Left Brain/Right Brain: Why Not Use the Whole Thing?

The terms left-brained and right-brained come from research that shows which side of the brain processes information and how we operate in various modes of thinking. The thought processes and behaviors of left-brained people are based on logic, reason, analytical thinking, and verbal communications. Right-brained people are the classic artistic types, whose thinking and behavior are based on emotion, intuition, visual thinking, and nonverbal types of communication. Just as we have a dominant hand, we have a dominant side of the brain that becomes preferential. As we rely on the capacities that come naturally to us, we tend to avoid using the nondominant capacities.

Because business strategy tools are made up of linear, logical, left-brain activities, it’s necessary to develop these capacities—which can mean moving out of one’s comfort zone.

Most education is designed for and by left-brained thinkers. Right-brain modes are not only passed over but also often actively discouraged (Were you ever reprimanded for daydreaming, not following the directions, or not sitting still?). In learning environments that are foreign to our way of processing information, we can feel confused at best, stupid at worst. Frustration fuels fear that we’ll never get it, making it even harder to learn. It’s a vicious cycle.

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