
  • Acceptance, in sumi-kiri (clarity of mind and body)
  • Adair, Red
  • Aiki (unity)
    • in daily life
    • developing and applying
    • embracing weaknesses
    • force-against-force versus
    • humility and
    • leverage and
    • in the Marine Corps
    • nature of
    • new markets and
    • self-awareness in
  • Aikido
    • described
    • energy balance in
    • finding nen (one-point) and
    • instruction in
    • life-changing action and
    • as martial art of peace
    • meditation at beginning of class
    • musubi (connection) in teaching
    • origins of
    • seduction of strength and
    • state of flow in
    • zanshin (calm awareness and)
  • Alarm clocks
    • smartphones as
    • vibrating
  • Analysis paralysis
  • Asperger's syndrome
  • Authority
    • “command presence”
    • establishing personal
  • Backup, automatic
  • Berkowitz, Roger
  • Berkshire Hathaway
  • Branson, Richard
  • Breath-work. See Kokyu (breath-power)
  • Buffett, Warren
  • Bullying
    • aiki (unity) and
    • sumi-kiri (clarity of mind and body) and
  • Calendars
  • Cancer treatment and recovery
    • ki (energy) in
    • kokyu (breath-power) in
    • zanshin (calm awareness) in
  • Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
  • Centripetal force
  • Chanting, Heart Sutra
  • Chen, Tim
  • Cloud backup services
  • Coelho, Paulo
  • Coffee, benefits of
  • Comedians
  • “Comfort zone” concept
  • Command presence
  • Corporate turnarounds, musubi (connection) in
  • Cortisol
  • Courage
    • heiki (equanimity) and
    • irimi (to enter) and
    • kokyu (breath-power) and
    • in violence prevention
  • Covey, Stephen
  • Crisis management
    • heiki (equanimity) in
    • mushin (no-mind/no-distractions/no-fear) in
  • Daily routines
    • journal writing
    • ki (energy) and
    • kokyu (breath-power) in
    • meditation
    • planning
    • walking
  • Daily Show
  • Damasio, Antonio
  • Daredevil
  • David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace
  • Decision fatigue
  • Decision making
    • mushin (no-mind/no-distractions/no-fear) in
  • Decision-making. See also Personnel decisions
    • analysis paralysis in
    • decision fatigue and
    • instinctual versus rational brain in
    • planning
    • sumi-kiri (clarity of mind and body) in
  • Decision making, heiki (equanimity) in
  • Dehydration
  • Diet, daily habits
  • Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (movie)
  • Dodson, John D.
  • Dyslexia
  • Eastman Kodak
  • Echolocation
  • Education system
    • in Finland
    • Japanese women and
  • Ego, letting go of
  • Electronic devices, single e-mail address
  • E-mail
    • inbox management
    • interruptions from
    • “push” notification removal
    • “push-synching”
    • removing from smartphone
    • schedule for checking
    • single address for
  • Emotional response, heiki (equanimity) versus
  • Energy. See Ki (energy)
  • Enrollment, in developing musubi (connection)
  • Equanimity. See Heiki (equanimity)
  • Exercise
    • daily habits
    • in developing ki (energy)
    • trying a new physical activity
    • water and
  • Facebook
  • “Fail Walls”
  • Fiction reading
  • Financial crisis
  • Finnish education system
  • Firefighting
  • Ford, Bill
  • Ford Motor Company
  • Franklin, Ben
  • Gallo Wine
  • GameStop
  • Gandhi, Mahatma
  • Gap
  • Ghosh, Shikhar
  • Goldstein, Elisha
  • Green tea, benefits of
  • Gulf War
  • Hand-grenade challenge
  • Harter, Jim
  • Harvard Business School
  • Heart disease
  • Heart Sutra
  • Heiki (equanimity)
    • breathing exercises and
    • courage and
    • in crisis management
    • in decision making
    • developing and applying
    • emotional response versus
    • in everyday activities
    • in life transitions
    • meditation and
    • nature of
    • in violence prevention
    • win-win solutions and
  • Hellfighter (movie)
  • Honda
  • Honda, Soichiro
  • Honorable “no.” See No, saying
  • Humility, aiki (unity) and
  • Ideas, collecting
  • Inflammation prevention
  • Inklings
  • Institute for the Study of Labor
  • Integrity
  • Intelligence community
    • musubi (connection) in
    • nen (one-point) and
    • zanshin (calm awareness) and
  • Introversion
  • Intuition
  • Irimi (to enter)
    • avoidance versus
    • centripetal force and
    • courage and
    • developing and applying
    • establishing personal authority
    • in multiple-attacker challenge
    • nature of
    • procrastination versus
    • smartphones and
    • in team building
    • true problems versus distractions
  • Japan
    • female managers and
    • joint ventures in
    • keiretsu and
    • new markets in
    • zanshin (calm awareness and)
  • JCPenney
  • Job offers
  • Joint ventures
  • Journal writing
  • Karate
  • Keiretsu
  • Ki (energy)
    • in cancer treatment and recovery
    • as “command presence”
    • daily routines and
    • developing and applying
    • goals and
    • kokyu (breath-power) and
    • in life transitions
    • nature of
    • retreat and
    • seduction of strength and
    • self-awareness and
    • state of flow in
    • support structures and
  • King, Martin Luther, Jr.
  • Kiuru, Krista
  • Kodak
  • Kokyu (breath-power)
    • in cancer treatment and recovery
    • in confronting failure
    • courage and
    • in daily routine
    • developing and applying
    • heiki (equanimity) and
    • ki (energy) and
    • in life transitions
    • new ventures and
    • for peak performance
    • in public speaking
    • in risking failure to succeed
    • STOP technique
  • Korn/Ferry
  • Legal Sea Foods
  • Lehman Brothers
  • Leverage, aiki (unity) and
  • Life transitions
    • heiki (equanimity) and
    • ki (energy) in
    • kokyu (breath-power) and
    • nen (one-point) and
    • zanshin (calm awareness) in
  • Listening
    • to the inner voice
    • to understand
  • Lists
    • priorities and
    • three-part
  • Lolly Wolly Doodle
  • Loyau-Kennett, Ingrid
  • Lynch, David
  • Marine Corps
    • aiki (unity) and
    • “command presence”
    • embracing weakness
    • hand-grenade challenge
    • support structures in
    • wa (harmony) and
    • zanshin (calm awareness) and
  • Massage
  • McNabb, Bill
  • Mean Girls (movie)
  • Meditation
    • daily practice
    • in developing heiki (equanimity)
    • in developing mushin (no-mind/no-distractions/no-fear)
    • health benefits of
    • in martial arts class
    • “monkey mind” and
    • retreats
    • STOP technique
    • stress reduction and
  • Middlebury College
  • Mission, musubi (connection) and
  • “Mobile office” backpacks
  • “Monkey mind”
  • Mulcahey, Anne
  • Multiple-attacker challenge
  • Multitasking
    • myth of
    • smartphones and
  • Mushin (no-mind/no-distractions/no-fear)
    • bracing for attack versus
    • comedians and
    • in crisis management
    • in decision making
    • as deliberate spontaneity
    • developing and applying
    • hand-grenade challenge
    • meditation and
    • nature of
    • sword challenge
    • zanshin (calm awareness) and
  • Musubi (connection)
    • in business decisions
    • in corporate turnarounds
    • developing and applying
    • enrollment and
    • importance of
    • in intelligence work
    • nature of
    • in personal life
    • self-interest in building
    • sense of mission and
    • in sword challenge
    • in teaching aikido
    • transparency and
  • National Academy of Sciences
  • National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)
  • Nen (one-point)
    • in business decisions
    • developing and applying
    • importance of finding
    • integrity and
    • life transitions and
    • nature of
    • vacations/rest time and
    • wa (harmony) and
  • NerdWallet
  • New ventures
    • acquisitions
    • business expansion
    • entering new markets
    • startups
    • sumi-kiri (clarity of mind and body) and
  • New York University
  • Nordstrom
  • No, saying
    • to acquisitions
    • heiki (equanimity) in
    • to job offers
    • ki (energy) in
    • self-awareness in
    • wa (harmony) in
    • workload reorganization
    • zanshin (calm awareness) and
  • Notebooks, for ideas
  • Partner work
    • in developing ki (energy)
    • in developing kokyu (breath-work)
    • in developing musubi (connection)
    • in developing nen (one-point)
  • Patton, George
  • Peak Performance Tips
    • automatic backup
    • avoiding price differentiation
    • calendars
    • capturing all inbound information
    • capturing ideas
    • clutter control
    • coffee and cognitive function
    • decision-making
    • developing communication skills
    • e-mail management
    • fifth weeks
    • focus on one task
    • green tea benefits
    • massage for stress reduction
    • “mobile office” backpacks
    • “push” notification removal
    • “push-synching” devices
    • reading fiction before sleep
    • replacing “but” with “and”
    • sleep
    • smartphone as alarm clock
    • snack control tip
    • three-part lists
    • virtual assistants
    • voice mail messages
    • walking daily
  • Personnel decisions
    • asking for a raise
    • heiki (equanimity) and
    • hiring Japanese women
    • ki (energy) and
    • mushin (no-mind/no-distractions/no-fear) and
    • musubi (connection) in
    • wa (harmony) in
  • Polaroid
  • Positive subconscious connections
  • Prehunches
  • Price differentiation, avoiding
  • Priorities. See Nen (one-point)
  • Procrastination
  • Proprioception
  • Public speaking
    • fear of
    • impromptu speeches
    • kokyu (breath-power) in
    • prepared speeches
    • Toastmasters Club and
  • “Push-synching”
  • Quiet (Cain)
  • Rath, Tom
  • Religious beliefs
  • Rest time
  • Robbins, Tony
  • Rohn, Jim
  • Sahlberg, Pasi
  • Sarjala, Jukka
  • Sasson, Steven
  • Schedules
    • calendars and
    • daily habits in
    • daily planning
    • decision-making in
    • e-mail checking in
    • time management as a myth
  • Self-awareness
    • aiki (unity) and
    • ki (energy) and
    • potential blind spots
    • in saying no
    • of weakness
    • zanshin (calm awareness) in
  • Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, The (Covey)
  • Sleep
    • daily habits
    • environment for
    • reading fiction before
    • vibrating alarm clock
  • Smartphones
    • as alarm clocks
    • automatic backup
    • capturing ideas with
    • e-mail removal from
    • inbound information management
    • multitasking and
    • photo printers
    • “push” notification removal
    • “push-synching”
    • voice mail messages
    • zanshin (calm awareness) and
  • Snack control
  • Sony
  • Startups
  • Stewart, Jon
  • STOP technique
  • Stress reduction
    • importance of
    • kokyu (breath-work) in
    • massage in
  • Sumi-kiri (clarity of mind and body)
    • accepting reality in
    • in decision making
    • developing and applying
    • duty and obligation in
    • impact of
    • inklings/intuition in
    • nature of
    • new ventures and
    • personal challenges and
    • preparing for action
    • suffering and
  • Support structures
    • interpersonal
    • ki (energy) and
    • in making business decisions
    • organizational
    • physical
    • technology
    • Top 5 team
  • Sword challenge
  • Team building
    • irimi (to enter) and
    • multiple-attacker challenge in
    • zanshin (calm awareness) in
  • Technology. See also E-mail; Smartphones
    • in support structures
  • Temple, Brandi
  • Terrorism and counterterrorism
    • heiki (equanimity) and
    • National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)
    • September 11, 2001 attacks
    • zanshin (calm awareness) and
  • Tetra-amelia syndrome
  • “Third place”
  • Time management, as a myth
  • Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Le Carre)
  • Toastmasters Club
  • Transparency
  • Transparency, musubi (connection) and
  • Turnarounds
  • Twain, Mark
  • Twitter
  • Ueshiba, Morihei
  • Vacations
  • Vanguard Group
  • Vibrating alarm clocks
  • Violence prevention, heiki (equanimity) in
  • Virgin Group
  • Virtual assistants
  • Voice mail messages
  • Vujicic, Nick
  • Wa (harmony)
    • in aikido
    • in business decisions
    • developing and applying
    • finding harmony in circumstances
    • in Finnish education system
    • honorable “no” and
    • nature of
    • in personnel decisions
    • reality and
    • waves of progress and
  • Walking
  • Water
  • Watts, Alan
  • Weakness
    • embracing
    • Marine Corps and
    • as positive “silver lining”
    • self-assessment of
  • Weight loss
  • Well Being (Rath and Harter)
  • Williams, Brian
  • Williams, Jessica
  • Workplace Bullying Institute
  • Xerox
  • Yamaguchi, Iwao
  • Yerkes, Robert M.
  • Zanshin (calm awareness)
    • in cancer treatment and recovery
    • developing and applying
    • intelligence community and
    • in life transitions
    • listening to understand and
    • Marine Corps and
    • multiple-attacker challenge and
    • nature of
    • power of
    • preparing for the unexpected
    • self-awareness and
    • during September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
  • Zuckerberg, Mark
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