Remedies for Destructive Aspects

The most useful thing about understanding how the modes of functioning work is that they reveal trouble spots and associated remedies. The remedy for any destructive aspect of a function is always found in one of the constructive creativity areas of the other functions.

• Destructive thinking is remedied through constructive feeling and action.

• Destructive feeling is remedied through constructive thinking and action.

• Destructive action is remedied through constructive thinking and feeling.

Constructive sensing can be developed as an act of self-inquiry (looking within for answers and insight), and by engaging in constructive activities of the other modalities. This is an ongoing practice, similar to meditation, that positively affects the other modes of functioning.

The following exercises show you how to map your own experience with the thinking, feeling, acting, and sensing functions to understand how their constructive and destructive aspects operate in your life and work. This process uncovers practical information for managing the functions of consciousness and using them to your advantage.

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