15. Listen to your Eyes

The most important skill you can learn in design is to see. This chapter is a quiz designed to help you learn to see the various principles I’ve outlined in this book.

Do the slides on these pages seem a little small? Remember, if you’re in the back of a large room or if the screen is fairly small, the slides might seem about this big in person. Keep that in mind as you design.

And don’t forget, as you go through these examples, that a large part of slide design is determining what gets to stay on the slide and what goes somewhere else—to another slide, the speaker notes, the handout, or maybe to the trash.

Quiz: Listen to your eyes

We learn best if we can put into words what the problem is and what the solution might be. So as you go through these slides, spend a few minutes trying to say the problems and solutions out loud.

CLARITY: Choose the slide in each set whose text is most clear.


Remember, part of the principle of clarity is making sure there’s nothing useless or distracting on the slide. Does everything have to go on one slide? What exactly muddles the message on some of these? Can you name the steps it might take to get to a clean, professional look?

  1. ________________________________________


  2. ________________________________________


  3. ________________________________________


    RELEVANCE: Choose the set of slides whose background or imagery does NOT confuse the communication because it is relevant to the topic.


    Exactly what is it that makes some of the imagery not relevant?

  4. ________________________________________



  5. ________________________________________



  6. ________________________________________



    ANIMATION: In each set of slides, describe what kind of animation, transitions, video, or audio clips could be used to enhance the communication.


    Why would you not want the text on all the slides to animate onto the slide?

  7. ________________________________________



  8. ________________________________________



  9. ________________________________________



    PLOT: Choose the best slide in each set with which to begin the presentation.


    Why are the other slides not the best as openers?

  10. ________________________________________
  11. ________________________________________

    PLOT: Choose the best slide in each set with which to end the presentation.


    Why are the other slides not the best as final slides?

  12. ________________________________________
  13. ________________________________________

    CONTRAST: Choose the set of slides that your eyes are drawn to because of the contrast.


    How does the contrast help to clarify the communication? Does it change your impression of the information in any way?

  14. ________________________________________



  15. ________________________________________



  16. ________________________________________



    REPETITION: Choose the slide set that is most unified by repetitive elements in the design.


    Name the repetitive elements in the set you chose. Are there other repetitive elements you could use on the other slides to create more unified and coherent looks?

  17. ________________________________________



  18. ________________________________________



  19. ________________________________________



    ALIGNMENT: Choose the slide set whose alignments help to clarify the information and make it easier to comprehend.


    Draw lines on all the slides so you can clearly see where alignments are happening—or not.

  20. ________________________________________



  21. ________________________________________



  22. ________________________________________



    PROXIMITY: Which slide set presents the information with clarity and cohesiveness through a good use of proximity?


    Can you put into words exactly what each of the other slides needs to improve its communication through proximity?

  23. ________________________________________



  24. ________________________________________



  25. ________________________________________



    HANDOUTS: The slide set below has too much text. Make a list of how you could change it. Decide a) what text or image stays on each slide, b) what can be expanded onto more slides, c) what text is in your talk/ speaker notes, and d) what text or image is in your handout.


    Suggestions will vary, of course.

  26. a















    OVERALL: Critique this deck of slides. Consider how (in person) some elements might enter individually as you talk about them, and consider what kinds of transitions might be used. Write down what seems to work well, and what might be improved. Use the terms you learned in this book and the checklists on the two following pages. Be specific.


    What works and what might be improved?

  27. ________________________________________










Checklist for info

image Learn how to use your software.

image Develop your text and organizational structure before you put it on the slides.

image Edit your text so it is clear and relevant.

image Decide which points should stay on one slide and which ones you can spread out to other slides.

image Gather up a few graphics, if you plan to use them. You will probably think of others you need as you go along.

image Consider where you might use animation, video, or sound clips to add interest and to illuminate your information.

image Choose a relevant background, a relevant template, or design a relevant look. You will refine it as you go along, but at least get the basic structure in place.

image Create an opening slide.

image Create an overview slide, if relevant (you might create several of these in your deck, as you move from topic to topic).

image Start laying in the slides until you’ve pretty much got your look going and your outline on the slides you need.

image Start refining the design of the slides according to the basic principles of contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity.

image Be sure to create a winding down and ending to your tale of information.

Checklist for slides

image Are your talking points edited down to the most important elements?

image Are all slides clean and uncrowded (because you created as many slides as you needed)?

image Did you avoid putting your entire talk as text on the slides? (If you don’t put your talk on your slides, you won’t end up reading the slides.)

image Did you eliminate any unecessary bullets? Please don’t ever use dashes instead of bullets—they’re so unpleasant to look at.

image Is everything on your slide relevant and necessary?

image Is animation, audio, and video used only to clarify and to call attention to relevant items?

image Do you have a beginning, a middle, and an end? Is it clear to your audience when you have reached the end?

image Is there enough contrast on the slides to draw people’s eyes toward them? Does the contrast help clarify the information?

image Are there repetitive elements throughout the deck that visually tie it all together?

image Is every item on every slide visually connected to something else on the slide? Are there alignments across your entire deck that help to keep it visually organized?

image Are your bullets (if you’re using them) close enough (but not too close) to the bullet copy so they appear like they belong together?

image Are items that are intellectually connected also visually connected by being closer together? Are all your groups of info related to each other?

image Did you create a useful handout that attendees will want to keep?

image If you’re posting your entire presentation online, are you including your speaker notes as well?

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