
There are so many people to whom I am greatly indebted. Without them, this book would not even be a possibility.

I would like to thank those individuals who contributed to an interview or filled out a survey to help make my research possible. Members of SCORE and representatives of the Cincinnati Regional Chamber of Commerce were especially helpful and were supportive of some of my early research in this area.

I would also like to thank BEP Editor Dr. Rob Zwettler for his encouragement in developing this book, as well as his assistance in vastly improving it. I also express my thanks to Dr. Robert Sroufe for letting me know about the opportunity for publishing with BEP.

I am extremely indebted to three individuals who have read early drafts of this book and provided suggestions for improvements. First, Sean Lyons, a preeminent generational scholar and research colleague who I greatly respect, offered deep insights into how the arguments presented in this book might be strengthened. Second, Mark Abramovic, a friend and former executive-turned-professor who has both a managerial and academic background (as well as a great interest in intergenerational phenomena in the workplace), offered some excellent recommendations on how to clarify my statements to an audience of business practitioners. Third, Mary Van Tyne was instrumental in triple checking my grammar, assisting with the formatting of my initial manuscript, and helping to tighten up my writing.

I’ve also had the pleasure of working with many skilled researchers and coauthors on dozens of collaborations related to intergenerational phenomena. Those that I have not thanked elsewhere in my acknowledgments include Gail Fairhurst, Jim Weber, Therese Sprinkle, Jim Baehr, Lisa Kuron, Linda Schweitzer, and Emma Parry.

I have been blessed with five exceptional mentors who have helped guide my growth and development throughout my career. Dean Gary Quinlivan at Saint Vincent College had faith in me as a new hire into the business department and has given me a great deal of freedom to research and publish on topics of interest to me. Bill Hisker taught the first Organizational Behavior class I ever had and has since become a close friend, colleague, sounding board, and spiritual advisor. When I was a nervous new graduate student, Jay Liebowitz was the first professor who encouraged me to pursue my goals. Elaine Hollensbe was my advisor during my doctoral program and apprenticed me as I developed my research interests on intergenerational phenomena. Suzanne Masterson was the head of my doctoral program who took a chance in accepting me, and also encouraged me as I launched my research program on generations in the workforce.

I also want to acknowledge the faculty and support staff of the ­Master of Science in Management: Operational Excellence program whom I have not yet acknowledged and who indulge me on my quest to learn more about intergenerational phenomena, including Matt Miller, David Adams, Terrance Smith, Bob Markley, Tom McKee, Pankaj Mehrotra, and Eva Kunkel.

I want to thank my students, particularly those in the MSMOE ­program, and especially my former graduate assistants Selin Konur and Alperen Arslantas who have worked with me on research.

I would be remiss if I did not include a statement thanking all those from my earlier career as an auditor and training and development ­manager that got me thinking about generational phenomena, and that influenced me more than they know by leading me down my current career path and research stream.

Finally, and most importantly, I want to thank my family for their unwavering and constant support. I especially want to thank Janet, who helped improve this book with her constructive suggestions, Lucy (who read a very early version of this book), my parents Mickie and Rick, and my grandfather Ug, who first taught me how to read. I know that he would be delighted to see that his grandson has written a book.

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