
abandonment, 2526

Abs, Hermann, 70


companywide, 5

of volunteers, 115116

accounting data, 3637

action plans

checks in, 6–7

communication of, 910

developing, 4

writing, 67

Adecco, 76, 79

agricultural productivity, 90

American Heart Association, 113114

American Red Cross, 110111

apprenticeship, 9899, 122

AT&T, 22, 23, 25, 27

automobile industry, 2122, 28, 36, 5455, 133

baby boomers, 2627

banks, 122

Barnard, Chester, 9

Bay of Pigs, 57

Beethoven, 143144

blue-collar workers, 81

board of directors, 110113

boundary conditions, 50, 5557, 58

bourgeoisie, 91, 92

bureaucracies, 1617

business, theory of the, 1530

business analysis, 4041

business crises, 1516

business culture, 24

capital, 86, 88, 9293, 94, 120, 130131

career planning, 149150

central authority, 135


management, 123125

as opportunity, 10

chief executive officers (CEOs), 2930, 110, 111113

Chrysler, 28

churches, 106, 108, 113, 116

Churchill, Winston, 143

class war, 9192, 102

coemployers, 76, 83

communication, responsibility for, 5, 910, 151152

communism, 135

communities, 124126, 128, 134

companywide accountability, 5

competitive advantage, 8486, 102

competitiveness, 39

compromises, 5758

computer industry, 20

continuous improvement, 123124

continuous learning, 91, 102

contractors, 104

contributions, 149150

core competencies, 2224

cost allocation, 37

cost centers, 4244

cost control, 38, 39, 42, 44


of government regulations, 7879

labor, 79

product, 37, 41

vs. revenue, 3437

courtesy, 140

coworkers, relationships with, 150153

crafts, 9899, 122

creative destruction, 120

Daisy Scouts, 109110

Dean Witter, 2829

decentralization, 124

decision makers, 145

decision making

speed, 49

steps in, 5064


acting on, 5962

boundary conditions for, 50, 5557, 58

by business managers, 40, 4546, 47

carrying out, 50

classifying, 5054

compromises, 5758

effective, 4964

feedback on, 6264

gambles, 57

high-risk, 7174

levels of, 9

people, 6574

periodic review of, 89

specifications for, 5557

taking responsibility for, 45, 79

delegation, 34

Deming, W. Edwards, 85

department stores, 2627, 100

destabilization, 120123, 125

Deutsche Bank, 16, 25, 70

direct costs, 37

Disraeli, Benjamin, 9192

DuPont, 5

economic data, 37

economic performance, 3139, 127

economics of small scale, 22

economic stagnation, 103


of board of directors, 110113

of decisions, 4964

vs. efficiency, 33, 38

of executives and managers, 114, 3147

efficiency, 33, 38

Eisenhower, Dwight, 142

Electronic Data Systems (EDS), 19

employee relations, 7579, 84, 8687, 129132


activities of, 39

changing nature of, 7588

nonexempt, 81

nonperforming, 8

in organizations, 129132

problems with, 34

See also staffing; workers

employment regulations, 7881

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 80

ethics, 145146

executives, 133, 153

effective, 114

self-development of, 89

expectations, comparing with results, 138141

experts, 81, 101

Exult, 77, 78, 79

factors of production, 9293, 120


absence of, 155156

unexpected, 27, 28

family businesses, 56

feedback, 6264

feedback analysis, 138141

financial services, 2829

fixed costs, 35

Ford, Henry, 85, 133

Ford Motor Company, 133

Friedman, Milton, 127

Gaussian curve, 34

General Electric, 86

General Motors (GM), 16, 1819, 2122, 24, 25, 28, 56, 6566, 135

generic events, 5154

GI Bill of Rights, 119

Girl Scouts, 108, 109110, 114115

government regulations, 7881

growth challenges, 27

habits, bad, 139140

Harvard University Board of Overseers, 112

higher education, 97, 119

high-risk decisions, 7174

Hitler, Adolf, 9899

hospitals, 8183, 93, 95, 96, 106, 125, 126, 127

Hughes Electronics, 19

human relations theory, 94

human resources

allocation of, 38, 47

changing nature of, 7588

vs. labor, 131132

outsourcing of, 8283

Hybels, Bill, 108

IBM, 16, 1718, 2021, 25, 101

Industrial Revolution, 87, 94, 103

industrial workers, 92

information, feedback, 6264

information flow, 910

information technology, 93

innovation, 10, 109110, 122, 124

James, Henry, 92

Japan, 11, 15, 16, 79, 119

kaizen and, 123124

management in, 125126

J.C. Penney, 29

J. Lyons & Company, 6

job assignments, 6869

job candidates

job requirements and, 7071

others’ impressions of, 70

qualifications of, 69

strengths and weaknesses of, 6970

job descriptions, 68

job performance, 91, 99100, 101

job requirements, 7071

Johnson, Lyndon, 143

kaizen, 123124

keiretsu, 25

Kennedy, John, 143

Kennedy Administration, 53, 54, 57

knowledge, 26, 121122, 124, 134

knowledge economy/society, 75, 85, 88, 104, 119120

knowledge workers, 9

competitive advantage and, 8486

contributions by, 149150

feedback analysis for, 138141

loyalty of, 131132

management of, 87, 88

in organizations, 129132

performance analysis for, 141145

productivity of, 89, 90, 92, 93, 9598, 99100, 102, 103, 105, 116

specialization by, 8183

volunteers as, 114, 115

labor, 120, 131

labor costs, 35, 79

labor unions, 98, 127

lawsuits, threat of 80

lean manufacturing, 22, 28

learning institutions, 102

learning style, 143145

leisure time, 89

listeners, 142143

literati, 134

low-skill jobs, 9091, 103

Mace, Myles, 110

mainframe computers, 1718, 2021


of change, 123125

Japanese, 125126

of knowledge workers, 87, 88

of nonprofits, 105117

of organizations, 133134

of people, 6574

scientific, 94, 98, 99

of self, 137156

techniques, 15

Management Revolution, 128

managers, 134

decision making by, 40, 4546, 47

duties of, 31

economic performance and, 3147

job of, 33

manners, 140

manufacturing productivity, 90, 91, 92, 94, 100101

maquiladoras, 80

market assumptions, 2122

Marks and Spencer, 22, 2324

Marshall, George C., 65, 6869, 70, 144

Marx, Karl, 91, 92

Mayo, Elton, 94, 101, 102


follow-up after, 13

productive, 5, 1113

types of, 12

Merck, 29

Middle Ages, 134135

midlife crisis, 153

miracles, 57

mirror test, 145146

mission, 22, 23, 107110, 115, 128129

Mitsubishi, 16

multi-tasking, 2

Napoleon, 7

Nature Conservancy, 108, 115

noncustomers, 2627

nonemployees, 78

nonexempt employees, 81

nonprofits, 105117

boards of, 110113

CEOs of, 110, 111113

contributions of, 116

focus on results by, 108109

mission of, 107110, 115

volunteers in, 113117, 130, 155

normal distribution, 34

nurses, 96, 97


focusing on, 5, 1011, 33

staffing for, 11


change and, 120123

communities and, 124126, 134

core competencies of, 2224

culture of, 24, 125, 126

cure for ailing, 2930

emergence of, 128129, 135

environment of, 22, 23

knowledge-based, 8589

knowledge workers in, 129132

management of, 133134

mission of, 22, 23, 107110, 128129

new society of, 119136

nonprofit, 105117

rapid growth of, 27

relationship between people and, 7588

social responsibility and, 126128, 134

specialization by, 128129, 136

splintered, 8183

teams in, 132134

theory of the business and, 1530


of employees and employee relations, 7588

piecemeal, 8283

parallel careers, 154

Patton, George, 144

people decisions, 6574

high-risk, 7174

principles of, 6668

steps in, 6871

performance, 91, 99100, 101, 124. See also economic performance

performance analysis, 141145

personal computers (PCs), 18, 2021

personality, 142

planned obsolescence, 38

pluralism, 134135, 136

policy statements, 59

political power, 127

priorities, setting, 23


boundary conditions for, 50, 5557, 58

classifying, 50

defining, 50, 5455

early diagnosis of, 2729

exceptional, 52, 53, 54

focusing on, 33

generic, 5154

problem solving, 5, 1011, 49

product breakdown, 41, 4546

product clutter, 3839

product concentration, 3739

productivity, 84, 8586, 89104, 116117

professional employee organizations (PEOs), 7681, 83, 84, 8687

profit margins, 41

proletariat, 9091, 92

Prussian Army, 133

quality, 99100, 101

readers, 142143

relationships, 150153

resource allocation, 38, 40, 44, 47, 107


for communication, 5, 910, 151152

for decisions, 45, 79

for relationships, 150153

social, 126128

results, comparing expectations with, 138141

retirement, 154155

revenue, 3437, 39, 41

revenue-producing activities, 3637

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 5657, 142143

salespeople, 36, 9798, 102

Salvation Army, 106, 107, 108

schools, 123, 125, 126

Schumpeter, Joseph, 120

scientific management, 94, 98, 99

Sears, Roebuck and Company, 22, 2829, 9495

second careers, 153156

self-development, 89

self-employed, 130

self-management, 137156

service workers, 8993, 95100, 102104

sexual harassment lawsuits, 80

short-run results, 3132

Siemens, Georg, 16

skills, 9899, 121122

Sloan, Alfred, 5, 13, 22, 56, 58, 6566, 68

social entrepreneurs, 154, 155

social innovation, 122

socialism, 136

social power, 126127

social responsibility, 126128, 134

society, 128

knowledge, 119120

in the Middle Ages, 134135

of organizations, 119136

pluralistic, 134136

transformation of, 119120

Sony, 29

Soviet Union, 86

specialized knowledge, 120

specialties, 3839, 8182

Spellman, Francis Cardinal, 11, 12

splintered organizations, 8183

staffing, 39, 42

decisions, 6574

failures, 67

for opportunities, 11

standardization, 38

strengths, analyzing your, 137141

success, 155156

unexpected, 27, 28

synagogues, 106


concentrating on, 91, 9798

defining, 91, 9496

delegating, 34

doing needed, 24

Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 85, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 99, 101, 102

teams, 132134

technology, 9294, 122, 123

temp agencies, 7679, 81, 83, 84, 8687

temporary workers, 76, 78, 79, 81, 84

theory of the business, 1530

abandonment and, 2526

cure for ailing, 2930

early diagnosis of problems and, 2729

obsolescence of, 2425

parts of, 2223

preventive care of, 2527

specifications of valid, 2324

testing, 24

time management, 7

tools of production, 93, 130131

totalitarianism, 135

training, 102, 115

Truman, Harry, 1, 2, 142143

trust, 153

unitary state, 135

Univac, 20

universities, 97, 123, 124, 126, 135

University of Berlin, 16

U.S. military, 122123

Vail, Theodore, 61, 62

value conflicts, 146148

values, 145148

value systems, 126

variable costs, 35

volunteers, 105, 113117, 130, 155

von Humboldt, Wilhelm, 16

wages, 102103

walk-around management, 26

Wal-Mart, 26

Welch, Jack, 2, 3, 4

Western civilization, 119

West Point, 2223

“we” thinking, 5, 1314

widow makers, 7273

Wilson, Charles E., 135136


job knowledge of, 101102

knowledge (see knowledge workers)

service, 8993, 95100, 102104

See also employees


changes in, 7588

productivity, 8586

working smarter, 91, 9396, 97, 101, 102

world civilization, 119

Zeiss, 18

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