Note: Page numbers followed by n refer to notes.

Accounting Hall of Fame, 1820

Adner, Ron, 37n1

AdWords, 225

agile development, 39

Align, 169171, 69, 153, 154155, 157, 227

Anderson, Brad, 226227

Anderson, Gary, 222

Anthony, Michelle, 2122, 21n6, 156158

Anthony, Robert N. Sr., 18, 46, 59, 6768, 219220

Apple Inc. (Apple Computer, Inc.), 8, 24, 26, 30, 66, 150, 153, 154, 234235

Apple II, 5

App Store, Apple Inc., 24, 32, 154

Ardent, 38

associational thinking, 3334

BareBones NPV, 56

behaviors, rewarding, 65, 72, 229235, 245

Belichick, Bill, 233

Bessemer Venture Partners, 234235

Best Buy, 95, 226227

Bezos, Jeff, 227

Blank, Steve, 36, 3839, 75, 200

Blockbuster, 8, 16

blue ocean opportunities, 109, 142

Blue Ocean Strategy (Kim and Mauborgne), 142

blueprinting ideas, 17, 127, 156, 161, 165, 223

Borrowing Brilliance (Murray), 128

borrowing ideas, 78, 128129, 136, 165, 219, 223

Bower, Joseph, 37n1

Branson, Richard, 30, 43, 195

breakthrough insight, 37, 54

brilliant borrowing, 165

Burgelman, Robert, 37n1

Burns, Stephanie, 222

business model innovation, 153164, 165

business model, 4, 7, 8, 19, 36, 38, 155, 158159, 165, 168, 171, 173, 176, 186187, 196, 217, 221, 225227

Byron, Ellen, 145

Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (Schumpeter), 37, 57

Carrefour, 96

Charan, Ram, 50

Christensen, Clayton, xiii–xv, 13, 8, 33, 36, 3941, 46, 47, 68, 76, 80, 89, 92, 9899, 103, 130, 144, 149, 151152, 237

Cisco Systems, 53, 151, 226

Clayton, James, 208209

cloud computing services, 155

CNN, 2021

commercial innovation, 23

Commodore 64, 5

compensating behaviors, 109114, 125

confirmation bias, 200201, 204

consumer-is-boss perspective, 50, 60, 65, 9397

Cook, Scott, 169, 171172, 180, 203204

core capabilities, 36, 46, 220, 222

“Core Competence of the Corporation” (Hamel and Prahalad), 219

cost of innovation, 3032

creative destruction, 5758, 77

Creative Destruction (Foster and Kaplan), 36, 44, 45, 57

creativity, 17, 252

crowd-sourcing, 21

“Curse of Too Much Capital, The” (Clayton, Gambill, and Harned), 208209

customer discovery, 3839

customer-first perspective, 36, 42, 112

customer research, 115119

CVS Caremark, 130

Dartmouth, The (newspaper), 5, 68, 69

Dartmouth College, 5, 6, 77, 201

Dayton Hudson, 225226

deal killer, 180181, 206

definitions of innovation, 1518

Design of Business, The (Martin), 36, 52, 53

DesignWorks, 53

Digital Equipment Corporation, 8, 151

direct response television (DRTV), 121122

“Discipline of Innovation, The” (Drucker), 4243

Discovery-Driven Growth (McGrath), 37, 55, 56

discovery-driven planning, 56, 64, 179180, 206

“Discovery-Driven Planning” (McGrath and MacMillan), 56

disruptive innovation, 24, 22, 36, 4041, 14952, 149n5, 165, 170, 171, 180

disruptive technology, 149n5

DNA of innovators, 33, 47, 68, 243

Doblin, Larry, 37n1

Doing Both (Sidhu), 53

double-entry concept of capabilities, 68, 219220, 223

Dow Corning Company, 196, 220223

Drive (Pink), 79

Drucker, Adolf, 57

Drucker, Peter, 36, 4143, 57, 61, 99

Duncan, Dave, 97

Dyer, Jeffrey, 33, 37n1, 130, 243

Eastman Kodak Company, 69, 76, 8990, 91, 146

Economist, The (journal), 73

Edison, Thomas Alva, xix, 17, 18, 36, 4344, 59, 6566, 70, 75, 188, 195, 232233

Einstein, Albert, xviii, 149, 32n12

Entourage (television show), 33

e-readers, 155

Essentials of Accounting (Anthony), 1920

experiments, 34, 62, 163, 167168, 173, 181, 187188, 195199, 200, 204, 206, 232, 252

external viewpoint, 6062, 70

Eyring, Matt, 187

Facebook, 30, 32, 62, 69, 222

failure, 3, 40, 65, 66, 7980, 116n6, 142, 163, 169170, 212n1, 228, 232233, 235

Fairhurst, Fiona, xvxvi

Faraci, Philip, 8990

Fast Facts program, Turner Broadcasting, 2021, 25

Febreze brand, 24

field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), 3132

focus groups, evils of, 116117

Foster, Richard N., 27n10, 36, 4446, 57, 68, 75, 160, 216

four P’s of innovation, 174177

Four Steps to the Epiphany, The (Blank), 36, 38

Front End of Innovation conference (2008), 51

Fusion brand razors, 2324, 72, 145146

Gambill, Bradley, 208209

Game-Changer, The (Lafley and Charan), 36, 50

Geek Squad, 226227

Geisel, Theodor (Dr. Seuss), 7778

General Electric, 103

General Motors, 8, 151

genius and perspiration, Edison on, 36, 43, 66, 72, 188

Gilbert, Clark, 187

Gillette Company, 2324, 7274, 145146

Gladwell, Malcolm, 121n8

goals and bounds tools, Innosight, 210

Godrej & Boyce, 103105

“good enough,” 91–92, 127, 141, 150151, 165

Google, 2526, 32, 69, 89, 135, 153, 187, 224225

Google AdWords, 32n12

Google SketchUp, 32n12

Goulait, Dave, 148149, 152

Govindarajan, Vijay, 36, 4647, 68, 78, 220, 223

Gregersen, Hal, 33, 37n1, 130, 243

Grove, Andy, 26, 40

growth gaps, 89

Guth, Robert A., 224225

Hamel, Gary, 37n1, 219

Hang, C. C., 37n1

Harned, Douglas, 208209

Hartorf, Albert, 201

Harvard Business Review, 42, 47, 49, 56, 78, 99, 100n4, 134n2, 187, 219

HBO, 33

Heath, Chip and Dan, 33, 210

Hollywood pitch technique, 33, 191192

Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (movie), 217

“How GE Is Disrupting Itself” (Immelt, Govindarajan, and Trimble), 47

Hulu, 227

IBM, 76

idea résumé, 161

IDEO, 53

Immelt, Jeffrey, 47

inner Edison, 44, 6566, 70, 72

Innosight, 3, 20, 44, 98, 106, 118, 155156, 184n7, 210, 236, 240241

Innosight Labs, 101, 178, 180181


cost of, 3032

creativity and, 17

definitions of, 1518

essential components of, xiii

predictability of, 3, 43, 4950

process, 17, 50, 86, 129, 234

strategic intent of, 2224

types of, 2225

Innovation: The Attacker’s Advantage (Foster), 45, 75

Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Drucker), 36, 41, 42

Innovator’s Dilemma, The (Christensen), 1, 2, 40, 41, 92, 149, 149n5, 151152

Innovator’s DNA, The (Dyer, Gregersen, and Christensen), 130, 243

Innovator’s Guide to Growth, The (Anthony et al.), 118

Innovator’s Solution, The (Christensen and Raynor), 36, 39, 41, 98, 150n7

integrated experiments, 187

Intel Corporation, 26, 40

intersections, 62, 128, 130132, 243, 252

Intuit, 169

iPad, 66

iTunes music store, 24

Jager, Durk, 93

James, Bill, 36, 47n3, 4850

Jarillo Mossi, Jose-Carlos, 214

Joaquin, James, 69

Jobs, Steve, 8, 30, 43, 208, 209

“job to be done” concept, 61, 98105, 114, 115, 118, 125, 162, 170, 171, 200

Johnson, Mark, 112, 155156, 196, 220

Jury, Lizzie, 2021

Kaplan, Sarah, 44

Kawasaki, Guy, 193

Kilar, Jason, 227

Killingstad, Chris, 215

Kim, W. Chan, 37n1, 142

Kindermusik, 157, 158

Kindle e-readers, 155

King, Stephen, 213214

Kodak, 69, 76, 8990, 91, 146, 151

Krieger, Rick, 129130

Lafley, A. G., 36, 43, 5052, 52n8, 57, 59, 6062, 9395, 111112, 138

Larsson, Stieg, 19

lean start-up, 39, 32n12

Leonardo da Vinci, 17

Levitt, Ted, 99100, 100n4

LG, 103

Lindegaard, Stefan, 135

Linkage, 17n2

LinkedIn, 32n12

Linksys, 226

Little Girls Can Be Mean (Anthony and Lindert), 158

Living It program, Procter & Gamble, 95

MacGyver (television show), 192, 192n8

MacMillan, Ian, 56, 179180

Madden, John, 6

Made to Stick (Heath and Heath), 33, 210

“Major League Innovation” (Anthony), 49

“Marketing Myopia” (Levitt), 99, 100n4

Markides, Constantinos C., 37n1

Martin, Roger, 36, 5253, 54, 57, 70

Mauborgne, Renée, 37n1, 103, 142

Mauboussin, Michael, 37, 5455, 62

Mayo Clinic, 235

McDonald’s, 129

McGrath, Rita, 37, 5556, 64, 179180

McKinsey & Company, 29, 44, 4546, 78

Media General, 118

Microsoft Corporation, 26, 69, 106, 107, 224225

milkshake-drinking, kite-flying shark, xixxi

milkshake parable, xiiixv

Mintzberg, Henry, 37n1

MinuteClinic, 130

Moltke, Helmut von, the Elder, 63

Monitor Company, 53

Moore, Geoffrey, 37n1

More Than You Know (Mauboussin), 37, 54

Morita, Akio, 115

Mount Rushmore of Innovation, 5970

MSN portal, 225

Murray, David Kord, 128129

Netflix, 88, 133134, 153

Netscape, 6

networking, 33

New Bill James Historical Abstract, The (James), 36, 48

Nintendo, 5, 61, 105, 107

nonconsumers, 103108, 125

Obama, Barack, 5051

observations, 33, 115, 118, 119

Ofoto, 69

Only the Paranoid Survive (Grove), 26

Opposable Mind, The (Martin), 53, 70

Other Side of Innovation, The (Govindarajan and Trimble), 47

outcomes, versus rewards, 65, 72, 229, 232

overshooting, 7374, 144147

Paradox of Choice (Schwartz), 62n1

Parenting (magazine), 31

Penrosian slack, 212

Perot, Ross, 68n6

perspiration and genius, Edison on, 36, 43, 66, 72, 188

Picasso, Pablo, 62, 128

pilots, 170171, 204, 229230

Pink, Daniel, 79

pivoting, 39, 64, 75, 200

planning fallacy, 172n2

Plato, 208

Popeil, Ron, 121, 121n8

Porter, Michael, 53

portfolio, 56, 64, 231, 236237

PowerPoint presentations, 193

Prahalad, C. K., 37n1, 103104, 219

predictability of innovation, 3, 43, 4950

Princeton University, 201

Procter & Gamble (P&G), 22, 43, 50, 51, 53, 60, 9395, 96, 109, 111112, 116117, 146, 148, 151, 169170, 180, 197, 216217

ProGlide razor products, 7274

prototypes, 192

pure tones, 136

quality, relativity of, 138142

QB House, Singapore, 140141, 185

questioning, by innovators, 33

QuickMedx, 129130

“R&R” (Stevenson and Jarillo Mossi), 214

Raynor, Michael, 39

Razor Rave, 184186, 190

Reiss, Bob, 214215

RelayNet, 4, 5

reverse-engineering, 178182

reverse innovation, 47

Ries, Eric, 39

Ronn, Karl, 91, 116117, 118, 197198

Roth, Erik A., 90n3

Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, 52, 53

sabermetrics, 4950

Santa Fe Institute, 54

Schumpeter, Joseph, 37, 5758

Schwartz, Barry, 62n1

Sears, Roebuck and Co., 8, 151

Securities and Exchange Commission, 123

Seeing What’s Next (Christensen, Anthony, and Roth), 90

Seizing the White Space (Johnson), 112, 155156, 196, 220

selective scarcity, 72, 76, 208209, 212, 245

Selesnick, Herb, 67, 68

serial business model innovators, 154155

serial entrepreneurs, 241

Sharpe, Steve, 118

shark. See milkshake-drinking, kite-flying shark

Sheets, Don, 221222

Shih, Willy, 7677, 240241

Sidhu, Inder, 53

Signing Smart, 158

Silver Lining, The (Anthony), 75, 208

Simon, Paul, 201, 201n10

Singapore, 138141

Skype, 32n12, 145, 164

Smith, Adam, 58

Sneetches and Other Stories, The (Dr. Seuss), 7778

Sony, 8, 106, 107, 115

Speed (movie), 33

Speedo Fastskin, xv–xvi

Stanford University, 5, 53

start-up businesses, 36, 3839, 69, 135, 183, 209210, 217

Steinman, Justin, 67

Sterling, Hinda, 67, 68

Stevenson, Howard M., 214

Stockworth (cartoon), 67, 68

“Stop the Innovation Wars” (Govindarajan and Trimble), 78

storyboards, 192

strategic innovation, 36, 46, 47

strategic intent of innovation, 2224

Strategy & Innovation (newsletter), 181182

strategy canvas, 142

Stross, Randall E., 43

sucking sound of the core business, 6870, 68n6, 207, 219220, 222223, 224, 245

Sull, Don, 37n1

sustaining innovation, 23

Sutton, Robert I., 201n10

Swiffer brand products, 2223, 24, 95, 116, 116n6

Target, 96, 225226

Tata, Ratan, 112113, 114

Tata Group, 112

Tata Nano cars, 112114, 183

technological S-curves, 45

TED Conferences, 131, 194

Tennant Company, 215

10 Rules for Strategic Innovators (Govindarajan), 36, 46

test and learn, 206

ticking clock concept, 237238

Tide brand detergent, 23, 111112

transformational innovation, 24

Trimble, Chris, 47, 78

Trivial Pursuit board game, 214

Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, 46

Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., 2021, 2425, 187188

Tushman, Michael, 37n1

TV Guide board game, 214215

Twitter, 32, 62

Tyson, Mike, xvii, 59, 6365, 136, 173

Under the Dome (King), 213214

U.S. Postal Service, 8788, 91

University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management, 52, 53

Utterback, James, 37n1

venture capitalists, 9, 80, 135, 190, 209, 234235

VF Corporation, 109111

video games, 45, 6162, 105, 106107

Virgin Group, 30, 195

von Moltke, Helmut, the Elder, 63

Walgreens, 236

Walkman compact disc player, 115

Wall Street (movie), 80

Walmart, 96, 150

Watson, James, 124

Watts, Colin, 236, 238

Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 56

Whirlpool, 103

Wii system, 61, 107, 32n12

Wizard of Menlo Park, The (Stross), 43

Wolaner, Robin, 31

Working It program, Procter & Gamble, 95

Wright brothers, xviixviii

X-Files, The (television show), 10

Xiameter, 220223

Yahoo!, 69

Yale School of Management, 44

YouTube, 89

Zombieland (movie), 215216

zombie projects, 216

Zuckerberg, Mark, 30, 222

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