

airport arrivals

alignment, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

Amazon, 2nd

Angelou, Maya, 2nd, 3rd

Apple iPad

audit, data

automotive industry, emotion in

balanced scorecard

banks, 2nd

big data, 2nd, 3rd

Bliss, Jeanne

brand marketing

global spend on

brand strategy/positioning, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

British Airways

business process reengineering (BPR), 2nd

call centres

car buying

Carter, Jonathan, 2nd


dos and don’ts in creating a platform for

logging of

mantra for

small, 2nd


chief customer officers (CCOs), 2nd

problems facing

common start point

communication, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

communication plan

company, actively planning to engage the


connecting with your customers


variety of definitions of between departments

customer centricity

Customer Effort Score (CES)

Customer Expectation Score

customer experience

benefits of good

causes of failure

customers prepared to pay for better

factors hindering progress

link between success and investing in

triggers for greater focus on

way forward

customer experience challenge

customer experience design guide (CEDG), 2nd, 3rd

customer experience leads

benefits of having

goals and activities

key focus areas for

problems facing

qualities/attributes needed

reasons for appointing

ways to make successful

customer experience transformation programmes (CETPs)

customer focus groups

customer insight

customer intelligence

impact of not having an approach towards

customer intelligent company

building up knowledge about your customers


customer value proposition (CVP)

preparing to connect with your customers

customer interactions

customer journey map/mapping (CJM), 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

capturing customer needs

commonly asked questions

creating sub-maps and mini maps

dealing with different customer groups


difference between process map and

enhanced interactions, 2nd

identifying of opportunities/issues

and ‘keeping things simple’ (KISS), 2nd

and leadership commitment

Level 1 (heartbeat map)

Level 2 (journey maps)

Nedbank case study

picking a team to create

prioritising your interventions

reasons for creating

reasons for importance

running a Level 2 workshop

setting an objective

and software

standard backbone stages

testing against the stated business strategy

time taken in creating

validation of

visual representations and use of icons

what does it involve

customer loyalty, 2nd, 3rd

as key driver of performance

and retention measures

as a strategic imperative

customer needs, capturing of

customer satisfaction, 2nd, 3rd

and defection


reasons for importance of


customer satisfaction indexes (CSI)

customer service teams

and measures

customer value proposition (CVP)


data, 2nd

audit of your

big, 2nd, 3rd


legislation and regulation of

offline customer

small, 2nd


trust and personal customer’s

using of to create a connected picture of your customers

using of to improve customer experiences

defection of satisfied customers

defining your customer experience

delivering of customer experience

clearness on

customer experience design guide

defining your customer experiences

and internal survey


design of improved customer experience

experience improvement workshop

feeding back

group design brief


preparing the design team

and senses, 2nd

workshop outputs

and wow moments

design synopsis

design team


digital experience challenge

disaster recovery plans

Disney, 2nd

Dixon, Matthew

documents, reviewing key

Drucker, Peter

‘ease and feasibility’ four-box matrix, 2nd

‘easy’ word, 2nd, 3rd


effort, customer or client

emotion(s), 2nd

in the automotive industry

choosing where to focus

disaster recovery

in financial services

rational versus irrational, 2nd

recognising the value of

employee engagement, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

employee proposition

employee journey mapping (EJM), 2nd


and employee proposition

leading of

principles to adopt and business benefits

purpose of

and sponsors


of the company

customer, 2nd

employee, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

European Regulation on Data Protection


expectation, customer, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th

and CJM, 2nd, 3rd

experience improvement workshop


feedback, 2nd

film production analogy

financial crisis

financial services, emotion in

focus groups, customer

Forrester Research

Freeman, Karen

‘geek squad’

group design brief

‘halo effect’

home shopping


and customer satisfaction

hothouse approach

inflection points

inside-out view, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th

insight, customer

insurance scene, 2nd

intelligence, customer, 2nd

interactions, customer

internal view of customer experience

evaluating data from survey


see also inside-out view

investment appraisal criterion document


irrational versus rational

IT, global spend on

iTunes, 2nd

Jaffe, David

‘keep it simple, stupid’ (KISS) principle, 2nd, 3rd

knowledge, building up your customer


aligning around the customer experience

commitment to customer journey mapping (CJM)


and data protection

loyalty, customer see customer loyalty

mantra for change

market research

marketing plan

maturity of customer experience, current state of


balanced scorecard

converting existing measures into customer

Customer Effort Score (CES)

Customer Expectation Score

customer experience

customer loyalty, 2nd

customer satisfaction, 2nd

and customer service teams

Net Promoter Score (NPS)


review of company

mindset, getting into the right

mission statement, 2nd

mobile service providers

and trust

‘moments of truth’, using

Nedbank case study

Net Promoter Score (NPS)




and customer journey map, 2nd, 3rd

online resource centre

online shopping

online survey tool

opportunities, prioritising your


‘Why Customer Satisfaction is No Longer Good Enough’ report

organisational challenges

outside-in view, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th see also customer journey map/mapping (CJM)

‘pain points’, using

Pareto principle


Peppers & Rogers Group

Peppers, Don

personal data

trust and access to customer’s

‘personal’ word, 2nd, 3rd

personas, 2nd

planning delivery of improved customer experience

aligning the leaders around the customer experience

customer journey map

dos and don’ts

engaging the company

mantra for change

prioritising your opportunities

reviewing key documents

right mindset

understanding the context

Price, Bill

prioritising your interventions

prioritising your opportunities


process engineering

process map/mapping

difference between a customer journey map and

purpose, company

‘pushing a bus up a hill’ analogy

rational versus irrational

recommendation, 2nd

Reichheld, Fred

restaurant visit CJM, 2nd, 3rd

retention measures

review sessions

Rogers, Dr Martha, 2nd

Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)

satisfaction, customer see customer satisfaction

senses, 2nd

Shaw, Colin and Ivens, John

Building Great Customer Experiences


small changes, 2nd

small data, 2nd

social media


and customer journey mapping (CJM)

sound bites


and customer journey mapping (CJM)

and employee journey mapping (EJM)


and internal view of maturity

see also employee journey

mapping (EJM)

Stephens, Robert

SuiteCX, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th


and internal view of customer experience


equipping and supporting of for success

picking a customer journey mapping

Toman, Nicholas



and access to customers’ personal data

benefits of

business outcomes

creation of long-term value

and customer insight

difference between trustability and trustworthiness

elements of

impacting of experience on


and mobile service providers

and short-termism

Trustability Metrix

‘trusted’ word, 2nd, 3rd

truth, moments of

UK Institute of Customer Service 2014 survey

‘under promise and over deliver’ maxim




Virgin Atlantic


‘where are we today?’ question, 2nd

white space, 2nd

‘wow’ experiences/moments, 2nd


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