Chapter 8
You Can Find It Offline
In This Chapter
• Research without the Internet
• The best directories for institutional and individual donor research
• Tips for gathering information every day
• The research library in your mailbox
The Internet has transformed research of all kinds, including funder and donor research. But you can still do valuable research offline, and some resources you’ll only find offline. There’s also something to be said for using a printed directory of funders and letting your eyes scan listings adjacent to the one you looked up. Serendipity can play a role in research, just don’t depend on it.
Of necessity, print directories can focus on only one approach to a subject at a time: who’s giving money away (funder directories), who’s receiving grants (grant guides), or what’s the money being given away for (topic guides). You’ll find trying to cross-reference this information quite interactive as you furiously flip pages in several books. Because most online directories owe their existence to printed directories, you’ll find much the same information in both. The key difference will be the freshness of the data.
In this chapter, I look at some of the print equivalents of a few of the resources I discussed in Chapter 7, as well as some you can only find offline. (You can find complete bibliographical entries for all the books mentioned in this chapter in Appendix B.)
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