Praise for The Five Legends

“Although The Five Legends is not a book from or about the Indigenous Peoples, it is a book that will nourish the heart.”

—Pauline Martin Sanchez (Gentle White Dove) Cofounder Mother, ANASAZI Foundation

“As the ANASAZI program grew, I put my efforts into developing a companion program to include parents and families in the powerful principles their children were learning on the trail. ANASAZI is not just our vision—it is the Creator’s work. The Five Legends is based on our work to help heal divided hearts.”

—Sherrel Olsen, Cofounder Mother, ANASAZI Foundation

The Five Legends is a heartwarming book about peace and the power of family. I highly recommend it.”

—Steve Young, NFL Hall of Fame quarterback and ESPN commentator

“This simple yet profound book is filled with wisdom and insight. Living the principle of ‘We’ will put you on the path to success in any endeavor you pursue.”

—Sterling Tanner, President, Forever Young Foundation

“ANASAZI has been such a blessing in our lives and in the lives of countless other families. The Five Legends takes the life-changing philosophy of ANASAZI and presents it in an easy-to-read fable.”

—Howard and Shari Lyon, artists, Lyon Arts Studios

“Having taught youth for over twenty years (some of whom were labeled ‘at-risk’), I can definitively say most youth are in need of a book like The Five Legends. This book is perfect for teenagers as it doesn’t come across as preachy but instead allows them to arrive at the principles on their own.”

—Mark Rice, high school English teacher

“A touching story of reconciliation, new beginnings, and shared humanity. Written from the heart for the heart.”

—The Jenkins Family (Bruce, Shari and Aly), friends of ANASAZI Foundation

“This book inspired me to be more understanding of others. It can be easy to find fault with our ‘brothers.’ The Creator is the path to love, harmony and forgiveness, and following that path allows us to live in the ‘We’ world.”

—Mike Tetmeyer, retired Senior Vice President of Marketing, Hy-Vee Food Stores

The Five Legends takes us on an inner journey to free ourselves from the plagues of modern society of isolation, fear, and hatred by asking us to turn our hearts away from Me and toward We—wherein the medicines of love, connection, and peace live and heal.”

—Briana Johnson, host of The LifeBeats Project podcast

“If I want sales advice, I turn to Mandino’s The Greatest Salesman in the World. If I want financial advice, I turn to Clason’s The Richest Man in Babylon. If I want personal growth and development in the most important aspects of my life, I turn to ANASAZI Foundation’s The Five Legends.”

—John Dye, Director of Social Media and Influencer Outreach,

“The Five Legends is a life-changing fable about a mother’s unconditional love and how seeing people truthfully can change everything.”

—Ganel-Lyn Condie, speaker and bestselling author

“In a world starving for real connection The Five Legends helps us see how we can refocus on what will bring us together. With lessons on leadership, forgiveness, and personal legacy, this book rekindles a hope for real connections with those we love.”

—Jesika Harmon and Hillary Whalen, cofounders of The New Norm

“Like The Alchemist, The Five Legends takes you on a powerful journey through deep wisdom.”

—Andy Proctor, Cofounder of the 1,000 Words Speaker Series and host of the More Happy Life podcast

The Five Legends teaches us that we can choose to unite by committing to our connection to the Creator and each other. As a podcaster who preaches progress, I know that the only way to move forward is to foster healthy and honest connections with each other.”

—Monica Packer, creator and host of the About Progress podcast and community

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