
abolitionism, 202

absolutism, 133

abundance, principle of, 294

Acculturated Consciousness, 45

action, consciousness and, 8388

Adams, John, 177, 187, 189

adaptation, 276, 278279, 305

adapt or die system, 35


elderhood, 288289, 291

Imperial Consciousness in, 4951

Magical Consciousness in, 49

risk of not achieving productive, 335

self-defined needs of, 296297

Socialized Consciousness in, 297298

advertising, 337338

Afghanistan invasion, 5051, 231

African Americans

civil rights of, 202203

inequality and, 226

scapegoating of, 226227

self-concept, 203

After the Empire (Todd), 69

aging clock, science of, 254255

agrarian populist movement, 206

agriculture, settled, 9697

AIDS, 59

alienation, 255256, 261

alliance-building process, 8388


American Independent Business Alliance, 319

Apollo Alliance, 321

Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE), 1516, 319

conservative-liberal alliance (New Right), 339340

Earth Community-based, 321

New Right, 219

Peace Alliance, 321

Al Qaeda, 233

Alternatives to Economic Globalization

(Cavanagh and Mander), 15

America First Committee, 213

American colonies. See colonies, American

American Dream, 214

American Enterprise Institute, 221

American Federation of Labor (AFL), 210

American Independent Business

Alliance, 319

American Revolution, 133, 160, 178179, 180, 206

Americans for Tax Reform, 222

American Women’s Rights Convention, 204

America Speaks, 346

ancient civilizations, 96

ancient empires

Egypt, 114116

feudal fiefdoms, 122123

Greece, 142146, 353

Mesopotamia, 110114

Rome, 116123

Anderson, Sherry, 47, 79, 80, 323324

Andrews Forest, 275278

Anglicanism, 162, 163164, 172

Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, 230

Apollo Alliance, 321

Aquinas, Thomas, 262

Arato, Andrew, 149150, 152

Argentina: Hope in Hard Times, 71

aristocracy, 148, 180

Aristotle, 145151, 154155, 160, 180

Articles, Laws, and Orders, Divine, Politic, and Martial for the Colony in Virginia, 162

Asia, 10, 115

assets, household financial, 181

Assyria, 111113

Athens. See also Greece (ancient)

Athenian democracy, 142146, 147148, 154 (See also Athens)

leadership dilemma in, 148153

philosophers, 146, 151153

political philosophy, 146148

“Attack on American Free Enterprise System” (Powell), 220



centralization of, 11

rebellion against British, 174178

secular and religious, 161165

social, 45

of U.S. Supreme Court, 186

autism, moral, 5152

Babylon, 113

Bacon’s Rebellion, 168169, 209

Bainbridge Graduate Institute (BGI), 16, 319

BALLE (Business Alliance for Local Living Economies), 1516, 319

banks, private, 188189

Bechtel, 198

behavioral psychology, 269270

beneficial infection, 276277

benevolence, 109

Benyus, Janine, 15, 291

Berry, Thomas, 72

Bevin, Ernest, 135

Bhagavad Gita, 357

bias of money system, 140

Bible, Christian, 257

biblical meaning story, 246247

billionaires, number worldwide of, 67

Bill of Rights, 185, 187, 192, 206

bin Laden, Osama, 231233, 243

biology, 263264, 300301

bloggers, 83

Bonaparte, Joseph, 134

borders, economic, 13

Borg, Marcus, 257, 258259, 261

Boston Tea Party, 175176

Bottomless Well, The (Humber and Mills), 7172

Bradley Foundation, 221

brain activity, 282283, 283284

brand-name products, 338339

Bretton Woods institutions, 136, 195, 239

British East India Company, 130

British South Sea Company, 131

Bush, Barbara, 286

Bush, George H.W., 182, 227, 286

Bush, George W., 119, 181, 182, 186, 228229, 230231, 231235, 285286, 320321, 324

Bush, Robin, 286

Business Advisory Council, 220

Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE), 1516, 319

Business Roundtable, 221

BusinessWeek, 16, 323

Calvin, John, 162

Calvinism, 116, 163164, 164165, 169, 223224

Campus Compact, 352

Canada, 131

capital, amassing, 131

capitalism, 225

Capitalism and Freedom (Friedman), 240

capitalist economy, socialist economy versus, 15

Capitall Lawes of Connecticut, 162

Carnegie, Andrew, 209

Cato Institute, 221

Cavanagh, John, 15

Cavoukian, Raffi, 334

Center for Strategic and international Studies, 221

Chalice and the Blade, The (Eisler), 19, 9495

change, through emergence, 1516

changing the future, 354356

Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, 270271

Charles I, King, 161

chartered corporations, 129132

chauvinism, 151, 265

Cheney, Dick, 230, 231, 232


child-honoring societies, 334

Commission on Children at Risk, 282283, 335

education, 229, 332, 350352

Empire’s assault on, 317

influences in, 296

invisible curriculum of, 288

as lead indicators, 334335

nurturing parenting, 284285

targeted advertising, 338339

views of family by, 331332

China, 61, 70, 130131, 134, 228

Chitty, A.B., 209


versus destiny, 106107

freedom, 3839


choices (continued)

gift of choice, 271

individual, 39

of rulers, 36

Christ, 121, 223, 258-261, 325

Christian Bible, 257

Christianity, 121122, 259, 325

Christian Reconstructionism, 223

Christian Right, 223224

Christian theology, 254

Christian values, 339

Church of England, 163164

citizen conferences, 1516

citizen deliberation, 346

citizen initiatives, 320

Citizens for a Sound Economy, 221

citizenship, 244, 306

city-states, 110, 112

civic engagement, 298

civilized life, 151

civil liberties, 297

civil rights, 186187, 202203

Civil Rights Act, 203

civil rights movement, 77, 84, 202

civil society, 18-19, 145-151, 231

Civil War, 191

Clarkson, Frederick, 223224, 225

Clean Air Act, 228

climate change, 60, 320321, 333

Climate Protection Agreement, 320321

Clinton, Bill, 182, 227228, 229 “Cloud Minders” (Star Trek), 56, 63, 67, 68, 173, 182

Club of Rome, 218

Cohen, Jean, 149150, 152

colonial governance, 162


end of, 134135

phasing out of traditional, 196197

religious laws, 162

colonialization of India, 130

colonies, American. See also American Revolution

decade preceding Declaration of Independence, 178

participatory democracy, 176177

pluralism, 171173

rebelliousness, 173174

resistance movement, 178179

Revolutionary War, 177178

walking away from the king, 174178

colonies, English, 161, 170

Colorado Fuel & Iron Company, 211

Columbus, Christopher, 127, 165166

combat veterans, 6465

Commission on Children at Risk, 282283, 335

Committees of Correspondence, 176

communication, 8283, 346347, 355356

Communism, 225

Communists, 212

communities of congruence, 8485, 317318, 353, 355


Aristotle’s view of state as, 149150

caring, 298300

consensus of, 1617

early structure of, 102104

Empire’s assault on, 317

formation of, 8485

healthful function of, 13, 294

local preference, 343

rebuilding, 63

community life, 295296

competing empires, 196

competition, 2122, 33, 35, 37, 106, 114, 123, 164, 177, 292, 315, 346, 354

computer communication, 8283

Concerned Women for America, 221

Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), 17

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (Perkins), 198

conflict, 37, 253257, 324

conquered societies, 101

consciousness, 4156, 238, 270

Acculturated Consciousness, 45

action and, 8388

awakening, 316317

Cultural Consciousness, 4647, 48, 52, 53, 7578, 7980, 84, 297, 330, 351352

culture and, 54

democratic orders of, 53, 75, 147

developmental pathway of, 4248

human, 8889

Imperial Consciousness, 4344, 48, 4951, 5152, 5354, 56, 209, 234, 237, 261, 289, 329330, 339


Magical Consciousness, 43, 49, 52, 56, 328

orders of, 56

reflective, 281282, 309310, 358

regression to primitive, 54

Socialized Consciousness, 4446, 48, 52, 53, 55, 56, 84, 250, 286, 330

Spiritual Consciousness, 4748, 52, 53, 56, 7879, 289, 330

consensus, 1617, 331334

conservative-liberal alliance, 338340

Constantine, Emperor, 259

Constitutional Convention, 183

constitutional plutocracy, 185187, 341342. See also plutocracy

consumption, level of current, 67

contexts, 56, 58, 295297

Continental Congress, 179, 180, 182183

Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, 81

Coolidge, Calvin, 211

Co-op America, 319

cooperation, international, 332333

cooperative self-organization, 1415, 273, 292, 316

Copernicus, Nicolaus, 255

Core Cultural Creatives, 80, 323324

corporate charters, 130, 141, 161, 191192, 206

corporate-free economies, 319

corporate-led economic globalization, 1213

corporate plutocracy, 219

corporations, forebears of public, 131132

corruption, 115116, 121122, 122123, 191, 211, 235, 326

cosmos, science of living, 263264

costs, environmental, 13, 62

Cotton, John, 163

Council of Five Hundred, 144

Council on Foreign Relations, 220

Council on National Policy, 222

covert military actions, 197

Creation, 253, 264, 265, 267269, 287, 309310

creationism, 256257

Creation Spirituality, 262263

creation stories, 246249, 308

creative potential

Core Cultural Creatives, 80, 323324

creative learning, 37

Cultural Creatives, 7980, 326, 330

Spiritual Creatives, 8081, 323324, 326, 330

creditors, 185186

crime/criminals, safety from, 245

crime lords and syndicates, 127133

Cuba, 193

cultural awakening, 7778, 322

cultural challenges to Empire, 218223

cultural change, 218, 330

Cultural Consciousness, 330, 352

achievement of, 7980, 297

as adult norm, 330

awakening of, 4647, 84, 316317

compared to Imperial and Spiritual Consciousness, 52, 53, 7578

facilitating awakening of, 351352

Cultural Creatives, 7980, 326, 330, 353

cultural democracy, 345

cultural life of tribe, 290291

cultural politics, 5355, 328330

cultural systems, 3435

cultural turning, 21, 79, 322326, 324325


alienation, 255256

competition for dominator power, 265

consciousness and, 54

definition of, 76

dominant cultural perceptions, 254

of Empire, 54

formation of, 349

gender and, 104107

individualistic, 224

living, 349352

mainstreaming Earth Community, 318

narratives embedded in, 250

politics of, 248249

principles of Earth Community, 3738

shaping of perceptions by, 7677

cultures, reinventing, 355

Daloz, Larry, 42

Dark Ages, 122123

Dartmouth Medical School, 282

Darwinism, social, 247248

Daughters of Liberty, 176

Daughters of the American Revolution, 193

Dawkins, Richard, 256


death, 270271, 344

death camps, 3839

death penalty, 162, 163, 228

debates, political, 348


crisis of 1982, 227

easy credit, 136

forced, 202

foreign indebtedness, 137138

international debtors to U.S., 194

rights to collect on, 185186

wartime, 187188

as weapon of mass destruction, 198

debt-funded development assistance, 198

Declaration of Colonial Rights, 177, 182183, 199

Declaration of Independence (of the American Women’s Rights Convention), 204

Declaration of Independence (U.S.), 129, 154, 160, 179, 182183, 201202

Declaration of Interdependence, 17, 86

Declaration of Paris, 129

defense industry, 213

defense strategy for United States, 230


acceptance of, 215

achievement of, 200

American Revolution’s role in, 180

context created by, 214

economic, 342

Hamilton’s view of, 184

real, 333334

supporting, 307

true, 353


Athenian, 142146, 147148, 154 (See also Athens)

basic dilemmas of, 147148

direct, 144

distinguished from aristocracies/oligarchies, 148

Empire as, 141

foundation of U.S., 159160

origin of word, 142

participatory, 176177

political, 134135

support by citizens for, 152

understanding of, 5253

democratic ideal, rejection of, 219

democratic orders of consciousness, 53

Democratic Party, 207, 227228

Democratic-Republican Party, 187, 189

democratic self-determination, 13, 196, 345

demonstrations for peace, 87

Denmark, 356

Department of Homeland Security, 231

destruction, acts of, 288

developmental pathway of human consciousness, 4248

Diamond, Jared, 102, 103, 104, 113

dictators, 196, 307

Diodorus Siculus, 99

direct democracy, 144

disabled veterans, 6465

discrimination, prohibition of, 203

diseases, reassertion of eradicated, 5960

disenfranchisement/enfranchisement, 145, 149

dissent, 189, 244

diversity, 151, 172, 294, 352

division, perpetuation of, 216

dollar, value of U.S., 71

domesticating people, 101102

dominance hierarchy, 32

dominator culture/structure, 32, 3435, 53, 94, 315, 341

dominator relationships, 222, 257258, 307

dominion, U.S. global, 219221

double standards, 49

Douglass, Frederick, 202

Drake, Sir Francis, 129

Dutch East India Company, 131

Dye, Thomas, 181182

Dyer, Mary, 163

dysfunction, rewards for, 5455

Earth, health of, 298

Earth Charter, 17, 3233

Earth Community

advantage of, 55

alliances based on, 321

alternatives to Empire offered by, 301

birthing of, 353

democracy of, 155

Dialogues, 355

foundations of, 206, 328

God of, 261263

golden rule of, 37


individual efforts/contributions, 356357

initiatives, 319320, 321, 356

leadership of, 316

living culture of, 265266

mainstreaming culture of, 318

movement toward, 203

narratives/stories, 3334, 303305, 305307, 308310, 355356

new era for, 20

principles of, 17, 3738

psychology of, 5253

relationships of, 3638

responding to the call, 358359

success indicators, 297298

turning from Empire to, 294298

use of term, 20, 32

values of, 55

way of, 290291

Earth Summit, 8586

Eckhart, Meister, 262

ecological issues, of ancient civilizations, 113

economic democracy, 151, 342, 345

economic domination, 18

economic globalization, 1213, 239

economic growth, 56, 238239, 299

economic issues, 344

challenges to Empire, 218223

economic borders, 13

inequality, 6869, 135, 181182, 304

injustice, 244

institutions, 72

justice, 145, 154, 208, 215, 304, 319

economic sphere, 342

economic transformation model, 15

economic turning, 21, 8183, 318320


global imperial, 342

living, 342345

market, 345

modern, 6162

ecosystems, 275278, 292293

education, 229, 332, 350352

Egypt (ancient), 114116, 142

Einstein, Albert, 315

Eisler, Riane, 19, 32, 36, 9394, 9495, 9799

elderhood, 288289, 291, 322

elections, 190, 342, 348

Electoral College, 186, 348

electoral system, U.S., 345, 346347

elite privilege, 186

elitism, neoliberal, 240

elitist prosperity, 239240

Elizabeth I, Queen, 129, 161

emigration, forced, 167

emotional intelligence, 283284

emperors, 119120, 148


advantage of, 5355

allowing flourishing of, 352353

alternatives to, 294298, 301

assaults by, 317

cultural and economic challenges to, 218223

culture of, 54

as democracy, 141

economic principles of, 345

leaders of, 316

mentality of, 20

native American’s first encounter with, 165166

pathology of, 3536, 37

prosperity story of, 250

psychology of, 4852

relationships of, 34

religion in service of, 352

resisting institutions and agendas of, 317

rights extended by, 3435

as social pathology, 108

source of power of, 82

transition to, 102104

turning to Earth Community from, 294298

the way of, 289290

use of term, 20

win-lose dynamic of, 266


ancient Egypt, 114116

competing, 196

feudal fiefdoms, 122123

Indian Empire, 116

Mesopotamia, 110114

modern, 126127, 127133

pre-Empire civilizations, 166

Roman Empire, 116123, 117119, 123124

Soviet Empire, 134, 196


empires (continued)

U.S. Empire, 181200, 218219, 230231, 235236

empowerment, mutual, 274275

Endangered Species Act, 228

enfranchisement/disenfranchisement, 145, 149

England, The Enlightenment, 153154

English colonies, 161, 170

Enlightenment, 153154, 155, 160, 205

Enron Corporation, 232

entropy, law of, 271

environment, healthy, 332333

Environmental Protection Agency, 228

environmental stress, 5860

environmental systems, 2021

equality, 201202

equitability of society, 304

Erikson, Erik, 42

erosion of middle class, 206208

escapism, 287

ethical issues, 36, 115, 132133, 149

Europe, colonial territories, 134

European Renaissance, 123

European Social Forum, 87

Evangelicals, 325

evil, war against, 244


as competitive struggle, 280

of institutional forms, 353

Integral World view, 47

of living species, 247, 253

in religious beliefs, 111

repeating patterns, 292

sustainable limits of Earth, 5860

teaching of, 339

evolutionary accomplishment, 310

evolutionary perspective of choice, 270

evolutionary potential, 358

evolutionary progress, 14, 5859

evolutionism/evolutionists, 256257

evolution wars, 256257

existential vacuum, 286

experiences, early childhood, 286

explorers, 127, 166

exports, U.S., 70

extended family communities, 350

fair-share taxation, 344

falsified culture, 77

Falwell, Jerry, 222

family issues

basic institution of family, 349350

creating strong families, 340

Empire’s assault on families, 317, 349

exploiting breakdown of family, 226227

extended families, 350

family values, 221222, 337

Far Right war against families, 285, 329, 335337

focusing on, 331332

healthy families, 295, 305, 306

parents/parenting, 284285, 285286, 288, 290, 336

rebuilding, 322

strength/stability, 298

viability of family, 335337

for women, 226

Family Policy Councils, 223

Family Research Council, 223

farmers/farming, 206

Far Right, 222, 339

Fascists, 213

fear, 34, 54

Federalist Congress, 189

Federalist Party, 187189

Federalists, 186187

feminine leadership, 323324

Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 204

feminine principles, 105

feminist activism, 204

feudalism, 122123

finance capitalism, 140

financial markets, 139, 140, 211212

First Bank of the United States, 188189

First Colonial Congress, 176177

Focus on the Family, 221, 223

food consumption, 59

Forbes magazine, 299

Ford, Henry, 213

Foreign Affairs, 230

foreign policy, U.S., 194198, 229232

foreign resources, 307

forest ecosystems, 275278

Fortune, 61

Fortune 500

companies, 221

Fox, Matthew, 258, 261, 262263

France, 153, 190

Francis of Assisi, 262


Frank, Justin A., 285, 286

Frankl, Viktor, 3839, 281, 286

fraud, financial, 241

freedoms, 3435, 3839, 125, 145, 205

free market capitalism, 225

free trade, 130131, 185186, 321

free will, 270

French Company of the East Indies, 131

French Revolution, 133

Friedan, Betty, 204

Friedman, Milton, 240241

Friel, John, 4748, 271

Friel, Linda, 4748, 271

Fromm, Erich, 281, 286

fundamentalism, 255, 259260

future, changing the, 354356

Gandhi, Mohandes K., 134, 315316, 317

Garrison, William Lloyd, 202

GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), 136, 195, 228

gender perspectives. See also men; women

balanced relationships, 37

cultural and institutional, 104107

feminine leadership, 323324

gender of Cultural Creatives, 80

his-story, 106107

rejecting the feminine, 100101

scale perspective and, 107108

worship of gods and goddesses, 111

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 136, 195, 228

General Laws and Liberties of New Hampshire, 162

generative power, 97

genocide, 165166, 204205, 214

German death camps, 3839

Gilder, George, 240241

Gilligan, Carol, 42, 324

global civil society, 8588, 152153, 231, 316, 318

“Global Civil Society: The Path Ahead” (Korten, Shiva, and Perlas), 19

global economic output, 59, 7072

global imperial economy, 342345

globalization, corporate-led economic, 1213

global transformation, 86

global turnings, 322326

global warming, 60, 229

Glorious Appearing: The End Days (LaHaye and Jenkins), 260

God. See also religious issues

of Earth Community, 261263

images of, 257263

modern understanding of, 258

monarchical model of, 259

names for, 262

qualities attributed to, 3334

Goddess civilizations, 96102, 9799, 114

gods, ancient Egyptian, 114

Goldwater, Barry, 221

Good Citizens, 45, 46

good society, 147148, 151

Gould, Jay, 209

governance, 103, 120121, 162


Americans’ confidence in, 333334

decision to establish U.S., 183184

influence of corporations on, 333

interventions by, 150

need for, 342

purpose of, 153

Grand Area strategy, 194195

Great Britain, 129, 130, 135, 174178

Great Depression, 212

Great Railroad Strike, 208

Great Unraveling, 21, 53, 311, 335, 353, 358

Great Work, 7273

Greece (ancient), 142146, 353. See also Athens

greenhouse gases, 61, 62

Green Revolution, 62

Greenspan, Stanley, 42

Grimkéé, Angelina, 204

group identity, 103

Guam, 193

Gulf War (1991), 64

Guns, Germs, and Steel (Diamond), 102, 103, 104

Gyr, Herman, 18

Hacienda Santa Teresa, 2737, 77

Halliburton, 198

Hamilton, Alexander, 184185, 187188, 345

Hammel, Laury, 1516

Hancock, John, 129

happiness, 298300

Harding, Warren, 211

Hardisty, Jean, 225


Hardwired to Connect: The New Scientific Case for Authoritative Communities (Commission on Children at Risk), 282283

Harman, Willis, 264

hatred, promoting, 225

Hawaii, 193

Hawkins, Sir John, 129


causes of death in twentieth century, 64

of Earth, 298

of environment, 332333

food insufficiency, 334335

patient capital, 344

psychological, 285, 335

struggle for, 340

health care, 213, 226

healthful function of community, 294

healthy families, 305, 306

healthy societies, indicators of, 306

hegemony, 109, 192, 194198, 264. See also leadership

Heritage Foundation, 221, 223

Hidden Forest, The: Biography of an Ecosystem (Luoma), 275278

hierarchies of dominance, 3536, 41

hieroglyphics, 114

Hildegard of Bingen, 262

his-story, 106107

history, male chauvinist view of, 9495

Hitler, Adolf, 287288

HIV, 59

Ho, Mae-Wan, 1415, 271272, 291

Hobbes, Thomas, 256

homogeneous society, 151, 160

Homo sapiens, 9596

Hoover, Herbert, 211

Hoover Institute, 220, 221

Horton, Miles, 88

hubris, 113

Hudson Bay Company, 131

Hudson Institute, 221

human body, 278280

human brain, 282283, 283284

human consciousness. See consciousness human desires, 310

human life cycle, 288289

human maturity, 271

human nature, 20, 34, 39


earliest, 9596

Goddess civilizations, 96102

pre-Empire, 94

relationship to the planet and to each other, 73

human-scale enterprises, 343

human survival, 265

Humber, Peter, 71

Hurricane Katrina, 234235, 321

Hussein, Saddam, 196

Hyksos invasion, 115

ideal society, 271

IFG (International Forum on Globalization), 12

IMF (International Monetary Fund), 136137, 195, 227, 239

immaturity, psychological, 54

immigration, 322323

immortality, 270271

imperial biblical meaning story, 246247, 249

imperial civilizations/societies, maintenance of dominator structure by, 341

American colonies, 173

contemporary, 291

pre-imperial societies, 109110

Roman Empire, 116123

Imperial Consciousness, 4344, 48, 4954, 56, 209, 234, 261, 289, 329330, 339

imperial global order, 31

imperial hegemony, myth of, 109

imperial meaning story, 257

imperial model of modern era, 126127

imperial privilege, 72

imperial rule, 116, 135, 242, 250

imperial rulers, 57–58, 288

imperial secular story, 247248, 249

imperial security, 242246

imperial systems, power in, 36

imported food dependence, 59

Inclusive World view, 47

income, 67, 299

indentured servants, 168, 189190

India, 87, 130

Indian Empire, 116

Indonesia, 131


Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 211

inequality, 6869, 181

information, 7576, 344

initiatives, Earth Community, 356

insect species, 277

Institute for American Values, 282

Institute for Local Self-Reliance, 319

institutional sociopaths, 132133

intellectual life, 297298

intelligent design, 257

interconnectedness of life, 7879, 273280

interfaith councils, 352

international cooperation, 332333

International Criminal Court, 333

International Forum on Globalization (IFG), 12

international institutions, 8182

International Labor Organization, 81

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 136137, 195, 227, 239

International Peace Conference, 81

international rule of law, 129

intolerance, promoting, 225

invasions, 5051, 115, 193, 197, 231, 307. See also revolutions/wars

Iraq war (2003), 197, 232235

Iistowanohpataakiiwa, Timothy, 291

itinerancy, 173174

IWW (Industrial Workers of the World), 211

James I, King, 161

Jamestown, Virginia, 168169

Japan, 61, 213

Jefferson, Thomas, 147, 150, 183, 184185, 187, 189190, 345

Jenkins, Jerry, 260

Jesus, 225, 247248, 258259, 261, 265, 325

John Templeton Foundation, 221

Jung, Carl, 201, 235

justice, 46, 48, 215, 244

Kagan, Robert, 230

Katrina, Hurricane, 234235, 321

Keep America Beautiful, 221

Kegan, Robert, 42, 44, 49, 296

Kennan, George, 195

Kerry, John, 182

Kettering Foundation, 346

Keynes, John Maynard, 129

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 203, 315316, 317


Charles I, 161

James I, 161

right of, 133

walking away from the king metaphor, 174178, 318

kinship, 103104, 350

kleptocracy, 104

Knights of Labor, 209, 210

Kohlberg, Lawrence, 42

Korten, David C., 14, 15

activism, 1213

early life, 68

professional life, 811

When Corporations Rule the World, 56, 12

Korten, Frances, 8, 9, 1011, 12, 14

Kothari, Smitu, 11

Kristol, Bill, 230

Ku Klux Klan, 212

Kunstler, Howard, 6263

Kyoto Protocol, 229, 333

labor unions

American Federation of Labor (AFL), 210

formation of, 207

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 211

International Labor Organization, 81

Knights of Labor, 209, 210

Mechanics’ Union of Trade Associations, 207

membership drives, 213

National Trades Union, 207

striking during war, 213

LaHaye, Tim, 260

Land Mine Treaty, 228, 333

laws. See also legal issues/legislation

law of entropy, 271

life, 271273

religious, 162

of thermodynamics, 273274

Laws and Liberties of Massachusetts, 162

leaders, New Right, 336


Aristotle on choice of, 154155

dilemma of (ancient Athenian), 148153


leadership (continued)

feminine, 95, 99, 107, 323324

from below, 13, 73, 8788, 179, 315326

social movement, 9, 55, 82, 195, 315316, 353

strategies for, 316318

leaders of twentieth century, 315316

League of Nations, 81

learning, challenges of early human, 93

Left Behind series (LaHaye and Jenkins), 260

legal issues/legislation

Alien Act, 189

American Indian Religious Freedom Act, 205

charters, 191

Civil Rights Act, 203

Clean Air Act, 228

Climate Protection Agreement, 320321

Endangered Species Act, 228

labor laws, 209

Revenue Act, 175

Sedition Act, 189

share ownership by corporations, 192

Stamp Act, 175, 176

Supreme Court, 186, 207, 209, 211

Tea Act, 175

Liberator, The, 202

liberty, U.S. declaration of, 159


as capacity to choose, 270271

forest ecosystems, 275278

human body, 278280

as mutual empowerment, 274275

as struggle, 271273

life cycle, human, 288289, 289290

life satisfaction scores, 299300

life stages, 288289

lifestyle improvements, 297, 332

Liliuokalani, Queen, 193

limbic brain, 283284, 285

Limits to Growth (Club of Rome), 218

living a lie, 355356

living cultures, 349352

living economies, 1415, 319320, 342345

living indicators, 343344

Living Planet Index (World Wildlife Fund), 59, 61

living politics, 345349

living systems, 274

loans, 137138, 138139, 198

local living economies, 1415, 343

local preference, 343

Locke, John, 153, 155

Long Emergency, The (Kunstler), 6263

Louisiana Purchase, 190

love, tension between fear and, 34

low-income countries, 136137, 227

Lukensmeyer, Carolyn, 346

Luoma, Jon R., 275278

Luther, Martin, 116

Macy, Joanna, 18

Madison, James, 187

Mafia, 211

Magical Consciousness, 43, 49, 52, 56, 328

magical consequences, 49

Maguire, Daniel, 51

majoritarian political base, 317318

Mander, Jerry, 15

manufacturing production, 208

Marcos, Ferdinand, 196

Margulis, Lynn, 270, 272273, 291

market capitalization, 68

market economies, 15, 345

market fundamentalism, 219, 239

markets, responsive, 304, 344

Marshall, John, 189

masculine principles, 105

Maslow, Abraham, 42

Mason, George, 185

Massachusetts Bay Colony, 172

Massachusetts Supreme Court, 176

material mechanism, 14, 255, 256, 265, 280

mature citizenship, politics of, 339

mature society, creating, 4849

May, Rollo, 43

meaning, finding, 311312

meaning stories, 246247, 249, 257, 308310

Mechanics’ Union of Trade Associations, 207

mechanism, science of, 264

media, 8283, 348

independent, 346347

Memorandum E-B34, 194

men. See also gender perspectives

domination of women by, 150151

historical roles of, 9495

loss of provider role, 226

priorities of, 324


spiritual identity of, 104105

subordination of women by, 105106

mental health, 285, 335

Mesopotamia, 110114


anthropomorphic, 258

choices of, 104105, 105106

forest ecosystems, 275278

human body, 28280, 278280

non-anthropomorphic, 258

religious, 257258, 262

walking away from the king, 318

Mexican-American War, 191

Mexico, 190191

Middle Ages, 122123, 131, 140

middle class, 206212, 213214, 215, 227


ancient campaigns, 112113

compensation to soldiers, 187188

invasions, U.S., 193

recipients of U.S. aid, 197

responses to terrorism, 66

security of, 306307

support of friendly regimes, 197

U.S. interventions in other countries, 192

U.S. personnel in Gulf War (1991), 64

use of power of, 196

militia, citizen’s, 183

millionaires, 209

Mills, Mark, 71

mines, active worldwide, 64

missionaries, 191, 193194

mob rule, 184

modern empires, 126127, 127133

Mohler, Albert, 256257

monarch butterfly metaphor, 7475, 84

monarchical model of God, 259, 262263

monarchies. See also kings

ancient Athens, 143

current view of, 214

end of, 133134

replacement of, with elected leaders, 199

rights of kings, 133


bias of money system, 140

idolatrous worship of, 250

making money from, 139140

psychological attitude toward, 138

ultimate money con, 138139

as wealth, 6869

money system, 141

monopolies, 240

Monroe, James, 187, 192

Monroe Doctrine, 192

moral autism, 5152

moral bankruptcy, 340

moral behavior/values, 132133, 153154, 225, 240, 324, 329, 339

Moral Majority, 221

moral maturity, 51

Morgan, Sir Henry, 129

Mott, Lucretia, 204

Murolo, Priscilla, 209

mutuality, 276277

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 228

Nagin, Ray, 321

Napoleonic Wars, 133

narcissism, 25, 43, 48, 114


communicating Earth Community– based, 355356

competing, 3334

contemporary story of Creation, 267269

creation stories, 246

discovering and sharing, 310311

Earth Community meaning story, 308310

Earth Community prosperity story, 303305

Earth Community security story, 305307

imperial biblical meaning story, 246247, 249

imperial meaning story, 257

imperial prosperity story, 238242

imperial secular meaning story, 247248

imperial secular story, 249

imperial security story, 242246

as key to New Right’s success, 249250

lack of contemporary, 253

prosperity story, 250

shifts in national, 356

National Association of Evangelicals, 325


National Association of Manufacturers, 213

national economies, access to, 137

national policy, use of war as instrument of, 8182

National Research Council, 335

National Trades Union, 207

nation-states, 140

Native Americans, 165166, 191, 204205

natural succession process, 15

nature, Empire’s assault on, 317

nature as teacher, 291294

neoliberal economics, 164165, 241

neoliberal elitism, 240

neoliberal policies, 336337

New Deal, 212214

New Jerusalem, 162163

New Orleans, 321

New Right, 219, 285

agenda/goals of, 228229

economic agenda, 241

family stress propaganda, 335336

focus of, 328329

imperial secular story favored by, 247248

leaders versus followers of, 225

prosperity story of, 239240

relations between the owning and working classes, 226

self-presentation of, 339340

standing against, 340

war against children, families, and community, 285, 335338

worldviews of leaders of, 237238

New Rules Project, 319

Newtonian science, 263264, 300, 308

New World, 160

New York State Supreme Court, 207

New Zealand, 356

NGOs (nongovernmenta organizations), 1516

NIA (Philippine National Irrigation Administration), 10

Nicaragua, 193

Nickels, Greg, 321

Nixon, Richard, 228

nongovernmental organizations(NGOs), 1516

noosphere, 271

Norquist, Grover, 222

North West Company, 131

nuclear bombs, 6566

Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 333

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 228

occupations, U.S., 197

oil dependence, 6263, 234

oil reserves, 6062

oligarchy, 148

Olin Foundation, 220221

One River, Many Wells (Fox), 258

operant conditioning, 270

Opium War, 130

orders of consciousness, 4256, 147, 286, 347

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), 228

Ottawa Treaty, 333

owners, separation of, from management, 131

owning class, 139140, 186, 208209, 215

Pacific Legal Foundation, 220

Paine, Tom, 189

pain of an unlived life, 286288

Palmer, Parker, 84

Panama, 193

Parable of the Tribes, The (Schmookler), 3536

parents/parenting, 284285, 285286, 288, 290, 336. See also family issues

Parks, Rosa, 202203

Parks, Sharon, 43


biological, 268, 274, 280, 291

contemporary context for, 295297

culture, 53, 258

model, 19, 2940, 222

narrative, 41

politics of, 81

power, 3637, 100

societies, 291294

pathology of Empire, 3536, 37

patient capital, 344

Pax Americana, 230235

Pax Romana, 119121

Peace Alliance, 321

peak oil, 61, 244

Pearl Harbor attack, 213


Penn, William, 171

Pennsylvania, restrictions of corporate ownership of shares, 192

People-Centered Development Forum, 11

People’s Earth Declaration, 8586

People’s Party, 207

perfect storm, economic, 7072

Perkins, John, 198

Perlas, Nicanor, 18, 19

Perle, Richard, 231

Permanent Court of Arbitration, 81

permeable boundaries, principle of, 293294

petroleum reserves, 6062

PFN (Positive Futures Network), 14, 1718

pharaohs, deification of, 114

Philippine National Irrigation Administration (NIA), 10

Philippines, 193

philosophy of scientific revolution, 256

physical infrastructures, 298

physical world, 254255

Piaget, Jean, 43

Pinchot, Gifford, 16

Pinchot, Libba, 16

Pinochet, Augusto, 196

piracy, 128129

place, principle of, 292

planetary stress, 5860

Plato, 146, 147, 148, 151, 154

pluralism, 171173

plutocracy, 161, 164165, 180, 219

agenda of, 223

Alexander Hamilton and, 184185

American, 182

as bipartisan cause, 227228

constitutional, 185187, 341342

corporate, 219

United States as, 185

plutocrats versus populists, 209

PNAC (Project for a New American Century), 230231, 233

Policy Planning Study (U.S. State Department), 195

political consensus, 331334

political democracy, 134135, 140141, 143144, 345

political domination, 18

political institutions, role of, 305306

political manipulators, 50

political principles, of Earth Community, 38

political process, 346349

political sphere, 342

political theory, Rousseau’s, 153154

political turning, 21, 8183, 320322


of culture, 248249

living, 345349

stealth, 223227

poorest people worldwide, 299

population, 59, 97

populists versus plutocrats, 209

Portugal, 127

Positive Futures Network (PFN), 14, 1718

Post-Corporate World: Life after Capitalism (Korten), 15

potential of humanity, failure of, 36

poverty, 304

Powell, Lewis, 220


abuses of, 241

asymmetrical relationship of, 207

centralized, 1011

coercive, 104

of corporations, 333

dominator, 34

of economic and political domination, 18

generative, 97

localization and distribution of, 303305

maturity of those in, 151

men’s compared to women’s, 105106

source of Empire’s, 82

Power Seekers, 328, 329330, 339

practical politics, 31

pre-agricultural societies, 97

pre-Empire civilizations, 166

pre-Empire humans, 94

pre-imperial societies, 109110

presidents, U.S., 184

principles for organizing partnership

societies, 291294

priorities, 72, 244245, 327

privateers, 128129, 141

private property, 150

problem solving, 315

producing classes, 210

product placement, 338339


profiting from public credit, 188189

progressive issues, roots of, 302303

progressive movements, 330

progressives, 329330, 339

Project for a New American Century (PNAC), 230231, 233

property, 139140, 150, 189, 208209

prosperity, 249, 250, 303305

Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, The (Weber), 164

Protestant Reformation, 123

psychological health, 285, 335


behavioral, 269270

of Earth Community, 5253

of Empire, 4852

publicly traded limited-liability

corporations, 131133

public opinion, 191192

public outrage, 186187

Puerto Rico, 193

Puritans, 162163, 171172

Quakers, 163, 164, 171, 202

quality of life, 80, 305

race-based slavery, 169

racketeering, 211

Raleigh, Walter, 161

Rapture, 223, 260261, 287

Ray, Paul, 47, 79, 80, 323324

Reagan, Ronald, 227, 230, 240

real assets, 139140, 150, 189, 208209

reality, explanations of, 280

rebellions, 173174, 175176, 203

Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century, 231

rebuilding economies, bottom-up efforts, 1314

Reed, Ralph, 222

reflective consciousness, 281282, 309, 310, 358


of Earth Community, 3638

of Empire, 34

family, 349350

human communities/natural communities, 3233

human desire for, 310

importance of, 299

life depends on, 274, 292, 299, 309

loving, 285

models for organizing, 3940

trust, 305306

religious issues

biblical meaning story, 246247

Christ, 247248, 258259, 261, 265, 325

Christian Bible, 257

Christianity, 121122

Christian Reconstructionism, 223

Christian Right, 223224

Christian theology, 254

Christian values, 339

competing religious influences (colonial), 163164

conflict between science and religion, 253257, 264

of English colonies, 170

fundamentalists, 189

images of God, 257263

imperial biblical meaning story, 246247, 249

importance of religion to Americans, 325

Jesus, 225, 247248, 258259

mandated state religion, 162

pluralism, 171173

prevailing Western religious story, 308

the Rapture, 287

religion in service of Empire, 352

religion of the strict father, 254

religious freedom, 205

religious versus scientific doctrine, 255

Roman Church, 259

waiting for the Rapture, 260261

Religious Roundtable, 222

renewal, 278279

Republic, The (Socrates), 148

Republican Party, 223

republics, 117119, 127, 185

reservations, Indian, 205

resistance, against corporate

globalization, 318319

resistance movements, 65, 176, 193, 205, 317

resources, monopolization of, 34

responsibility for harms caused, 344

retirement benefits, 213

revolution, scientific, 256, 266



abolishment of use of, 81

American Revolution, 133, 160, 178179, 180, 206

Civil War, 191

evolution wars, 256257

fire power, 6566

French Revolution, 133

Green Revolution, 62

Gulf War (1991), 64

Iraq war (2003), 197, 232235

Mexican-American War, 191

Napoleonic Wars, 133

Opium War, 130

Revolutionary War, 177178

self-destructive, 6364

Seven Years War, 175

Spanish-American War, 193

striking during wars, 213

on terrorism/terrorists, 231235

U.S. Civil War, 191

use of war as instrument of national policy, 8182

War of 1812, 190191

wars against evil, 244

World War II, 134135, 194196, 200, 217

“Ricardo, Juan,” 2729, 3032

Rice, Condoleeza, 231

richest Americans, 299

righteous behavior, 164165

righteousness, 162164


of African Americans, 202203

to collect debts, 185186

Declaration of Colonial Rights, 177, 182183, 199

of early Americans, 183

enforcement of labor, 212

extended by Empire, 3435

irrevocable, 154

political, 145, 349

of property versus people, 1213

religious freedom, 205

voting, 187, 215, 348

women’s, 203204

worker’s, 207

right-wing sentiment, 213

right-wing think tanks, 221

Robertson, Pat, 222223

Rockefeller, David, 220

Rockefeller, John D., 209

Rogers, Carl, 43

Rogers, Guy, 222

Rokke, Doug, 6465

role of culture, 7778

Roman Church, 115116, 121122, 122123, 259

Roman Empire, 116123, 123124

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 212, 220

Roosevelt, Theodore, 192

Rose, Stephen, 274

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 153, 155

Rove, Karl, 234

“Roxanne,” 49

rule of money, 138140

rule of the best, 148

rule of the worst, 101, 121, 148


clueless, 66

corrupt, 136

enslave the losers, 101102

functions of early tribal, 104

from monarchs to corporations, 127, 138

imperial, 174, 288

isolation from workers of, 5758

power of, 77

preparation of, 148

wise, 151

ruling elite, 104, 138, 141

Rumsfeld, Donald, 231

Rushdoony, R.J., 223

Sagan, Dorion, 270, 272273

Sahtouris, Elisabet, 1415, 74, 76, 279, 291, 354

Saudi Arabia, 196

scale, perspective of, 107

scandals, 69

Schell, Jonathan, 35, 66

Schmookler, Andrew, 3536

schools, 351352. See also education


conflict between religion and, 253257, 264

contemporary story of Creation, 267269

of living cosmos, 263264

of mechanism, 264

science of the aging clock, 254255

scientific inquiry, 297298


scientific revolution, 256, 266

Second Bank of the United States, 188189

Second New Deal, 212213

security debate, 249

security story, 305307

self-actualization, 201

self-destruction, 6364, 6466, 113114

self-determination, 13, 196, 345

self–interest, 45, 50, 239, 280, 289

self-organization, 1415, 33, 83, 88, 152, 180, 210, 269, 273275, 289, 292, 295, 316, 347

self-referential morality, 49

self-reliance, 295297

self-renewal, 273274, 278279, 293, 353

Selling of Joseph, The (Sewall), 202

senators, U.S., 184

separation of church and state, 164, 199, 214

September 11, 2001

attacks, 1819, 66, 231, 234

settled agriculture, 9697

settlers, first American, 199200

Seven Years War, 175

Sewall, Samuel, 202

sexual promiscuity, 285

shadow (denied aspects of self), 201, 235

shah of Iran, 196

shamans, 97

shared learning, 76, 96, 268. See also culture

shareholders, 132133, 192

sharing, 66, 95, 102103, 152, 278279, 294

Shay’s Rebellion, 183

Shiva, Vandana, 1819, 357

Silent Majority, 329

Simon, William E., 220221

Skinner, B.F., 269270

Skull and Bones Society, 182

slavery, 102, 112, 118, 131, 146, 214

abolishment of, 202

antislavery petition, 204

Aristotle’s defense of, 150151

desperate volunteers/runaways, 168

in early American colonies, 173

guarantees for, 185186

involuntary conscripts, 167168

race, 168169

Thirteenth Amendment, 187

use of term, 166167

social authority, 45

social classes

Aristotle on, 150

division among, 216

middle class, 206212, 213214, 215, 227

owning class, 139140, 186, 208209, 215216, 243, 289

producing classes, 118, 206, 210

separation of, 67

working class, 206212

social contract, 153

social Darwinism, 247248

social ills, 225

Socialized Consciousness, 4446, 48, 52, 53, 55, 56, 84, 250, 286

social movements, 84, 134

social pathology, 3536, 108, 124

social relationships, 37

social roles, women’s rejection of

definitions of, 323

Social Security, 212213

social systems, 2021, 94

social units, 103

social welfare, 227228

society, balancing feminine and

masculine principles in, 105

sociopaths, 46, 49, 51

institutional, 132133

Socrates, 144145, 146, 147148, 151, 154

solar system, 255

Somoza, Anastasio, 196

Sons of Neptune, 175

Soros, George, 239

Soul of Adulthood, The (Friel and Friel), 271

South America, 356

South Sea Bubble, 131

Soviet Empire, 134, 196

Soviet Union, 194

Spain, 127128, 131, 134

Spanish-American War, 193

spirit model, 262

spiritual awakening, 2122, 73, 75, 80, 322

spiritual bankruptcy, 340

Spiritual Consciousness, 4748, 52, 53, 56, 7879, 289, 316317, 330

Spiritual Creatives, 8081, 323324, 326, 330, 353

spiritual identity, 105106

spiritual inquiry, 324326


spiritual intelligence, 308

spiritual wisdom, 73

Stamp Act, 175, 176

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 204

Star Trek, “The Cloud Minders,” 56, 63, 67, 68, 173, 182

State of the Possible retreats, 18

statesmanship, 104

status quo, threats to U.S., 7072

stealth politics, 223227

stock market (share market), 68

stock shares, number of households owning, 68

Stone, Merlin, 98, 99

stories. See narratives/stories Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 202

strategy for change, 316318

strict father, religion of, 254

strikes, labor, 207208, 211, 213. See also labor unions

structural adjustment agreement for credit, 137

success indicators, 297298

Suharto, Haji Mohammad, 196

Sumner, William Graham, 209

Supreme Court, 186, 207, 209, 211

surplus, division of, 104

sustainable limits of Earth, 5860, 61

swing majority, 53

symbolism, Goddess, 98

syndicates, 127133

Take, The, 71


Americans for Tax Reform, 222

Boston Tea Party, 175176

cuts in income taxes of the rich, 211, 233

fair-share taxation, 344

increases for corporations and the wealthy, 213

Revenue Act of 1767, 175

shifting of tax burden, 67

on whiskey production, 187188

Tea Act, 175

technology, 8283, 344, 346

temples of the Goddess, 9799

terrorism/terrorists, 6566, 231235, 244, 245, 307

Thatcher, Margaret, 227

theocrats/theocracy, 161165, 172, 219, 225

theories, 13, 153154, 264

thermodynamics, laws of, 273274

think tanks, 221

Third Ministerial Conference (WTO), 87

Thomas Aquinas, 262

threats to security, 306

Todd, Emmanuel, 69

trade agreements, 12, 19, 138, 185, 196197, 293294

trade relationships, 345

transitional generation, 6, 78

transition to Empire, 102104


Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, 230

honoring of, by United States, 129

Land Mine Treaty, 228, 333

Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 333

Ottawa Treaty, 333

Treaty of Paris, 179

Treaty of Versailles, 81

tribal culture, 290291

Trilateral Commission, 220

trust issues, 103, 305306, 333334

Truth, Sojourner, 202

Tubman, Harriet, 202

Turner, Nat, 202

UNCED (Conference on Environment and Development), 17

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 202

unemployment, 212213, 336


unification, religious, 173

unifying theory, scientific quest for, 264

unions. See labor unions United Nations, 17, 64, 8182, 8586, 196, 332333

United States. See also colonies,


American’s views of role of, 332333

critical examination of, 235

Declaration of Independence, 129, 154, 159, 160, 179, 182183, 195196, 201202

early rulers, 182185

economic growth/consumerism, 299

electoral system, 346347

expansion abroad, 193

firepower of, 6566


United States (continued)

grand plan for global economic system, 135136

honoring of treaties, 129

households owning stock shares, 6869

imperial counterattack by, 136138

oil consumption, 61

oil dependence, 6263

policy failures, 235236

political division in, 327

poverty line, 334335

richest Americans, 299

slavery, 167

territorial expansion, 204205

terrorists’ hatred of, 245

trade deficit, 6970

2004 presidential election, 324, 329

westward expansion, 190191

universities, 351352

unlived life, pain of, 286288

unravelings, of economy, 358

unregulated markets, 241

Untouchables, 87

uprisings. See revolutions/wars uranium ammunition, 64

U.S. Army, 190

U.S. Census Bureau, 335

U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 220

U.S. Civil War, 191

U.S. Constitution, 182, 187

U.S. State Department, 192, 195

U.S. Supreme Court, 186

U.S. Treasury Department, 136137, 239

value of money, 139


alignment with authentic, 84

Christian, 339

of Earth Community, 55, 319320

family, 221222, 329, 337

Institute for American Values, 282

liberal and conservative, 31, 298, 328, 340

moral, 225, 324, 329

progressive, 339

surveys of U.S., 7980

World Values Survey, 80

VA (Veterans Administration), 64

van Gelder, Sarah, 14, 357

Vazquez, Tabare, 356

Veterans Administration (VA), 64

violence, 37, 65, 66, 265, 285, 297, 307

Virginia, Bacon’s Rebellion, 168169

vocations, 297


integrity of voting machines, 348

numbers of women voting, 323

right to vote, 348

voter base, 221223

voting rights, 187, 215

wage increases, 213

wages, inadequate, 226

Walker, David, 202

walking away from the king, 174178, 356

Wallerstein, Immanuel, 6566

Wallis, Jim, 261

War of 1812, 190191

wars. See revolutions/wars wartime debt, 187188

Washington, George, 160, 179, 187, 189

Washington Association of Churches, 257

waste elimination, 296

Watson, James, 213

Watts rebellion, 203

wealth, 62, 68, 186, 239

Wealth and Poverty (Gilder), 240241

weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), 6364, 66, 198, 232, 233

weapons of self-destruction, 6466

Webb, James, 233

Weber, Max, 164

Web sites

Bainbridge Graduate Institute (BGI), 16

Business Alliance for Local Living Economies, 16

YES! A Journal of Positive Futures, 14, 20

well-being, measures of, 299300

Western Union Telegraph Company, 209

westward expansion, U.S., 190191

What Is Life? (Margulis and Sagan), 270

When Corporations Rule the World (Korten), 56, 12, 14

When God Was a Woman (Stone), 98

Who’s Running America (Dye), 181182

WHO (World Health Organization), 64

Wicks, Judy, 1516

Wilkins, Roger, 177178

Williams, Roger, 172


Wink, Walter, 121, 261

Winthrop, John, 162

wisdom, collective, 150

wise benevolence, 109

WMDs, See weapons of mass destruction

Wobblies (Industrial Workers of the World), 211

Wolfowitz, Paul, 230

women. See also gender perspectives

in ancient Athens, 146

Daughters of Liberty, 176

equality for, 202, 203204

in his-story, 106107

historical roles of, 94

job and family issues, 226

leadership by, 323324

partnership relations, 37

rejection of social roles definitions, 323

rights of citizenship, 187

runaway wives, 168

spiritual identity of, 104105

subjugation of, historic, 112

subordination of, by men, 105106

When God Was a Woman (Stone), 98

women-led societies, 99, 323

workers, isolation from rulers of, 5758

working class, 206212

World Anti-Slavery Convention, 204

World Bank, 136137, 194, 195, 227, 239

World Health Organization (WHO), 64

World Social Forum, 87

World Trade Organization (WTO), 12, 87, 136, 195, 228, 239

World Values Survey, 80


creation of, 76

inclusive, 47

Integral World view, 47

mature, 52

of modern culture, 256

Western religious, 254

World War II, 134135, 194196, 200, 217

World Wide Web, development of, 82

World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 59

WTO (World Trade Organization), 12, 87, 136, 195, 228, 239

WWF (World Wildlife Fund), 59

YES! A Journal of Positive Futures, 14, 20, 357

YMCA, 282

Zinn, Howard, 166

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