10. Creating and Managing Table Views

Tables provide a scrolling list-based interaction class that works particularly well for small GUI elements. Many apps that ship natively with the iPhone and iPod touch center on table-based navigation, including Contacts, Settings, and iPod. On these smaller iOS devices, limited screen size makes tables, with their scrolling and individual item selection, an ideal way to deliver information and content in a simple, easy-to-manipulate form. On the larger iPad, tables integrate with larger detail presentations, providing an important role in split view controllers. In this chapter, you discover how iOS tables work, what kinds of tables are available to you as a developer, and how you can use table features in your own programs.

iOS Tables

The standard iOS table consists of a simple vertical scrolling list of individual cells. Users may scroll or flick their way up and down until they find an item they want to interact with. On iOS, tables are ubiquitous. Several built-in iOS apps are based entirely on table views, and they form the core of numerous third-party applications.

Almost all tables you will ever see in iOS are built using UITableView and customized with options provided by its delegate and data source protocols. In addition to a standard scrolling list of cells, which provides the most generic table implementation, you can create specialized tables with custom art, background, labels, and more.

Specialized tables include the kind of tables you see in the Preferences application, with their blue-gray background and rounded cell edges; tables with sections and an index, such as the ones used in the Contacts application; and related classes of wheeled tables, such as those used to set appointment dates and alarms. And, when you need to move beyond tables and their scrolling lists to more grid-like presentations, you can use the related class of collection views, which are introduced in Chapter 11, “Collection Views.”

No matter what type of table you use, they all work in the same general way. Tables are built around the Model-View-Controller (MVC) paradigm. They present cells provided from a data source and respond to user interactions by calling well-defined delegate methods.

A data source provides a class with on-demand information about a table’s contents. It represents the underlying data model and mediates between that model and the table’s view. A data source tells the table about its structure. For example, it specifies how many sections to use and how many items each section includes. Data sources provide individual table cells on-demand and they populate those cells with model data that matches each cell’s position and ownership within the table.

Data sources express a table’s model; delegates act as controllers. Delegates manage user interactions, letting applications respond to changes in table selections and user-directed edits. For example, users might tap on a new cell to select it, reorder a cell to a new position, or add and delete cells. Delegates monitor these user interaction requests and react by allowing and disallowing those requests, and by updating the data model in response to successful actions.

Together the view, data source, and delegate work together to express an MVC development pattern. This pattern is not limited to table views. You see this view/data source/delegate approach used in a number of key iOS classes. Picker views, collection views, and page view controllers all use data sources and delegates.


Table view data sources and delegates are examples of delegation, assigning responsibility for specific activities and information to a secondary object. Several UIKit classes use delegation to respond to user interactions and to providing content. For example, when you set a table’s delegate, you tell it to pass along any interaction messages and let that delegate take responsibility for them.

Table views are a good example of delegation. When a user taps on a table row, the UITableView instance has no built-in way of responding to that tap. The class is general purpose and it provides no native semantics for taps. Instead, it consults its delegate—usually a view controller class—and passes along the selection change. You add meaning to the tap at a point of time completely separate from when Apple created the table class. Delegation allows classes to be created without specific meaning while ensuring that application-specific handlers can be added at a later time.

The UITableView delegate method tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: provides a typical delegation example. A delegate object defines this method and specifies how the app should react to a row change initiated by the user. You might display a menu or navigate to a subview or place a check mark on the tapped row. The response depends entirely on how you implement the delegated selection change method. None of this was known at the time the table class was implemented.

To set an object’s delegate or data source, assign its delegate or dataSource property. This instructs your application to redirect interaction callbacks to the assigned object. You let Objective-C know that your object implements delegation calls by declaring the protocol or protocols it implements in the class declaration. This declaration appears in angle brackets, to the right of the class inheritance (for example, <UITableViewDelegate> or <UITableViewDataSource>). When declaring multiple protocols, separate them by commas within a single set of angle brackets (for example, <UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource>). A class that declares a protocol is responsible for implementing all required methods associated with that protocol and may implement any or all of the optional methods as well.

Creating Tables

iOS includes two primary table classes: a prebuilt controller class (UITableViewController) and a direct view (UITableView). The controller offers a view controller subclass customized for tables. It includes an established table view that takes up the entire controller view and it eliminates repetitive tasks required for working with table instances. Specifically, it declares all the necessary protocols and defines itself as its table’s delegate and data source. When using a table view outside of the controller class, you’ll need to perform these tasks manually. The table view controller takes care of them for you.

Table Styles

On the iPhone, tables come in two formats: grouped tables and plain table lists. The iOS Settings application uses a grouped style. These lists display on a blue-gray background, and each subsection appears within a slightly rounded rectangle.

To change styles requires nothing more than initializing the table view controller with a different style. You can do this explicitly when creating a new instance. Here’s an example:

myTableViewController = [[UITableViewController alloc]

When using controllers from nibs and storyboards, adjust the Table View > Style property in the attributes inspector.

Laying Out the View

UITableView instances are, as the name suggests, views that present interactive tables on the iOS screen. The UITableView class descends from the UIScrollView class. This inheritance provides the up and down scrolling capabilities used by the table. Like other views, UITableView instances define their boundaries through frames, and they can be children or parents of other views. To create a table view, you allocate it, initialize it with a frame, and then add all the bookkeeping details by assigning data source and delegate objects.

UITableViewControllers take care of the view layout work for you. The class creates a standard view controller and populates it with a single UITableView, setting its frame to allow for any navigation bars or toolbars, and so on. You may access that table view via the tableView instance variable.

Assigning a Data Source

UITableView instances rely on an external source to feed either new or existing table cells on demand. Cells are small views that populate the table, adding row-based content. This external source is called a data source and refers to the object whose responsibility it is to return a cell on request to a table.

The table’s dataSource property sets an object to act as a table’s source of cells and other layout information. That object declares and must implement the UITableViewDataSource protocol. In addition to returning cells, a table’s data source specifies the number of sections in the table, the number of cells per section, any titles associated with the sections, cell heights, an optional table of contents, and more. The data source defines how the table looks and the content that populates it.

Typically, the view controller that owns the table view acts as the data source for that view. When working with UITableViewController subclasses, you need not declare the protocol because the parent class implicitly supports that protocol and automatically assigns the controller as the data source.

Serving Cells

The table’s data source populates the table with cells by implementing the tableView:cell-ForRowAtIndexPath: method. Any time the table’s reloadData method is invoked, the table starts querying its data source to load the actual onscreen cells into your table. Your code can call reloadData at any time to force the table to reload its contents.

Data sources provide table cells based on an index path, which is passed as a parameter to the cell request method. Index paths, objects of the NSIndexPath class, describe the path through a data tree to a particular node—namely their section and their row. You can create an index path by supplying a section and row:

myIndexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:5 inSection:0];

Tables use sections to split data into logical groups and rows to index members within each group. It’s the data source’s job to associate an index path with a concrete UITableViewCell instance and return that cell on demand.

Registering Cell Classes

You’ll want to register any cell type you work with early in the creation of your table view. Registration allows cell dequeuing methods to automatically create new cells for you. Typically, you register cells in your loadView or viewDidLoad methods. Be sure that this registration takes place before the first time your table attempts to load its data. Each table view instance registers its own types. You supply an arbitrary string identifier, which you use as a key when requesting new cells.

You can register by class (starting in iOS 6) or by nibs (iOS 5 and later). Here are examples of both approaches:

[self.tableView registerClass:[UITableViewCell class]
    forCellReuseIdentifier:@"table cell"];
[self.tableView registerNib:
   [UINib nibWithNibName:@"CustomCell" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]]
    forCellReuseIdentifier:@"custom cell"];

Register as many kinds of cells as you need. You are not limited to one type per table. Mix and match cells within a table however your design demands.

Dequeueing Cells

Your data source responds to cell requests by building cells from code or it can load its cells from Interface Builder sources. Here’s a minimal data source method that returns a cell at the requested index path, labeling it with text derived from its data model:

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    UITableViewCell *cell = [self.tableView
        dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"cell" forIndexPath:indexPath];
    cell.textLabel.text = [dataModel objectAtIndexPath:indexPath].text;
    return cell;

If you’re an established iOS developer, note that you no longer need to check to see whether the queue already has an existing cell of the type you requested. The queue now transparently creates and initializes new instances as needed.

Use the dequeuing mechanism to request cells. As cells scroll off the table and out of view, the table caches them into a queue, ready for reuse. This mechanism returns any available table cells stored in the queue; when the queue runs dry, it creates and returns new instances.

Registering cells for reuse provides each instance with an identifier tag. The table searches for that type and pops them off the queue as needed. This saves memory and provides a fast, efficient way to feed cells when users scroll quickly through long lists onscreen.

Assigning a Delegate

Like many other Cocoa Touch interaction objects, UITableView instances use delegates to respond to user interactions and implement a meaningful response. Your table’s delegate can respond to events such as the table scrolling, user edits, or row selection changes. Delegation allows the table to hand off responsibility for reacting to these interactions to the object you specify, typically the controller object that owns the table view.

If you’re working directly with a UITableView, assign the delegate property to a responsible object. The delegate declares the UITableViewDelegate protocol. As with data sources, you may skip setting the delegate and declaring the protocol when working with UITableViewController or its custom subclass.

Recipe: Implementing a Basic Table

A basic table implementation consists of little more than a set of data used to label cells and a few methods. Recipe 10-1 provides about as basic a table as you can imagine. It creates the flat (nonsectioned) table shown in Figure 10-1. Each cell includes a text label and an image consisting of the cell’s row number inside a box.


Figure 10-1. This basic table view is built by Recipe 10-1.

Users can tap on cells. When they do so, the controller’s title updates to match the selected item. A Deselect button tells the table to remove the current selection and reset the title; a Find button moves the selection into view, even if it’s been scrolled off screen.

This implementation attempts to scroll the “found” selection to the top (UITableViewScrollPositionTop) space permitting. Zulu, the last item in this table, cannot scroll any higher than the bottom of the view because you simply run out of table after its cell.

Data Source Methods

To display a table, even a basic flat one like Recipe 10-1, every table data source implements three core instance methods. These methods define how the table is structured and provide contents for the table:

numberOfSectionsInTableView—Tables can display their data in sections or as a single list. For flat tables, return 1. This indicates that the entire table should be presented as one single list. For sectioned lists, return a value of 2 or higher.

tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:—This method returns the number of rows for each section. Recipe 10-1’s flat list returns the number of rows for the entire table. For more complex lists, you’ll want to provide a way to report back per section. Core Data provides especially simple sectioned table integration, as you’ll read about in Chapter 12, “A Taste of Core Data.” As with all counting in iOS, section ordering starts with 0 as the first section.

tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:—This method returns a cell to the calling table. Use the index path’s row and section properties to determine which cell to provide and make sure to take advantage of reusable cells where possible to minimize memory overhead.

Responding to User Touches

Recipe 10-1 responds to users in the tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: delegate method. This recipe’s implementation updates the view controller’s title and enables both bar buttons for searching and deselecting. These buttons remain enabled as long as there’s a valid selection. Should the user choose the Deselect option, this code calls deselectRowAtIndexPath: animated: and disables both buttons.


When you want the table to ignore user touches, set a cell’s selectionStyle property to UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone. This disables the blue or gray overlays that display on the selected cell. The cell is still selected but will not highlight on selection in any way. If selecting your cell produces some kind of side effect other than presenting information, this is not the best way to approach things.

Recipe 10-1. Building a Basic Table

@implementation TestBedViewController

// Number of sections
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    return 1;

// Rows per section
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    return items.count;

// Return a cell for the index path
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    UITableViewCell *cell = [self.tableView

    // Cell label
    cell.textLabel.text = [items objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];

    // Cell image
    NSString *indexString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%02d", indexPath.row];
    cell.imageView.image = stringImage(indexString, imageFont, 6.0f);

    return cell;

// On selection, update the title and enable find/deselect
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    UITableViewCell *cell =
        [self.tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
    self.title = cell.textLabel.text;
    self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.enabled = YES;
    self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem.enabled = YES;

// Deselect any current selection
- (void) deselect
    NSArray *paths = [self.tableView indexPathsForSelectedRows];
    if (!paths.count) return;

    NSIndexPath *path = paths[0];
    [self.tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath:path animated:YES];
    self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.enabled = NO;
    self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem.enabled = NO;
    self.title = nil;

// Move to the selection
- (void) find
    [self.tableView scrollToNearestSelectedRowAtScrollPosition:
        UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated:YES];

// Set up table
- (void) loadView
    [super loadView];

    self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem =
        BARBUTTON(@"Deselect", @selector(deselect));
    self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem =
        BARBUTTON(@"Find", @selector(find));
    self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.enabled = NO;
    self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem.enabled = NO;

    imageFont = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Futura" size:18.0f];

    [self.tableView registerClass:[UITableViewCell class]
    items = [@"Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel
        India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Romeo Quebec
        Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey Xray Yankee Zulu"
        componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];

Get This Recipe’s Code

To find this recipe’s full sample project, point your browser to https://github.com/erica/iOS-6-Cookbook and go to the folder for Chapter 10.

Table View Cells

The UITableViewCell class offers four utilitarian base styles, which are shown in Figure 10-2. This class provides two text label properties: a primary textLabel and a secondary detailTextLabel, which is used for creating subtitles. The four styles are as follows:

UITableViewCellStyleDefault—This cell offers a single left-aligned text label and an optional image. When images are used, the label is pushed to the right, decreasing the amount of space available for text. You can access and modify the detailTextLabel, but it is not shown onscreen.

UITableViewCellStyleValue1—This cell style offers a large black primary label on the left side of the cell and a slightly smaller, blue subtitle detail label to its right.

UITableViewCellStyleValue2—This kind of cell consists of a small blue primary label on the left and a small black subtitle detail label to its right. The small width of the primary label means that most text will be cut off by an ellipsis. This cell does not support images.

UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle—This cell pushes the standard text label up a bit to make way for the smaller detail label beneath it. The detail label displays in gray. Like the default cell, the subtitle cell offers an optional image.


Figure 10-2. Cocoa Touch provides four standard cell types, several of which support optional images.

Selection Color

Tables enable you to set the color for the selected cell by choosing between a blue or gray overlay. Set the selectionStyle property to either UITableViewCellSelectionStyleBlue or UITableViewCellSelectionStyleGray. If you’d rather not show a selection, use UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone. The cell can still be selected, but the overlay color will not display.

Adding in Custom Selection Traits

When users select cells, Cocoa Touch helps you emphasize the cell’s selection. Customize a cell’s selection behavior by updating its traits to stand out from its fellows. There are two ways to do this.

The selectedBackgroundView property allows you to add controls and other views to just the currently selected cell. This works in a similar manner to the accessory views that appear when a keyboard is shown. You might use the selected background view to add a preview button or a purchase option to the selected cell.

The cell label’s highlightedTextColor property lets you choose an alternative text color when the cell is selected.

Recipe: Creating Checked Table Cells

Accessory views expand normal UITableViewCell functionality. Check marks create interactive one-of-n or n-of-n selections, as shown in Figure 10-3. With these kinds of selections, you can ask your users to pick what they want to have for dinner or choose which items they want to update.


Figure 10-3. Check mark accessories offer a convenient way of making one-of-n or n-of-n selections from a list.

To check an item, use the UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark accessory type. Unchecked items use the UITableViewCellAccessoryNone variation. You set these by assigning the cell’s accessoryType property.

Cells have no “memory” to speak of. They do not know how an application last used them. They are views and nothing more. That means if you reuse cells without tying those cells to some sort of data model, you can end up with unexpected and unintentional results. This is a natural consequence of the MVC design paradigm.

Consider the following scenario. Say you created a series of cells, each of which owned a toggle switch. Users can interact with that switch and change its value. A cell that scrolls offscreen, landing on the reuse queue, could therefore show an already toggled state for a table element that user hasn’t yet touched.

To fix this problem, always check your cell state against a stored model and fully configure your cell in cellForRowAtIndexPath:. This keeps the view consistent with your application semantics and avoids lingering “dirty” state from the cell’s last use. It’s the cell that’s being checked, not the logical item associated with the cell. Reused cells may remain checked or unchecked at next use, so you always set the accessory to match the model state, not the cell state.

Recipe 10-2 builds a simple state dictionary to store the on/off state for each index path. Its data source returns cells initialized to match that dictionary. You can easily expand this recipe to store its state to user defaults so it persists between runs. This simple-to-add enhancement is left as an exercise for the reader.

Recipe 10-2. Accessory Views and Stored State

// Return a cell for the index path
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    UITableViewCell *cell = [self.tableView

    // Cell label
    cell.textLabel.text = [items objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
    BOOL isChecked = ((NSNumber *)stateDictionary[indexPath]).boolValue;
    cell.accessoryType =  isChecked ?
        UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark :

    return cell;

// On selection, update the title
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)
    UITableViewCell *cell =
        [self.tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];

    // Toggle the cell checked state
    BOOL isChecked =
        !((NSNumber *)stateDictionary[indexPath]).boolValue;
    stateDictionary[indexPath] = @(isChecked);
    cell.accessoryType = isChecked ?
        UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark :

    // Count the checked items
    int numChecked = 0;
    for (int row = 0; row < items.count; row++)
        NSIndexPath *path = INDEXPATH(0, row);
        isChecked = ((NSNumber *)stateDictionary[path]).boolValue;
        if (isChecked) numChecked++;

    self.title = [@[@(numChecked).stringValue, @" Checked"]
        componentsJoinedByString:@" "];

Get This Recipe’s Code

To find this recipe’s full sample project, point your browser to https://github.com/erica/iOS-6-Cookbook and go to the folder for Chapter 10.

Working with Disclosure Accessories

Disclosures refer to those small, blue or gray, right-facing chevrons found on the right of table cells. Disclosures help you to link from a cell to a view that supports that cell. In the Contacts list and Calendar applications on the iPhone and iPod touch, these chevrons connect to screens that help you to customize contact information and set appointments. Figure 10-4 shows a table view example where each cell displays a disclosure control, showing the two available types.


Figure 10-4. The right-pointing chevrons indicate disclosure controls, allowing you to link individual table items to another view.

On the iPad, you should consider using a split view controller rather than disclosure accessories. The greater space on the iPad display allows you to present both an organizing list and its detail view at the same time, a feature that the disclosure chevrons attempt to mimic on the smaller iPhone units.

The blue and gray chevrons play two roles:

• The blue UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailDisclosureButton versions are actual buttons. They respond to touches and are supposed to indicate that the button leads to a full interactive detail view.

• The gray UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator does not track touches and should lead your users to a further options view—specifically, options about that choice.

You see these two accessories in play in the Settings application. In the Wi-Fi Networks screen, the detail disclosures lead to specific details about each Wi-Fi network: its IP address, subnet mask, router, Domain Name System (DNS), and so forth. The disclosure indicator for Other enables you to add a new network by scrolling up a screen for entering network information. A new network then appears with its own detail disclosure.

You also find disclosure indicators whenever one screen leads to a related submenu. When working with submenus, stick to the simple gray chevron. The rule of thumb is this: Submenus use gray chevrons, and object customization uses blue ones. Respond to cell selection for gray chevrons and to accessory button taps for blue chevrons. Unfortunately, Apple itself uses these inconsistently. In Wi-Fi settings, the Other... option’s disclosure indicator opens a modal detail settings view for entering network information.

The following snippet sets the accessoryType for each cell to UITableViewCellAccessory-DetailDisclosureButton. More important, it also sets editingAccessoryType to UITableViewCellAccessoryNone. When delete or reorder controls appear, your disclosure chevron will hide, enabling your users full control over their edits without accidentally popping over to a new view:

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView
    cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    UITableViewCell *cell =
        [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"CustomCell"];
    cell.accessoryType =
    cell.editingAccessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryNone;

    return cell;

// Respond to accessory button taps
-(void) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView
    accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    // Do something here

To handle user taps on the disclosure, the tableView:accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath: method enables you to determine the row that was tapped and implement some appropriate response. In real life, you’d move to a view that explains more about the selected item and enables you to choose from additional options.

Gray disclosures use a different approach. Because these accessories are not buttons, they respond to cell selection rather than the accessory button tap. Add your logic to tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: to push the disclosure view onto your navigation stack or by presenting a modal view controller or an alert view.

Neither disclosure accessory changes the way the rest of the cell works. Even when sporting accessories, you can select cells, edit cells, and so forth. Accessories add an extra interaction modality; they don’t replace the ones you already have.

Recipe: Table Edits

Bring your tables to life by adding editing features. Table edits transform static information display into an interactive scrolling control that invites your user to add and remove data. Although the bookkeeping for working with table edits is moderately complex, the same techniques easily transfer from one app to another. Once you master the basic elements of entering and leaving edit mode and supporting undo, you can use these items over and over.

Recipe 10-3 introduces a table that responds meaningfully to table edits. This example creates a scrolling list of random images. Users create new cells by tapping Add and may remove cells either by swiping or entering edit mode (tapping Edit) and using the red remove controls (see Figure 10-5).


Figure 10-5. Red remove controls allow your users to interactively delete items from a table.

In day-to-day use, every iOS user quickly becomes familiar with the small, red circles that delete cells from tables. Many users also pick up on basic swipe-to-delete functionality. This recipe also adds move controls, those triples of small, gray, horizontal lines, which allow users to drag items to new positions. Users leave edit mode by tapping Done.

Adding Undo Support

Cocoa Touch offers the NSUndoManager class to provide a way to reverse user actions. By default, every application window provides a shared undo manager. You can use this shared manager or create your own.

All children of the UIResponder class can find the nearest undo manager in the responder chain. This means that if you use the window’s undo manager in your view controller, the controller automatically knows about that manager through its undoManager property. This is enormously convenient because you can add undo support in your main view controller, and all your child views basically pick up that support for free.

The manager can store an arbitrary number of undo actions. You may want to specify how deep that stack goes. The bigger the stack, the more memory you will use. Many applications allow three, five, or ten levels of undo when memory is tight. Each action can be complex, involving groups of undo activities, or the action can be simple as in the examples shown in this recipe.

This recipe uses an undo manager to support user undo- and redo-actions for adding, deleting, and moving cells. These Undo and Redo options enable users to move through their edit history. In this recipe, these buttons are enabled when the undo manager supplies actions to support their use.

Supporting Undo

Both adding and deleting items in Recipe 10-3 are handled by the same method, updateItemAtIndexPath:withObject:. The method works like this: it inserts any non-nil object at the index path. When the passed object is nil, it instead deletes the item at that index path.

This might seem like an odd way to handle requests, because it involves an extra method and extra steps, but there’s an underlying motive. This approach provides a unified foundation for undo support, allowing simple integration with undo managers.

The method, therefore, has two jobs to do. First, it prepares an undo invocation. That is, it tells the undo manager how to reverse the edits it is about to apply. Second, it applies the actual edits, making its changes to the items array and updating the table and bar buttons.

The setBarButtonItems method controls the state of the Undo and Redo buttons. This method checks the active undo manager, seeing whether the undo stack provides undo and redo actions. If so, it enables the appropriate buttons.

Although I’m not a fan of shake-to-undo, this recipe does support it. Its loadView method sets the applicationSupportsShakeToEdit property of the application delegate. Also note that the first responder calls were added to provide undo support. The table view becomes first responder as it appears, and resigns it upon disappearing.

Displaying Remove Controls

The iOS software development kit (SDK) displays table-based remove controls with a single call: [self.tableView setEditing:YES animated:YES]. This updates the table’s editing property and presents the remove controls shown in Figure 10-5 on each cell. The animated parameter is optional but recommended. As a rule, use animations in your iOS interfaces to lead your users from one state to the next so that they’re prepared for the mode changes that happen onscreen.

Recipe 10-3 uses a system-supplied Edit/Done button (self.editButtonItem) and implements setEditing:animated: to move the table into and out of an editing state. When a user taps the Edit or Done button (it toggles back and forth), this method updates the edit state and the navigation bar’s buttons.

Handling Delete Requests

On row deletion, the table communicates with your application by issuing a tableView:com-mitEditingStyle:forRowAtIndexPath: callback. A table delete removes an item from the visual table but does not alter the underlying data. Unless you manage the item removal from your data source, the “deleted” item will reappear on the next table refresh. This method offers the place for you to coordinate with your data source and respond to the row deletion that the user just performed.

Delete the item from the data structure that supplies the data source methods (in this recipe, through an NSMutableArray of image items) and handle any real-world action such as deleting files, removing contacts, and so on, that occur as a consequence of the user-led edit.

Recipe 10-3 animates its cell deletions. The beginUpdates and endUpdates method pair allows simultaneous animation of table operations such as adding and deleting rows.

Swiping Cells

Swiping provides a clean method for removing items from your UITableView instances. To enable swipes, simply provide the commit-editing-style method. The table takes care of the rest.

To swipe, users drag swiftly from one side of the cell to the other. The rectangular delete confirmation appears to the right of the cell, but the cells do not display the round remove controls on the left.

After users swipe and confirm, the tableView:commitEditingStyle:forRowAtIndexPath: method applies data updates just as if the deletion had occurred in edit mode.

Reordering Cells

You empower your users when you allow them to directly reorder the cells of a table. Figure 10-5 shows a table displaying the reorder control’s stacked gray lines. Users can apply this interaction to sort to-do items by priority or choose which songs should go first in a playlist and so on. iOS ships with built-in table reordering support that’s easy to add to your applications.

Like swipe-to-delete, cell reordering support is contingent on the presence or absence of a single method. The tableView:moveRowAtIndexPath:toIndexPath method synchronizes your data source with the onscreen changes, similar to committing edits for cell deletion. Adding this method instantly enables reordering.

Adding Cells

Recipe 10-3 uses an Add button to create new content for the table. This button takes the form of a system bar button item, which displays as a plus sign. (See the top-left corner of Figure 10-5.) The addItem: method in Recipe 10-3 appends a new random image at the end of the items array.

Recipe 10-3. Editing Tables

@implementation TestBedViewController

#pragma mark Data Source
// Number of sections
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    return 1;

// Rows per section
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    return items.count;

// Return a cell for the index path
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    UITableViewCell *cell = [self.tableView
        dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"cell" forIndexPath:indexPath];
    cell.imageView.image = items[indexPath.row];

#pragma mark Edits
- (void) setBarButtonItems
 // Expire any ongoing operations
    if (self.undoManager.isUndoing ||
        [self performSelector:@selector(setBarButtonItems)
            withObject:nil afterDelay:0.1f];

    UIBarButtonItem *undo = SYSBARBUTTON_TARGET(
        UIBarButtonSystemItemUndo, self.undoManager, @selector(undo));
    undo.enabled = self.undoManager.canUndo;
    UIBarButtonItem *redo = SYSBARBUTTON_TARGET(
        UIBarButtonSystemItemRedo, self.undoManager, @selector(redo));
    redo.enabled = self.undoManager.canRedo;
    UIBarButtonItem *add = SYSBARBUTTON(
        UIBarButtonSystemItemAdd, @selector(addItem:));

    self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItems = @[add, undo, redo];

    if (self.tableView.isEditing)
        self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = SYSBARBUTTON(
            UIBarButtonSystemItemDone, @selector(leaveEditMode));
        self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = SYSBARBUTTON(
            UIBarButtonSystemItemEdit, @selector(enterEditMode));
        self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.enabled =
            (items.count > 0);

- (void) setEditing: (BOOL) isEditing animated: (BOOL) animated
    [super setEditing:isEditing animated:animated];
    [self.tableView setEditing:isEditing animated:animated];

    NSIndexPath *path = [self.tableView indexPathForSelectedRow];
    if (path)
        [self.tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath:path animated:YES];

    [self setBarButtonItems];

- (void) updateItemAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath withObject: (id) object
    // Prepare for undo
    id undoObject = object ? nil : [items objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
    [[self.undoManager prepareWithInvocationTarget:self]
        updateItemAtIndexPath:indexPath withObject:undoObject];

    // You cannot insert a nil item. Passing nil is a delete request.
    [self.tableView beginUpdates];
    if (!object)
        [items removeObjectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
        [self.tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:@[indexPath]
        [items insertObject:object atIndex:indexPath.row];

        [self.tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:@[indexPath]
    [self.tableView endUpdates];

    [self performSelector:@selector(setBarButtonItems)
        withObject:nil afterDelay:0.1f];

- (void) addItem: (id) sender
    // add a new item
    NSIndexPath *newPath =
        [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:items.count inSection:0];
    UIImage *image = blockImage(IMAGE_SIZE);
    [self updateItemAtIndexPath:newPath withObject:image];

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    // delete item
    [self updateItemAtIndexPath:indexPath withObject:nil];

// Provide re-ordering support
-(void) tableView: (UITableView *) tableView
    moveRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) oldPath
    toIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *) newPath
    if (oldPath.row == newPath.row) return;

    [[self.undoManager prepareWithInvocationTarget:self]
        tableView:self.tableView moveRowAtIndexPath:newPath

    id item = [items objectAtIndex:oldPath.row];
    [items removeObjectAtIndex:oldPath.row];
    [items insertObject:item atIndex:newPath.row];

    if (self.undoManager.isUndoing || self.undoManager.isRedoing)
        [self.tableView beginUpdates];
        [self.tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:@[oldPath]
        [self.tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:@[newPath]
        [self.tableView endUpdates];

    [self performSelector:@selector(setBarButtonItems)
        withObject:nil afterDelay:0.1f];

#pragma mark First Responder for Undo Support
- (BOOL)canBecomeFirstResponder
    return YES;

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
    [super viewDidAppear:animated];
    [self becomeFirstResponder];

- (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated
    [super viewWillDisappear:animated];
    [self resignFirstResponder];

#pragma mark View Setup
- (void) loadView
    [super loadView];
    [self.tableView registerClass:[UITableViewCell class]
    self.tableView.rowHeight = IMAGE_SIZE + 20.0f;
    self.tableView.separatorStyle = UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleNone;
    self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self.editButtonItem;

    items = [NSMutableArray array];

    // Provide Undo Support
    [UIApplication sharedApplication].applicationSupportsShakeToEdit = YES;
    [self setBarButtonItems];

Get This Recipe’s Code

To find this recipe’s full sample project, point your browser to https://github.com/erica/iOS-6-Cookbook and go to the folder for Chapter 10.

Recipe: Working with Sections

Many iOS applications use sections as well as rows. Sections provide another level of structure to lists, grouping items together into logical units. The most commonly used section scheme is alphabetic, although you are certainly not limited to organizing your data this way. You can use any section scheme that makes sense for your application.

Figure 10-6 shows a table that uses sections to display grouped names. Each section presents a separate header (that is, “Crayon names starting with...”), and an index on the right offers quick access to each of the sections. Notice that there are no sections listed for K, Q, X, and Z in that index. You generally want to omit empty sections from the index.


Figure 10-6. Sectioned tables present headers and an index to better find information as quickly as possible.

Building Sections

When working with groups and sections, think two dimensionally. Section arrays let you store and access the members of data in a section-by-section structure. Implement this approach by creating an array of arrays. A section array can store one array for each section, which in turn contains the titles for each cell.

Predicates help you build sections from a list of strings. The following method alphabetically retrieves items from a flat array. The beginswith predicate matches each string that starts with the given letter:

- (NSArray *) itemsInSection: (NSInteger) section
    NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:
        @"SELF beginswith[cd] %@", [self firstLetter:section]];
    return [[crayonColors allKeys]

Add these results iteratively to a mutable array to create a two-dimensional sectioned array from an initial flat list:

sectionArray = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
    [sectionArray addObject:[self itemsInSection:i]];

To work, this particular implementation relies on two things: first, that the words are already sorted (each subsection adds the words in the order they’re found in the array); and, second, that the sections match the words. Entries that start with punctuation or numbers won’t work with this loop. You can trivially add an “other” section to take care of these cases, which this (simple) sample omits.

Although, as mentioned, alphabetic sections are useful and probably the most common grouping, you can use any kind of structure you like. For example, you might group people by departments, gems by grades, or appointments by date. No matter what kind of grouping you choose, an array of arrays provides the table view data source that best matches sectioned tables.

From this initial startup, it’s up to you to add or remove items using this two-dimensional structure. As you can easily see, creation is simple but maintenance gets tricky. Here’s where Core Data really helps out. Instead of working with multileveled arrays, you can query your data store on any object field, sorting it as desired. Chapter 12 introduces using Core Data with tables. And as you will read in that chapter, it greatly simplifies matters. For now, this example continues to use a simple array of arrays to introduce sections and their use.

Counting Sections and Rows

Sectioned tables require customizing two key data source methods:

numberOfSectionsInTableView—This method specifies how many sections appear in your table, establishing the number of groups to display. When using a section array, as recommended here, return the number of items in the section array—that is, sectionArray.count. If the number of items is known in advance (26 in this case, even though some sections have no items), you can hard-code that number, but it’s better to code more generally where possible.

tableView:numberOfRowsInSection—This method is called with a section number. Specify how many rows appear in that section. With the recommended data structure, just return the count of items at the nth subarray:

[[sectionArray objectAtIndex:sectionNumber] count]

Returning Cells

Sectioned tables use both row and section information to find cell data. Earlier recipes in this chapter used a flat array with a row number index. Tables with sections must use the entire index path to locate both the section and row index for the data populating a cell. This method, from a crayon handler helper class, first retrieves the current items for the section and then pulls out the specific item by row. Recipe 10-4 details the helper class methods that work with an array-of-arrays section data source:

// Color name by index path
- (NSString *) colorNameAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) path
    if (path.section >= sectionArray.count)
        return nil;
    NSArray *currentItems = sectionArray[path.section];

    if (path.row >= currentItems.count)
        return nil;
    NSString *crayon = currentItems[path.row];

    return crayon;

A similar method retrieves the color itself:

// Color by index path
- (UIColor *) colorAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) path
    NSString *crayon = [self colorNameAtIndexPath:path];
    if (crayon)
        return crayonColors[crayon];
    return nil;

Here is the data source method that uses these calls to return a cell with the proper coloring and name:

// Return a cell for the index path
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    // Stability workaround
    [aTableView registerClass:[UITableViewCell class]
    UITableViewCell *cell =
        [aTableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"cell"

    // Retrieve the crayon name from the proper data source
    NSString *crayonName;
    if (aTableView == self.tableView)
        crayonName = [crayons colorNameAtIndexPath:indexPath];
        if (indexPath.row < crayons.filteredArray.count)
            crayonName  = crayons.filteredArray[indexPath.row];

    // Stability workaround
    if (!crayonName)
        NSLog(@"Unexpected error retrieving cell: [%d, %d] table: %@",
            indexPath.section, indexPath.row, aTableView);
        return nil;

    // Update the cell
    cell.textLabel.text = crayonName ;
    cell.textLabel.textColor = [crayons colorNamed:crayonName];

    // Tint the title
    if ([crayonName hasPrefix:@"White"])
        cell.textLabel.textColor = [UIColor blackColor];
        cell.textLabel.textColor = [crayons colorAtIndexPath:indexPath];

    return cell;

Creating Header Titles

It takes little work to add section headers to your grouped table. The optional tableView:titleForHeaderInSection: method supplies the titles for each section. It’s passed an integer. In return, you supply a title. If your table does not contain any items in a given section or when you’re only working with one section, return nil:

// Return the header title for a section
- (NSString *)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    NSString *sectionName = [crayons nameForSection:section];
    if (!sectionName) return nil;
    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Crayon names starting with '%@'",

If you aren’t happy using titles, you can return custom header views instead.

Customizing Headers and Footers

Sectioned table views are extremely customizable. Both the tableHeaderView property and the related tableFooterView property can be assigned to any type of view, each with its own subviews. So you might add in labels, text fields, buttons, and other controls to extend the table’s features.

Headers and footers aren’t just one each per table. Each section offers a customizable header and footer view as well. You can alter heights or swap elements out for custom views. The optional tableView:heightForHeaderInSection: (alternatively set the sectionHeaderHeight property) and tableView:viewForHeaderInSection: methods let you add individual headers to each section. Corresponding methods exist for footers as well as headers.

Creating a Section Index

Tables that implement sectionIndexTitlesForTableView: present the kind of index view that appears on the right of Figure 10-6. This method is called when the table view is created, and the array that is returned determines what items are displayed onscreen. Return nil to skip an index. Apple recommends only adding section indices to plain table views—that is, table views created using the default plain style of UITableViewStylePlain, and not grouped tables:

// Return an array of section titles for index
- (NSArray *)sectionIndexTitlesForTableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    NSMutableArray *indices = [NSMutableArray array];
    for (int i = 0; i < crayons.numberOfSections; i++)
        NSString *name = [crayons nameForSection:i];
        if (name) [indices addObject:name];
    return indices;

Although this example uses single-letter titles, you are certainly not limited to those items. You can use words or, if you’re willing to work out the Unicode equivalents, symbols, including emoji items, that are part of the iOS character library. Here’s how you could add a small yellow smile:

[indices addObject:@"ue057"];

Handling Section Mismatches

Indices move users along the table based on the user touch offset. As mentioned earlier in this section, this particular table does not display sections for K, Q, X, and Z. These missing letters can cause a mismatch between a user selection and the results displayed by the table.

To remedy this, implement the optional tableView:sectionForSectionIndexTitle: method. This method’s role is to connect a section index title (that is, the one returned by the sectionIndexTitlesForTableView: method) with a section number. This overrides any order mismatches and provides an exact one-to-one match between a user index selection and the section displayed:

- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView
    sectionForSectionIndexTitle:(NSString *)title
    return [ALPHA rangeOfString:title].location;

Delegation with Sections

As with data source methods, the trick to implementing delegate methods in a sectioned table involves using the index path section and row properties. These properties provide the double access needed to find the correct section array and then the item within that array for this example:

// On selecting a row, update the navigation bar tint
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    UIColor *color = [crayons colorAtIndexPath:indexPath];
    self.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor = color;

Recipe 10-4. Supporting a Section-Based Table

// Return an array of items that appear in each section
- (NSArray *) itemsInSection: (NSInteger) section
    NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:
        @"SELF beginswith[cd] %@", [self firstLetter:section]];
    return [[crayonColors allKeys] filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];

// Count of active sections
- (NSInteger) numberOfSections
    return sectionArray.count;

// Number of items within a section
- (NSInteger) countInSection: (NSInteger) section
    return [sectionArray[section] count];

// Return the letter that starts each section member's text
- (NSString *) firstLetter: (NSInteger) section
    return [[ALPHA substringFromIndex:section] substringToIndex:1];

// The one letter section name
- (NSString *) nameForSection: (NSInteger) section
    if (![self countInSection:section])
        return nil;
    return [self firstLetter:section];

// Color name by index path
- (NSString *) colorNameAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) path
    if (path.section >= sectionArray.count)
        return nil;
    NSArray *currentItems = sectionArray[path.section];

    if (path.row >= currentItems.count)
        return nil;
    NSString *crayon = currentItems[path.row];

    return crayon;

// Color by index path
- (UIColor *) colorAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) path
    NSString *crayon = [self colorNameAtIndexPath:path];
    if (crayon)
        return crayonColors[crayon];
    return nil;

Get This Recipe’s Code

To find this recipe’s full sample project, point your browser to https://github.com/erica/iOS-6-Cookbook and go to the folder for Chapter 10.

Recipe: Searching Through a Table

Search display controllers are a kind of controller that enable user-driven searches. They allow users to filter a table’s contents in real time, providing instant responsiveness to a user-driven query. It’s a great feature that lets users interactively find what they’re looking for, with the results updating as each new character is entered into the search field.

You create these controllers by initializing them with a search bar instance and a content controller, normally a table view, whose data source is searched. Recipe 10-5 demonstrates the steps involved in creating and using a search display controller in your application.

Searches are best built around predicates, enabling you to filter arrays to retrieve matching items with a simple method call. Here is how you might search through a flat array of strings to retrieve items that match the text from a search bar. The [cd] after contains refers to non-case-sensitive and non-diacritic-sensitive matching. Diacritics are small marks that accompany a letter, such as the dots of an umlaut (¨) or the tilde (~) above a Spanish n:

NSPredicate *predicate =
    [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF contains[cd] %@",
filteredArray = [[crayonColors allKeys]

The search bar in question should appear at the top of the table as its header view, as in Figure 10-7 (left). The same search bar is assigned to the search display controller, as shown in the following code snippet. Once users tap in the search box, the view shifts and the search bar moves up to the navigation bar area, as shown in Figure 10-7 (right). It remains there until the user taps Cancel, returning the user to the unfiltered table display:

self.tableView.tableHeaderView = searchBar;
searchController = [[UISearchDisplayController alloc]
    initWithSearchBar:searchBar contentsController:self];


Figure 10-7. The user must scroll to the top of the table to initiate a search. The search bar appears as the first item in the table in its header view (left). Once the user taps within the search bar and makes it active, the search bar jumps into the navigation bar and presents a filtered list of items based on the search criteria (right).

Creating a Search Display Controller

Search display controllers help manage the display of data owned by another controller (in this case, a standard UITableViewController). The search display controller presents a subset of that data, usually by filtering that data source through a predicate. You initialize a search display controller by providing it with a search bar and a contents controller.

Set up the search bar’s text trait features as you would normally do but do not set a delegate. The search bar works with the search display controller without explicit delegation on your part.

When setting up the search display controller, make sure you set both its search results data source and delegate, as shown here. These usually point back to the primary table view controller subclass, which is where you’ll adjust your normal data source and delegate methods to comply with the searchable table:

// Create a search bar
searchBar = [[UISearchBar alloc]
    initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, width, 44.0f)];
searchBar.autocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo;
searchBar.autocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationTypeNone;
searchBar.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeAlphabet;
self.tableView.tableHeaderView = searchBar;

// Create the search display controller
searchController = [[UISearchDisplayController alloc]
    initWithSearchBar:searchBar contentsController:self];
searchController.searchResultsDataSource = self;
searchController.searchResultsDelegate = self;

Registering Cells for the Search Display Controller

Under iOS 6’s new easy dequeueing, you register cell types for each table view in your application. That includes the search display controller’s built-in table. Forgetting this step and assuming you can dequeue a cell from self.tableView sets you up for a rather nasty crash. Here’s how you might register cell classes for both tables:

// Register cell classes
[self.tableView registerClass:[UITableViewCell class]
[searchController.searchResultsTableView registerClass:[UITableViewCell class]

As you can see in the sample code, this recipe uses a few workarounds for those cases where iOS mixes up which table it’s requesting cells for (hence the workaround comments you’ve seen in this section).

Building the Searchable Data Source Methods

The number of items displayed in the table changes as users search. A shorter search string generally matches more items than a longer one. You report the current number of rows for each table. The number of rows changes as the user updates text in the search field. To detect whether the table view controller or the search display controller is currently in charge, check the passed table view parameter. Adjust the row count accordingly:

- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    if (aTableView == searchController.searchResultsTableView)
        return [crayons filterWithString:searchBar.text];
    return [crayons countInSection:section];

Use a predicate to report the count of items that match the text in the search box. Predicates provide an extremely simple way to filter an array and return only those items that match a search string. The predicate used here performs a non-case-sensitive contains match. Each string that contains the text in the search field returns a positive match, allowing that string to remain part of the filtered array. Alternatively, you might want to use beginswith to avoid matching items that do not start with that text. The following method performs the filtering, stores the results, and returns the count of items that it found:

- (NSInteger) filterWithString: (NSString *) filter
    NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:
        @"SELF contains[cd] %@", filter];
    filteredArray = [[crayonColors allKeys]
    return filteredArray.count;

The same table view check becomes even more critical when providing cells. Cell registration corresponds directly to the table that uses them. Use the table view check to determine how to dequeue and initialize cells. The following method return cells retrieved from either the standard or the filtered set:

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    UITableViewCell *cell =
        [aTableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"cell"

    NSString *crayonName;
    if (aTableView == self.tableView)
        crayonName = [crayons colorNameAtIndexPath:indexPath];
        if (indexPath.row < crayons.filteredArray.count)
            crayonName  = crayons.filteredArray[indexPath.row];

    cell.textLabel.text = crayonName ;
    cell.textLabel.textColor = [crayons colorNamed:crayonName];
    if ([crayonName hasPrefix:@"White"])
        cell.textLabel.textColor = [UIColor blackColor];

    return cell;

Delegate Methods

Search awareness is not limited to data sources. Determining the context of a user tap is critical for providing the correct response in delegate methods. As with the previous data source methods, this delegate method checks the callback’s table view parameter. Based on this comparison, it selects a color with which to color both the search bar and the navigation bar:

// Respond to user selections by updating tint colors
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    UIColor *color = nil;
    if (aTableView == self.tableView)
        color = [crayons colorAtIndexPath:indexPath];
        if (indexPath.row < crayons.filteredArray.count)
            NSString *colorName = crayons.filteredArray[indexPath.row];
            if (colorName)
                color = [crayons colorNamed:colorName];
    self.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor = color;
    searchBar.tintColor = color;

Using a Search-Aware Index

Recipe 10-5 highlights some of the other ways you’ll want to adapt your sectioned table to accommodate search-ready tables. When you support search, the first item added to a table’s section index should be the UITableViewIndexSearch constant. Intended for use only in table indices, and only as the first item in the index, this option adds the small magnifying glass icon that indicates that the table supports searches.

Use it to provide a quick jump to the beginning of the list. Update the tableView:sectionForSectionIndexTitle:atIndex: to catch user requests. The scrollRectToVisible:animated: call used in this recipe manually moves the search bar into place when a user taps on the magnifying glass. Otherwise, users would have to scroll back from section 0, which is the section associated with the letter A.

Add a call in viewWillAppear: to scroll the search bar offscreen when the view first loads. This allows your table to start with the bar hidden from sight, ready to be scrolled up to or jumped to as the user desires.

Finally, respond to cancelled searches by proactively clearing the search text from the bar.

Recipe 10-5. Using Search Features

// Add Search to the index
- (NSArray *)sectionIndexTitlesForTableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    if (aTableView == searchController.searchResultsTableView) return nil;

    // Initialize with the search magnifying glass
    NSMutableArray *indices = [NSMutableArray

    for (int i = 0; i < crayons.numberOfSections; i++)
        NSString *name = [crayons nameForSection:i];
        if (name) [indices addObject:name];

    return indices;

// Handle both the search index item and normal sections
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView
    sectionForSectionIndexTitle:(NSString *)title
    if (title == UITableViewIndexSearch)
        [self.tableView scrollRectToVisible:searchBar.frame animated:NO];
        return -1;
    return [ALPHA rangeOfString:title].location;

// Handle the Cancel button by resetting the search text
- (void)searchBarCancelButtonClicked:(UISearchBar *)aSearchBar
    [searchBar setText:@""];

// Titles only for the main table
- (NSString *)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    if (aTableView == searchController.searchResultsTableView)
        return nil;
    return [crayons nameForSection:section];

// Upon appearing, scroll away the search bar
- (void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
    NSIndexPath *path = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:0];
    [self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:path
        atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated:NO];

Get This Recipe’s Code

To find this recipe’s full sample project, point your browser to https://github.com/erica/iOS-6-Cookbook and go to the folder for Chapter 10.

Recipe: Adding Pull-to-Refresh to Your Table

Pull-to-refresh is a widely used app feature that became popular in the App Store over the past few years. It lets you refresh tables by pulling down their tops enough to indicate a request. It is so intuitive to use that many wondered why Apple didn’t add one to its UITableViewController class. Starting in iOS 6, they did (see Figure 10-8).


Figure 10-8. You can easily add a pull-to-refresh option to your tables. Users pull down to request updated data.

The new UIRefreshControl class provides an extremely handy control that initiates a table view’s refresh. Recipe 10-6 demonstrates how to add it to your applications. Create a new instance and assign it to a table view controller’s refreshControl property. The control appears directly in the table view without any further work.

After receiving a pull event callback, start a refreshing event (startRefreshing). The pull control turns into a progress wheel. When the new data has been prepared, end the refreshing (endRefreshing) and reload the table view.

Descending from UIControl, instances use target-action to send a custom selector to clients when activated. For whatever reason, it updates with a value-changed event. Surely, it’s long past time for Apple to introduce a UIControlEventTriggered event for stateless control triggers like this one.

Using pull-to-refresh allows your applications to delay performing expensive routines. For example, you might hold off fetching new information from the Internet or computing new table elements until the user triggers a request for those operations. Pull-to-refresh places your user in control of refresh operations and provides a great balance between information-on-demand and computational overhead.

The DataManager class referred to in Recipe 10-6 loads its data asynchronously using an operation queue:

- (void) loadData
    NSString *rss = @"http://itunes.apple.com/us/rss/topalbums/limit=30/xml";
    NSOperationQueue *queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
    [queue addOperationWithBlock:
         root = [[XMLParser sharedInstance] parseXMLFromURL:
             [NSURL URLWithString:rss]];
         [[NSOperationQueue currentQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^{
             [self handleData];

This approach ensures that data loading won’t block the main thread. The refresh control’s progress wheel won’t be hindered, and the user will be free to interact with other UI elements in your app. After the fetch completes, move control back to the main thread:

if (delegate &&
    [delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(dataIsReady:)])
    [delegate performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(dataIsReady:)
         withObject:self waitUntilDone:NO];

Recipe 10-6 offers a Load button in addition to its refresh control. Most applications will skip this redundancy. I included it here to show how it would interact with the refresh control. When tapped, you still need to perform the table’s startRefreshing and endRefreshing methods. This ensures the refresh control operates synchronously with the manual reload.

Recipe 10-6. Building Pull-to-Refresh into Your Tables

- (void) dataIsReady: (id) sender
    // Update the title
    self.title = @"iTunes Top Albums";

    // Reenable the bar button item
    self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.enabled = YES;

    // End refreshing and update the table
    [self.refreshControl endRefreshing];
    [self.tableView reloadData];

- (void) loadData
    // Provide user status update
    self.title = @"Loading...";

    // Disable the bar button item
    self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.enabled = NO;

    // Start refreshing
    [self.refreshControl beginRefreshing];

    [manager loadData];

- (void) loadView
    [super loadView];
    self.tableView.rowHeight = 72.0f;
    [self.tableView registerClass:[UITableViewCell class]

    // Offer a bar button item and...
    self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem =
        BARBUTTON(@"Load", @selector(loadData));

    // Alternatively, use the refresh control
    self.refreshControl = [[UIRefreshControl alloc] init];
    [self.refreshControl addTarget:self action:@selector(loadData)

    // This custom data manager to asynchronously (nonblocking)
    // loads data in a secondary thread
    manager = [[DataManager alloc] init];
    manager.delegate = self;

Get This Recipe’s Code

To find this recipe’s full sample project, point your browser to https://github.com/erica/iOS-6-Cookbook and go to the folder for Chapter 10.

Recipe: Adding Action Rows

Action rows (a.k.a. drawer cells) slide open to expose extra cell-specific functionality when users tap the cell associated with them. You may have seen this kind of functionality in commercial apps such as Tweetbot (http://tapbots.com). Recipe 10-7 builds an action row table featuring a pair of buttons in each of its drawers (see Figure 10-9). When tapped, the title button sets the title on the navigation bar to the cell text; the alert button displays the same string in a pop-up alert. iOS developer Bilal Sayed Ahmad (@Demonic_BLITZ on Twitter) suggested adding this recipe to the Cookbook, and this code is inspired from a sample project he created.


Figure 10-9. Action rows offer cell-specific actions that slide open when a user selects a cell. In this example, the user has tapped the November cell and disclosed a hidden draw with the Set Title and Alert buttons.

Recipe 10-7 works by adding a phantom cell to its table view. All other cells adjust around its presence. The implementation starts by adjusting the method that reports the number of rows per section. The drawer lives at the actionRowPath. When present, the number of cells increases by one. When hidden, the data source simply reports the normal count of its items.

Its loadView method registers two cell types: one for standard rows, one for the action row. The data source returns a custom cell when passed a path it recognizes as the custom index.

The action cell has other quirks. It cannot be selected. Recipe 10-7’s tableView:willSelectRowAtIndexPath: method ensures that by returning nil when passed the action row path.

Most of this implementation work takes place in the tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: method. It moves the action drawer around by changing its path and performing table updates. Here, the code considers three possible states: The drawer is closed and a new cell is tapped, the drawer is open and the same cell is tapped, and the drawer is open and a different cell is tapped.

The action row path is always nil whenever the drawer is shut. When tapped, the method sets a path for the new drawer directly after the tapped cell. If the user taps the associated cell above the drawer when it is open, the drawer “closes” and the path is set back to nil. When the user taps a different cell, this method adjusts its math depending on whether the new cell is below the old action drawer or above it.

The beginUpdates and endUpdates method pair used here allows simultaneous animation of table operations. Use this block to smoothly introduce all the row changes created by moving, adding, and removing the action drawer.

Recipe 10-7. Adding Action Drawers to Tables

// Rows per section
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    return items.count + (self.actionRowPath != nil);

// Return a cell for the index path
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView
    cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    if ([self.actionRowPath isEqual:indexPath])
        // Action Row
        CustomCell *cell = (CustomCell *)[self.tableView
        [cell setActionTarget:self];
        return cell;
        // Normal cell
        UITableViewCell *cell = [self.tableView

        // Adjust item lookup around action row if needed
        NSInteger adjustedRow = indexPath.row;
        if (_actionRowPath && (_actionRowPath.row < indexPath.row)) adjustedRow--;
        cell.textLabel.text = [items objectAtIndex:adjustedRow];

        cell.textLabel.textColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
        cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleGray;
        return cell;

- (NSIndexPath *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView
    willSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    // Only select normal cells
    if([indexPath isEqual:self.actionRowPath]) return nil;
    return indexPath;

// Deselect any current selection
- (void) deselect
    NSArray *paths = [self.tableView indexPathsForSelectedRows];
    if (!paths.count) return;

    NSIndexPath *path = paths[0];
    [self.tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath:path animated:YES];

// On selection, update the title and enable find/deselect
- (void)tableView: (UITableView *)aTableView
    didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    NSArray *pathsToAdd;
    NSArray *pathsToDelete;

    if ([self.actionRowPath.previous isEqual:indexPath])
        // Hide action cell
        pathsToDelete = @[self.actionRowPath];
        self.actionRowPath = nil;
        [self deselect];
    else if (self.actionRowPath)
        // Move action cell
        BOOL before = [indexPath before:self.actionRowPath];
        pathsToDelete = @[self.actionRowPath];
        self.actionRowPath = before ? indexPath.next : indexPath;
        pathsToAdd = @[self.actionRowPath];
        // New action cell
        pathsToAdd = @[indexPath.next];
        self.actionRowPath = indexPath.next;

    // Animate the deletions and insertions
    [self.tableView beginUpdates];
    if (pathsToDelete.count)
        [self.tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:pathsToDelete
    if (pathsToAdd.count)
        [self.tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:pathsToAdd
    [self.tableView endUpdates];

// Set up table
- (void) loadView
    [super loadView];
    [self.tableView registerClass:[UITableViewCell class]
    [self.tableView registerClass:[CustomCell class]

Get This Recipe’s Code

To find this recipe’s full sample project, point your browser to https://github.com/erica/iOS-6-Cookbook and go to the folder for Chapter 10.

Coding a Custom Group Table

If alphabetic section list tables are the M. C. Eschers of the iPhone table world, with each section block precisely fitting into the negative spaces provided by other sections in the list, then freeform group tables are the Marc Chagalls. Every bit is drawn as a freeform handcrafted work of art.

It’s relatively easy to code up all the tables you’ve seen so far in this chapter after you’ve mastered the knack. Perfecting group table coding (usually called preferences table by devotees because that’s the kind of table used in the Settings application) remains an illusion.

Building group tables in code is all about the collage. They’re all about handcrafting a look, piece by piece. Creating a presentation like this in code involves a lot of detail work.

Creating Grouped Preferences Tables

There’s nothing special involved in terms of laying out a new UITableViewController for a preferences table. You allocate it. You initialize it with the grouped table style. That’s pretty much the end of it. It’s the data source and delegate methods that provide the challenge. Here are the methods you’ll need to define:

numberOfSectionsInTableView:—All preferences tables contain groups of items. Each group is visually contained in a rounded rectangle. Return the number of groups you’ll be defining as an integer.

tableView:titleForHeaderInSection:—Add the titles for each section into this optional method. Return an NSString with the requested section name.

tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:—Each section may contain any number of cells. Have this method return an integer indicating the number of rows (that is, cells) for that group.

tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:—Tables that use flexible row heights cost more in terms of computational intensity. If you need to use variable heights, implement this optional method to specify what those heights will be. Return the value by section and by row.

tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:—This is the standard cell-for-row method you’ve seen throughout this chapter. What sets it apart is its implementation. Instead of using one kind of cell, you’ll probably want to create different kinds of reusable cells (with different reuse tags) for each cell type. Make sure you manage your reuse queue carefully and use as many Interface Builder (IB)-integrated elements as possible.

tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:—You provide case-by-case reactions to cell selection in this optional delegate method depending on the cell type selected.


The open-source llamasettings project at Google Code (http://llamasettings.googlecode.com) automatically produces grouped tables from property lists meant for iPhone settings bundles. It allows you to bring settings into your application without forcing your user to leave the app. The project can be freely added to commercial iOS SDK applications without licensing fees.

Recipe: Building a Multiwheel Table

Sometimes you’d like your users to pick from long lists or from several lists simultaneously. That’s where UIPickerView instances really excel. UIPickerView objects produce tables offering individually scrolling “wheels,” as shown in Figure 10-10. Users interact with one or more wheels to build their selection.


Figure 10-10. UIPickerView instances enable users to select from independently scrolling wheels.

These tables, although superficially similar to standard UITableView instances, use distinct data and delegate protocols:

There is no UIPickerViewController class. UIPickerView instances act as subviews to other views. They are not intended to be the central focus of an application view. You can build a UIPickerView instance onto another view.

Picker views use numbers, not objects. Components (that is to say, the wheels) are indexed by numbers and not by NSIndexPath instances. It’s a more informal class than the UITableView.

You can supply either titles strings or views via the data source. Picker views can handle both approaches.

Creating the UIPickerView

When creating the picker, remember two key points. First, you want to enable the selection indicator. That is the blue bar that floats over the selected items. So set showsSelectionIndicator to YES. If you add the picker in IB, this is already set as the default.

Second, don’t forget to assign the delegate and data source. Without this support, you cannot add data to the view, define its features, or respond to selection changes. Your primary view controller should implement the UIPickerViewDelegate and UIPickerViewDataSource protocols.

Data Source and Delegate Methods

Implement three key data source methods for your UIPickerView to make it function properly at a minimum level. These methods are as follows:

numberOfComponentsInPickerView—Return an integer, the number of columns.

pickerView:numberOfRowsInComponent:—Return an integer, the maximum number of rows per wheel. These numbers do not need to be identical. You can have one wheel with many rows and another with very few.

pickerView:titleForRow:forComponent or pickerView:viewForRow:for-Component:reusingView:—These methods specify the text or view used to label a row on a given component.

In addition to these data source methods, you might want to supply one further delegate method. This method responds to user interactions via wheel selection:

pickerView:didSelectRow:inComponent—Add any application-specific behavior to this method. If needed, you can query the pickerView to return the selectedRowInComponent: for any of the wheels in your view.

Using Views with Pickers

Picker views use a basic view-reuse scheme, caching the views supplied to it for possible reuse. When the final parameter for the pickerView:viewForRow:forComponent:reusingView: method is not nil, you can reuse the passed view by updating its settings or contents. Check for the view and allocate a new one only if one has not been supplied.

The height need not match the actual view. Implement pickerView:rowHeightForComponent: to set the row height used by each component. Recipe 10-8 uses a row height of 120 points, providing plenty of room for each image and laying the groundwork for the illusion that the picker could be continuous rather than having a starting and ending point.

Notice the high number of components, namely one million. The reason for this high number lies in a desire to emulate real cylinders. Normally, picker views have a first element and a last, and that’s where they end. This recipe takes another approach, asking “What if the components were actual cylinders, so the last element was connected to the first?”

To emulate this, the picker uses a much higher number of components than any user will ever be able to access. It initializes the picker to the middle of that number by calling selectRow:inComponent:Animated:. Each component “row” is derived by the modulo of the actual reported row and the number of individual elements to display (in this case, % 4). Although the code knows that the picker actually has a million rows per wheel, the user experience offers a cylindrical wheel of just four rows.

Recipe 10-8. Creating the Illusion of a Repeating Cylinder

- (NSInteger)numberOfComponentsInPickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView
    return 3; // three columns

- (NSInteger)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView
    return 1000000; // arbitrary and large

- (CGFloat)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView
    return 120.0f;

- (UIView *)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView viewForRow:(NSInteger)row
    forComponent:(NSInteger)component reusingView:(UIView *)view
    // Load up the appropriate row image
    NSArray *names = @[@"club.png", @"diamond.png", @"heart.png", @"spade.png"];
    UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:names[row%4]];

    // Create an image view if one was not supplied
    UIIImageView *imageView = (UIImageView *) view;
    imageView.image = image;
    if (!imageView)
        imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:image];

    return imageView;

- (void) pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView
    didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component
    // Respond to selection by setting the view controller's title
    NSArray *names = @[@"C", @"D", @"H", @"S"];
    self.title = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@•%@•%@",
                  names[[pickerView selectedRowInComponent:0] % 4],
                  names[[pickerView selectedRowInComponent:1] % 4],
                  names[[pickerView selectedRowInComponent:2] % 4]];

- (void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
    // Set random selections as the view appears
    [picker selectRow:50000 + (rand() % 4) inComponent:0 animated:YES];
    [picker selectRow:50000 + (rand() % 4) inComponent:1 animated:YES];
    [picker selectRow:50000 + (rand() % 4) inComponent:2 animated:YES];

- (void) loadView
    [super loadView];

    // Create the picker and center it
    picker = [[UIPickerView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
    [self.view addSubview:picker];
    CENTERH(self.view, picker);
    CENTERV(self.view, picker);

    // Initialize the picker properties
    picker.delegate = self;
    picker.dataSource = self;
    picker.showsSelectionIndicator = YES;

Get This Recipe’s Code

To find this recipe’s full sample project, point your browser to https://github.com/erica/iOS-6-Cookbook and go to the folder for Chapter 10.

Using the UIDatePicker

When you want to ask your user to enter date information, Apple supplies a tidy subclass of UIPickerView to handle several kinds of time entry. Figure 10-11 shows the four built-in styles of UIDatePickers you can choose from. These include selecting a time, selecting a date, selecting a combination of the two, and a countdown timer.


Figure 10-11. The iPhone offers four stock date picker models. Use the datePickerMode property to select the picker you want to use in your application.

Creating the Date Picker

Lay out a date picker exactly as you would a UIPickerView. The geometry is identical. After that, things get much, much easier. You need not set a delegate or define data source methods. You do not have to declare any protocols. Just assign a date picker mode. Choose from UIDatePickerModeTime, UIDatePickerModeDate, UIDatePickerModeDateAndTime, and UIDatePickerModeCountDownTimer:

[datePicker setDate:[NSDate date]]; // set date
datePicker.datePickerMode = UIDatePickerModeDateAndTime; // set style

Optionally, add a target for when the selection changes (UIControlEventValueChanged) and create the callback method for the target-action pair.

Here are a few properties you’ll want to take advantage of in the UIDatePicker class:

date—Set the date property to initialize the picker or to retrieve the information set by the user as he or she manipulates the wheels.

maximumDate and minimumDate—These properties set the bounds for date and time picking. Assign each one a standard NSDate. With these, you can constrain your user to pick a date from next year rather than just enter a date and then check whether it falls within an accepted time frame.

minuteInterval—Sometimes you want to use 5-, 10-, 15-, or 30-minute intervals on your selections, such as for applications used to set appointments. Use the minuteInterval property to specify that value. Whatever number you pass, it has to be evenly divisible into 60.

countDownDuration—Use this property to set the maximum available value for a countdown timer. You can go as high as 23 hours and 59 minutes (that is, 86,399 seconds).


This chapter introduced iOS tables from the simple to the complex. You saw all the basic iOS table features—from simple tables, to edits, to reordering and undo. You also learned about a variety of advanced elements—from indexed alphabetic listings, to refresh controls, to picker views. The skills covered in this chapter enable you to build a wealth of table-based applications for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Here are some key points to take away from this chapter:

• When it comes to understanding tables, make sure you know the difference between data sources and delegate methods. Data sources fill up your tables with meaningful content. Delegate methods respond to user interactions.

UITableViewControllers simplify applications built around a central UITableView. Do not hesitate to use UITableView instances directly, however, if your application requires them—especially in popovers or with split view controllers. Just make sure to explicitly support the UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource protocols when needed.

• Index controls provide a great way to navigate quickly through large ordered lists. Take advantage of their power when working with tables that would otherwise become unnavigable. Stylistically, it’s best to avoid index controls when working with grouped tables.

• Dive into edits. Giving the user control over the table data is easy to do, and your code can be reused over many projects. Don’t hesitate to design for undo support from the start. Even if you think you may not need undo at first, you may change your mind over time.

• It’s easy to convert flat tables into sectioned ones. Don’t hesitate to use the predicate approach introduced in this chapter to create sections from simple arrays. Sectioned tables allow you to present data in a more structured fashion, with index support and easy search integration.

• Date pickers are highly specialized and very good at what they do: soliciting your users for dates and times. Picker views provide a less-specialized solution but require more work on your end to bring them to life.

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