Our society is particularly focused on the thinking and acting functions. We are taught that lessons are learned and problems are solved by getting the right answers, using your head, rolling up your sleeves, and persevering. This approach can get us a certain distance in many situations but makes limited use of our full abilities. How to think critically and how to engage in effective action are not routinely taught, and even if they are, the other half of our capacities, our sensing and feeling functions, are ignored or misunderstood. If a person happens to be particularly feeling or sense-oriented (as creatives often are), he or she often finds it difficult to achieve consistency of results through thinking and action alone.

Creatives are blessed (and sometimes feel cursed!) with an abundance of feeling and sensing capabilities. This is a kind of mysterious cauldron where original ideas form. The challenge here is to stay tuned to the intuitive, feeling, sensory abilities while also learning to engage the thinking and doing capacities in ways that have heart and meaning. Of course, for everyone, the ultimate goal is to enhance the constructive aspects of all the modes of functioning while minimizing their destructive aspects.

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