About the Art

Images A PEOPLE DIVIDED: The Great and Terrible Canyon. This drawing depicts the two brothers standing on either side of the Great and Terrible Canyon. The line between them represents the break in their relationship, or the break in the unity of WE. Thunder Bear is shown pointing accusingly at his younger brother, Strong Wolf. Thunder Bear’s hand is directed downward, symbolizing a distorted view of his brother, whose head is turned away from Thunder Bear. Strong Wolf’s heart is at war, symbolized by the arrow in his hand. At his feet is an image of a sheep with shaded horns, representing an encumbered journey.

At the far left stands their mother. In one hand she holds a blanket woven with a symbol of peace (two arrows pointing away from each other). In her other hand she holds a small spoon, a reference to The Legend of the Wellspring.

Images IN THE CANYON: A Deeper Medicine. Here the two brothers are sitting at the bottom of the canyon pointing at each other accusingly. Between them stands the Trailwalker, who covers them with his arm and staff, symbolic of his protection. The Trailwalker’s staff is reminiscent of the one held by the figure featured on the cover of The Seven Paths. Neither of the brothers are touching the canyon floor; they are not grounded in the truth. The Trailwalker stands firm, symbolizing that he is grounded in the truth and rooted to his people.

Images The Legend of the Sacred Fire. This drawing echoes the “Path of Light” illustration found in The Seven Paths. The upper circle represents the source of light that is always present. To the right, four figures are touching the rays of light and holding hands—living “as WE.” A circle with five dots is depicted on their chests, representing the sacred fire within all Two-Legged Beings.

The figure on the left has separated himself from those who live as WE. He is touching the shadow, which unlike the light of truth does not have straight lines. The area representing his heart is dark, symbolic of his backward walking. In his arm he holds a bent arrow (an upside-down V), which represents night and darkness. The arrow is pointed at his own heart, demonstrating that his heart-at-war is hurting him.

Images The Legend of the Two Kings. This drawing depicts the figures of King Hammer and King Spear, each holding the weapons of their hearts. Encircling the conflict are upside down figures of Two-Legged Beings, symbolic of how the war between the two kings will lead to the destruction of these two nations.

Between the two kings stands a figure who illustrates the old woman in the legend. She stands within an image that suggests either a canyon (a great divide) or two mountains (great obstacles). Her feet are planted on stone and she herself represents a stone—unmoving and grounded in the truth.

Images The Legend of Greatheart. This illustration depicts a handprint with an ascending spiral at its center; it is a representation of Greatheart’s decision to open his heart and hands to others. In so doing, he liberated himself and found his way home. As simple as it appears to be, this drawing illustrates the profound truth that when “we give to one another—then our heart is at peace and our sacred fire grows brighter.

Images The Legend of the Wellspring. In the center of this illustration stands the young girl from the legend. She is holding hands with her mother, symbolizing that they are living “as WE.” With an outstretched hand she holds a large drinking gourd that points at the North Star. They stand on the river, showing their connection to life.

The figure on the right represents the man who built the dam. He holds out his arms, signifying the dam as well as his longing for connection to others.

In the upper left-hand corner of this illustration is a symbol depicting rain clouds that represents the Creator freely giving water and life to all the Two-Legged Beings.

Images A CHANGE OF HEART: The Way Home. This illustration represents a new beginning. It shows the two brothers standing on a new blanket with a representation of the Dawnstar above them. In contrast to other depictions of the brothers, in this picture they no longer point accusingly at each other. Rather, they face each other with their arms down, symbolizing their willingness both to speak and to listen.

Images The Legend of the Two Blankets. In this drawing the Trailwalker holds two blankets, one old and one new. On the blanket on the left are woven two arrows pointing away from each other—a symbol of peace. On the blanket on the right are woven interlocking lines, symbolizing friendship. An image of the Dawnstar is shown above the Trailwalker’s head, hinting at his (and our) divine origin.

Images The Dawnstar. This image represents the Dawnstar, the last star shining in the night sky before the rising of the sun. When all else is dark, the Dawnstar shines on, giving hope to those in darkness.

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