3-D printed gun blueprints, 137–39

abolition, 12, 47, 49–50

abortion, legalization of, xiii, 121–22

affirmative action programs, 145–46

African Americans

black communities, disruption of, 96–97

black middle class, 145–46

dangers to from police, 73–74

disarming of, present day, 73–74

medical mistreatment of, 57

police shootings of unarmed, 73–75

Amaral, Luis, 123–24

Amendments to the Constitution, 10, 62, 63, 66, 100, 101, 116

See also Second Amendment

American Academy of Pediatrics, 7

American Holocaust (Stannard), 22

American Revolution, 30, 37, 52

American Slavery, American Freedom (Morgan), 29

American Tradition Partnership, Inc. v. Bullock, 112–13

amnesty programs, 149

Anslinger, Harry J., 97–98

“antifascist protesters,” 73

anti-Federalist faction, 99–100

anti-Semitism, 24, 92–93

antiwar left, 96

AR-15, 23, 24, 70, 75, 108

Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (US Army), 141, 142

Armatix, 141, 142

armed rebellion, Second Amendment “right” to, 106–7

Aronsen, Gavin, 120–21

Articles of Confederation, 37

Atahuallpa, 28

Atwater, Lee, 97

Australia, 2–3, 148–49

automatic weapons, 126, 127–32, 149

process to obtain, 128–30. See also semiautomatic weapons

baby boomer generation, xiii, 123

Badger, Bill, 130

Bartolomé de Las Casas, 21

Baum, Dan, 96–97

BB guns, as police plants, 73–74

Beierle, Scott, 93

Bellesiles, Michael, 13

Berger, Warren, 103

Bill of Rights, 10, 34

Birth of a Nation (film), 59, 63

“Black Awareness” class, 144

Black Cavalry, 68

Black Codes, 64, 66

black communities, disruption of, 96–97

Black Lives Matter, 73, 92

Black Panther Party, 76, 77–78, 118–19

Bogotá, Colombia, 126

Bogus, Carl T., 32

bomb mailings, 92

Boone, Daniel, 57

Booth, John Wilkes, 62, 64

Boston Tea Party, 52–53

Bowers, Robert, 92–93

British army, 28–29, 48

plantation owners protected by, 31

British East India Company, 52–53

Brown, John, 62

Brown, Michael, 72

Buchwald, Art, 121–22

Buckley v. Valeo, 112

Buffalo Bill, 59

“Buffalo Bill’s Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World,” 59

Bundy, Cliven, 12, 80

Bush, Jeb, 115

Bush, George W., 115

bushwhackers, 56–57

bushwhackers (Missouri Confederates), 55

busing, 1960s, 145

Carlin, George, 133

Carolinas, 32, 35, 45, 66, 71

car ownership, 126, 133–36

Carter, Harlon, 80

Castile, Philando, 74, 80–81

Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), 93–94

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 3–4

Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner, 119

Chapman, Simon, 148

Charlottesville, Virginia, 70, 72–73

Christianity, 12

Citizens United, 109, 112–13, 114, 116

“civil asset forfeiture,” 68

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 90

civil rights movement, 121

Civil War, 10, 54–56

secession, 70–71

Clark, Stephon, 74

Clark, William, 110–12

Clinton, Henry, 48

Clinton, Hillary, 92

CNN, 69–70, 92

Colt Company, 56, 131

Columbus, Bartholomew, 20

Columbus, Cristopher, 8, 16–21

Confederate soldiers, former, 54–55

Congress, 38, 110, 116

Congressional Research Service, 123

Constitution, 8

Article 1, Section 2, 39

Article 1, Section 8, militia powers, 40, 41–42, 44, 46, 47–48, 100

Article 1, Section 9, 39–40

Article 3, Section 2, 116

Bill of Rights, 10, 34, 44

funding provision for standing armies, 44, 46

Madison’s first draft, 37, 44–45

Virginia ratifying convention, 35, 44

Constitutional Convention, 1787, 37, 38, 103–4

Cooper, Thomas, 42–43

copwatching, 76–79

Copwatch Patrols, 78

corporations, 52–53, 111–12

Citizens United decision, 109, 112–13, 114, 116–17

corruption, 109–13

cotton production, 53, 54, 56

cowboys, 52–59

Cuneo, Miguel, 16, 18–19

Darwin, Charles, 57, 58

death threats, 142

Declaration of Independence, 53, 55, 106

de Landa, Diego, 23–25

DeLay, Tom, 112

Democracy in America (de Tocqueville), 118

Democratic Party, 24, 64, 92

De Niro, Robert, 92

Diamond, Jared, 27

DiCaprio, Leonardo, 32

Dickey Amendment, 3–4

Dillinger, John, 127

Dionne, E. J., 89, 115

disintegration, 119–20

District of Columbia v. Heller, 99–108, 115

Dolly (slave), 64

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 69

Dred Scott v. Sandford, 116

Drew, Benjamin, 31

drug enforcement, 95–98

Drug Enforcement Agency, 97

Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxane, 11, 27

Duwe, Grant, 89

Ehrlichman, John, 96–97

Eisenhower, Dwight, 45

Elizabeth I, 52

eugenics, 59–60

European armies, 28–29, 41

Falls, Robert, 6

Federal Bureau of Narcotics, 97

Federalist Papers, 41

federal militia, 47–48

“FEMA camps,” 8

feminism, 121–22

Ferguson, Missouri, 72

Fields, James, Jr., 73

Fifteenth Amendment, 62

fingerprint reader, 140–41

First Amendment, 100, 101

“The First Gun in America” (NPR), 16–17

First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, 127

Follman, Mark, 120–21

Ford, Henry, 133

Founders/Framers, 99, 105, 107

Fourteenth Amendment, 10, 63

Fourth Amendment, 66, 100, 101

Fox News, xii, 125

Frederick, Karl, 130

freedmen, 48, 61, 63–65

frontier, 11–14, 27, 29, 31

Galton, Francis, 60

Gardner, Cory, 113

Garland, Merrick, 116

genocide, 5, 6–9, 12–13, 20–22, 53–55, 57

Georgia, 31–32, 35, 71–72

Giffords, Gabrielle, 130

Gilded Age, 110

Gore, Al, 115

Gorsuch, Neil, 116

Gottfried, Mara H., 80–81

Gray, Freddie, 72

Greeks and Romans, 37, 42–43

Grenier, John, 27

gun-buyback program, Australia, 2–3, 149

gun-control measures, 79–80, 125–26

gun culture, 5, 13, 15, 22, 25, 27–30, 70, 90, 114

gun death statistics, xiii-xiv, 148

gun ownership, regulated like car ownership, 126

gunslinger myth, 56, 59, 105

Hadden, Sally E., 32, 64–68

Hagan, John, 123–24

Haiti/Hispaniola, 16–21

Hamilton, Alexander, 41–42

Hampton, Fred, 76

Harris, Katherine, 115

Hartmann, Louise, 144

Harvard Injury Control Center, 125

Hawkins, Gordon, 8–9

Heller (District of Columbia v. Heller), 99–108, 115

Helmer, William, 83–86

Hemenway, David, 125

Hemings, James, 36

Hemings, Sally, 36

Henry, Patrick, 47, 48–50

heroes, 56–57

Heyer, Heather, 73

Hitler, Adolf, 15, 24, 34, 59–60

Hogg, David, 109

Holder, Eric, 92

Holliday, Doc, 105

Holocaust, 92

homemade products, 137–38

homicides, 3, 6, 119–20, 126

house raids by police, 95–96

House/Senate compromise, 38

Hughes, Mark, 74–75

Hutton, Bobby, 77

incendiary devices, 94

indentured servants, 38–39

“individual right” to gun ownership, 99–108

inequality, 118–24

Iroquois Confederacy, 37, 38

Jackson, Andrew, 18, 54

James, Claire, 82–83

James, King, 52

Jamestown, Virginia, 26

James-Younger Gang, 55, 57

Japan, xiii

Jefferson, Thomas, 29–30, 34–38, 40–41, 99–100

on Madison’s first draft of Constitution, 37, 44–45

Johnson, Andrew, 64

Johnson County Sheriff’s Department, Kansas, 95–96

Justice Policy Institute, 98

Kalispell Bee, 111

Kaplan, Mark, 120

Keith, Donald, 17

Kennedy, Anthony, 112

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 121

Koch brothers, 113, 117

Kopel, David, 28

Ku Klux Klan, 13, 59, 63–68, 69

Lanza, Adam, xii-xiii

Lanza, Nancy, xii-xiii

The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight (Hartmann), 16

Las Vegas shooting, 2017, 89

Lawrence, Kansas, 55

Lee, Henry, 107

Levitz, Eric, 123

liability insurance, 135, 136, 139

“Liberty to Slaves” slogan, 48

licensing, 134–36, 148–49

limited-liability corporations, 52

Lincoln, Abraham, 50, 61–62

Loaded (Dunbar-Ortiz), 11

“lone wolves,” young white men as, 87, 88

Louisiana Purchase, 11, 12

lynch mobs, 67

Madison, James, 29–30, 35, 37, 40, 43–45, 50–51, 103–4

magazines, semiautomatic, 131–32

Magee, Steven, 140

manifest destiny, 12–13

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, 89

marksmanship, 28, 30

“masculinity,” 93

Mason, George, 41, 47, 49

Massachusetts, Shays’ Rebellion, 106–7

Massachusetts Constitution, 46

Mass Murderers (Time-Life Books), 86

mass shootings

1930s, 132

increase in, 93–94, 123

school shootings, xiii, 24, 60, 123–24

University of Texas, 82–86

young white men most likely, 86–88, 120

Mayans, 24–25

McCain, John, 109, 113

McConnell, Mitch, 116

Memory as a Remedy for Evil (Todorov), 23

mental health issues, 119, 120–21

Meredith, James, 90

Mexican-American War, 56

microstamping, 141

middle class

black, 145–46

disintegration of, 119, 123–24

midterm elections, 2018, 94

migrant “caravan,” 91, 92, 93

military-industrial complex, 45

military marksmanship, 28, 30

militias, 27, 31–33, 62

Article 1, Section 8 powers, 40, 41–42, 44, 46, 47–48, 100. See also slave patrols Minnesota permit-to-carry holders, 80–81

money equals free speech, 112–13, 116–17

money in politics, 109–14

Monroe, James, 42, 47

Montana, 110–12, 117

Moore, Roy, 12

Morgan, Edmund S., 29

Mother Jones, 120–21

Move to Amend, 116

Mulford Act (AB-1591), 79, 118–19

National Association for the

Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 98

National Firearms Act of 1934, 127–30, 132

National Firearms Museum, 16

National Museum of African

American History and Culture, 147

National Rifle Association (NRA), 3–4, 8, 74–75, 80, 81, 105–6, 109, 127–30, 150

Native Americans, 11–12, 15, 21–22, 26, 31, 53–55

treaties with, 31

as woodsmen, 29

“Negro risings,” fear of, 65

neoliberalism, 118–24

New Hampshire Constitution, 46

Newton, Huey, 77–79

Newtown, Connecticut, shooter, xiii

New York Post, 122–23

New York Times, 115, 125

Nixon, Richard, 24, 94, 96–97, 103, 111

reelection campaign, 105

North Carolina, 45, 66

Northwestern University study, 123–24

number of guns correlated to gun violence, 6–7

Oakland, California, 77–78

Obama, Barack, xi-xii, 6, 8, 92, 116

OK Corral, shootout at, 56–57 Olds, R. E., 133

“Old West outlaws,” 55

OMB No. 1140–0014 Application for Tax Paid Transfer & Registration of Firearm form, 128–30

open carry, 70, 76

Oregon, homemade car legislation, 137

Orwell, George, 10

Paddock, Stephen, 89

Old West outlaws Pah, Adam R., 123–24

Palast, Greg, 115

Pan, Deanna, 120–21

Parkland, Florida, shooting, 89, 114, 136, 150

Paton, Alan, 144

Patriot Prayer, 91

“pauper class,” 42–43

Pedro de Cordoba, 20

A People’s History of the United States (Zinn), 25, 26–27

Perry, Governor, 66

personhood, corporate, 51

“person,” legal definition, 10

Philippines, 58

pipe bombs, 94

plantation owners, 19, 31–32, 35, 37, 48, 104

expansion of operations, 53–54. See also slavery

police forces, 63–64

African Americans on, 65

Charlottesville response, 72–73

“civil asset forfeiture,” 68

house raids by, 95–96

local taxes pay for, 146–47

shootings of unarmed African Americans, 73–75

police state, 25, 33, 47

political violence, 91

Port Arthur Massacre, Australia, 148

Portland Police Bureau, 91–92

Portman, Rob, 113

Portsmouth, Virginia, 64–65, 66

poverty, 120, 146

Powell Memo, 112

Powhatan “Indians,” 21, 26

private prison industry, 147

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 123

Prohibition era, 127

property rights, 71

property taxes, to pay for public schools, 146

Public Citizen, 116

public health and safety, 140, 148

Pyatt, Jan (former slave), 65

racism, 14, 23–24, 90, 121, 144–46

“scientific theories” to justify, 57–60

radio frequency identification (RFID), 141–42

Reagan, Ronald, 54, 76, 79, 90, 94, 105, 116, 118, 122–23

Reaganomics, 122–24

Reconstruction, 63–64

Regas, George, vii

registration and title, 134–35

regulation, 140–43

Relación de las Cosas de Yucatán (de Landa), 23–24

religion, 12–13, 23

reparations, 145–46

Republican Party, 24, 110

research prevented, 3–4

revolvers, 131

Rice, Tamir, 73–74

Richmond militia, 62

rifles, 131–32

right-wing extremists, 92–94

Rockefeller, John D., 110

Rodger, Elliot, 122

Roof, Dylann, 121, 145

Roosevelt, Theodore, 22, 58–59, 110, 111

Rosenthal, Elisabeth, 125

Rough Riders, 59

Rubio, Marco, 109, 113

Safe Gun Technology, Inc., 140–41

Saturday Evening Post, 54, 57

Sayoc, Cesar, 92, 93

Scalia, Antonin, 100–102, 104, 113

school shootings, xiii, 24, 60, 123–24

school system, public, 144, 146

Science magazine, 7

Seale, Bobby, 77–79

secession documents, 70–72

Second Amendment, 5, 10, 27, 34, 65, 74, 100

“bear arms” phrase, 102–3

country changed to State, 51

Seize the Time (Seale), 77

semiautomatic weapons, 126, 127–32, 149. See also automatic weapons

senators, direct election of, 110, 111–12

September 11, 2001, 115

Seventeenth Amendment, 110, 111–12

sex-slave trade, 18–19

Shays, Daniel, 106–7

Shays’ Rebellion, 106–7

Sherman Anti-Trust Act, 111

shooting ranges, x-xi

shooting-range test, 135–36

Short, William, 36

slave patrols, 10, 11, 31, 35, 60, 73. See also militias

Slave Patrols: Law and Violence in Virginia and the Carolinas (Hadden), 32

slave rebellions, 33, 50

slavery, 5, 8–10, 18

1808 compromise, 39–40

police state required, 25, 33, 47

religious justification for, 12–13. See also plantation owners

slave trade into America, 39

smart guns, 140–43

Smith, John, 21

Smith, L. Neil, 95

Smith, Timothy M., 3

snipers, 86

social context, 87, 88, 124

social Darwinism, 57

social safety net, 118–19, 123

Soros, George, 92

South, 31–32

post-Civil War, 61

Reconstruction, 63–64. See also slave patrols; slavery southern-strategy dog whistle, 91, 94, 119

Spanish-American War, 58

Spencer, Herbert, 57–58

Spitzer, Eliot, 125

Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia, 120

“sportsmen” issue, 76

standing armies, 35, 40, 41–46, 99–100

Stannard, David, 15, 22

Stevens, John Paul, 99–105, 109

Stinson, Clark, 1–2

Stinson, Colleen, 1

“stolen property,” 67–68

suicide, 1–2, 149

Supica, Jim, 16

Supreme Court, 51, 99, 112, 115–16

Buckley v. Valeo, 112

Citizens United, 109, 112–13, 114, 116

Florida recount, 2000, 115

Heller (District of Columbia v. Heller), 99–108, 115

Taft, William Howard, 110, 111–12, 114

Taino “Indians,” 8, 18–21

taxes, 145–47

Tea Act of 1773, 52–53

Tenth Amendment, 101

Texas Rangers, 11

Tillis, Thom, 113

Tillman Act, 1907, 114

Todorov, Tzvetan, 23

Tree of Life synagogue shooting, 92–93

Trump, Donald, 70, 90–91, 92, 110, 116

Tubman, Harriet, 31

Tuchman, Barbara W., 34

Tucson, Arizona shooting, 130

Uniform Firearms Act of 1931, Pennsylvania, 127–28

Union Army, 61, 63–64

United States history, sanitized, 10–14

University of Texas shooting, 1966, 82–86, 89 US Army, 42, 141

Vietnam War, 1, 90

Virginia, 25

Jamestown, 26

militias, 32

open-carry state, 70

Portsmouth, 64–65, 66

ratifying convention for Constitution, 35, 44, 48

Virginia Bill of Rights of 1776, 45

Virginia Company, 52

Virginia Declaration of Rights, 41


2016 elections, 69–70

denied to slaves, 38–39

Klan intimidation, 69

Voting Rights Act of 1965, 90

Waldman, Michael, 105, 108

War of 1812, 43

Warren, Elizabeth, 142–43

Washington, DC, 101, 147

Washington, George, 15, 30, 107

weapons manufacturers, 2–5, 10, 13, 51, 80, 117, 127

Weeks, Linton, 16

Wheeler, Ted, 91

Whiskey Rebellion, 1794, 107

white men

as likely shooters, 86–88, 120

“lone wolves,” 87, 88

white supremacy, 8, 34, 62–66, 70, 72, 75

modern, 24

“scientific theories,” 57–60

as thought-virus, 19

Whitman, Charles, 82–83, 87, 89

Whitney, Eli, 56

Williamson, Marianne, 1

Wilson, Cody, 137

Wilson, Woodrow, 59, 63

Winchester, Olivert, 13

Winchester Repeating Arms Company, 13

Winkler, Adam, 66, 80

Yanez, Jeronimo, 81

Zimmerman, George, 145

Zimring, Franklin, 8–9

Zinn, Howard, 25, 26–27

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