
Power Base Types and Implications

Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable.

—Kenyan Proverb

The previous chapter explained how Foxes appropriately leverage influence and authority to win with style. This simply means that they plan ahead and see around corners in order to achieve their goals without expending unnecessary effort or causing conflict. In fact, they even manage to build goodwill along the way.

Foxes are successful in part because they are able to work discreetly to predetermine critical decisions. What enables these powerful Foxes to work quietly behind the scenes while less skillful corporate players engage in noisy public confrontations? It is their ability to expand their personal capacity for achievement by delegating to people who have proven themselves. This process of delegation results in a network of high-performing individuals who revolve around the Fox. In other words:

Foxes create Power Bases.

This network of individuals becomes the organization’s political structure—the Power Base—because they all have one thing in common: a significant amount of influence. A Power Base is a powerful force within any organization, capable of reaching across departmental and geographical lines where each Power Base member possesses the strength or influence of the entire Power Base. Some of this influence is derived from the authority that accompanies a person’s position within a company. However, what can be even more important is the influence that Power Base members derive from others through relationships.

Chapter 4’s example of Caroline Miller as the Fox exhibits how she attained a high level of influence by associating with her organization’s President—someone who has significant influence from authority. Both individuals are members of the Power Base. In addition, others in the Power Base have increased influence from their association with the Fox, which raises the level of influence for all its members. When they speak, the Fox’s voice is heard!

To summarize, influence within a Power Base is derived from:

  • Authority, as is the case with the President and others in our Caroline Miller example.
  • Association with authority, as is the case with Caroline, our Fox, and her relationship with the President.
  • Association with the Fox, as is the case with Claire Thomas and Chandler Johnson (the Vice President of Engineering).

The architect, manager, and source of political strength of the Power Base is the Fox who is at the center of communications and collaboration within the network. As with the Fox, knowing how to work with the Power Base is essential to creating Political Advantage.

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