
• THINKING: What’s in your head? What kind of thoughts are you having?

• What things you are telling yourself?

• Examples of destructive thinking: Maybe this idea is just too hard. I’ve had lots of ideas, but nothing ever comes of them. It takes time and money to start this venture, and I don’t have it. Maybe I should just stop kidding myself.

• Examples of constructive thinking: I can use the 90 percent of my mind that is not normally tapped by learning some new, constructive thinking scripts, like, So what if I’m stuck? This is a normal part of the process.

• FEELING: What’s in your heart? How are you feeling? I feel angry. Happy. Sad. Elated. Frustrated. Focused. Hopeful. Distracted. Overwhelmed. I feel like a big piece of garbage because…. I feel like a failure because…. I feel inspired because…. I feel calm when….

• SENSING: How do you experience the thoughts and feelings in your body? Describe the sensations as if you are simply reporting them to a doctor. There is a weight pushing on my shoulders. My throat is dry. My breathing is shallow. My heart is beating fast. My intestines feel like they are turned inside out. My head is clear. My heart feels expansive, like it is bursting with happiness. My spine is tingling.

• ACTING: What are you doing—or not doing? I’m not writing my screenplay or business plan. I didn’t get to the studio because I watched TV for five hours. I went to the studio, but I stared into space. I researched procrastination on the Internet instead of working. I felt exhausted but, instead of getting horizontal, I went for a hike. I ate well today and felt much more focused. I drank more water instead of coffee and had more energy.

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