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3M Post-it notes, 53

10 rules to navigate future workplace

expect the unexpected. See expect the unexpected

Rule 1. See workplace as experience

Rule 2. See culture, use space to promote

Rule 3. See agile leadership

Rule 4. See technology as enabler/disruptor

Rule 5. See recruitment, build data-driven ecosystem

Rule 6. See on-demand learning

Rule 7. See generations, tap power of multiple

Rule 8. See gender equality, build

Rule 9. See gig economy workers, plan for more

Rule 10. See workplace activist, being

summary of


Accenture, 52, 110–111


of engaged workers, 3

executives publicizing company, 49

leaders acknowledging team, 53, 59, 216

men vs. women feelings of career, 170


managing gig economy workforce, 194

to produce results, 51–53

via objectives and key results, 88

ACE (appreciation, coaching, and evaluation), IBM, 150–151

action plan

agile leadership, 69–70

being workplace activist, 209

build data-driven recruiting ecosystem, 115

build gender equality, 182

on-demand learning, 135

make workplace an experience, 25–26

plan for more for gig economy workers, 198–199

tap power of multiple generations, 161–162

technology as enabler/disruptor, 94

use space to promote culture, 45–46

Active Working CIC, wellness, 37–39

Activision Studio, mentoring program, 149

activism. See workplace activist, being

activity-based working, designing, 35

ADbot, Microsoft, 90

adidas Group, 121–122, 133

Adidas, wearables, 83

Adobe, leadership accountability, 51–52

Affordable Care Act, and freelance workers, 189

age diversity. See generations, tap power of multiple

agile leadership

action plan, 69–70

engage people via development, 63–66

engage people via inclusivity, 61–63

engage people via role-modeling, 66–68

engage people via team intelligence, 59–61

expected vs. unexpected future of, 212, 216

overview of, 47–48

produce results via accountability, 51–53

produce results via future focus, 55–59

produce results via intrapreneurship, 53–55

produce results via transparency, 48–51

seven dimensions of, 68–69

AI (artificial intelligence), 90–91

air quality, WELL Building Standard, 38


employee engagement, 4

employee ratings, 10

importance of culture, 68

smart technology, 22

transparency in workplace, 23

workspace design amenities, 19

The Alchemy of Growth, 205

alumni networks, referrals from corporate, 110–111


Alexa intelligent assistant, 90

consumer experience, 123–124

paid maternity leave at, 171

Ambassadors program, Red Hat, 108–109

American Express, workplace flexibility, 13

Amway, leadership accountability, 52


better hiring decisions, 87

current employee experience, 4–5

employee retention risk, 5

engagement of gig economy workers, 195

hiring from internal referrals, 107–110

measuring learning, 133–134

in recruitment. See recruitment, build data-driven ecosystem

smart sourcing recruitment, 104–107

Starbucks and, 8–9

Anthem, 127, 129–131

Anthology app, 95

Aon Hewitt research, 16

Apollo Education Group, 190–191

App Annie, 88

appification, 80–81


paid maternity leave, 171

response of Steve Jobs to change, 207

Siri mobile intelligent assistant, 90

unconscious bias against diversity, 176


data-driven recruiting ecosystems, 217

HR expanding uses for, 205

job seeking, 95–99

rise of corporate stores for, 80, 208

Aquent, Gymnasium program, 103–104

AR (augmented reality), 84–87

artificial intelligence (AI), 90–91

Association for Talent Development study, 16

Asturias, Marjorie, 218

AT&T, 50, 117

Atos, communication/collaboration technology, 75–76

augmented reality (AR), 84–87

augmented reality, augmenting worker senses, 84–85

Automated Insights, journalists, 90

automation, from technology, 89–93

Automattic, recruiting process, 218

Axa Lab, innovation center, 154


Bacigalupo, Tony, 42

balanced workplaces, 18

Bamesberger, Ann, 39–40

Bank of America, paid maternity leave, 171–172

Barclays, 176, 217

Barozzi, Gianpaolo, 189–190

Basecamp, people development, 64–65

Beck, Pete, 78–79

behaviors, modeling transparent, 50–51


customizing for generation Xers, 154

employees rating Starbucks, 7–8

for gig economy workers, 191, 193

moving beyond trophy workplaces with, 9

student loan repayments for millennials as, 152–153

of using gig economy workers, 186–188

Best Places to Work list, Fortune, 101

Biga, Andy, 107

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, maternity leave, 170

biometrics, tracking with wearables, 83

Biro, Noemi, 77

Black, Dan, 102

blended workforce

future of gig economy workers, 221

impact of gig economy workers, 192–196

rise of, 183–184

Bloomberg, paid maternity leave, 171

Blue Work program, American Express, 13

BlueCrew, freelancing work, 191

BMW, innovation center, 154

Bock, Lazlo, 132, 176

Bolger, Rod, 176


comparing with generational cohorts, 140

at organizational level, 157–158

overview of, 156

personal expectations of, 156–157

questions to ask about, 158

within teams, 157

in workplace longer, 179–180

Booz Allen Hamilton, innovation, 79

Boston Interactive, wellness, 36–37

brand, managing employer, 99–103

breadwinner moms, 172–175

Breakathon, Cisco HR, 62

Breton, Thierry, 75–76

BrilliantYOU learning market, GE, 124–125

Brock, L. J., 108–109

Browne, Brendan, 104–105, 202–203

Brzezinski, Mika, 164

Buckingham, Lisa, 122–123

Burns, Janice, 149–150, 156–157

Burst and Boost, Verizon Wireless, 78–79

business frameworks, 205

business, learning at speed of, 117–118


Career Builder, flexible workplace policies, 11

career mobility, 156–157, 193

Castellarnau, Alex, 148

Caterpillar, succession planning, 203–204

certification, of gig economy workers, 193


future focus by watching, 59

in gender pay gap, 168

workplace activism for. See workplace activist, being

Chatbots, 89–90

check-ins, Adobe, 51–52

chief employee experience officer, 24–25

chief household officer (CHO), 172–175

chief human resource officer (CHRO), 10–11, 21, 24–25

chief learning officer (CLO), 129, 134–135

childcare, egalitarian family roles/inadequate, 169–170

China, generational cohorts in, 159–160

CHO (chief household officer), 172–175


enabling for where to work, 33–36

workspace impacting, 28

CHRO (chief human resource officer), 10–11, 21, 24–25

Chu, John, 88

Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, closing gender gap, 177

Churchman, Sarah, 176

circadian lighting, workplace wellness, 38


inclusivity, 61–62

safe accountability, 52

Spark, 76

Talent Cloud, 189–190

team intelligence, 59–60

WebEx, 76

workplace flexibility, 12–13


future workplace, 207–208

classification, gig economy worker, 195

CLO (chief learning officer), 129, 135

club employees, American Express, 13

Cognizant Technologies, app store, 80–81, 208


align workspace design/cultural values, 32–33

enhance workspace for engagement, 39–41

nurture community values through space, 41–44

production space design, 35

technology for, 75–76

ten top workplace tools for, 76

college savings accounts, 154

comfort, WELL Building Standard, 38

comfort zone

future focus by stepping outside, 59


technology as enabler of interactive/visual, 74–75

technology for collaboration and, 75–76

of transparent leadership, 48–50

value of learning/development of, 133–134

communications manager role, 131


nurture values through space, 41–44

using space to promote culture, 29

community manager role, 43–44, 132

compliance risk, gig economy workers, 195

computer sciences, gender gap and, 168

“Conn3ct.” PepsiCo, 148

Connections, IBM, 76

consumer experience, future of, 213–214

consumerization, 73–74

convivial workplaces, 18

Corbel, Jean, 75–76

corporate app stores, 80, 208

Cortana, Microsoft mobile intelligent assistant, 90


benefits of gig economy workers, 187

of disengaged employees, 3–4

Fitbits reducing healthcare, 82

coworking spaces

community values nurtured via, 41–44

for gig economy workers, 192

that people are happy coming to, 215

Craig, Keith, 157

creativity, and technology skills gap, 91

credentials, upskilling workforce, 126

Credit Suisse, 40–41, 44

Cripe, Billy, 187

cross-functional alliances, 122–123

cultural experience

Airbnb employee ratings on, 10

embedding workplace flexibility in, 12

employer rating sites for, 7

expected vs. unexpected future of, 213–214

as principle of future workplace, 9

ratings for Starbucks, 7–8

transparency/responsiveness and, 23–24

cultural intelligence, 61, 142–143


closing gender gap in workplace, 168

diversity in workforce today, 142

employer brand conveying, 102

enabling agile leadership by role-modeling, 66–68

gender gap in workplace, 168

transparency for job seekers, 111–114

culture, use space to promote

action plan, 45–46

drivers of, 28–29

enable choice, 33–36

enhance engagement, 39–41

expected vs. unexpected future of, 212, 214–215

fitbits improving office, 82

nurture community values, 41–44

overview of, 27

promote wellness, 36–39

workspace design for, 29–33

workspace within future workspace, 44–45


Dahlin, Filipe, 64

DAQRI smart helmet, augmented reality, 85

Darrow, Kurt L., 29–30

data analyst, new job role of twenty-first century, 91–92

data collection, wearables for, 82–83

Davidson, Kirsten, 112–113

Daydream, Google, 85, 86

DBS Bank, future focus of, 56–58, 208

decision making

IBM’s Watson for AI-enabled, 91

technology for, 87–89

DeKoven, Bernard, 42–43

demographics, gig economy and, 198

“Demystifying the Gender Pay Gap,” 167–168

DePeau, Jamie, 122–123


opt-in opportunities for boomer, 156–157

rethinking employee, 15–17

selecting employer based on career, 120, 121

dialog, invite with questions, 223

digital motivation (gamification)

augmented reality for, 84

fostering engagement, 76–79

Dispatcher, freelance work at, 191


anticipate/navigate future workplace, 208

embrace for future focus, 58

as result of technology, 89–93, 217

Diversity Explosion (Frey), 142

Diversity Matters report, McKinsey, 167

diversity, workforce

age. See generations, tap power of multiple

in gig economy, 184–185

Kimberly-Clark Corporation developing, 176–177

leaders promoting, 61–63

more gender and cultural, 142

of next-generation, 159–161

results of age/cultural, 219–220

unconscious bias against, 175

Donovan, John, 50

Dow Chemical company, Leadership in Action, 151–152

Driven by Difference (Livermore), 143

du Val, Taso, 185

Dunkin’ Donuts, 7


e-mail usage, company vision of zero, 75–76

Ebbinghaus forgetting curve, 78–79

economics, of team intelligence, 60

editorial manager role, 132


on-demand learning. See on-demand learning

gender pay gap in, 164

training workforce in unconscious bias, 176–177

women breaking barriers in, 165–167

egalitarian family roles, obstacles to, 169–170

emotional experience

Airbnb employee ratings, 10

align workspace design to cultural values, 33

employer rating sites focus on, 6–9

expected vs. unexpected future of, 213–214

how companies provide, 11–13

increase employee engagement via, 5

nurture community values, 41–44

as principle of future workplace, 9

for retention in workplace, 5–6

empathy, developing, 91

employee affinity groups, 150–151

Employee App Store, Qualcomm, 16–17

Employee Choice Award, Glassdoor, 101

employee experience

chief employee experience officer, 24–25

employer rating sites focusing on, 6–9

expected vs. unexpected future of, 213–214

focus in workplace on, 3–6

what it means, 9

employee resource groups (ERGs), 150–151, 178


as learners/teachers, 132

learning departments educating, 219

shift to on-demand learning, 117–121

tapping referrals from, 107–110

tapping referrals from former, 110–111

using learning to prepare for future, 117


brand management for recruitment, 99–103

rating based on employee experience, 6–9

rating sites, 113

selecting for training/development, 120, 121

tuition reimbursement from, 152–153


by agile leadership, 47–48

cost of disengaged employees, 3–4

digital motivation fostering, 76–79

employer rating sites for, 6–9

enhance workspace for, 29, 34–35, 39–41

financial performance linked to, 16

of gig economy workers, 195

increased by compelling experience, 4–6

power of MOOCs for, 125–127

rethinking workspaces for, 17–20

via development skills, 63–66

via inclusivity, 61–63

via team intelligence, 59–61

enhancer. See skills, technology as enhancer

enterprises, augmented reality for, 84

entrepreneurial interests

of Gen Xers, 154

of Gen Zers, 144, 146–147

ERGs (employee resource groups), 150–151, 179

Everson, Miles, 187

Exoskeleton wearables, 84

expect the unexpected

as agile leader, 216

be workplace activist, 222

build data-driven recruiting ecosystem, 217–218

build gender equality, 220–221

consider technology as enabler/disruptor, 216–217

embrace on-demand learning, 218–219

expected vs. unexpected future, 211–213

make workplace an experience, 213–214

plan for more gig economy workers, 221–222

tap power of multiple generations, 219–220

use space to promote culture, 214–215

when navigating future workplace, 211

experimentation mindset, 53–55, 146

Exponential Organizations: Why New Organizations Are Ten Times Better, Faster, and Cheaper Than Yours, and What to Do About It (Ismail), 207

extroverts, enabling workplace choice for, 33–36

EY, brand management, 102–103



AI virtual assistant for, 90

anticipating/navigating future workplace, 207

chatbots on, 90

“like” button, 53

paid maternity leave, 171

paid paternity leave, 171

paying employees to live closer to office, 215

recruitment on, 97–99

reliance on Messenger, 203

unconscious bias against diversity and, 176

Family and Medical Leave Act, 170–171

family leave policies, 170–172

fashion, integrating future wearables with, 83


employer rating sites for, 6–9

IBM performance management via, 21–22

leadership accountable to provide, 52–53

technology informing performance, 87–88

via responsiveness in workplace, 23–24

Fidelity Investments

paid maternity leave at, 171

student loan repayment benefits of, 152

Field Nation, freelance work, 187, 189, 191

financial services

as future focus, 56–57

for gig economy workers, 191

SunTrust Banks employees, 14–15

FinTech financial services, 56–57

Fitbits, in workplace, 82


adopting trackers in workplace, 82

WELL Building Standard for, 38

flexibility, workplace

blended workforce and, 183–184

for boomers returning to workplace, 158

emotional connection via, 11–13

for generation Xers, 153–154

of gig economy workforce, 187–188, 193, 196–197

for millennials, 151

providing choice with, 35–36

flipped classrooms, 130–132

Ford Motor Company, on learning, 119

Forrester, 24–25

Fortune’s Best Places to Work list, 101

Fourrage, Ludo, 127–128

freelance business owners, gig economy, 185

freelancers. See gig economy workers, plan for more

Friedman, Thomas, 125

Fuller, Buckminster, 119

future focus

ability to engage people, 63–66

of agile leaders, 55–59

future workplace experience

anticipating/navigating, 207–209

principles of, 9

what it means, 10–11


gamification (digital motivation), 76–79, 84

Gandy, Trevor, 177

Garrow, Ron, 149

GE. See General Electric (GE)

Gebbia, Joe, 11

gender equality, build

action against unconscious bias, 177–179

action plan, 182

boomers on grid, 179–180

breadwinner mom/chief household officer, 172–175

expected vs. unexpected future, 212, 220–221

gender pay gap, 164–168

managing work/rest of life, 169–172

more women in workforce today, 142

overview of, 163–165

unconscious bias directed at women, 175–177

what can be done to, 180–181

women breaking educational barriers, 165–167

Genentech, workspace design, 39–40, 44

General Electric (GE)

BrilliantYOU learning market, 123–125

Digital, brand management, 100–103

mentoring at, 149

safe accountability at, 52

generation alpha, 159–160

generation Xers

in China, 159

comparing with generational cohorts, 140

understanding, 153–155

generation Zers

comparing with generational cohorts, 140

at organizational level, 147

overview of, 144

personal expectations of, 145–146

questions to ask about, 147–148

within teams, 146–147

understanding, 144–148

generational intelligence

leaders building, 142

for multiple generations. See Workplace Generational Intelligence Framework

generations, tap power of multiple

action plan, 161–162

boomers, 155–158

diverse next-generation, 161

expected vs. unexpected future of, 212, 219–220

generation X, 153–155

generation Z, 144–148

as global phenomenon, 159–160

how next-generation workforce will look, 160–161

importance of workplace flexibility, 12–13

millennials, 148–153

navigating in workplace, 139–142

new face of workforce, 142–143

Workplace Generational Intelligence Framework, 143–144

Gherson, Diane, 21

gig economy workers, plan for more

action plan, 198–199

benefits of using, 186–888

defined, 183

expected vs. unexpected future of, 212, 221–222

future growth, 196–198

growing market, 183–184

HR strategies to manage, 193–196

impact on HR, 192–193

platforms for finding freelance work, 189, 191

support services, 191–192

types of, 184–186

unbundling of jobs, 188–191

Glass, Google, 84


Airbnb employee ratings on, 10

“Demystifying the Gender Pay Gap,” 167–168

Employee Choice Award, 101

employer rating site, 6–7

importance among job seekers, 113

importance of culture in hiring process, 68

promoting workplace wellness, 36

recruiting on, 97–99

transparency, 112–114

Global Coworking Unconference Conference (GCUC), 42–43

Global Learning & Development, PMI, 64

global opportunities, 151–152

global phenomenon, multiple generations in workforce, 159–160

Gmail, Google, 53

goal setting, informed by technology, 87–89

Golden Circle, 134

Goldman Sachs, paid maternity leave, 171

Goodall, Ashley, 59–60


Assistant, mobile intelligent assistant, 90

Daydream, 85, 86

Glass, 84

Gmail, 53

Googler learning model, 132–133

Hangout, 76

paid maternity leave at, 171

Tilt Brush, 85–86

training workforce in unconscious bias, 176–177

Google+, recruiting on, 99

Gopalakrishnan, Mani, 124

Gosh Roy, Shanthy, 80

governance, of gig economy workers, 194

government, paid maternity/paternity leave from, 181

Grant, Adam, 5

“Gray Is the New Green,” TD Ameritrade, 158

“gray talent,” in gig economy, 198

Grewer, Amber, 100–101

Griffin, Phil, 164

ground control employees, Airbnb, 11

Gupta, Piyush, 57

Gymnasium program, Aquent, 103–104


Hack Club, 146

hackathons, DBS Bank, 56–58, 208

Hangout, Google, 76

Hanson, Jennifer, 171

Harter, Jim, 3–4

Haynes, Candy, 180

headsets, top VR, 86


freelance work in, 189

wearables for, 205

in workplace. See wellness

Heath, David, 23–24, 202

High Five Platform, Panasonic Avionics, 24

Hipchat, chatbots on, 90

HoloLens, Microsoft, 85, 86

Holter, Kristin, 173–174

home employees, American Express Blue Work program, 13

“homing from work,” 215

Horizon framework, 205–206

hospitality-minded concierge services, homing from work, 215

HourlyNerd, freelance work at, 189

How, on-demand learning, 133–134

HR (human resources)

Airbnb employee ratings and, 10–11

compelling employee experience and, 4–5

consumerization of, 16

developing inclusivity, 62

employer ratings sites informing, 7, 9

gig economy workers impacting, 192–196

importance of Glassdoor among job seekers, 113–114

in last decade, 4

modeling team intelligence, 61

need to become activists, 204–207

operating in VUCA world, 203–204

rise of blended workforce and, 183–184

HTC Vive, VR platform, 85, 86

hub-based employees, American Express Blue Work program, 13



Connections, for collaboration, 76

corporate app store, 208

employee engagement, 4–5

on knowledge doubling curve, 119

Millennial Corps, 114, 150

smart technologies, 20–22

unexpected results of age/cultural diversity, 220

Watson artificial intelligence, 91

I’m Outta Here! How Coworking Is Making the Office Obsolete (Bacigalupo), 42

iMessage, 203

Immelt, Jeff, 100

implantable chips, 83

inclusive workplace, 61–63, 95, 97

independent contractors. See gig economy workers, plan for more

ingestible sensors, 83


agile leaders acknowledging, 55

agile leaders being intrapreunerial, 53–55

balanced workplaces for, 18

driven by digital motivation, 79

in people development, 63–66

production spaces designed for, 35

technology for collaboration and, 75–76

Innovation Catalyst program, Intuit, 54

innovation centers, Gen Xers, 154


power of MOOCs for, 125–127

use space to promote, 215

Instagram, 99, 207

intellectual experience. See also learning; training

as principle of future workplace, 9

rethinking employee development, 15–17


cultural, 142–143

generational, 142

intelligent assistant technology, 90, 91

interactive communications, via technology, 74–75

internal referrals, hiring from, 107–110

International WELL Building Institute (IWBI), 38

internships, for Gen Zers, 147

intrapreunerial mindset

of agile leaders, 53–55

of Gen Xers, 154

of learning leaders, 121–123

introverts, enabling workplace choice for, 33–36

Intuit, internal intrapreneurship, 53

IoE (Internet of everything), at workplace, 20

iPhone, 208

Ismail, Salim, 207

IWBI (International WELL Building Institute), 38


Japan, gender gap in, 166–167

Jenkins, Anthony, 217

Jeopardy, IBM’s Watson on, 91

JetBlue, 107, 154

Jive, collaborative workplace tool, 76

job seekers

avoiding technology skills gap, 91–93

brand management for recruiting, 99–103

continual, 95–99

job hopping of talented Gen Xers, 154

smart sourcing recruitment of, 104–107

tapping employees for referrals, 107–111

training before hiring, 103–104

transparency with, 111–114

job shadowing, for Gen Zers, 147

Job Simulator VR game, 86

JobAdvisor, 6

Jobr app, 95

jobs. See also recruitment

future of recruitment, 217–218

gender pay gap in, 164–167

global gender workforce participation, 166

not existing ten years ago, 92–93

recognition that your job is not your job, 202–203

recruitment of boomers for new, 158

technology disrupting/augmenting, 89–91

temporary in-house rotation of boomers, 156

unbundling of, 188–192

Jobs, Steve, 207

Johnson & Johnson, paid maternity leave, 171


frreelance, 189

technology disrupting/augmenting jobs as, 90


Katsoudas, Fran, 61–62

Kaufman, Rebecca, 149

Kimberly-Clark Corporation, closing gender gap, 176–177

Kinisky, Tom, 201–202

Klein, Samantha, 150–151

Know Your Value (Brzezinski), 164

knowledge doubling curve, 119

Kodak, 207

Kofman, Fred, 202–203


La-Z-Boy Incorporated, workspace design, 29–31, 44

labels, gender-based, 221

Lange, Rolando, 129

languages, MOOCs translated into multiple, 127

Lanier, Jaron, 207

Latta, Zach, 146


agile. See agile leadership

development of, 63–66

managing gig economy workers, 193–196

older workers managed by younger, 140–142, 157

unexpected future of gig economy workers as, 221–222

women underrepresented as corporate, 165

as workplace activists. See workplace activist, being

Leadership in Action, Dow Chemical, 151–152

Lean In (Sandberg), 163

learning. See also on-demand learning

employers funding, 139

fostering engagement with digital, 76–79

generation Zers questioning higher education, 146–147

generation Zers using goal-oriented, 144–146

for gig economy workers, 190–191

innovation in, 63–66

intellectual experience and, 15–17

for millennials, 148–150, 151

opt-in opportunities for boomers, 156–157

at speed of business, 117–118

learning experience manager role, 132

learning leaders

expand learning opportunities, 123–125

rethinking vision for learning, 120–123

Levy, Mark, 10–11, 22

Levy, Morris, 215

Liberation Management (Peters), 29

Life Coaches, enhancements to maternity leave, 172

life expectancy, and multiple generations in workplace, 139

lifelong learning sector, 119–121

“Lighting the Way to Financial Well-Being” program, SunTrust Banks, Inc., 14

lighting, WELL Building Standard, 38

Lincoln Financial Group campaign, 122–123

Line, reliance on messaging apps, 203


corporate alumni networks, 110

focus on outcomes at, 202–203

Most In-Demand Employers list, 101

Profinder service, 197

recruitment, 97–99

smart sourcing recruitment, 104–107

Litz, Andi, 149

Livermore, Dr. David, 143

Lync, Microsoft collaborative tool, 76


M virtual assistant, Facebook, 90

A Magazine Is an IPad That Does Not Work (YouTube video), 159


employer rating sites for, 7

of gig economy workers, 194

Manpower, 190–191

marketing manager role, 132

marketing, merging HR and, 122–123

massive open online courses. See MOOCs (massive open online courses)


career mobility centers, 156–157

early adopter of reciprocal mentoring, 149

personal development at, 17

maternity leave, paid

breadwinner moms and, 172–175

building gender equality, 180–181

companies offering, 170–172

enhancements in, 174

McAden, Robert, 31–32

McDonough, Amy, 82

McKinsey Academy

coworking space, 43

educating nonemployees vs. employees, 219

transforming learning via MOOCs, 128–129

mechanical wearables, 84

Melloh, Mike, 131

Menon, Jayesh, 204–205


Gen Xers at JetBlue, 154

Gen Zers, 144, 147

gig economy workers, 193

millennials, 148–150

senior executives via reverse/reciprocal, 149–150

messaging apps, 203

Messenger, Facebook, 203

Meyerson, Dr. Bernard, 91

Meza-Doyle, Katya V., 110

“#MIBB!” (“Millennials in Boomer Bodies”), IBM, 150

Micron Technology, 204–205


chatbots on, 90

Cortana, mobile intelligent assistant, 90

HoloLens, 85, 86

Lync, collaborative tool, 76

paid maternity leave at, 171

safe accountability at, 52

transforming learning via MOOCs, 127–128

Yammer, collaborative tool, 76

Millennial Corps, IBM

employee affinity group, 114, 150–151

unexpected results of diversity, 220


comparing with generational cohorts, 140

as first global phenomenon, 159

gig economy and, 186

managing older workers in office, 140–142

managing work/rest of life, 168–170

organizational level of, 151–153

as parents of generation alpha babies, 160

personal expectations of, 148–150

questions to ask, 153

within teams, 150–151

understanding, 148–153

“Millennials in Boomer Bodies” (“#MIBB!”), IBM, 150

Miller, Andrew, 103–104

mind support, WELL Building Standard, 38


Gen Zers with experimental, 146–147

IBM products created by millennial, 150

shifting learning, 119–121

mission driven companies, 14

mission, workspace impacting, 28

mistakes, leadership accountable for, 51–52

mobile apps

for analytics, 88

for financial services, 56

of generation alpha, 161

HR expanding knowledge to, 205

for performance, 21

for recruitment, 96–98

for reverse mentoring, 58

mobile-first strategy, consumer brands, 16

mobile intelligent assistants, 90

MOOCs (massive open online courses)

corporate learning via, 125–129

on-demand learning via, 119–121

in lifelong learning sector, 119–121

new roles for learning team, 131

as recruitment method outside USA, 87

ten most popular, 126

training before hiring via, 103–104

moonlighters, gig economy, 185

Moore, Ellen, 177

Morning Joe, MSNBC gender inequality, 164

Morris, Donna, 51–52

Most In-Demand Employers list, LinkedIn, 101

Mullenweg, Matt, 218

Multipoly, PwC recruitment tool, 77

MyPath program, Manpower, 191


Narrative Science, for journalists, 90

Natixis Global Asset Management, student loan repayment, 152

navigating, multiple generations in workplace, 139–142

Neighborhood Work Environment models, 40, 41

Net Promoter, 101–102

Netflix, maternity leave, 170–171

Neuberg, Brad, 42–43

newspaper industry, unbundling jobs, 189

next-generation workforce, 160–161

Nordic countries, working women in, 165

nourishment, WELL Building Standard, 38

Novartis, pharmaceuticals, 143

Nvidia, student loan repayment, 152


objectives and key results (OKRs), 88

Oculus Rift VR, 85, 86

Oculus Touch, 86

OKRs (objectives and key results), 88

omnichannel communications, 74–75

on-demand learning

action plan, 135–136

build learning partnerships, 125–132

communicate value: why/what/how, 133–134

employees take charge of their own learning, 117–119

expand learning opportunities, 123–125

expected vs. unexpected future of, 212, 218–219

future of, 135

generation Zers appreciation for, 145

for millennials, 151

to prepare employees for future, 117

rethink vision for learning, 120–123

shift mindset to, 119–121

OnePlus Loop VR, 86

OnUp movement, SunTrust Banks, Inc., 14–15

operational efficiencies, technology for, 88–89

Opus for Work, freelance work at, 191

organizational level

boomers at, 157–158

gen Xers at, 154

generation Zers at, 147

millennials at, 151–153

Workplace Generational Intelligence Framework, 144

OSVR (open-source VR) developer ecosystem, 86

Owen Campaign, GE Digital, 100–101

Owlchemy Labs, Job Simulator VR game, 86


Panasonic Avionics, as workplace, 23–24, 202

Papas, Paul, 22

Partner University, 129


build learning, 125–132

Gen Zers early interest in, 147

HR strategies for gig economy workers, 194–195

IBM Millennial Corps, 150–151

marketing/HR, 121–123

older worker/younger leader, 157

paternity leave, paid, 171–172, 181

Peduall, David, 169

peer-to-peer learning, 65–66, 219

Peets Coffee, employee rating of, 7

people developers, agile leaders as, 63–66

PepsiCo’s, “Conn3ct,” 148

Percolate, 49


feedback via technology, 87–88

gender diversity and business, 167–168

of gig economy workers, 193, 195

management of, 20–22, 52–53

personal expectations

of boomers, 156–157

of generation Xers, 153–154

of generation Zers, 145–146

of gig economy workers, 190–191

of millennials, 148–150

Workplace Generational Intelligence Framework, 144

personalize learning, via MOOCs, 126–127

pet friendly experiences, unexpected outcomes of, 214

Phillip Morris International (PMI), people development, 64

physical experience

expected vs. unexpected future of, 213–214

as principle of future workplace, 9

rethinking workspaces, 17–20

Pirie, Chris, 127–128

platforms, top virtual reality, 86

Playstation VR platform, 85, 86

PMI (Phillip Morris International), people development, 64

podcasts, on-demand learning with, 119

Pokémon Go, 84

Polycom, interactive/visual communications, 74–75

Porch home improvement network, transparency at, 49

production spaces, getting job done in, 35

professional identity, for gig economy workers, 191

Profinder service, LinkedIn, 197

project groups, inclusivity in, 61

promotions, unconscious bias in, 174


Airbnb employee ratings for, 10

emotional experience provided via, 9

employee experience via, 5–6, 11–13

millennials wanting work that has, 151

providing at work, 14–15

PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers)

boomers at, 179–180

digital motivation for recruitment, 77

female workforce at, 169

gig economy workers, 197

marketplace for freelancers, 185–186

Next Gen research, 5–6

student loan repayment, 152

Talent Exchange, 187

training workforce in unconscious bias, 176–177


Qualcomm, Employee App Store, 16–17, 208

questions, invite dialog with, 223

Quicken, 215


racial minorities, in culturally diverse workforce, 142

Rackspace, workspace design, 30–32, 44

RateMyEmployer, employer rating site, 6

reciprocal (reverse) mentoring program, 149–150

recruiting scrum master job role, GE Digital, 101


of boomers, 158

decision making for, 87–89

digital motivation as tool for, 77

funding learning for multiple generations, 139–140

of generation Zers, 146

recognizing unconscious bias in, 175

strategies for gig economy workers, 194

via student loan repayment for millennials, 152

recruitment, build data-driven ecosystem

action plan, 115

for continuous job seeker, 95–99

expected vs. unexpected future of, 212, 217–218

management of employer brand, 99–103

overview of, 100

tap employees for referrals, 107–111

train before hiring, 103–104

transparency in, 111–114

use smart sourcing, 104–107

Red Hat, internal referrals, 108–109

Reddit, paid maternity leave, 171

Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution (Hammer & Champy), xiii

referrals, recruitment, 23–24, 107–111

RescueTime app, 35

restoration spaces, 36

results, producing

agile leadership’s ability to, 47–48

be accountable, 51–53

be intrapreneurial, 53–55

be transparent, 48–51

dimensions of agile leadership, 68–69

retention, employee

via emotional connection, 6–8

via purpose, 15

via workplace flexibility, 12


boomers and, 156–158, 179–180

gig economy workers and, 189, 198

reverse (reciprocal) mentoring program, 149–150

Rio Tinto truck drivers, wearables, 83

roam employees, American Express Blue Work program, 13

Robin Powered, 22

role-modeling culture, agile leaders, 66–68

roles, learning team, 131

Ross, Louis, 119

Rule of Two, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, 176–177

rules. See 10 rules to navigate future workplace


safe accountability, 52

safety, with wearable devices, 82–83, 84

Saint-Gobain, 350 year legacy/future of, 201–202

Salesforce Chatter, collaborative workplace tool, 76

Samsung Gear VR, 86

Sandberg, Sheryl, 163

Scarborough, Joe, 164

Scholars program, JetBlue, 154

Schwabel, Dan, 141–142

Scialla, Paul, 38–39

sedentary behavior, health outcomes of, 36

sensor-based systems, work environment, 22

serial learning, 117–119

Sheopuri, Anshul, 5

Shinzo Abe, 167

Sinek, Simon, 133–134


generation Zers developing, 145–146, 147

gig economy workers using niche, 187

in smart sourcing, 104–107

skills, technology as enhancer

augmented reality, 84–85

avoiding skills gap, 91–93

implantable and ingestible, 83

overview of, 81

quantification and measurement, 82–83

strength and endurance, 84

virtual reality, 85–87


chatbots, 90

collaborative workplace tool, 76

mindset of gen Zers, 146

Slater, Sarah, 215

smart sourcing, recruiting via, 104–107

smart technologies, how companies leverage, 20–21

Smart Working initiative, Credit Suisse, 40–41

SmartCap, wearables, 83

smartphones, 16

Smartup, DBS Bank, 58

Smith, Brad, 54

Smith, Casey, 157

Smith, Laurence, 56–57


increased reliance on, 203

recruiting on, 97–99

social intelligence, 91

social media, 97–99, 149–150

Sodexo, mobile recruiting, 96

Sony Playstation, 53

sourcing, gig economy workers, 194

space. See culture, use space to promote

Spark, Cisco, 76

specialized sales representative, new job role of twenty-first century, 92

standing desks, workplace wellness, 36–37

Starbucks, employee rating of, 7–9

Start with Why (Sinek), 134

State Street Bank, paid paternity leave at, 172

Stephenson, Randall, 117

strategy, future focused, 55–59

stress, and workplace flexibility, 12

student loan repayment benefits, 152–153

succession planning, Caterpillar, 203–204

Sulon Q, VR, 86

SunTrust Banks, Inc., 14

swiping right, job seeking apps, 96

Switch app, 95


talent-acquisition process, job seekers, 111–114

Talent Cloud, Cisco, 189–190

Talent Exchange, PwC, 185–187, 189, 197

TD Ameritrade, recruitment, 158

teachers, employees as learners and, 132–133

team intelligence, developing, 59–61

“team lift-outs,” 216


boomers within, 157

developing inclusivity in, 61

generation Xers within, 154

generation Zers within, 146–147

millennials within, 150–151

Workplace Generational Intelligence Framework for, 144

Tech Tank Stadium, Booz Allen Hamilton, 79


avoiding skills gap in, 91–93

expected vs. unexpected future of, 213–214

finding talented gig economy workers via, 197

flexible workplace policies using, 12

generation alpha and, 159–160

how companies leverage smart, 20–22

as principle of future workplace, 9

technology as enabler/disruptor

action plan, 94

as advisor for decisions, 87–89

as disruption, 73–74

disruption/automation and, 89–93

as enabler of workflow. See workflow, technology as enabler

as enhancer of skills. See skills, technology as enhancer

expected vs. unexpected future of, 212, 216–217

Ted Talks, 64–66, 119

Tedrick, Lou, 66, 78–79

Telstra, transparency at, 23, 49

temporary workers, in gig economy, 185

Tenaris University, 129, 219

text messaging, decline in, 203

Thébaud, Sarah, 169

Thodey, David, 23, 49

Tilt Brush, Google, 85–86

tolerance of behaviors, 67–68

toleration spaces, revitalizing, 35–36

Toptal, freelance work at, 185, 189

training. See also on-demand learning

American Express Blue Work program, 13

current employees with digital motivation, 78–79

employer rating sites for, 7

gig economy workers, 190–191, 193

before hiring, 103–104

Job Simulator VR game for, 86–87

measuring success of, 133–134

rethinking employee, 15–17

in virtual reality, 87

workforce in unconscious bias, 176–177


aligning workspace design to cultural values, 31–32

leadership producing results by, 48–51

practicing, 23–24

trophy workplaces, moving beyond, 9, 17–20

trust, transparent leadership and, 48–51

tuition reimbursement, for gig economy workers, 192


paid maternity leave at, 171

recruitment on, 97–99


unbundling of jobs, 188–192

unconscious bias

definition of, 175

against diversity, 176

involving men in discussions about, 181

moving from awareness to action, 177–179

reducing influence of, 176–177

Unconscious Bias Training, 176

unexpected. See expect the unexpected

Upwork, freelance work at, 189

U.S. Navy, paid maternity leave, 171


Verizon Wireless

people development, 66

training employees with digital motivation, 78–79

Vice, people development, 64–66

virtual reality (VR)

enhancing job skills, 85–87

top 10 platforms/headsets, 96

vision statement for learning, 120–123

visual communications, via technology, 74–75

VNWare Socialcast tool, 76

volunteering, gen Zers early interest in, 147

Volvo, use of VR, 85

VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) workplace, 202, 203–204


Waitzkin, Josh, 118

Wallsmith, Kris, 186

warehouses, augmented reality in, 84

water quality, WELL Building Standard, 38

Watson, AI, 91


HR expanding knowledge to, 205

quantification/measurement with, 82–83

strength/endurance via, 84

Weber, Bruce, 173–174

WebEx, Cisco, 76

WELL Building Standard (WELL), 37–39


fitness trackers in workplace, 82

ingestible sensors to monitor, 83

promoting in workspace, 36–39

tracking with wearable devices, 82–83

workspace impacting, 28

What, measuring learning investment, 134

What to Look for in Your Next Community Manager (Grasso), 44

WhatsApp, 22, 203

Why, organization is investing in learning, 134

Wojda, Kelly, 203–204


action against unconscious bias towards, 175–176

as breadwinner moms/chief household officers, 172–175

gender equality for. See gender equality, build

managing work/rest of life, 169–172

workforce today composed of more, 143

WordPress, recruiting process at, 218

work-from-anywhere mindset, 11, 12

Work Life Coach, 172

Work Market, freelance work at, 189, 191

Work Rules! (Bock), 132

workflow, technology as enabler

appification, 80–81

communication/collaboration, 75–76

communications more interactive/visual, 74–75

defined, 74

digital motivation fostering engagement, 76–79

ten top collaborative workplace tools, 76


age diversity in. See generations, tap power of multiple

blended, 183–184

market for gig economy, 183–184

new face of, 142–143

WorkGenius, freelance work at, 191

workplace activist, being

action plan, 209

anticipate/navigate future workplace, 207–209

expected vs. unexpected future of, 212, 222

how to break HR, 204–207

leading change, 202

overview of, 201–202

recognize your job is not your job, 202–203

reframe HR for VUCA world, 203–204

workplace as experience

action plan, 25–26

creating chief employee experience officer, 24–25

cultural experience, 23–24

emotional experience, 11–13

of employees, 3–6

employer rating sites focused on, 6–9

expected vs. unexpected future of, 212, 213–214

intellectual experience, 15–17

physical experience, 17–20

principles to live by, 9

purpose, 14–15

technological experience, 20–22

transformative impact of technology on, 73–74

what it means, 10–11

Workplace Effectiveness team, Genentech, 39–40

Workplace Generational Intelligence Framework

boomers, 155–158

generation Xers, 153–155

generation Zers, 144–148

millennials, 148–153

overview of, 143–145

workspace. See culture, use space to promote


x-ray function, DAQRI smart helmet, 85

Xerox Corporation, employee affinity groups, 150


Yahoo, 171, 175

Yammer, Microsoft collaborative tool, 76

The Yard, 215

Yeo, Kee Meng, 52


action against unconscious bias, 175

people development, 64–66

recruiting on, 97–99

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