Research Portals

Universities often maintain lists of research grants as a service to their students, but after the listings are on the web, they are there for you, too. You’ll find references in Appendix C to the grant links lists on Michigan State University’s website.
The TechFoundation ( makes technology grants, as its name implies, but it also offers information on other funders and a newsletter about grants for technology.
The Internet makes so much information available that the challenge is to narrow the information down to just what you need to know. By using the websites I’ve recommended, you’ll avoid information overload and be well on your way to a solid prospect list.

The Least You Need to Know

• The Foundation Center, FoundationSearch, GrantStation, and GuideStar are the top places to research funders online.
• The Foundation Center and GuideStar provide free links to funders’ IRS returns.
• Be sure your information is current by cross-checking resources and noting when websites were last updated.
• Don’t overlook obvious sources of information, including general search engines and online telephone directories.
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