
Find Out What Happened After the Story Ended

You finished the book!

Thanks again for taking the time to read it, even if you borrowed it from a co-worker instead of buying your own copy. Who needs residuals, right?

So now what? Of course, I really hope you’re able to apply as many concepts as possible within your organization to reshape your learning ecosystem and improve employee performance in measurable ways. But what about the book itself? What’s gonna happen to it?

Well, if you have the printed version, you’ll probably stick it on a shelf with the other great learning and performance books you’ve read over the years. If you’re reading the digital version, it’ll likely blend in among the throng of titles on your Kindle bookshelf.

That’s the problem with a book. It’s a monument—a permanent record of how an author viewed their work at a specific moment in time. This book reflects my perspective on workplace learning in 2022. But who knows how I’ll think about my work by the time you read it?

I’m 99 percent sure the MLE Framework will still be the foundation of everything I do in L&D. It’s proven effective time and time again for the past decade through a variety of roles and challenges. That said, I have tweaked and iterated the framework along the way based on everything I’ve learned. It took a lot of trial and error to land on those six particular blocks. What happens if I come up with a new idea that inspires me to change the framework? I could release a new version of this book, but that doesn’t help you when your copy is sitting on a shelf in the background of your MS Teams meetings.

That’s why you should hit this QR code with your smartphone. It’ll take you to LearnGeek.co/mle, the online hub for everything to do with the Modern Learning Ecosystem Framework.

Think of this as your end credit scene, but for a book instead of a movie. You just spent three exhilarating hours on an adventure with the Avengers. Now the story you came for is all wrapped up, and you’re super curious about what’s going to happen next. That’s what you’ll find when you hit the link above.

I have lots of ideas for follow-up materials. Who knows what will be there by the time you find the link? Plus, if I make any major changes to the framework, I’ll share the latest details on the hub.

I know what you’re thinking. Yes, you can share the link with your peers, even if they didn’t buy their own copies of the book. But remember—you can’t just jump into the Marvel Cinematic Universe at Avengers: Endgame and expect to know what’s going on. You totally need to watch the 21 movies that came before it to really prove you’re a fan. Bonus: It probably didn’t take you almost 46 hours to read this book!

Thanks again for reading my book, and I hope you enjoy the supplemental online content. Let’s connect to keep the conversation going. I feel like I’ve been talking at you for hours at this point. Hit me up on LinkedIn, Twitter, or email anytime. I’m always happy to chat.

Be well.


LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jddillon

Twitter: twitter.com/JD_Dillon

Email: [email protected]

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