
In 1905 George Santayana observed that, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” That observation also applies to information technology.

James Bond has painstakingly and methodically written what I consider to be one of the definitive books on the subject of the Enterprise Cloud. It includes an excellent chronology of how we got here, the myriad of implementation variations that exist and what each is good for, and most importantly, lessons learned along the way that can enable readers to avoid many of the pitfalls that negatively affected early adopters. The material that James lays out can be likened to a Systems Development Life Cycle for Enterprise Cloud that includes strategic planning, straight through to a step-by-step roadmap for implementation and operation.

“I have personally spent over four decades as an information technology practitioner, and the best compliment I can give James’s book is that I learned a great deal from reading the manuscript, and I would buy this book myself. I highly recommend it!”

̶Dennis Devlin, Chief Information Security Officer and Sr. Vice President of Savanture, Distinguished Fellow of the Ponemon Institute, Former Assistant Vice President of Information Security and Compliance Services for The George Washington University, Former VP Thomson-Reuters, Former IT Director for Harvard University

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