About the Author

Steven J. Stein, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and founder and CEO of Multi-Health Systems (MHS), one of the world's leading and most innovative test publishing companies. He has authored (and coauthored) several books on emotional intelligence, including The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success (coauthored with Dr. Howard Book), Make Your Workplace Great: The Seven Keys to an Emotionally Intelligent Organization, Emotional Intelligence For Dummies, and The Student EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Academic and Personal Success (coauthored with Drs. Howard Book and Korrel Kanoy).

He has shared information on emotional intelligence with audiences throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, and he has appeared on hundreds of TV, radio, webinars, blogs, and print media productions.

Previous clients have included: the Canadian Forces, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, special units of the Pentagon, U.S. FBI Academy, American Express ©, Coca-Cola © (Mexico), Air Canada ©, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), Emirates Airlines, Canyon Ranch®, The Toronto Maple Leafs ©, and many others.

Dr. Stein is the psychologist and casting screener for many reality TV shows, including Big Brother Canada ©, The Amazing Race Canada ©, MasterChef Canada ©, Intervention Canada ©, The Real Housewives of Toronto ©, Bachelor Canada®, Game of Homes®, Panic Button ©, Scare Tactics®, Fool's Gold, and many others.

As one of the first psychologists to study emotional intelligence, Dr. Stein is passionate about finding ways to employ EI skills to every part of life, including the workplace, leadership, politics, sports, entertainment, and more. Using scientifically validated psychological assessments, Dr. Stein helps corporate organizations, military and government agencies, professional sports teams, and numerous reality television shows employ emotional intelligence to identify strong candidates, enhance operations, and build a more cohesive team.

Dr. Stein is a previous chair of the Psychology Foundation of Canada and has been president of the Ontario Psychological Association. He is a fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association, a former assistant professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and was an adjunct professor in the Department of Psychology at York University. He currently teaches at The Directors College, a university-accredited corporate director education program in Canada.

He is married to his wife, Rodeen, and has two daughters and two lovely grandchildren. You can sometimes find him playing the saxophone in one of several bands he performs with.

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