Derek, for being my biggest cheerleader, for helping me get this process out of my head, for being one of my closest and most trusted conspirators and friends, and for being the amazing soul that you are.

Dad, for pushing me to be better, for always playing devil’s advocate, for challenging me to test my perceptions of the world, for giving me the kick in the ass to go into business for myself, and for telling me to damn the torpedoes.

Mum, for being my emotional support, for always being on my side, for not taking no for an answer until you found the solution to my disability that changed my life, and for fostering the heart inside me.

Chelsea, for being the sister everyone wishes they had, for being with me every step of the way, for being my confidante, and for putting up with me all these years.

Gran, for providing us the family time every Thursday night to talk business and for always saying how proud of me you were.

Brittany, for making me a better man in every way, for being my best friend, and for showing me endless patience and love.

Cindy, for seeing what no one else saw, for challenging me to do it right, and for being the literary agent every author hopes to find.

Tim, for believing this book had a home at AMACOM, for seeing its potential before it even existed, for trusting in my ability to see it through, and for a collaborative spirit that made the book far more than what it would have been.

My clients and sales teams, for letting me use your stories and for allowing me to learn and develop myself through the opportunity of working with you.

My readers, for trusting me to take you on this journey.

—Matthew Pollard

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