Agile and Waterfall: Choose a Development Process


“I love my phone!” “This report is useless!” “It's so easy to pay my bills online.” “What a hassle to take time off my job to go the clinic—the hours are so inconvenient.” “The building is beautiful!”

These are stakeholders talking. To be specific, these are customers and end users. Here's another stakeholder's point of view. “There will never be enough traffic to generate the revenue we need.”

After all the effort that goes into a project, have we actually produced something that is desirable? Do the benefits of the outcome outweigh the cost of the development? Did we realize the expected value?

As we create products and services, hitting the value target is always a challenge. The project team needs to figure out exactly what should be built, and then build it correctly. That is true whether we are working on a residential remodel, bringing a new drug to market, or expanding online banking services. We call this journey from requirements discovery through construction and turnover a product development life cycle or product development process.

A product development process describes the major phases of work and how the work should be performed. Since remodeling a kitchen has little in common with bringing a new drug to market, it is no surprise that the product development life cycle for these two kinds of projects is very different.

Unlike project management, which is practiced essentially the same in every industry, the steps of your development process will be unique to your industry. And as the demand for innovation increases, there is also a demand for new and better product development processes.

This chapter will:

  • Revisit the definition of project success, adding a new perspective on what it means for a project to deliver value.
  • Demonstrate how firms benefit from having a clear product development process that can be followed by all their projects.
  • Provide several examples of product development life cycles and show how each addresses unique characteristics of the industry where it is used.
  • Compare traditional development life cycles that use sequential phases to agile development methods that are popular on software development projects.
  • Explore strategies for innovating rapidly to create products that customers value.

Throughout this chapter a consistent theme is that product development processes are separate from and complementary to project management. Project managers that understand this distinction increase their ability to choose the product development steps that best fit their projects.


The most traditional definition of a successful project is one that meets the budget, the schedule, and delivers the product to specification. However, if the specification isn't right or the business context changes during the project, that product will miss the most important target: it won't be valuable to the stakeholders who paid for it or have to use it. The best project managers take responsibility for delivering business value, so it is worthwhile to add a new perspective for evaluating a project.

IDEO Framework: Viable, Feasible, and Desirable

IDEO is a design firm that has become famous for its contribution to innovation. IDEO consultants work with firms in every field to promote organizational cultures and practices that foster creativity and innovation. A signature concept is their triad of factors for evaluating potential solutions.1

  • Feasibility. The solution is technically feasible.
  • Desirability. There is a market for this solution. People want it.
  • Viability. The solution can be delivered within a sustainable business model.

This framework is startlingly easy to understand and can be applied to any project—even those that don't claim to be innovative. The IDEO variables don't conflict with traditional cost‐schedule‐scope metrics; they just look at them from a different perspective.

These three variables are particularly useful for evaluating potential projects. In fact, a project business case, as described in Chapter 5, should address each variable. We will reference these IDEO variables throughout this chapter.


The project management toolset is full and varied, rich with techniques and processes. Yet this toolset still lacks the ability to guarantee that we are building the right product and building it correctly. That is the job of a product development process, also known as a methodology or as a framework for product development.

What Is a Product Development Process?

A product development process describes the work to be performed at both a macro and micro level, laying out the overall flow as well as detailed activities. That includes specific techniques for determining the right product or service to build and the methods for ensuring it is developed correctly and efficiently.

It should be no surprise that a development process is specific to the nature of the work and the product or service being created. Table 4.1 is an example of the process for development and commercialization of a new pharmaceutical drug. Table 4.2 is an example of a product development process for capital projects that could apply to any college or corporate campus.

TABLE 4.1 Pharmaceutical Development Process

The following major phases are representative of a typical development process to bring a new drug to market.
Research and Preclinical
Discovery of possible treatments and testing to ensure a potential drug is safe for humans.
Phase I Clinical Trials
The drug is tested in healthy volunteers to test for safety.
Phase II Clinical Trials
The drug is tested on a small population of people with the target disease to evaluate efficacy, safety, and side effects.
Phase III Clinical Trials
A test population of 1,000 or more patients is used to confirm the results of previous testing on safety, side effects, and efficacy.
New Drug Application
The company applies to regulatory agencies in different countries for approval to release the drug to the market.
Launch and Production
The new drug is used. This phase often contains additional clinical testing as well as collecting data on the performance of the drug.

Comparing these two linear processes, we see some similarities:

  • At each new phase there is a progression from uncertainty to certainty.
  • Each step of the process is devoted to a particular aspect of development. In fact, the nature of the work within each phase can be substantially different and is typically devoted to solving a specific set of problems, isolating or removing some unknowns, making key decisions, and creating deliverables that may be used as inputs in later stages.
  • A development process frequently includes phases and clear Go/No‐Go decision points between phases. These decision points, also called phase gates, serve two purposes: to evaluate the quality of the work completed in the phase and to reevaluate the business case, or value equation, based on the new information that was added during the phase.

TABLE 4.2 Capital Project Development Process

The following major phases are representative of a typical development process for new construction or major remodeling on a corporate or college campus.
Gather the goals for a potential building project from the people who will use the new space.
Explore multiple options for meeting the user goals, including financial feasibility. Select the best option.
Refine the user's goals and develop more details of the selected option, including design concepts, operational impact to other buildings, schedule, and budget.
Schematic Design
Overall design is established, including environmental impact, contract type, constructability review, and updated budget and schedule.
Design Development
Architectural drawings present a total view of the building, including architectural, mechanical, electrical, structural, landscaping, etc.
Construction Documents
Produce a final set of specifications and drawings to obtain permits and enable a contractor to perform construction.
Construction of the facility according to specifications, schedule, and budget.
Turnover of the project to the tenants and to the facilities team for management.

There are also clear differences between the drug development and capital construction life cycles, because a development process reflects the unique challenges associated with the product.

  • The new pharmaceutical product shows the enormous cost of research and development, as well as the high cost of ensuring the product is safe and effective. The three stages of trials that are dictated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration also demonstrate how a development process can be standardized within an industry.
  • In the capital construction life cycle, actual construction is only one phase, even though that phase contains the majority of the expense. Capital construction invests heavily in design. The cost of revising a design during the design phase is minimal compared to the cost of rework once actual construction has begun. (For more on the cost of rework, read how fast‐tracking a Major League Baseball stadium increased costs by 25 percent in the section “Stellar Performer: Seattle Mariners Baseball Park” at the end of Chapter 13.) Notice, too, that this development process focuses on the owner's perspective. Architects and contractors each have their own phases and deliverables that focus on reducing their risk or improving their own performance.

Benefits of a Consistent Development Process

A defined development process focuses on the right work being performed in a particular sequence on every project. Every phase can have a completion checklist, which is a way to integrate lessons learned from past projects. Standard work guidelines and deliverable examples can be developed so that every project team does the work at least as well as the previous team.

The capital development life cycle in Table 4.2 establishes a common way for the organization to view every capital project, which becomes a basis for continuous improvement. If a similar problem occurs on multiple projects, they can look at the life cycle for a common cause of the problem.

In Chapter 9 you'll learn all about “work breakdown structure (WBS),” which is the complete list of tasks for a project. It is common for a development process to contain a standard WBS for each phase of a project. This common list of tasks speeds up planning and ensures that all the bases are covered during every project, particularly those that address quality assurance.

Estimating benefits from a consistent development approach. Collecting actual cost and schedule performance information by phase and by task is easier and more meaningful when every project has the same phases and tasks. Actual performance data from past projects make it easier and more accurate to estimate future projects. (Read more about estimating in Chapter 12.)

A Development Process Addresses Feasibility, Viability, and Desirability

The three IDEO solution evaluation criteria provide a new insight into a development process. The drug development process focuses on feasibility during the early research phase, because that is the greatest unknown. Many experiments take place to identify the chemical compounds that might eventually become a drug. Feasibility is really the number one question for a new drug, just as it is with other new product development efforts where invention and discovery are the critical components.

Contrast that to the capital projects development process, where technical feasibility isn't really in question. Most buildings on corporate and college campuses don't push the envelope on constructability. Instead, the capital project phases focus on balancing desirability—what the users want—with viability—what the organization can afford. Each phase progressively refines this balance. The multiple phases of design highlight how important it is to get the design correct when it's on paper and revisions are still inexpensive.


Successful projects meet stakeholder expectations about desirability and viability. That's easy to say, but it is often difficult for stakeholders to clearly envision what they want, leading to requirements and specifications that produce useless outcomes. The ideal approach to discerning requirements will vary from industry to industry.

The Capital Projects example in Table 4.2 is focused early and often on understanding how the tenants want to use the new facility. The right questions and standard methods for capturing user requirements are found in the early phases of the product development process. In every industry where products are built for specific clients, the methods for capturing requirements are a key element of the development process.

As the number of customers grows for a product, discerning requirements becomes a very big challenge. For example, how does an automobile manufacturer really know what will sell? Delivering an innovative design becomes extremely risky without a process to capture the “voice of the customer,” also known as VoC.

Software and information systems projects are addressing the requirements dilemma in a completely different fashion. Since requirements can be so difficult to define with certainty, these projects embrace the uncertainty and rapidly produce small increments of the solution, giving their customers a tangible product to evaluate. This iterative approach is known as agile, and we'll investigate it in detail later in this chapter.

Capturing and managing requirements is introduced in greater detail in Chapter 22. The better a project team can determine requirements, the more likely the solution that is produced will actually provide the value originally envisioned by the users and other stakeholders who initiated the project.


There is a strong relationship between a development process and project management, but we must be clear that they are two different, complementary processes. The development process explains what the work is, and how to do it correctly. Project management emphasizes communication and coordination so the work is performed efficiently.

A single development life cycle can consist of one or more projects. This is particularly evident when viewing the new drug development process in Table 4.1. This process, which could require 10 to 15 years, can contain hundreds of discrete projects, each of which follows the project management life cycle of Define, Plan, Execute, Close that was introduced in Chapter 3. The same is true for managing the phases of the Capital Projects life cycle in Table 4.2. It is not uncommon in large development life cycles to manage every phase as at least one project.

For firms that have neither a standardized development process nor consistent project management, it may be easier to start with project management. That was the conclusion of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University over 25 years ago when it released its first Capability Maturity Model (CMM) for software projects.2

In that model, SEI advised software development shops to focus first on being able to plan and manage their work consistently. Once that capability was in place, the next step was building a development process. Although SEI has subsequently released updates to the CMM and additional models, they've retained this insistence that consistent project management is a foundation for building a development process.


In this chapter we have established that a development process describes the steps of building something, from the initial concept through construction and delivery to the users. This has prepared us to address two significantly different product development approaches: waterfall and agile. The distinction between waterfall and agile first emerged in the software development community. As we shall see, however, there are lessons here that every project manager can apply.

As we examine these two development strategies, the most important question is “Which approach provides the best value?” Reframing this question, we ask, “Which approach provides the most useful product, in the shortest time, for the least cost?”

key Waterfall Is a Predictive Development Approach

When teams began developing software for business systems in the 1960s, there were few people doing this work and there was little agreement upon the best approach. By the 1970s, common strategies were emerging and by the 1980s many large‐scale information systems departments had a formal system development life cycle, or SDLC. While there were as many versions as there were consulting firms promoting their own, the common theme was that they all followed a sequence of phases that looked much like the facilities life cycle in Table 4.2, described earlier in this chapter. A common portrayal of an SDLC is shown in Figure 4.1.

The term waterfall emerged to emphasize that this is a one‐way process: Requirements are gathered, and design is based upon the requirements. The system is programmed and data bases are constructed based upon the design. Just as water cascades downhill by the force of gravity, the development phases are followed sequentially without repetition.

The logic supporting this sequential approach is the same logic we use to construct a house: It must be designed before the foundation can be poured, and so on.

The Project Management Institute (PMI®) refers to this sequential approach as predictive, and has been promoting this term since 2013.3 In this case, “predictive” means that early in the life cycle it is possible to establish a clear agreement about the scope of the project, and therefore the project team can establish a highly reliable schedule and budget. Unfortunately, many information systems projects that followed this development process found that it did not enable them to accurately determine scope or estimate cost until they had clear requirements and a solid design.

On the one hand, it makes sense that we must get requirements and design before planning the system construction phase. That's how it works for the facilities life cycle in Table 4.1. But on a complex information systems project, the total budget might be 40 to 50 percent spent before the design is complete. Even then, the accuracy of the construction phase estimate for information systems projects is often poor. The result is that this predictive, waterfall approach really isn't that good for predicting project cost and schedule.


FIGURE 4.1 System development life cycle (SDLC) portrayed as a waterfall.

This is one of the major failures of the waterfall life cycle that motivated software developers to promote alternate practices that emerged under the umbrella term agile.

key Agile Frameworks Are Iterative

A frequent obstacle for those who followed the predictive waterfall process was the difficulty of fully grasping the system requirements during the early requirements phase. The customers and users often had difficulty imagining exactly how they expected a future system to perform. Agile frameworks, by contrast, accept this difficulty as a natural part of creating something new. The agile approach is to begin with a high‐level goal for a system or software product, then create it one piece at a time, refining requirements each step of the way. Development of each piece is called an iteration.

Imagine a Snow Fort!

tip Building anything complicated one piece at a time can be hard to imagine. Instead, let's use something very simple as our example. When the snow falls and the weather is right for snowballs, kids will construct a snow fort by rolling big snowballs and pushing them together, as shown in Figure 4.2.


FIGURE 4.2 Each big snowball is an iteration.

The kids don't really know how hard it will be to roll a big snowball, so they start with one big one. Then roll another. If they are worn out, they stop and the fort is finished. Or they might keep on rolling snowballs, and even make smaller ones that can be stacked on top. As long as they have energy and snow, the fort grows, one iteration and one snowball at a time. A key factor in our example is that as each snowball is rolled, it is added to the fort. There are never a bunch of snowballs lying around the yard, waiting to be assembled. The fort is always “ready for action.”

How is an agile software project like a snow fort? The team builds the first piece of the system in such a way that it can actually be used by the customer. It may be extremely simple, but users can see it and try it out. And if the user doesn't like it, they explain why and the team tries again. Each iteration consists of detailing requirements for that piece, designing it, developing that piece of software, testing it, and, finally, showing it to the user. The Palermo Plant Pizza Restaurant website example in the following box illustrates the iteration concept.

Software Products Can Be Delivered Incrementally

The snow fort example is extraordinarily simple and software projects can be immensely complicated. One factor that both have in common is that both can be developed and delivered to a customer incrementally. We see this every day as major websites, such as Facebook, release a new feature or functionality. As a user, we find all the usual features act the same but suddenly there is some new functionality. We also see incremental delivery work for the pizza restaurant website. This capability for incremental delivery is a significant reason that agile methods emerged from the software development community. Let's contrast this to more physical products, then dive deeper into agile methods.

Incremental delivery is not possible for many types of products. Incremental delivery of new residential construction would mean that a construction team could start with a general goal of a family shelter with electricity and plumbing, then let a construction team build for 30 days. After 30 days, the family would move into whatever shelter had been created. Then the construction team would get another 30 days to add on to the shelter. If the family liked what was built, they would pay for it and use it. If they didn't like it, the new addition would be removed and the construction team would try again. Month after month, the family would have their shelter improve in size and comfort. As this example shows, iterative, incremental delivery is not common practice for residential construction. We can imagine other products that do not lend themselves to this approach. Software, however, can be delivered incrementally. Now that we have established the concept of incremental delivery, we can dig deeper into agile practices and benefits.


Agile can seem completely unrealistic for people whose projects have always used predictive, linear development processes. A closer look at key assumptions and practices will reveal the important benefits of agile and help us see applications beyond software projects. Figure 4.3 shows a common portrayal of the iterative patterns within agile.

key Requirements Are Prioritized into a Product Backlog

A key characteristic of agile development frameworks is that the overall product is described at a high level when the project starts, and the major elements of the product are broken into a list called a product backlog.

For example, the primary features of the Palermo Plant Pizza website were listed in an hour of brainstorming. Then, as each iteration began, the Palermo family chose the most important features to add to the website. The remaining features were listed in order of most to least important, creating a prioritized product backlog.


FIGURE 4.3 Iterative patterns within agile.

After four iterations, they may have other ideas to improve the website in the future but those are less important, so these ideas weren't included. Later, when the restaurant is generating a profit, the Palermos may add more to the website, such as detailed nutritional information about each menu item.

Detailed requirements for any feature are only examined during the iteration that is focusing on that feature. As a result, little time is spent maintaining detailed requirements.

Each Iteration Is Structured

Each iteration has a pattern, which adds discipline to the development team. There are different ways to structure an iteration. A popular method is Scrum, which is described in detail in Chapter 11. The following actions are common to all iteration approaches.

  • An iteration begins with the customer selecting the most important functionality as the goal for that iteration.
  • The team focuses on the desired functionality and produces a working product for the customer.
  • Every day during the iteration the team meets to coordinate and prioritize their actions.
  • At the end of the iteration the team reflects on their own performance, celebrating what they do well and identifying opportunities for improvement.
  • At the end of the iteration the customer reviews the product and may accept or reject it. If it is rejected, that functionality may remain the subject of the next iteration.

These iterations are most commonly one to four weeks.

Each Iteration Produces a Useful Product

The goal for each iteration is to produce a working piece of the solution. For example, The Palermo Plant Pizza website was generating results after the first iteration. Customers could find the website using search engines. Every subsequent iteration added more functionality to the website and that functionality was valuable to their customers.

Not every project that uses agile will be putting pieces of a final working product into their end user's hand at every iteration. For a complex product like an airplane wing, multiple iterations could focus on the wing design. One iteration could produce a specific design decision. If a company is building a video game, they won't release the game to their customers incrementally. But each iteration will add a feature to a working game. This means that each increment must be thoroughly tested before it is added, and the whole game goes through a test after every new increment.

key Customer Interaction Is Systematic and Frequent

To produce products that are desirable, we must listen closely and constantly to customers. The structure of iterations incorporates the voice of the customer in multiple ways.

  • The customer owns the product backlog. They work with the team to prioritize the backlog and they revisit it at the beginning of every iteration.
  • Customers are expected to be available to answer questions during an iteration.
  • The team presents the result of the iteration to the customer as part of the iteration closure. Their feedback on each piece that is created informs the next iteration.

Results from an iteration can still be off target, but the course correction happens frequently, so the customer has a strong hand in the overall direction of the product under development.

The structure of customer involvement during each iteration has an important cultural effect: Customers change their own expectations about their responsibility to the development effort.


Agile has grown rapidly in popularity for software and information systems projects due to some distinctive benefits. These benefits can also be found outside of software projects.

Iteration Reveals the Right Solution

It is a common practice for homeowners contemplating a kitchen or bathroom remodel to visit showrooms displaying beautiful examples of up‐to‐date kitchens and bathrooms containing the latest products. Visiting a showroom gives homeowners an actual look at what they might have in their own house. Showrooms provide tangible examples of what a customer can expect, helping the homeowners and the remodel contractor be very specific about what will be built. Agile iterations can serve the same purpose.

Rather than asking a customer to imagine an entire future information system, the development team can use an iteration to create one working component of the system. This addresses the customer's dilemma of not being able to describe what they want, but “I'll know it when I see it.”

It's important to recognize that a customer may completely reject the output of an iteration. They should, however, have a much better idea of what they do want. The next iteration should produce something that is much closer to a desirable product. Iterations progressively refine the customer's and team’s understanding of how best to solve the problem. With each iteration the team and customer have more confidence in the solution being developed. They are unlikely to find out they've substantially missed the target when they are complete.

Iteration Delivers Value Faster

When a product is delivered incrementally, and each increment can be used, then a customer begins to experience the benefit sooner. This is an important difference between software products that use agile and predictive development approaches. With a predictive development approach, the first several months of a project could be spent on documenting requirements or designing a solution. On an agile project, the team would have a portion of the final solution already working.

The Palermo Plant Pizza website example demonstrates this benefit. They began drawing customers with the first iteration! The related benefit is that as customers see the results of quick iterations, they become more excited and creative about what can be built next. “I'll know it when I see it,” becomes, “Let's try something out!”

Iteration Reduces Scope

A consistent criticism of a predictive approach is that customers and users are motivated to maximize scope during the requirements phase. Why? Because the budget will be established based on requirements. New ideas or changes will be subject to change control and might be rejected. The result is that lower‐priority requirements become part of the requirements baseline, which adds design, development, and testing effort.

When a team delivers a solution incrementally, they deliver the most important pieces first. Before each iteration, the customer decides which piece will be built next. Since each new piece of the solution actually works (like each new snowball on the fort), the customer can see their solution growing and working. And the customer can see when it works well enough. The result is that the final delivered product is likely to have less functionality and therefore be less expensive.


We began this section by asking whether agile or waterfall delivered better value. We've reviewed the most common benefits of agile. Now let's explore other factors that will influence the selection of a development approach. As we go, we'll continue to contrast construction and software projects because the two provide extreme examples of project characteristics.

Product Architecture Supports Incremental Delivery

The website and the residential construction examples above illustrated the concept and challenge of incremental delivery. Software can be designed, developed, tested, and delivered incrementally. If it couldn't, then iterative, incremental delivery would make no more sense than it does for residential construction.

If you don't work on software projects, incremental delivery might be difficult to imagine, but it's worth reconsidering what you are building and asking if it could be sliced into smaller pieces and delivered incrementally in order to get the benefits of early customer feedback and early value. Here's one example:

A training manager of a growing business was tasked with developing a comprehensive management training program. After benchmarking similar programs at other companies, she had envisioned a year of development followed by a big kickoff led by the CEO as the first group of thirty managers began the progression of workshops and mentoring sessions. After seeing a presentation on agile, she realized that she could probably release the first component of the program within two months, then continue to release a new component every two months.

Compare the Cost of Scope and Design Changes During the Construction Phase

A significant difference between physical construction and software development projects is the cost of design changes. Review Table 4.2 to see that there are eight phases in the facilities life cycle, and the first six are focused on requirements and design. Changes during these phases all take place on paper or on electronic blueprints and drawings. Once physical construction commences, every change includes the cost of removing the previous work, disposing of the wasted material, and performing the work again. The size and structure of a building's foundation is directly related to the size and shape of the building, so once a foundation is in place it would be prohibitively expensive to alter the design of the overall structure.

Changes to software projects are more like changes to the architectural and engineering specifications. The primary cost is labor, with virtually no materials costs. In addition, agile design and development methods create systems that easily accommodate change, so the incremental cost of a design change is low. That's not to say that software architects don't make foundational design errors and that these cause very expensive rewrites. Yet even here, there are no dump trucks full of wasted material to haul away.

The nature of what is being built and the cost of making a change is a major factor in whether iterative or predictive life cycles provide the best value.

The Development Team Members Remain Constant

Agile stresses the importance of having a consistent cross‐functional team that can stay with the project, iteration after iteration. This consistency has many team management advantages associated with collaboration. It is also a major project management advantage because it simplifies resource forecasting. When a ten‐person software team is assigned to a ten‐month project, you know the resource plan. That means the project manager does not need to know what this team will be working on month to month in order to have the right people involved at the right time.

This benefit is magnified for groups with multiple projects, like most information technology departments. Not only is there a product backlog for a project, but there is a backlog of projects. Iteration after iteration, a high‐functioning team is intact and can switch attention to other projects.

A ten‐month residential construction project, in contrast, could require many different specialized skillsets, such as plumbers, electricians, painters, tile installers, and so on. A major reason to have a detailed predictive schedule in place is the need to schedule each of these different resources, all of whom must participate in a specific sequence.

key Find the Iterative Development in a Predictive Life Cycle

Agile development practices are increasingly being used outside of software projects. Project teams are reexamining their assumptions about their development life cycle. Large, complex projects are finding portions of their life cycle that benefit from iterative, incremental delivery.

Problem‐solving activities lend themselves to iteration. When architects collaborate with owners on new construction or remodeling, the earliest activities are very creative. Short iterations encourage exploration of ideas without spending a lot of time working through details. Applying agile practices during this phase enhances productivity.

Another example comes from the challenges of building spacecraft. The components of a spacecraft that control its flight have exacting performance requirements as well as restrictions on size. The combination of hardware and software requires mechanical, electrical, and software engineers. Syncroness, an engineering firm serving the space industry, made a conscious effort to apply agile concepts. Their previous approach to development did not easily lend itself to sharing incremental deliverables with their customers. However, they reimagined what it meant to have a tangible increment of value, including using prototyping earlier in the life cycle to force integration between the three engineering disciplines. The result was stronger design and increased customer confidence. The example of this spacecraft component supplier should prod every project team to reevaluate the nature of their work.4

Some types of projects will always follow a linear, predictive life cycle. Others will find a pure agile approach makes the most sense. But in between these two extremes other project teams will discover that a phase within a linear life cycle may benefit from an agile approach. That's important, because when that happens, the project manager should also use team management methods designed for agile projects.


Innovation, as introduced in Chapter 1, is forcing itself into strategies in every kind of organization. In this book innovation is considered a fresh, new way of solving a problem that many people want solved. In the past, innovation tended to be associated with inventions—making something feasible that was previously not technically possible. While invention continues to be a factor, many of the innovative products and services that are transforming the way we live and work in the early twenty‐first century are really not about inventing technology. Instead, they are about uncovering problems to solve and bringing a fresh insight to solving the problem.

Innovation of this kind is rampant on the Internet. Companies offer a continually evolving range of services through websites and Internet‐based technology. These companies do have excellent software developers, and these developers do create original products. However, of IDEO's three variables, feasibility seems to be the least of the barriers to releasing new products. Instead, these entrepreneurial companies focus on the art of finding an idea that is both appealing to the public and that has a profitable business model. In other words, an idea that is desirable and viable.

Innovation is well‐suited to agile methods. Incremental delivery allows the project team to experiment with both features and business models in order to find the perfect combination that delivers the greatest value to all stakeholders.

Experimentation to develop a new business or product line is much riskier than developing an information system. Eric Ries has chronicled the methods for navigating this extreme uncertainty in his book The Lean Startup. Read more about the Lean Startup concept at the end of this chapter.


A common theme in this chapter has been that product development methods are specific to the type of product being built and project management techniques are more universal. We must recognize, however, that project management techniques that were developed for predictive development processes may not work well with agile frameworks.

As agile development practices have evolved, management practices have also evolved. As an example, Chapter 11 describes Scrum, which is a specific set of team practices suited to iterative development.

The most important lesson of this chapter for the modern project manager is that project management practices are a reflection of the development practices. The team must look critically at their development process and consciously choose whether a linear, predictive model, an iterative agile model, or some combination will produce the best value. Then the project manager will apply the most appropriate management practices, drawing from the full set of project management tools.


Successful projects deliver value: timely delivery of a useful product within a budget that is affordable. The process for discerning the right product to build and then building it correctly is known as a product development process or development life cycle.

When a firm establishes a consistent development process, they experience several benefits:

  • They institutionalize the best practices for discerning product requirements and efficient methods of creating their products and services.
  • Quality increases and costs decrease, because lessons learned from the past are integrated into their development activities.
  • Estimating becomes more accurate, as actual performance costs from past projects are easier to correlate to future projects.

It is important to understand that the product development process is not project management. Instead, these are separate and complementary processes. Project management activities as described in this book can apply to projects in nearly every industry. But the right way to design and build a product depends on what is being created.

This chapter compared two common approaches to product development, waterfall and agile.

Traditional development methods have been linear, with the work of each phase built on the output of the previous phase. This linear approach is commonly called waterfall. It is also called predictive, because it attempts to clearly define scope early so that cost and schedule can be accurately predicted.

Agile is an umbrella term for methods that use short iterations to deliver small increments of a solution. Each iteration is an opportunity for both the development team and the customer to refine their understanding of the best approach to solving the problem.

Agile techniques were pioneered by software developers and these methods are gaining traction on non‐software projects. Project teams are reexamining their assumptions about the best approach to understanding requirements, designing solutions, and constructing the product. They are finding portions of their life cycle that are more effective when approached with incremental delivery.

When firms understand the principles and benefits of different forms of development processes, they are able to build a development process that is best suited to their own kinds of projects.

exam_icon PMP Exam Prep Questions

  1. The project is using a waterfall schedule to roll out an ERP system across six departments over six months. The plan is to give each department a one‐month timebox to roll out the higher priority features within that department. Each department has a product owner who determines the priority of features. What type of development approach does this describe?
    1. Waterfall
    2. Agile
    3. Hybrid
    4. Virtual
  2. A sprint is the equivalent of…
    1. A phase
    2. An iteration
    3. A release
    4. A burn‐down chart
  3. The term for an organized group of sprints is …
    1. A phase
    2. An iteration
    3. A release
    4. A burn‐down chart

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