

Activities that should be undertaken during this phase include, but are certainly not limited to, the following:10

•   Testing of deliverables, together or in parts

•   Refinement of deliverables based on test results

•   Implementation of deliverables on a limited basis (such as a field trial)

•   Further refinement of deliverables based on preliminary implementation

•   Full production of final deliverables

•   Sponsor or other stakeholder approval of test results, resulting plans for modification of deliverables, and final deliverables

Assignment: Your Unique Project Life Cycle

Bearing in mind your project’s unique deliverables, use the worksheet on the next page to determine your project’s unique phases and life cycles.

Worksheet: My Unique Project Life Cycle

Instructions: This tool will help you to create your own custom-tailored project life cycle—one that best reflects the unique requirements of your project’s deliverables and your organization. Refer to the first two columns as your “crib sheet,” then fill in the third column with between 3 and 7 broad phases which you project should employ. In the last column, note the key activities that will be essential to the success of each phase. (Continue on the back of the page, if necessary.)

Typical Project Phases

Typical Project Activities

My Project’s Phases

My Project’s Activities

Determine Need and Feasibility

Purpose: Confirm that project is needed, doable; formal “go/no go” approval.

•   Goal and concept definition

•   Needs or market analysis

•   Strategy definition

•   Preliminary benefit/cost analysis


Typical Project Phases

Typical Project Activities

My Project’s Phases

My Project’s Activities

Create Project Plan

Purpose: Create formal document to guide project team as they execute project.

•   Involve stakeholders in specifying and agreeing upon project outcomes and methodology

•   Create written record of assumptions, agreed-upon scope, resources, schedule, costs, etc.

•   Obtain consensus and formal approval


Typical Project Phases

Typical Project Activities

My Project’s Phases

My Project’s Activities

Create Deliverables Spec’s

Purpose: Describe deliverables in substantial detail “on paper.”

•   Create design plans, flowcharts, blueprints, media treatments, other “on paper” deliverables descriptions and samples as appropriate

•   Circulate and obtain feedback, revise, obtain formal approval


Typical Project Phases

Typical Project Activities

My Project’s Phases

My Project’s Activities

Create Deliverables

Purpose: Create prototypes, pieces; create full-blown, fully integrated deliverables

•   Create all promised deliverables, in “chunks” or completely

•   Provides planned services, execute planned activities, obtain formal approval

Typical Project Phases Typical Project Activities My Project’s Phases My Project’s Activities

Test & Implement Deliverables

Purpose: Make sure project deliverables work as planned; turn over to sponsor for use

•   Testing of deliverables (in whole or in part)

•   Refinement, revision

•   Full production, implementation, and final approval

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