Stephen Harrison

Steve Harrison is a leading expert on careers and business ethics, an international speaker, and author of The Manager’s Book of Decencies: How Small Gestures Build Great Companies, published by McGraw-Hill in 2007.

Steve is Vice Chairman of Lee Hecht Harrison, one of the world’s largest and most respected global career management services companies. Lee Hecht Harrison is an operating company of Adecco, a $30 billion company with 33,000 full-time employees in 5,100 offices in 60 countries.

Steve served as the Worldwide Chief Compliance and Human Resources Officer of Adecco, the world’s largest HR solutions company. He is also a past member of Adecco’s Group Executive Management Committee.

In addition to serving as LHH’s president, Steve has also held a range of Adecco positions, including Chief HR Officer, CEO of Adecco Career Services, and Chief Compliance Officer. Harrison received a BA from Lycoming College and an MBA in Industrial Relations from the University of Cincinnati.

As an internationally recognized authority on career issues, corporate governance, and the human side of ethical business practices, Harrison frequently speaks in front of corporate audiences worldwide.

Steve lives in New York City with his psychologist wife, Shirley. He is the father of two daughters and a son. His hobbies include fly-fishing some of America’s pristine waters. Steve may be contacted at [email protected].

James E. Lukaszewski

Jim Lukaszewski (Loo-ka-SHEV-skee) is one of America’s most visible corporate go-to experts for senior executives when there is trouble in the room or on the horizon. As America’s Crisis Guru®, Lukaszewski is known for his ability to help executives look at problems from a variety of sensible, constructive, and principled perspectives.

Lukaszewski has spent more than 40 years understanding the pathologies of management and leadership misbehaviors that lead to cultures of suspicion and error. Known as America’s Crisis Guru®, he has guided nearly 300 American and international companies through more than 400 reputation redefining crises, over 40 years. Lukaszewski on Crisis Communication (2013), his latest book, is considered by many to be the CEO’s survival guide for reputation risk and crisis management problems.

Every student of public relations or crisis management, anywhere in the world, usually sees, reads, studies, or is taught from something Jim has written or broadcast. He is the author of 13 books and hundreds of articles and monographs. His most recent books include:

•   Why Should the Boss Listen to You? The Seven Disciplines of the Trusted Strategic Advisor, Jossey-Bass, 2009

•   Lukaszewski on Crisis Communication: What Your CEO Needs to Know About Reputation Risk and Crisis Management, Rothstein Publishing, 2013

•   The Manager’s Guide to Handling the Media in Crisis (e-book), Rothstein Publishing, 2017

Since 1974, Jim has spent his career counseling leaders of all types who face challenging situations that often involve contention, conflict, controversy, community action, or activist opposition. He is known for taking a business approach rather than traditional PR strategies by teaching clients to take highly focused, ethically appropriate action. He is a consummate storyteller. Lukaszewski has helped leaders in organizations large and small in literally every sector, public and private. He is often retained by senior management to directly intervene and manage the resolution of corporate problems and bad news while providing personal coaching and executive recovery advice for executives in trouble or facing career-defining problems and succession or departure issues.

Jim works for a broad range of organizations including Fortune 100 companies, foundations, manufacturers, retail organizations, government organizations, associations, and NGOs. Jim’s client list is confidential.

Jim’s biography has appeared in more than 30 editions of various Who’s Who annual editions. He has been recognized for lifetime achievement in his profession by most of the major public relations organizations in the United States. Jim served for 22 years on the Public Relations Society of America’s Board of Ethics and Professional Standards (BEPS) and is now its first Emeritus member. Jim is based in Bloomington, Minnesota. Jim may be contacted at [email protected] or www.E911com.

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