Pocket Guide to Project


Table of Contents



How to Use This Handbook

Part I. Your Deliverables, Phases, and Project Life Cycle

Part II: Your Essential Project Actions

Part III: Your Project Management Action Tools

Where to Begin

Part I: Your Deliverables, Phases, and Life Cycle

Project Deliverables

Project Phases

The Project Life Cycle

Phase I: Determine Need and Feasibility

Phase II: Create Project Plan

Phase III: Create Deliverables Specifications

Phase IV: Create Deliverables

Phase V: Test & Implement Deliverables

Assignment: Your Unique Project Life Cycle

Worksheet: My Unique Project Life Cycle

Part II: Your Essential Project Actions

Project Management Processes






Project Phases and the Project Management Processes

Assignment: Your Essential Project Actions

Summary of Key Project Manager Actions & Results

Phases, Processes, and Action Items: Pulling It All Together

Part III: Your Project Management Action Tools


Action Tool: Demonstrate Project Need and Feasibility

Worksheet: Demonstrating Project Need and Feasibility

Action Tool: Obtain Project Authorization

Worksheet: Is This Project Authorized?

Worksheet: The Project Charter

Action Tool: Obtain Authorization for the Phase

Worksheet: Is This Phase Really Authorized?

Action Tool: Describe Project Scope

Checklist: Evaluating Project Scope

Worksheet: Project Scope Statement

Example: Work Breakdown Structure

Action Tool: Define and Sequence Project Activities

Guidelines for Defining and Sequencing Project Activities

Example: Project Network Diagram

Action Tool: Estimate Durations for Activities and Resources Required

Guidelines for Estimating Durations for Activities & Resources Required

Worksheet: Estimating Durations of Activities and Resources Required

Action Tool: Develop a Project Schedule

Guidelines for Developing the Project Schedule

Examples: Project Schedules

Action Tool: Estimate Costs

Example: A “Bottom Up” Cost Estimate

Guidelines for Making a “Bottom Up” Cost Estimate

Action Tool: Build a Budget and Spending Plan

Guidelines for Building a Budget and Spending Plan

Optional Action Tool: Create a Formal Quality Plan

Guidelines for Creating a Formal Quality Plan

Optional Action Tool: Create a Formal Project Communications Plan

Guidelines for Developing the Project Communications Plan

Worksheet: Project Communications Planner

Action Tool: Organize and Acquire Staff

Guidelines for Developing the Organizational Plan and Strategy for Acquiring Staff

Worksheet: Project Responsibility/ Accountability Matrix

Guidelines: Tips for Working With Experts Outside Your Area of Expertise

Optional Action Tool: Identify Risks and Plan to Respond

Worksheet: Risk Assessment 7 Response Analyzer

Optional Action Tool: Plan For and Acquire Outside Resources

Guidelines for Planning to Procure Outside Goods or Services

Guidelines for Soliciting Bids for Outside Goods or Services

Guidelines for Selecting the Best Contractor for the Job

Action Tool: Organize the Project Plan

Guidelines for Building the Project Plan

Action Tool: Close Out the Project Planning Phase

Guidelines for Closing out the Project Planning Phase

Action Tool: Revisit the Project Plan and Replan If Needed

Guidelines for Revisiting the Plan and Replanning If Needed

Action Tool: Execute Project Activities

Guidelines for Executing a Project Phase

Guidelines: Keeping Things Moving—A “To-Do” List to Help You Execute, Control, and Close Out Your Project

Worksheet: Project Deliverables Status Analyzer

Guidelines: Handling Scope Change

Worksheet: Project Scope Change Order

Worksheet: The Project Status Report

Worksheet: Project Issue Tracker

Action Tool: Control Project Activities

Guidelines for Controlling a Project Phase

Action Tool: Close Out Project Activities

Worksheet: Sample Sign-Off Form

Appendix A: Potential Shortcuts for Low-Risk Projects

Appendix B: Guidelines—When to Kill the Project

Appendix C: Glossary of Management Terms


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