Appendix J
The Hallmarks of a Good Grant Writer
Just as the stamp on the bottom of a silver vase indicates it is of first-class materials, the hallmarks of a good grant writer signal to one and all that you are the real deal—you know the ins and outs of the grant process. Keep these reminders by your side, and you’ll produce a professional proposal every time.
Hallmarks of good research:
• Does not rely on one source for information.
• Compares a funder’s stated interests with the grants it makes.
• Includes research on the individuals associated with a funder.
Hallmarks of good grant writing:
• Follows all of the funder’s instructions.
• Strives for succinctness and to be jargon free.
• Remains focused on who will benefit from the funding, not the charity providing the service.
Hallmarks of good funder stewardship:
• Educates and cultivates a funder before soliciting a grant.
• Keeps the funder informed of the progress of a funded activity.
• Submits a thorough and timely report on every grant.
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