Running the Code Examples

This book is full of practical examples, and we encourage you to follow along with them to get the most out of the book. You’ll learn the most if you type them in by hand as you read along, but if you’d prefer, you can always download the code examples from To run the examples, you’ll need to install the Ruby language itself as well as some additional libraries, which in Ruby are called gems. You can find the full instructions in Appendix 2, Installing Cucumber.

Windows Users

Most of the code examples work just the same on Windows and *nix operating systems. On the rare occasions that they differ, you’ll find the Windows version in a sidebar nearby, with a note in the body of the text pointing you there.

You’ll soon notice that we’ve used the $ symbol for the command prompt. This is familiar to Linux or Mac users but might feel a little unfamiliar to Windows users. So, when you’re looking at something like this:

 $ ​​cucumber

try to imagine you’re seeing this instead:

 C:>​​ ​​cucumber

Other than that, everything should work just the same for everyone.

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