate to the proposal
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