AMONG THE MAIN DETERRENTS TO BRINGING new ideas into form are the emotional and psychological blocks of the creator. These blocks aren’t a sign of weakness; they signal opportunities for our growth. Without the proper orientation to creative blocks, creating can feel like going off the deep end. That’s why so few people dare to pursue their ideas very far—and why creatives can be branded as dysfunctional or temperamental. Maybe they are at times. But difficult behavior is usually a symptom of fear.

The hero’s journey, the basis of all dramatic storytelling, encapsulates the struggle of brave souls who encounter life-threatening trials as they come closer to what they want most. A common motif in ancient cultures is the fierce deity standing at the entrance of the most sacred places, symbolizing the perilous journey toward what is most desired. So relax. You’re not going crazy. Since prehistory, others have been having the same experience.

As a creative person who has encountered (and still wrestles with) creative blocks, and as a creativity teacher who has supported thousands of others in the unblocking process, I’ve learned some ways to understand and meet this inevitable encounter with the guardian demons standing between you and where you want to go.

Creativity is a soul’s journey. It requires courage and some good tools for either charming the fierce deities or kicking their butts. Are you ready?

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